Write For Us



Originality: We only accept posts that contain 100% original content. If the post has been published on another site, blog, book, app, or if the content has been plagiarized in any way then we won’t post it.

Tone: Content published on FitnessForNonAthletes.com is personable, just like you are talking to a close friend.

Content: We welcome a range of topics relating to health, nutrition, and healthy living that will benefit our readers and help them to live healthy and happy lives. Please try to write content that our readers can take action on and will find useful.

Word Count: We want our content to be useful and actionable for our readers, so we lean towards more thoroughly written content with at least 1,000 words.

We’re not interested in publishing SEO driven content by freelance writers. If you’re looking to publish an article on FitnessForNonAthletes.com to boost SEO efforts, or if you plan to link to a company or product that doesn’t align with our values, we’re most likely not going to post your content.

Our core values: We believe in providing useful, actionable, well-researched, and authentic information for our readers.

Share with your community: Once your post is published, please share it with your social media and email community. To do so, add us on all of Social Media profiles and tag us when you do, and we’ll do the same. This is a great way to become a continuing contributor here at FitnessForNonAthletes.com!

When You Get Accepted: Since we don’t compensate our writers, you are welcome to add links to your website and social media channels in your bio, which we’ll promote to hundreds of thousands of our fans and readers. Your bio’s should be brief, 4-5 sentences max.

We Appreciate Our Contributors: While we would love to be able to connect with each writer individually, at times when submissions are high our team may not have the opportunity to reach out to you one on one. Our editing team will carefully review each submitted article, so if you don’t see your post live within 10 days, you can submit a new one or follow up on your previously submitted content.

Before submitting your post to Non-Athlete Fitness: Please agree to our Terms of service and understand that our editorial team has full discretion to edit your post and headline as needed.


Here are just a few great reasons to share your voice and ideas with our brand:

  • You will get exposure for your name and original content
  • Our editorial team will help you create eye-catching headlines for your post so your post can get the attention it deserves
  • You will make a difference to the health and lives of others with the content you submit
  • You will be able to connect with our audience on a Global scale
  • You will be featured throughout our social media channels and email updates


We accept writers from all walks of life. Many of our writers and contributors are health experts in various fields and include but are not limited to:

  • Naturopathic Doctors
  • Medical Doctors
  • Relationship & Communication Experts
  • Health Coaches
  • Lifestyle Coaches
  • Yoga Teachers
  • Fitness Experts
  • Gut Health Experts (ex. Colon Hydrotherapists)
  • Chiropractors
  • Massage Therapists
  • Personal Trainers
  • Health & Wellness Bloggers
  • Recipe Bloggers
  • Raw Food Chefs
  • Authors & Speakers in the field of Health and Nutrition
  • Health Product Owners
  • Clinical & Holistic Nutritionists
  • Clinical & Registered Herbalists
  • Alternative Health Care Practitioners (ex. TCM, Ayurveda etc.)
  • Hormone Experts


  • Our writers should have a health-related website, food/recipe blog, or nutrition-related book
  • Real passion and focus in an area of health, nutrition, and healthy living
  • A combination of education and/or relevant experience in the Fitness, Health, and Nutrition field
  • Excellent writing, spelling, and grammar
  • Have a creative and conversational writing style


1. Choose a topic that you’re excited about and what to share with others. Great content is a byproduct of writing about things you’re knowledgeable and passionate about. Deliver your article in an easy to read, straight forward way, and speak to the reader directly.

2. Be clear and concise. Be clear on what message you want to get across to our readers and remove any excess language and words. You make it easier for us to share your article with our community by taking the time to edit your own work.

3. Does your post provide additional value to our readers? Our focus is on providing as much value as possible in everything we do. Wherever possible, we ask that you provide links to other related posts or recipes on FitnessForNonAthletes.com. Feel free to use the search feature on our website to do a quick search for any related post to the one you are writing before you link to an outside source.

4. Is your message or post actionable? Ask yourself what you want your reader to do after reading your post. We focus on creating content our community can take action on! Don’t just make a statement, take it one step further and explain the “why” and the “how to” so your reader can take action with the information in their life.

5. Share your sources! If you are quoting a scientific study or making health claims of any kind, share a link to a credible news source, peer-reviewed scientific paper, or academic journal. We focus on providing quality content – always.


  • Is your post inspiring, interesting, informative, educational, and/or fun?
  • Does your post contain 100% original content?
  • Does your message and overall theme align with FitnessForNonAthlete’s core values?
  • Has your post topic already appeared on FitnessForNonAthlete.com?
  • Does your post have a great headline that grabs our readers attention?
  • Do you have an image that you would like to include with your post?


Please submit the following to us via email:

  • Your edited and proof-read post with a working headline.
  • Short Bio (4-5 sentences maximum) with any links to your social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. Please put links in square brackets: [http://facebook.com/FitnessForNonAthletes]
  • We also ask that you add us on our Social Media Profiles so that we can tag you when we share your post. We ask that you do the same and tag us back as well when you share with your following.

Please include all of this in one email and submit to [email protected].

We look forward to reading your post!

Thanks again,

Non-Athlete Fitness Team