Best Fat Burner Pills For Women

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best fat burner pills for men is, then we recommend Burn Lab Pro®  as the best one. 

Are you bothered by stubborn fat in certain “problem areas?”

You know which areas those are, places like the stomach, hips and thighs.

You’re diligent about exercising and eating right, but you’re not seeing the fat loss you’d like.

Maybe it’s time to add the best fat burner pills for women to your fitness routine.


Here Are The Top Fat Burners Pills We’ll Be Reviewing:


Best Fat Burner Pills For Women 1


What Are Fat Burner Pills?



If you are still getting used to leading a healthier lifestyle, then it’s possible that you’re not familiar with fat burner pills.

That is totally understandable, because the main foundation of being healthier includes eating a nutritious diet and getting regular exercise.

If you still aren’t seeing the fat loss that you were hoping for, then you may be looking for ways to advance your results.

For some women, this means finding the best fat burner pills.

These are dietary supplements that help to burn extra fat from your body. Usually, they come in the form of capsules.

What Is In Fat Burner Pills?

The list of ingredients in these supplements can vary widely. As you might imagine, some of them are better than others.

It is not unusual to find products such as these containing inferior ingredients that are not backed by scientific evidence.

Accordingly, you could end up spending a great deal of money on products that are ineffective or at worst, dangerous.

That is why it is important to look for fat burner pills that contain natural, effective ingredients that have been studied by scientists.

Such ingredients might include hydroxymethylbutyrate, green tea extract or extracts of black and red pepper.

Stimulants and Fat Burner Pills

Most fat burner pills include a heavy dose of stimulants. The most common of these ingredients is caffeine.

If you look at the ingredient label on a bottle of fat burner pills, you may be surprised to see just how much caffeine is included in a single dose.

Some products contain the equivalent of several cups of coffee.

Ingesting too much caffeine can cause considerable problems.

Health professionals recommend taking in no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine each day.

Accordingly, you could drink 10 cans of cola or four cups of coffee and still be within these guidelines.

If you take in more caffeine than that, you may experience symptoms like a rapid heartbeat, insomnia, headaches, irritability, nervousness and muscle tremors.

People who are particularly sensitive to caffeine and its effects likely would be better off to look for a product that does not contain any caffeine or that uses another stimulant.

Even better is a stimulant-free fat burner pill.

Also, because so many fat burner bills contain a mega dose of caffeine, it’s wise to reduce your caffeine intake from other sources to account for the increased intake from the pills.

However, the best fat burner pills do not contain caffeine or use a gentler stimulant that is less likely to cause side effects.

How Do Fat Burners Work?

The ingredients in fat burner pills are designed to stimulate certain processes in the body.

One of the most critical of these is thermogenesis. This is a process by which heat is produced.

When your body starts to burn calories, it tends to generate a higher degree of heat. Accordingly, a fat burner supplement is designed to burn fat and boost your metabolism.

The best fat burner pills also rely on a process known as lipolysis, or the breaking down of lipids, which also are known as fats.

Water and enzymes are catalysts for this process, which mainly occurs in adipose tissue.

Adipose tissue is the fat that protects and lines the major organs and the body. This tissue is stored in the body until glucose stores run too low during intense exercise.

Then, the body begins using this adipose tissue as fuel.

The best fat burner pills make this a more efficient process, especially those that are designed to be used in conjunction with a fasted training routine.

Many of the most reliable of these products also claim to suppress appetite. To accomplish this, the supplement may include an ingredient that blocks the absorption of macronutrients.

As an alternative, the supplement may contain fiber, which makes the stomach feel fuller.

It also is possible that appetite suppression can be achieved through an ingredient that affects the hunger hormone called ghrelin.

This hormone typically increases the urge to eat, but suppressing it can lead to eating less.

No Magic Pills

While it’s tempting to think of the best fat burner pills for women as a magic remedy that you can use to target those problem areas, keep in mind that there’s no such thing as a “magic pill” for weight loss.

In fact, there is no substitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise.

If you are going to take a fat burner pill, then it’s wise to use it as a supplement to your workout routine and nutritious meals.

Above all, ensure that you are taking these supplements as directed on the label. Taking even the safest fat burner pill can become dangerous when it is misused.


Best Fat Burner Pills For Women 3


The Best Fat Burner Pills for Women


Vintage Burn

Advertised as “the first muscle-preserving fat burner,” this is a natural energy booster.

It contains a variety of vegetarian, natural ingredients as well as stimulants.

The fat-burning ingredients include raspberry ketones, green tea leaf extract, garcinia fruit extract and live leaf extract.

A major dose of caffeine is included too, ostensibly to help with alertness and focus.

These ingredients are chosen for their ability to boost energy, burn fat and help with muscle growth.

Vintage Burn appears to deliver on its claims of fat burning. However, there are downsides to its use.

This mainly comes from the caffeine. A single serving contains 150 mg of caffeine, which is a strong dose.

Consequently, many people experience jitters and insomnia with use.

Stomach upset also is a common problem.



  • Some healthy ingredients
  • Appears to be an effective fat burner


  • May cause jitters and insomnia
  • Stomach upset is relatively common

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Burn XT Thermogenic Fat Burner

Manufactured by Jacked Factory, this product comes in capsule form. Each capsule features ingredients like black pepper extract, cayenne pepper extract, green tea extract and acetyl L-carnitine HCL.

L-carnitine is derived from an amino acid. Its primary function is to help the body to burn fat for energy.

Accordingly, this is the main active ingredient in this product.

Caffeine is found in the formula too.

The manufacturer advertises that the product will suppress appetite, boost energy and burn fat.

Burn XT may be effective, but because it contains caffeine, which is a known diuretic, you’re likely to see most of your weight loss from losing water.

Some people have experienced dry mouth, excessive sweating and stomach cramps while using this product.



  • L-carnitine, an amino acid, is the primary ingredient
  • L-carnitine also may improve mood
  • Green tea increases metabolism


  • May cause side effects like dry mouth and excessive sweating
  • Weight loss may initially occur loss of water due to ingestion of caffeine, a diuretic

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Nobi Nutrition Green Tea Fat Burner

Studies indicate that green tea truly may help you to lose weight. This is partially because green tea naturally includes caffeine, a stimulant that helps with fat burning.

Green tea similarly is believed to help with the breakdown of fat.

Accordingly, it is little surprise that Nobi Nutrition developed these capsules that contain almost nothing but concentrated green tea.

Other ingredients include raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract and garcinia cambogia extract.

Also included is some apple cider vinegar, a natural ingredient that may be able to reduce belly fat.

Nobi Nutrition Green Tea Fat Burner is designed to support a detox program while also boosting metabolism, curbing appetite and increasing energy.



  • Contains green tea extract, which has proven health benefits
  • Includes apple cider vinegar, which can support detox efforts
  • Packaged in vegetarian-friendly cellulose capsules


  • Has a long list of side effects, mainly because of the caffeine content

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Genius Fat Burner

This product is advertised as nootropic, which essentially means that it is a cognitive enhancer. In the prescription drug world, this usually refers to medications that are taken for ADHD or Alzheimer’s.

However, there is another class of nootropic products that are used as dietary supplements.

Genius Fat Burn falls into this latter category. Accordingly, it purports to boost brain health, improve weight loss, increase the body’s metabolic rate and burn fat.

Ingredients include KSM-66 Ashwagandha Extract, which is thought to boost stamina as well as focus, and Cognizin, a supplement that typically is used to treat disorders of the memory.

Instead of caffeine, this formulation includes TheaCrine, which is supposed to have a gentler effect on the body.

Accordingly, this product has a stimulant that may not have the side effects that are associated with mega-doses of caffeine.

In effect, this product contains many ingredients that are intended to help improve focus and concentration. This may be at the expense of truly effective weight loss.

It also is worth noting that this product relies on premium ingredients, but this means that customers will pay a premium price, and they may not get the weight loss that they are looking for.



  • Premium ingredients
  • Heavy emphasis on improving mental function
  • Does not include caffeine


  • Expensive
  • May not emphasize weight loss enough

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Burn Lab Pro®

One of the things that I like about Burn Lab Pro® is that it has a solid mix of active ingredients.

The formulation includes natural supplements like coleus forskohlii, cayenne pepper extract and black pepper extract in addition to hydroxymethylbutyrate, or HMB, and chromium.

Each of these ingredients is believed to help with weight loss. Taken together, you are likely to see some significant losses.

When combined, all of these ingredients are effective at increasing calorie burn and thermogenesis.

Additionally, they stimulate fat-burning hormones and fat-splitting enzymes.

This formula is specifically designed to support fasted training, which means exercising on an empty stomach. Accordingly, it will help you to maximize fat loss.

One of the major advantages of this product is the absence of stimulants, which means you won’t see the side effects that are common with other products in this category.

This fat burner is relatively expensive, and it can only be purchased at the manufacturer’s website.

Moreover, it is not appropriate for women who are pregnant or nursing.


  • A good mix of effective ingredients
  • No stimulants
  • Formulated for fasted training to maximize fat loss


  • Only available from manufacturer’s website

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Related: Click here to read our full review of Burn Lab Pro®.

Final Thoughts

Based on my extensive search for the best fat burner pills for women, I think the most value and benefit can be derived from Burn Lab Pro®.

I really appreciate that it does not contain caffeine or another stimulant. Most women already get more than enough caffeine from drinking coffee or soda. Ingesting additional caffeine from a fat burner simply is a recipe for jitters and insomnia.

Its lack of caffeine isn’t the only thing that I like about Burn Lab Pro®. I’m particularly drawn to it because it’s the only product that proactively declares that it’s formulated for fasted training.

If your main goal for training is to burn fat, then you probably already know about the benefits of fasted training. Adding the best fat burner pills that are made to enhance a fasted training routine will maximize your results.

Moreover, I’m really impressed by the quality of the ingredients in this formula. These are top-of-the-line components that you can feel good about adding to your fitness routine.

Although this product is somewhat expensive and must be ordered from the manufacturer’s website, it appears to be worth the effort.

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