Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller Review

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With one child, it was easy to sneak off for a run every other day. With two children only two years apart, it was impossible.

The Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller made getting in those miles so much simpler.

Suddenly, I could bring the kids along and not be at the mercy of nap schedules and childcare.

Running is my sanity and without it, I was a short-tempered mom, distracted wife, and unmotivated employee.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Double Jogging Stroller

Having two kids (or more) makes it difficult to get out the door for anything mandatory like school, playdates, or grocery shopping.

Getting out the door for a voluntary activity like a run is almost impossible and falls very far down on the list of must-dos.

A double jogging stroller might make going for that oh-so-needed run that much easier.

This type of stroller is ideal if your children cannot make it very far on a bicycle, scooter, or run in tandem with you.

With the click connect of two infant car seats, you can easily accommodate multiple ages or twins since many jogging strollers on the market only have one infant car seat capability.

Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller 3

When I first used a double jogging stroller, I was very concerned that it would be entirely too heavy between the stroller itself and the weight of my two children.

With the Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller, the pneumatic wheels offer very low resistance, making it easy to push when loaded with two children.

While the Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller has many benefits, you do not need it if you only have one child, or if your older child is able to bike or scooter next to you while you run.

If you are new to jogging, try a few runs on your own first. Once you know you like it, are going to stick to it, and have gotten a little stronger, then you can invest in this stroller and start taking the kids with you on runs.

Before purchasing the Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller, make sure it is the right fit for you by asking yourself a few questions:

Do Your Kids Sit in a Stroller?

For the more active child, no manner of stroller is going to keep him or her contained if all he or she wants to do is move.

You might just have to rely on nap times and child care to get in a jog.

How Tall Are You and How Long is Your Running Stride?

The low break bar in the back of the stroller may mean you brush it with your toes when you run. Additionally, at 43 inches high, the handle bars may not be quite tall enough for a person over six feet tall.

How Big is Your Trunk Space?

If you plan to take this stroller with you in the car, measure your trunk space. Will the stroller also be in the car during a big grocery shop? It might be difficult to fit everything in.

How Old Are Your Children?

The recommendations for this specific stroller is for 6 months old – 50 pounds per child or 42 inches tall.

If your children are heavier or taller than that already, you might want to go with a different stroller.

Introducing the Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller


The Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller comfortably fits two children. With the ability to accommodate two infant car seats, you can easily get out the door with everyone.

The stroller is also very safe with its five point harness and ratcheted canopies to protect against the sun.


  • Fits two infant car seats
  • MP3 speakers
  • Spacious parents tray and double cup holders
  • Locking front swivel wheels
  • Multi position reclining chairs


  • Only fits the Baby Trend Infant Car Seats
  • Double front wheels
  • Pneumatic wheels
  • Heavier jogging stroller
  • Large when folded


Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller’s Features & Benefits

Locking Front Swivel Wheels

While your initial runs using this stroller may not be very quick as you get used to the weight of both the stroller and your children, having those locking front wheels is going to be a huge benefit once your speed increases.

Wheels that lock give you better control over the stroller as they help it stay straight and prevent it from wobbling.

A straight and smooth ride is ideal when you are ready to do some interval training and take on races while pushing a double stroller!

Spacious Parent Tray

With two cup holders you are able to carry water both for yourself and the kids. It is also the perfect place to put your coffee if you are just out for a walk.

The parent tray also includes a covered storage compartment. Use this spot for all the smaller items you may need to carry with you like keys, your phone, ID, pacifiers, and some snacks.

Having these items right at your fingertips can make all the difference in the stop and go routine of trying to finish your run while tending to your children’s needs.

MP3 Connection

Pushing two kids along may mean it is not realistic to plug in your headphones and space out a little bit as you cover some ground.

With the MP3 speakers in the parent tray, you can simply connect your phone and play music or a podcast while you run.

This allows you to listen to what keeps you motivated while staying aware and available to the traffic and to your kids’ needs.

The MP3 connection can also be fun for the kids too because they can jam out to the Frozen soundtrack while you concentrate on your miles and pacing.

It might just be the perfect way to keep them entertained.

Large Storage Basket

It inevitably happens that someone wants to take off their coat, have a snack, drops a toy, or wants to read during a run.

With the large storage basket under the seats, you can easily carry everything both you and the kids need no matter what situation arises.

No more awkward holding things or stuffing them into a backpack.

Five Point Safety Harness

You know you are going to get stronger and faster, so having that five point safety harness is ideal.

Your kids will be able to stay secure as you race along the road and take any sharper turns.

A five point safety harness is the same type of buckles that are used in most car seats, so you know your children are as safe as they can be in the stroller.

Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller 2

Multi-Position Reclining Seats

When one child wants to sit up and look around while eating snacks, but the other is ready to close their eyes for a much-needed nap, you are set.

The stroller includes multi-position reclining seats so each child can sit comfortably however they prefer.

It takes a simple and quick click of the buckle to recline the seat, so you can seamlessly lay down a dozing child without waking her up.

Individual Ratcheted Canopies

One of the problems with many other double jogging strollers is the canopies are either joint to cover both seats in the same way, or they are attached to the back portion of the stroller.

This prevents being able to protect kids from the sun if it is anywhere else but directly overhead or just behind them.

With this double jogging stroller, the canopies are both individual and ratcheted. This enables you to move the canopy wherever it needs to go to protect against the sun.

Child Trays

The only way to keep an active child in their seat may be to load them up with snacks so you can tackle the miles of your jog.

Each of the two child seats has its own tray with two cup holders and a tray to hold all the snacks they need.

This allows you to just keep running and not have to stop every few minutes to hand out more food.

What Others Are Saying 

Want to get a better sense of what you can expect from this stroller? Here are a few other reviews to give you a better picture.


Sam Schuerman did a full review of the Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller and according to Sam, “You can use it on rough paths, dirt trails, rocky roads. The thing I love about it is that it is really really great when you are outdoors.”

Review #2

Get all the details on the functionality of this stroller in this testimonial. Overall, the customer loved the stroller and could not wait to, “shed the baby weight.”

Review #3

Lindsi says, “I love that the shades are not attached to the back so they can be pushed forward in front of the kids faces.”

Alternatives to the Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller

While this jogging stroller has many benefits, it may not be the perfect stroller for your needs. Take a peak at these other strollers to determine if they might be better for you.

Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller


The Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller is on the very upper end of pricing for a double jogger. However, it is a good choice for those who do a lot of all-terrain stroller pushing.

Whether you are running on trails, grass, and gravel, or your stroller is used daily in various locations, this is an option worth looking into.

Other features of the Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller include:

  • All terrain wheels
  • Large rear wheels for a smoother ride
  • Handbrake
  • Zip top cover on storage


Joovy Zoom X2


At only 28 pounds, the Joovy Zoom X2 double jogging stroller makes an easy vehicle for those who are in and out of their cars often with their stroller.

The Joovy Zoom X2 might work best for someone who uses their stroller for more than just runs – think school drop offs and shopping.

Other features of the Joovy Zoom X2 include:

  • Very lightweight at 28.22 pounds
  • Includes air pump
  • One hand fold
  • Extra large canopy with SPF 50


INFANS Double Stroller


For the more budget minded, the INFANS Double Stroller is a safe bet. A lightweight jogger that also has a foot break puts it on the affordable and safe side.

Other features of the INFANS Double Stroller include:

  • No snack trays for kids
  • Inflation free wheels
  • Very light at 27.50 pounds
  • One foot quick break
  • Shock absorbing frame


Final Thoughts

When you have two children of different ages who cannot make it the full distance of your jogs, the Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger Stroller is going to make those runs you so desperately need actually happen.

The kids will be happy and comfortable in their seats with their own canopies, reclining options, and snack trays as you exercise as a family.

You will have a smooth push with all you need right at your fingertips with the large parent tray, double cup holders, and storage basket.

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