Best Balance Board for a Standing Desk

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best balance board for standing desk, then we’d recommend the URBNFit Balance Board as the best one. 

Having a strong core is critical to your overall health. A strong core stabilizes your body and keeps the muscles that support your entire body remain strong.

However, for a majority of us, we sit at a desk for most of the day and don’t really engage our core. What if there was a way to remain productive and engage your core?

Enter the balance board.


Best Balance Board for Standing Desk 3


Here are the top balance boards we’ll be reviewing:


The Benefits of Balance Training



Balance training involves doing exercises that strengthen your legs and your core. These muscles are critical to keep you stable and preventing falls.

It’s easy to take for granted our ability to remain balanced because it’s not something that’s necessarily tangible or we can see, but our sense of balance helps us to do everyday things like leaning over to pick something up or walk from one part of the room to the other.

It becomes more important as we age to maintain a good sense of balance, as we want to avoid falls or fractures.

Improving your balance should be part of anybody’s fitness goals

Sitting vs. Standing at Work

The verdict is still out on whether sitting at work is much more better than standing, as both camps argue their case. Our take is that everything should be done in moderation.

Excessive standing can cause inflammation to the veins and cause your lower body to become temporarily immobilized and locked.

At the same time, research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of chronic illnesses such as obesity, high blood sugar, and excess body fat.

If you find yourself with a preference of standing at work, and feel there are more benefits to standing than sitting all day at work, then it makes sense you would look for the best balance board for standing desk.

What is a Balance Board?

So what is a balance board? A balance board is a circular board attached to a domed side that allows the board to pivot in all directions.

The goal of a balance board is to remain balanced on top of it as it wobbles back and forth.

Through practice and over time, the idea is that your balance will improve.

For those who already have a standing desk at work or their home office, this can be a great addition to your working station as it passively engages your core.

While balance boards are great when paired with a standing desk, balance boards can also be used for total body exercises like squats, lunges, and straight arm planks.

The addition of a balance board to these workouts adds an extra level of difficulty as you try to rebalance yourself on an unstable surface.

The Benefits of a Balance Board

There are numerous benefits to using a balance board, whether with a standing desk, by itself, or pairing it with other workouts.

The uneven surface helps to stabilize and strengthen your core, improve your balance, and refine your coordination.

In addition, its portability allows you to take this workout anywhere with you.

Because it’s so compact and lightweight, it’s a piece of fitness equipment you can use in a hotel room, in your garage gym or home gym, of even in the office.

It’s great for kids and seniors as well. Because it is such a simple device to use, there’s not much figuring out to do.

You simply lay it on the floor and let your natural reaction to find balance go to work for you. Kids who see you using it instantly are curious and want to try for themselves.

Not only is a balance board an effective tool for helping you reach your fitness goals, but therapists use this tool as part of a recovery plan for those who are undergoing rehab.

This just goes to reinforce how effective a tool a balance board is for not only improving balance, but helping people regain their strength in their lower body.

Best Balance Board for Standing Desk

What to Look For in a Balance Board

There are a few things you’ll want to take into consideration when you’re shopping around for a balance board.

It goes without saying, always consider your own personal needs when deciding which balance board you should go with.

One of the thing you’ll want to think about is the surface in which you’ll be using the balance board on.

Some balance boards work best on carpet, while others work better on hardwood or tile. You’ll want to find a balance board that won’t move around during use and potentially cause injury.

Another thing you’ll want to consider is the amount of weight you’ll be putting on it.

Some balance boards are made more sturdy than others, and therefore can take on more weight, while there are some out there that are made more for children or females.

If you’re 6’5, 300 lbs you’ll definitely want to make sure the balance board you purchase is strong enough to ensure your workout.

And lastly, you’ll want to consider the actual size of the balance board. Similar to the consideration above, your body size may be too large for some balance boards and therefore cause your workout to not be as effective as a more appropriately sized balance board.

In addition, will you need to be transporting the balance board around regularly? If so, you want to make it as easy to do so.

A large, heavy balance board can be a chore to move around.

Reviews For The Best Balance Board for Standing Desk

We’ve take a look at some of the best balance boards out there currently, and below is our choices of the top balance boards for a standing desk list.

It wasn’t easy picking our favorite, as each balance board had strengths and weakness.


EveryMile Wobble Balance Board



First up on our list of the best balance board for standing desk list is the EveryMile Wobble Balance Board.

This balance board is excellent for beginners who aren’t quite use to using a balance board as it features a non-slip abrasion-resistant ABS platform to provide extra stability.

In addition, this balance board makes it super easy to pick up and take with you wherever you want to workout because it has a portable handle design – making it easy to do balance workouts at home, when you travel, or outdoors.


  • Comes with exercises to use balance board with
  • Rubberized bottom to prevent slipping while in use
  • Great for twisting


  • Tough to get on for people with larger frames
  • Gets dirty pretty easily

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Yes4All Wobble Balance Board



The next balance board on our best balance board for standing desk list is the Yes4All Wobble Balance Board.

If you’re looking for aesthetic options for your balance trainer, this is the one for you.

Yes4All offers balance trainers in various different colors depending on your style or preference.

Unlike our previously reviewed balance trainer, this one is made from a heavy duty durable wood, and can support those who may be heavier or have a larger frame.


  • Great for balance and squats
  • Lots of options
  • Removable bottom for easy portability


  • Sandpaper feel on your feet without shoes
  • Slides on tile or hardwood surfaces

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AmazonBasics Wood Wobble Exercise Balance Board



For those with a limited budget looking for a product at a good price point and quality, look no further on our best balance board for standing desk list than the AmazonBasics Wood Wobble Exercise Balance Board.

While it does not excel at one particular thing or have an amazing feature like the other balance boards on our list, the AmazonBasics Wood Wobble Exercise Balance Board provides an effective balance board at a great price point.

It’s perfect for those who are just looking for an effective balance trainer that won’t break the bank or who don’t want to go on the opposite spectrum and get a cheap quality product.


  • Sturdy
  • Good price point


  • Hard to do waddle exercises
  • Twisting action is limited

> > Check Price on Amazon < <

URBNFit Balance Board



If you’re looking for a balance board that’s has a lot of extras on our best balance board for staning desk list, look no further than the URBNFit Balance Board.

This balance board comes with an illustrated step-by-step workout guide on how to best use the balance board as both an insert or accessible on your phone, which is great for those who want to maximize the usage of this balance board.


  • Very durable – can support up to 500 lbs
  • Includes paper & digital workout guide
  • Comes in wood or plastic design


  • Grip tape peels off easily
  • Small balance surface

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NALANDA Wobble Balance Board



Rounding out our best balance board for standing desk list is the NALANDA Wobble Balance Board.

What sets this board apart from the rest is that it is one of the larger balance boards on the market and that it can support the heaviest weight at up to 660 lbs.

With a larger base to put your feet on, this balance board is great for those who may have bigger feet or a larger frame, and have safety concerns using less sturdy balance boards.


  • TPE surface massages feet
  • Bigger than most balance boards on the market
  • Can support a heavier weight than other alternatives on the market


  • Comes in only one color

> > Check Price on Amazon < <


And The Winner is…

It’s easy to see why balance boards are great for balance training and strengthening your core.

It’s a simple exercise device that’s easy to take with you and doesn’t take much figuring out to use.

Because it’s so accessible and affordable, don’t overlook the benefits of using a balance board, especially if you’re going to be using a balance board to go along with your standing desk.

After much deliberation, we’ve concluded that the URBNFit Balance Board is our best balance board for a standing desk.

We feel that this balance board offers a good balance of affordability and quality construction, while at the same time offering extras like a guide on how to use the balance board.

We also like how you can choose to go with either a wood or plastic model, depending on the environment you’ll be using it in.

Overall, we feel that you’ll definitely want to include the URBNFit Balance Board to your workout equipment and use it as soon as you can!

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