Best Basketball Goggles For Sporty Nerds


If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best basketball goggles for sporty nerds are, then I’d recommend the Pyramex goggles as the best one.

The best basketball goggles do more than improve your performance.

They help you handle dangerous situations on the court and improve your chances of winning in style.

But, it’s not all about style when you put on protection eyewear.

There’s a little bit of thought required to get the most value from it.


Using basketball goggles during play will allow you to maintain your prescription eyesight and maintain your regular style of play.


Here are the top basketball goggles we’ll be reviewing:


How to Choose the Best Goggles

So, you may have asked yourself what to consider while deciding which pair of goggles suite you best.

There may be environmental factors, as well as other variables to think about before making the final decision.

But, some things have to be addressed first. The design and construction of the lenses and frame should hold a heavy sway over things.

Likewise, you want to pay attention to padding and size and keep sweat in mind while trying on different products.

Moreover, there’s the matter of going with straps or not. Of course, it benefits you to think about the quality of the material uses for the lenses.

To make matters simple, you should look for some kind of certification when it comes to getting a set of the best basketball goggles.

As far as the material goes, you may need more that simple polycarbonate to meet your standards for durability.

Don’t be afraid to contact a professional for questions about switching out lenses, and avoid goggles with too much padding.

Over padding leads to easy fogging. Depending on the intensity of your anticipated basketball activities, you may want to go with straps for your goggles.

Because the conditions on a court can change and vary from on location to the next, anti-glare lenses serve you best.

What are the Benefits of Wearing Protective Eyewear

Without a doubt, safety is the biggest benefit to come from wearing goggles for basketball.

Lots of people needlessly suffer from sports related injuries year after year. Don’t be one of them.

Certainly, basketball is not as much as a contact sport as soccer or football, but some players may participate more aggressively than others.

This translates to members of the other team throwing elbows or their hands in your face. It’s not your fault if they try to even the score or comeback by playing dirty.

However, it behooves you to be ready for such unscrupulous behavior.

Protection is not the only benefit you can take advantage of while wearing goggles during basketball sessions.

By keeping things like body sweat, other player’s fingers, and glare from light out of your eyes, goggles enhance performance.

Moreover, you don’t necessarily have to choose between having to wear your everyday glasses or goggles if you happen to have a prescription.

What Makes a Pair of Goggles Good for Basketball

Basketball goggles are different from other protective eyewear in the sense that less does more.

Ventilation plays a key factor in getting the right pair. That means the frame has to be able to deflect objects without sticking all the way onto your face.

Other sports like racquet ball and swimming require that goggles provide airtight coverage for best results.

But, good eyewear for basketball players, much like the game itself, requires a certain degree of expertise.

The frames need to have a lighter a sportier look and feel to them for the sake of visibility.

Even though there’s a clearly hands-off attribute to basketball, a vigorous session likely involves a good deal of jumping around.

For this reason, some players swear by straps to protect their eyes and forgo a head-hugging design.

As long as the lenses and frames work together and stay put on the face, either choices is fine.

Be sure to check your side view while trying out goggles, so that the frames don’t block any line of vision.

Polycarbonate material makes great lenses for the best basketball goggles, but it’s not exactly the final word.

To really have a pair of high-quality eye protection, the lenses have to be treated. Otherwise, you run the risk of having them scratch from regular wear and tear.

Extra Measures for Goggles and Kids

In the event that a particular set of basketball goggles are intended for a teenager or child, you should take a few measures into consideration.

This helps to ensure that you get the best basketball goggles possible. The first thing to remember is that children grow and can do so in spurts.

Accordingly, their goggles need to have a somewhat loose feel to them. This allows for comfort and room to grow.

Depending on age, it may be worth the effort of buying more than one pair at more than one time.

That way, you can be ready for any changes in weight that may prove counterproductive to wearing one pair of eyewear or the other.

Get the Most From Your Goggles

The best way to get the most use from your basketball googles is to make sure they stay game ready.

This means taking care of them. And fortunately, the task of protecting your eyewear poses no problem at.

It’s so easy a child could do it.



The Best Basketball Goggles Reviewed



With all the different basketball goggles on the market, it’s a good idea to start with something basic.

And, the Andux model delivers protection simply. However, there are advantages and slight drawbacks but this model product. Overall, the benefits out number any flaws.

To start with, the Andux product uses a strap to stay in place. There is good padding in the nose area to protect from collisions.

The straps connect to clear side rims that allow for unhindered peripheral vision.

Like any good set of goggles, the lenses are made of polycarbonate. Their height is 42mm, and the bridge of the frame is 20mm.

The width is 50mm. It has a inner frame size of 125mm with a protective layer of 8mm.

Even though these goggles may not look like much, they are completely made from polycarbonate. This makes them practically explosion-proof.

There are no blind spots when these goggles protect your eyes. But it’s not just durability that makes them so wearable.

They have a breathability due to the way that the nose pads and side rims work together.

There’s plenty of airflow to these goggles because they are not slapped down to your face.

The only problem with these this product is the lenses. They are not treated and fog easily. This can be fixed with a simple replacement of prescription or treated lenses.

On the plus side, they are very lightweight coming in at only 2.4 ounces.




  • Nose padding allows for maximum comfort
  • Inner frame has a protective layer


  • No anti-fog protection

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The GGbuy outdoor sports basketball glasses offer good all around protection with a frame that wraps around the eyes.

It has a headband that’s completely adjustable. There’s also a silicone nose pad that keeps the face comfortable and offers extra protection against contact.

The overall design of these goggles offer something simple in its look and feel. But, that does not mean they are wimpy by any measure.

In fact, the frames are actually unbreakable, because they come from polycarbonate. This goes well with the lenses that are made of a anti-fog material.

A foolproof design makes them perfect for young children and teenagers. They can also be worn by adults who just don’t want to risk any type of injury at all.

These goggles are definitely hear that you wear for protection and not for style. But, they do not block peripheral vision and work well good for performance.

They’re small but sturdy with dimensions that make them perfect for beginners. The width is 145 mm that measures out to 5.7 inches.

The lenses with is 70mm which equals 2.75 inches. The lenses are 49 mm high or just under 2 inches. Their weight is practically nothing at .64 ounces.

With these GGBuy goggles, it’s the frames and the adjustable strap that do most of the work.

The peripheral vision is not so much in hindered but there is a big huge black frame in the way of side views. The side rims are not very see-through at all.




  • Extremely light weight for wear ability
  • Highly adjustable strap gives sure fitting


  • Not the most stylish choice to go with

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Simplicity is good when it comes to goggles, but you might want something with a little more sophistication.

Pyramex I-Force Sporty Dual Pane anti-fog goggles have a design and feel to them that is not necessarily for the kids.

This eyewear protection is somewhat sophisticated with a versatile basic-black look.

There’s a laundry list of good things to say about the Pyramex product. To begin with, it’s quite handy when it comes to switching gears.

For sure, they stay place with either a strap or side rims on the temple. So, they can be worn like an extra pair of glasses but protect like goggles to because of the frame design.

There’s plenty of padding that goes around the eye area and prevents shock from unintended contact.

Also, the lenses have a curved shape to them that really allows for clear peripheral vision.

In fact, these lenses have a dual layer technology that provides protection by padding two sets of lenses into one frame.

The outer lens provides UV protection and anti-fog protection. The inner lens is a extra barrier just in case a projectile or elbow or whatever comes flying at your face at super-high speeds.

The Pyramex model of safety basketball goggles is the big boy on the block. The dimensions are 2.4 all the way around.

That goes for height, width, and length. But, they only weigh about 1.5 ounces. This sizing and shape make them heavy duty without any extra weight.




  • Lens construction allows for clear peripheral view
  • Sturdy and stylish frame design


  • Lens cannot be swapped out


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Although many basketball aficionados like to go with a more sophisticated design and cutting-edge technology when it comes to their sport goggles, you might enjoy a more low-key product.

If that’s the case, Mincl has a pair of googles to fit your personality.

With a plastic frame and non-polarized plastic lenses, these goggles may not look like much on the court, but they have a designed ability that definitely allows for some bragging rights.

The padding attached to the frames is constructed with ridges along the bridge of the nose and under the eye area which allows for superior ventilation and comfort.

Along with this corrugated design, the padding above the eyes has two separate tiers that block against collision.

The same venting ridges are seen on the side rims to allow air to flow on the side of the face, so there’s no fogging from working up a sweat hooping on other players.

As far as size goes, these are not the bulkiest googles on the market.

They measure in at 49mm high, the width is 129mm, and their length goes to 140mm, so the goggle size up to 2.2 x 4.5 x 6.8 inches.




  • Detachable rim padding


  • Frames block peripheral vision

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Sometimes it’s the little things that can make or break a decision when it comes to which pair of goggles to go with, and convience goes a long way.

And when it comes to Pellor goggles, there’s nothing like being able to easily slide a pair of prescription lenses in and out of the frame.

Because these frames disassemble, you can do just that; change the lenses as needed.

In fact, the headband and padding also detach and reassemble easily by design. There’s also a little bit of ridge design to the padding that cover the nose and eye area.

This detaches as well. But, you should pay attention to the little peg that are exposed if you choose to do this.

To address size and fitting issues, these goggle are the biggest out there, and they have a tight construction and feel to them.

They’re only 6 inches across and 1.84 inches high. The frames have windows in the side rim and do not block your side view.




  • No-fuss lenses replacement


  • Detaching padding poses could increase chances of injury

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Pyramex takes the gold medal between these three contenders for being one of the best basketball goggles you can get.

The reason why boils down to the technology built into the lenses, the size and sturdiness of the frame, and overall style.

Ultimately, the Andux and GGBuy goggles are more suited for children and not really designed for heavy-duty use.

The fact that Pyramex can be adjusted from straps to rims that grab the temple really puts it at the head of the pack.

But, there are some things that you should know about it as well. For starters, the lenses are not exactly replaceable.

So, if you have a prescription for glasses but you have to wear, these might not be for you.

But on the other hand, it has superior ventilation design and awesome curvature of the lenses.

This means that if your vision is fine there is nothing blocking your line of sight.

Protective eyewear is all about the protection and ventilation.

The way the lenses fit into the frame with plenty of air to flow through along with padding that goes around the eyes makes this a well-built product.

The basic black design and interchangeability from straps to rims make it a product that anyone would want to wear.

And, that’s the whole point of acquiring goggles in the first place.

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