Best Fiber Supplements for Keto

Custom Keto Diet

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best keto fiber supplements for keto is, then we recommend Performance Lab® Prebiotic as the best one.

Following a keto diet is a popular trend with growing momentum. More people see the value in it each day.

If you’re eating Keto, fiber is an essential part of your diet.

Knowing which supplements offer the best results is highly beneficial as it can contribute to your weight loss success.

Learn more about the best fiber supplements for Keto below.


Here are the top Keto fiber supplements we’ll be reviewing:


Best Fiber Supplements for Keto 1


How to Choose the Best Fiber Supplement for Keto



When selecting the best fiber supplements, there are many considerations to make. First and foremost is quality.

There are special certifications that dietary supplements go through to deem them safe for human consumption.

Learning what they are and why they’re important makes the selection process much easier for you to complete.

Some certifications to look for on product packaging include The Dietary Supplement Laboratory Quality Assurance Program.

It exists to protect the consumer from inaccurate claims and false labeling.

Reading product descriptions and packaging can help you see what testing a company did on a supplement before buying it.

Other things that can help you choose the right supplement is whether you prefer a capsule, gummy, chew, or powder.

It lets you know which brands to look for and which to avoid. You want an easy-to-take supplement and something you’ll remember to consume daily.

The dosage may differ on a powdered supplement because you can take more of it at once, whereas you’ll need to take a capsule supplement twice a day.

Package size is essential, too, as well as cost. You want to get the most bang for the buck.

If you’re taking fiber daily, you want a bottle or canister large enough to see you through the month.

If you want to take advantage of reduced shipping, you may place an order for multiple bottles or canisters of fiber supplement, so you have it available when you need it.

What are the Advantages of the Best Fiber Supplement for Keto?

Getting enough fiber in your diet is important as it helps you feel full longer, and it helps with elimination.

Giving waste products bulk makes it easier to pass them.

You don’t feel bloated and uncomfortable because you’re constipated. Keto constipation is a common complaint by people adapting to the diet.

Regularity helps you look and feel your best, which are the reasons why you embraced Keto in the first place.

Rather than feel bloated and sluggish, you’re more energetic.

You’re not weighed down by the foods you eat because you can digest and get the nutrients that you needed from them with ease.

Considering many of the off-limits foods are full of fiber and sugar, such as apples and pears, you’re going to need to up your intake of fiber with a supplement.

Convenience is another advantage of fiber supplements.

They’re easy to take and highly effective.

You don’t deviate from your diet because you fear becoming constipated.

Instead, you eat the way you’re supposed to and take fiber to help move things along effortlessly.

Best Way to Use Fiber Supplements

Fiber supplements come in different forms. Some are capsules, while others are powders that you mix with water.

The best way to use the supplements is per the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

You do not want to take too much of the supplement and cause your body more harm than you do good.

For fiber supplements to work the way they’re supposed to, you must drink a lot of water.

It helps the supplement do the work it needs to do by supporting the digestive system and assisting you with getting rid of the waste products building up in your colon.

When the stool is hard, it’s difficult to pass. Without a fiber supplement, it may be days before you have a bowel movement while eating a keto diet.

Staying hydrated can prevent you from becoming backed up even more. You’ll experience regular bowel movements, which helps you feel more comfortable.

Constipation can cause you to want to ditch eating Keto altogether.

Sticking with your plan and doing what the manufacturer of the supplement you’re taking recommends is the best way to avoid discomfort.


Best Fiber Supplements for Keto 3


Precautions You Should Take 

Fiber helps you feel full longer, but you should not take it as a way to prevent you from eating.

It’s not a diet aid but rather a supplement that can help increase your success while living a keto lifestyle.

Taking more than the manufacturer’s recommended dosage of fiber each day can have disastrous results.

You could experience even worse constipation, gas and bloating, or abdominal cramping.

Your body will also have difficulty digesting vital nutrients that keep you healthy. If you want to avoid feeling ill while dieting, don’t take more than the recommended dose of fiber.

If you start showing symptoms, discontinue use of it. The best fiber supplement for keto should make you feel better, not worse.

Reviews of the Top Fiber Supplements For Keto

We’ve described the following products in detail. Both pros and cons exist with each fiber supplement listed.

You’ll learn quickly why one is preferable over another.


Ancient Nutrition KetoFIBER Powder

Ancient Nutrition KetoFIBER Powder is low-carb and plant-based.

It comes with 17 servings per package and is powered by bone broth, a keto-friendly must-have.

It contains well-known superfoods such as chia and flax, as well as fermented herbs and cinnamon. It has five grams of fiber per serving and a total of two net carbs.

Organic but not entirely plant-based, it’s best for the keto dieter that consumes meat and animal byproducts.

The supplement contains MCTs for healthy fats and dissolves within a minute when stirred in liquid.

You can add it to shakes, smoothies, and other recipes for a boost of fiber. The container can be opened and resealed for future use.

Available with a scoop for easy measuring, adults are to take one heaping scoopful per day.

Unlike capsule, gummy, and chew supplements, the frequency in which you consume the product differs.

With powdered supplements, you’re able to take them once a day. For other forms of supplements to be effective, you may need to take them twice a day or more.



  • Contains superfoods.
  • Has bone broth in it.
  • Comes with a money-back guarantee.


  • Plant-based but not vegetarian or vegan.
  • Chunky consistency.
  • Thicker than other fiber supplements.

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Hi-Health Sugar-Free Fiber Gummy

When you think of fiber gummies, you likely envision gelatin as being an ingredient in them.

Hi-Health Sugar-Free Fiber Gummy is plant-based and suitable for vegetarians, vegans, gluten-free dieters, and people eating Keto.

It has a natural apple flavor, comes with 60 gummies per bottle, and are easy to chew. Pectin is what gives the gummies their firm texture.

Sugar-free and excellent for digestion, the product is 100 percent plant-based.

It also plays a role in heart health. Keto dieters appreciate the ease with which they can take the product.

It doesn’t require liquid the way powdered supplements do.

It’s also less messy.

Storing the gummies in a cool, dark place prevents them from melting and clumping together. The pectin in the product contains natural sugars that dissolve when exposed to heat.

To get the most good out of the gummies, keep them where they won’t come into contact with direct sunlight.

It maintains the quality of the product as the manufacturer intended for you to use it.



  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Contains pectin, not gelatin.
  • Does not require liquid to be effective.


  • Sticky.
  • Can clump together if exposed to sunlight.
  • Hard to get a single gummy out of a bottle without shaking it.

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GoBiotix Prebiotic Fiber Boost Powder

If you’re looking for a powder with zero flavor, gas, bloating, or grit, you’ll like GoBiotix Prebiotic Fiber Boost Powder. It helps keto dieters feel full longer without stomach upset.

It comes in a large size package with 50 servings in it.

There is no slimy texture or grittiness at the bottom of the glass. The supplement is smooth and tasteless, making it much like the water or other beverages that you add it to daily.

Made of Non-GMO soluble corn fiber, it’s 100 percent natural and discreet. No one knows that you’re consuming it when you add it to your water bottle or glass.

It can be used in recipes, too, as a way of adding a healthy dose of fiber to what you’re eating. Supporting a healthy gut while following a ketogenic diet can help you achieve your goals faster.

If you find yourself experiencing keto constipation like many people do, adding a fiber supplement can be very beneficial.

Paying attention to serving sizes and refraining from using the product as an appetite suppressant keeps you from feeling constipated.

Too much fiber can be disruptive to the colon. It also disturbs the bacteria in the stomach needed for digestion.


  • 100 percent vegan.
  • Discreet with no odor, flavor, or color.
  • Smooth texture.


  • Not suitable for people with corn allergies.
  • Large bag makes sampling product difficult.
  • Packaging makes it hard to store.

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Renew Life Adult Completely Clear Organic Prebiotic Fiber

A completely tasteless and texture-less clear powder supplement, Renew Life Adult Completely Clear Organic Prebiotic Fiber dissolves entirely, making it easy to add to foods and beverages.

The keto-friendly supplement is 100 percent soluble, gluten-free, Non-GMO Project Certified, organic, and Made in the USA.

It stirs well and doesn’t have an aftertaste that many fiber supplements have.

The supplement works slowly to assist with bowel movements and can help with keto constipation if you’re experiencing the symptom.

Stored in an easy-to-measure sealed container, it’s a product that you can place in a cabinet or pantry until you’re ready to use it once again.

The fiber powder doesn’t clump to the side of a glass or settle to the bottom of a water bottle. It’s very easy to forget that it’s in the water or food that you’ve chosen to add it to.

That’s why it could be preferable when compared to a gummy or capsule.

A no-frills option that offers satisfactory results, the keto-friendly fiber supplement is easy on the stomach as long as you take it correctly.

It has prebiotic qualities that can enhance digestion.

It also helps draw water into the colon, making it easier to pass waste products and making you feel full even when you haven’t eaten a lot.

Following a strict diet is easier, in our opinion, when you have the right tools and products assisting you with your progress.



  • Comes with 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.
  • 100 percent soluble.
  • Flavorless and textureless.


  • Works best with boiling water.
  • Sticky.
  • Small container with little product inside.

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Performance Lab® Prebiotic

Performance Lab® Prebiotic is  atop of the line Prebiotic for those really committed to their gut health and have the means.

This 2-in-1 probiotic + soluble fiber support ensures healthy metabolic and microbiome performance.

So what does that mean for you?

Performance Lab® Prebiotic nourishes existing gut microbiome rather than introducing new probiotic strains, improving overall digestion, immune function, fat loss and more that you don’t get from probiotics.


Performance Lab® Prebiotic 2


  • High quality ingredients used
  • Transparency of what’s in supplements


  • Not available on Amazon
  • Pricey

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Final Thoughts

Making sure you get enough Fiber on a daily basis is important, especially on a Keto Diet.

Our favorite of the fiber supplements mentioned in this review is Performance Lab® Prebiotic.

Custom Keto Diet

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