14 Common Weight Loss Mistakes That Keep You Overweight

In a world that is obsessed with beauty, being overweight is difficult. Aside from the many physical problems associated with weight gain, the emotional pain of feeling out of place or a sense of not being as good as trim and fit people can be excruciating.

If this is how you feel, you are not alone. There are more than 1.9 billion overweight people in the world. Untold numbers have tried and failed to lose extra pounds and keep them off for an extended period of time.

If not for lack of trying, why is it so difficult to lose weight? And even after losing weight, why is it so hard to keep the weight from returning?

There are lots of reasons losing weight is such a struggle. Some have to do with how our bodies work. Other causes center on the mind, but some of your weight loss woes come from these 14 common weight loss mistakes.


Reason #1 – Extreme Diets

Some people call these fad diets. Others label them crash diets, yet they are unhealthy and even dangerous no matter what the name.

These diets all sound so simple, and if you try one, you will probably have some success. The problem comes when you stop the extreme changes and eat normally.

While eating the limited diet, your metabolism slowed down. It burns calories much slower if it believes the body is in a near-starvation situation. Pounds seem to pack on when you resume normal eating.

Remember, any meal plan that limits your food choices to just a few select kinds of food (think grapefruit or cabbage soup diets) will sabotage your long-term weight loss goals.

Additionally, there can be long-term health problems if you follow this kind of restrictive meal plan.

Reason #2 – The Low-Fat Food Trap

When low and reduced-fat products hit the market, they seemed like a miracle to those struggling to shed pounds. Unfortunately, the products did not deliver the expected weight loss.

A reason that these foods did not make people lose weight is the addition of sugars which replace the missing fat.

Another problem with these foods is people tend to eat more because of the low-fat label. A person who normally will eat two regular cookies may opt to have five low-fat cookies. The belief is the low-fat cookies are a better choice tricks them into consuming more calories.

While you do not have to read every food label as if you were a detective, make sure to look at sugars and other additives before you eat the low-fat treats.

Reason #3 – Not Enough Water

People who do not drink enough water struggle to lose weight. This is because your body burns calories more efficiently when adequately hydrated.

Also, dehydration causes a sluggish feeling making you resist activity because your energy is low.

There are many unpleasant side effects of dehydration. So, make sure you stay hydrated.


Reason #4 – Unrealistic Goals

Being patient is challenging. This is why so many people make unattainable goals when they begin a weight loss plan. It is normal to want to lose 15 pounds in a week, but it is unlikely.

Also, when you make unrealistic goals, you set yourself up for failure. The feeling that you have failed can lead to you giving up your weight loss efforts, making celebrating moderate success difficult.

Remember to be kind to yourself as you work to lose weight. The old saying that it took time to put on the weight and it will take time to take it off is true.


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Reason #5 – Depending on Prepackaged Meals

For several decades, the number of prepackaged meals has grown. Thanks to the weight loss industry tapping into overly busy people, you can have your choice of foods prepped and ready to heat and eat.

Not only are these meals expensive, but you do not learn the skills to make your own healthy meals.

Sooner or later, you will want some time off from the cycle of the ready-to-eat meals. When you begin to eat normal food, your calorie intake increases and your weight increases.

Look online for recipes that will fit your life, your taste, and your budget.


Reason #6 – Drinking Too Many Calories

Even if you are eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, the pounds will stay if you drink a lot of calories each day.

It is easy to forget that the tasty frozen coffee drink comes with a high-calorie count. The margaritas at happy hour hold their fair share of calories, as do the regular soda and the sports drink.

A drink for a special occasion or as a treat is fine. Remember to consider the calories you sip as a part of your daily caloric intake and adjust your meals accordingly.

Reason #7 – Skipping Meals

The concept of skipping meals to lose weight has been around for years. Even though the idea makes sense at first glance, skipping meals will not help you lose weight. In fact, when you skip meals, especially breakfast, you are likely to be very hungry for the rest of the day. Your hunger leads to poorly planned snacks or overindulging at lunchtime.

Your breakfast does not need to be a big sit-down meal. Even a small breakfast that contains protein and fiber is a smart way to start your day. Plan your meal the night before, or have something you can eat on the way to work.

Reason #8 – Not Eating Enough

The idea of eating to lose weight sounds like backwards logic unless you know how your body works. When you eat well-planned meals with small snacks, your body notices the consistent flow of food.

Because your body has no reason to think you are on the verge of starving, it will efficiently burn calories.

The key is to make sure you eat healthy snacks and not the random doughnut or fries from the drive-thru.

Reason #9 – Portion Control

Many of us grew up with the reminder to clean our plates and not waste food. In and of itself, this idea is not a bad notion.

But, when you think about the size of portions, we are eating enough to feed several people in a single meal.

Think about all of the upsizing that is a part of the fast-food industry. The goal is to convince customers that they can get much more to eat and drink for a little bit extra money.

Once the larger portion becomes a habit, people often feel as if they are being cheated when they receive a normal size portion.

Portion control is not only a problem when you are eating out; it can be challenging to control the amount of food consumed at home. Family style dinners, where you are free to take all you would like, are a problem.

Another issue is knowing what various portions look like; there is often a considerable discrepancy between the right serving size and what seems like the right amount.


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Reason #10 – Depending on Fast Food And Carry Out

After a busy day, nobody wants to go home and face the chore of making a meal that is quick, easy, healthy, and delicious.

Today it is easier than ever to grab food that is being tossed out of a window in a bag or order something through one of the many popular home delivery services.

While no one denies you a break from the chore of cooking, remember that your body will know how much fat, salt, and calories in your meal. It is best to choose this kind of food sparingly.

Reason #11 – Skipping Regular Exercise

Even though a lot of people trying to lose weight cringe when they hear the word exercise, it is an undeniably important part of your weight loss efforts and your overall health.

Not only does exercise burn calories, but it also strengthens your body, reduces stress, and releases endorphins to improve your mood. So, weight loss is just a part of the picture.

The idea of exercising does not mean you need an expensive gym membership or should start training for your first marathon.

Start by adding movement to your daily routine. As time goes on, continue to do more. Who knows, after a while, you may find yourself signing up for your first marathon.

Reason #12 – Hidden Calories in Healthy Foods

Often, it is not your food choices that sabotage your weight loss efforts. Sometimes, the small additions to your food can do big damage to controlling calories.

To be fair, most of these choices hardly cross your mind. Topping steamed broccoli with melted cheese, butter, and crumbled bacon may make it delicious, but those add-ons also make it into a calorie bomb.

Combating this takes mindfulness. Planning a grilled turkey burger served on a portabella cap with red pepper strips is excellent. However, skip the mayo, cheese, bacon, and barbecue sauce to keep it healthy.

Reason #13 – Your Mindset

You can decide to lose weight for many reasons. You could want to lose weight before a wedding or a vacation, or your doctor gave you the idea. Perhaps you noticed your partner checking out other people while you were on a date.

Of all of the possible reasons you can have to motivate your weight loss, losing weight for yourself is the best one.

If you have spent years struggling with your weight, you know the frustration and the self-deprecating thoughts that follow every unsuccessful attempt.

These ideas will only undermine your current efforts. Remember, you are not just a number on the scale or the size of your jeans.

Reason #14 – Dieting Instead of Making a Lifestyle Change

The mentality that a diet is something you do for a set amount of time and then forget about will not lead to permanent weight reduction.

Setting up a strict collection of dos and don’ts might help you with short term weight loss.

But your results will be longer-lasting and have a more significant impact on your health if you decide to look at your modified eating plan as a lifestyle change.

Changing life-long habits is a difficult task. You will need to be patient and determined. Here are three tips to help

  • Look for ways to reward yourself that are not food-related
  • Find support from a friend or family member. This person does not need to be nearby or on a journey to manage their weight. All you need is one willing person to celebrate your successes, encourage you when the scale is not moving, and lend an ear when you are tired of the changes
  • Record your progress and celebrate every milestone

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