Schwinn 130 Upright Bike Review

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When considering an upright bike, it can be hard to pick the best for your needs. There are many options and styles to choose from.

To help you with your decision, we’ve put together a review for the Schwinn 130 Upright Bike, as well as some great alternatives.

You should have a much better understanding by the time you get to the end of this review.

Things to Consider

Before jumping in and buying an upright bike, it’s important to know what you should consider.

These are just a few of the considerations, but they are some of the most common and popular things that people think about when they are getting ready to buy.

Resistance Levels

One of the biggest things to consider is what kind of resistance levels the bike has.

In addition to having many options, you also want to make sure you can easily change between the different levels.

If possible, find a bike that lets you start easy and work your way up to a higher resistance level.

Seat Comfort

It’s also important to find a seat that’s comfortable and big enough for you to completely sit on it.

You’ll want something that has plenty of padding, while also having some kind of protectant to stop any moisture from getting in.

The good thing is you can buy an extra cushion if you need to.

Stat Tracking

Many people want to be able to track their progress, so it’s important to see what kind of stat tracking features it has.

In addition to some bikes keeping track of the amount of time you workout each time, some will let you see how many calories you’ve burned and what your average heart rate was.

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Safety Features

Upright bikes can be a bit dangerous if you aren’t careful. For starters, you want to make sure it has something that you can clip to yourself that will stop the bike if you happen to fall off.

You’ll also want to be sure that any gears are housed in a solid casing to prevent anything getting caught up in it.


Another consideration is the size and space you have available.

Some can be folded up for easy storage, while others won’t have that feature.

The best way to figure out what size you should get is by measuring the space you have available in your home and looking at exercise bikes that are smaller than those measurements.

Remember, you want to leave plenty of space on every side so you can easily get on and off.

Height/Weight Limits

One final thing to consider is the height and weight limits of the bike.

You want to make sure you are within these limits so you won’t have to worry about any bad situations that might happen.

You can either see this information right on the box or in the item description on the website you’re planning to buy from.

Introducing the Schwinn 130 Upright Bike


If you’re looking for an affordable machine with some great features, then the Schwinn 130 Upright Bike is a great choice.

In addition to having goal tracking features, it also has the ability to put more than 1 profile on the machine.

This means you and your family can track their progress using the same machine.

Also, it gives you access to 22 different workouts. You’ll also see that it has 20 different levels of resistance, which makes this a great choice for everyone from beginner to advanced.

The seat is padded and contoured to help ensure you have a safe and comfortable ride.

One final thing about this machine is that all the interior parts, like gears and chains, are housed in an enclosed area.

This means you won’t have to worry about pieces of clothing getting caught up.


  • It has an LCD screen that’s easy to see.
  • It has 20 different resistance levels.
  • It has 22 different workout programs.


  • The screws on the pedals might loosen while you use the bike.
  • It’s a little difficult to put together.
  • It’s a bit on the loud side.


Features & Benefits of the Schwinn 130 Upright Bike

When looking at the Schwinn 130 Upright Bike, it’s important to know what benefits you could get from using it.

Not only can these make you healthier, but they can improve the way you feel in general.

Remember, it might take some time to see results, but you should see things starting to happen in just a few weeks.

Listed below are a few benefits you can get from buying and using one of these types of bikes.

Increased Cardio

For starters, using an upright bike can help increase your cardio health. Not only will your heart become stronger, but you’ll be able to breathe better.

Besides helping decrease the chances of things like heart attacks, it can also help stop high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer.

The more you work out, the stronger your cardio system will be.

Look at it this way-the easier it is for your heart to pump blood through your body, the less it has to work.

This leads to a lower chance of the issues we just stated above.

Increased Weight Loss

You’ll also start noticing that you are losing weight.

Using an upright bike can help increase the amount of weight you lose and can make you lose it quicker.

The main reason why this happens is that one of these bikes can keep your heart rate up and cause you to burn more calories.

You’ll also notice that you sweat more, which will also help the pounds melt away.

One other reason is that multiple areas of your body are getting a workout at once, so you’ll be getting more exercise than you would if you were just focusing on 1 or 2 areas.

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Better Posture

After years and years of not sitting correctly, your posture can take a hit.

Not only is this painful, but it can lead to other diseases like arthritis. Since you need to sit a certain way on the bike, you’ll notice that your posture gets better.

You might even see that a lot of your pain starts going away. This is a fantastic benefit, especially if you deal with posture-related pain every day.

Not only will you be able to do things you haven’t done in a long time, but you’ll be able to do whatever you want without having to stop because you’re in pain.

Full Body Workout

Some exercises will focus on 1 or 2 areas of the body. While this is fine, it leads to an increase in the amount of time it takes to get to whatever goals you’ve set for yourself.

By using an upright bike, several different areas will get a great workout at the same time.

Not only will this help you lose weight, but you’ll also start noticing that your muscles are getting stronger and more toned.

It might take some time to see these results, but you’ll start seeing changes as long as you keep working out and adjusting the resistance level.

Progress Tracking

Some people find it extremely important to have the ability to track their progress.

In addition to tracking the length of the workout, people also like seeing things like the number of calories burned, average heart rate, and how far they peddled.

All of these things can help them keep an eye on how they are doing and they’ll be able to tweak their workout to get the results they are looking for.

Keep in mind, different models will have different features that you can track, so you’ll want to choose one that has the features you’re looking for.


When you’re ready to workout, you don’t want to spend 20 minutes setting everything up each time.

With that said, it’s important to find an upright bike that’s convenient and easy to use.

Most people want to be able to get on the bike and start exercising right away.

That’s what makes having an upright back at home so great – whenever you’re motivated, the bike is right there for you to use!

Say goodbye to getting ready for the gym. It no longer has to be a chore to have to make your way to the gym when you have access to that fitness equipment right from the comforts of your own home.

Increased Joint Health

Using one of these bikes can also increase your joint health.

These machines let you exercise your joints without putting too much stress on them.

This is even more true when you consider the resistance levels.

You can start on a low level and move up to a higher one as your joints become stronger. Remember, start slow and don’t push yourself too hard.

Stress Reduction

One final benefit of using an upright bike is that it can help reduce stress.

When you workout, your body releases hormones that make you feel good.

Not only can these hormones help your mood, but they can also help reduce the amount of stress you’re experiencing.

You might find that you can get rid of most of your stress by working out multiple times a week.

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What Others Think of the Schwinn 130 Upright Bike

We’ve found a few testimonials that were posted on social media about this particular product. Take a look below to see what people are saying.

Testimonial 1

“This is a great bike. It was easy to put together, although it was helpful to have an additional person when connecting the wiring–Just easier to have someone hold the console mast when connecting. The seat is comfortable and the pedals fit well. It is extremely quiet. I am not familiar with everything on the console yet, but seems very easy to operate. I would recommend this product without hesitation.”

Testimonial 2

“I love this bike! I usually alternate bike days and treadmill days to keep things interesting. Schwinn has a reputation to uphold and the 130 is a great example of that. Would happily recommend to anyone looking for an inspiring workout…no matter what level of difficulty you prefer.”

Testimonial 3

“So happy with my Schwinn exercise bike! It was easy to assemble by following detailed instruction sheet. Everything works perfect on it. Having the display to monitor your vitals is great, not to mention the little “burning fat” level to really boost your incentive to keep going . I felt that by choosing the age old name of Schwinn, there was no way I could go wrong. Thank you Amazon for providing a stellar service to insure that your customers get the biggest bang for their buck!”

Alternatives to the Schwinn 130 Upright Bike

If you decide that the Schwinn 130 Upright Bike may not be for you, there are some alternatives you’ll want to be aware of.

These are some of the best we found and have features that are on par with the ones that Schwinn has.


BCAN Folding Exercise Bike


There are a few things that make the BCAN Folding Exercise Bike different from the Schwinn.

For starters, it has a backrest that gives you extra comfort.

In addition, it also has handles on each side of the seat.

Some of the other features of this bike are that it has a magnetic tension system, it can hold up to 330 pounds and it lets you track things like workout, heart rate, time, speed and distance.

NordicTrack Commercial Studio Cycle


The biggest difference between the NordicTrack Commercial Studio Cycle and the Schwinn 130 is that the NordicTrack has a 15-inch touchscreen.

You’ll also have a 1-year membership to thousands of videos and workout resources.

Some of the other things this bike has are 24 resistance levels, 2 dumbbells for cross-training, and a weight limit of 350 pounds.


XTERRA Fitness FB350 Folding Exercise Bike


The final alternative is the XTERRA FB350.

In addition to being foldable, this bike has a backrest and handles on each side of the seat.

Some other features include 8 resistance levels, a small screen to look at progress tracking, and hand grips that read your pulse.

As you can see, all three of the upright bikes mentioned above are great options.

Not only do they have awesome features, but they are made with your comfort in mind.

If any of them interest you, check them out today!


Final Thoughts

Now that you know some of the benefits you can get from an upright bike like the Schwinn 130 Upright Bike, you should be able to take that information and make a good purchase.

If you don’t want to go with that exact model, you could check out the three alternatives we listed.

Keep in mind, you don’t have to choose any of these products and you can use the information in the “Things to Consider” section to help you make your decision.

Regardless of what you decide, check out the Schwinn 130 Upright Bike today!

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