Best Low Impact Exercise Equipment For Back Issues

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best low impact exercise equipment for back issues is, then we recommend Teeter FreeStep LT3 Recumbent Cross Trainer as the best one.

Do you suffer from back pain? If so, you’re not alone.

Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute estimates that 16 million American adults suffer from chronic back pain.

Still, you know that exercise is critical. How can you keep working out when you’re always on the verge of pain?

The answer is to find the best low impact exercise equipment.

Here are the top Low Impact Exercise Equipment we’ll be reviewing:


What Is Low Impact Exercise?



Exercise can be broadly classified into two categories: High impact and low impact. High-impact workouts involve activities like running and jumping. You may find that both feet leave the ground at the same time.

Low-impact workouts usually allow you to keep at least one foot on the floor at all times. This means no running and jumping, but you still have many options like walking, swimming, cycling and rowing.

These activities are easier on your joints and ligaments. Moreover, they are less likely to strain your back.

Nonetheless, low-impact workouts can be high intensity, which means that you’ll sweat and elevate your heart rate.

How Does Low Impact Exercise Equipment Work?

Equipment that is designed for low-impact exercise makes it possible for you to exercise indoors with ease. Some examples include stationary bikes and elliptical machines. Even a treadmill can be a low-impact machine if you walk on it instead of running.

Essentially, this equipment is designed to give you a full-body workout that’s easy on your joints and your back.


Best Low Impact Exercise Equipment For Back Issues 3


What to Look for in the Best Low Impact Exercise Equipment

It’s wise to consider numerous factors before buying any exercise equipment. Here are a few features to think about.


Do you have room to have your exercise equipment out in the open all the time? If not, then it’s wise to choose equipment that easily can be folded up or rolled away when it’s not in use.

Movement Style

Some people are more comfortable with a semi-elliptical or elliptical motion. Elliptical motion means moving in an oval shape, so the motion is similar to cross-country skiing or cycling.

However, this motion can put unnecessary strain on the knees of some people. They may prefer to use exercise equipment that more closely mimics a natural walking motion.

Quality and Price

When it comes to quality and price, you’ll have many options from which to choose. Low impact exercise equipment can be purchased for less than $100. On the other hand, some of this equipment costs in excess of $2,000.

The cheapest alternatives may be attractive if you are extremely budget conscious. However, keep in mind that some of these machines may be made with inferior materials that won’t stand the test of time. This may mean that you have to replace it several times, which means that it may not be such a great bargain.

At the other extreme are the models that cost a few thousand dollars. These can be top-of-the-line machines, the sort that you might find in a gym or a physical therapy office.

However, you don’t have to spend that much. A smarter choice is a middle-of-the-road option that offers excellent quality.

Upper Body Features

The best low impact exercise equipment helps you strengthen both your upper and lower body while also giving you a great cardio workout. Accordingly, it makes sense to look for a machine that provides you with the ability to exercise your upper body.

Several options are available. Many machines have push/pull handles or incorporate resistance bands into their design.


Best Low Impact Exercise Equipment For Back Issues 2


The Best Low Impact Exercise Equipment

Exercise is important for everyone, but when you’re constantly dealing with back pain, it’s essential that you find an exercise program that won’t exacerbate the problem.

That’s why low impact exercise equipment provides such an elegant solution. It gives you a challenging, full-body workout that is highly unlikely to put any unnecessary strain on your back.

Let’s look at some of the most promising options.


HCI Fitness Physio Step HXT 

Adjustable so that it can accommodate users as short as four feet nine inches up to as tall as six feet one inch, the HCI Fitness Physio Step HXT is seriously versatile. Moreover, it allows for usage by people of up to 330 pounds.

The pedaling motion on this unit is semi-elliptical, so you get a fuller range of motion workout than you would with a linear motion.

The machine has 16 resistance levels and comes with 17 programs. The programs provide users with a variety of challenges while the 16 resistance levels enable you to increase those challenges as you get stronger.

Thanks to the adjustable handles, it’s comfortable for absolutely anyone to use this best low impact exercise equipment, even people who have problems with their wrists. The oversized foot pedals also are a nice touch as they, along with the Velcro straps, minimize slippage for a safer workout session.

Nonetheless, there are issues with the heart monitor, which is operated by touch bars next to the seat. Some users say that this monitor is wildly inaccurate while others have problems with some annoying noises during operation.




  • Accommodates both smaller and larger users
  • Semi-elliptical motion
  • Adjustable handles


  • Inaccurate heart rate monitor
  • May be noisy

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Gazelle Edge Glider

This surprisingly inexpensive machine is the perfect solution for the cost-conscious individual who is building a home gym. While this machine keeps things low impact, it provides incredible workouts because it engages all major muscle groups.

A dual-action split suspension enables you to use your full range of motion at any speed you desire. The machine allows everything from a leisurely walk to a fast run, scaling up from one speed to the next without any hitches.

The Gazelle Edge Glider Home Fitness Exercise Equipment Machine includes a workout computer that tracks how many calories you’ve burned, your speed, your distance and the duration of your session. With foot platforms that are extra wide and have non-skid surfaces, this also is a safe machine to use.

Storage is a snap because this machine folds up. A maximum weight capacity of 250 pounds makes this an appropriate machine for most users.

Unfortunately, this machine is really prone to loud, squeaky noises. Moreover, it does not provide resistance, so it’s necessary for users to be really self-motivated to get a strenuous workout.




  • Can go as slow or fast as you like without any hitches
  • Extra-wide foot platforms with non-skid surfaces
  • Folds for easy storage


  • Can be really squeaky
  • All “resistance” is provided by the user

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Slim Cycle Stationary Bike

While this is a low impact exercise machine, you can easily complete high-intensity workouts while using it.

That is because this stationary bike allows you to also exercise your upper body with a pair of resistance bands. This gives you plenty of bang for your buck out of each workout session.

Thanks to a two-and-a-half inch thick memory foam seat, this bike offers a pretty comfortable ride. It also has a simple, straightforward on-board computer that tracks things like calories burned, distance and speed.

The Slim Cycle Stationary Bike is relatively inexpensive, making it a good entry-level choice for the budget-conscious. Eight levels of resistance are included, with a knob being provided to quickly and conveniently change the tension levels.

With each purchase, users get access to 10 free virtual rides with a Slim Cycle instructor. The bike can accommodate users of up to 300 pounds, making it a good choice for many people.

The Slim Cycle folds up for easy storage, but some users have had issues with the folding mechanism falling apart. Additionally, it is sometimes difficult to set seat heights and adjust the backrest angle for several users.



  • Enables simultaneous upper body, lower body and cardio workout
  • Comes with 10 virtual classes
  • Simple but functional on-board computer


  • The folding mechanism may fall apart
  • Adjusting seat height and backrest angle can be difficult

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Cubii JR1 Seated Under Desk Elliptical Machine

If you are super short on space but still want to get in a decent low-impact workout at home, then this could be the best low impact exercise equipment for you. That’s because the Cubii JR1 Seated Under Desk Elliptical Machine is tiny. You can use it while seated in almost any chair. It’s so small, that you could just keep it under a desk or table where you habitually use it.

Despite its small size, this unit has adjustable resistance so that you can choose how challenging your workout is. The Cubii JR1 is equipped with an LCD display that tracks how many calories you’ve burned, how many strides you’ve pedaled and how far you have traveled.

The oversized pedals are covered in a non-skid material for safe use. It’s a very stable machine that can be used comfortably by just about anyone.

While the Cubii JR1 is advertised as being portable, it’s actually quite heavy. Also, some users have had many problems with this unit being noisy.



  • Can be used while seated in any chair
  • Can be kept under a desk or table
  • Good stability


  • Very heavy
  • Can make a lot of noise, which means it may be unsuitable for the workplace

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Teeter FreeStep LT3 Recumbent Cross Trainer

This high-quality recumbent cross trainer has many features that make it the best low impact exercise equipment. For instance, the seat reclines to three different positions to make it comfortable for any user.

This commercial-level machine is just like the ones that you will find at the physical therapy office. Accordingly, this cross trainer is designed to be easy on the user’s knees and back while still providing an intense workout that really burns calories.

The  Teeter FreeStep LT3 Recumbent Cross Trainer effectively mimics a natural walking motion that is more comfortable for people who have problems with their knees or ankles. Meanwhile, the back and hips are provided with plenty of support so that users feel stable and safe throughout their workout.

Thanks to the proprietary UltraGlide bearings, the movement on this machine is incredibly smooth. Further, because the FreeStep is equipped with handles, you get an upper body workout at the same time, which means that you burn far more calories. In fact, the handles can be rotated so that you can work different muscle groups in the upper body.

Sturdy construction and quiet operation make this a solid addition to any home gym. Nonetheless, the on-board computer can be difficult to see because it isn’t backlit, and the pedals could use a stronger non-slippery material.


Teeter lt3 11


  • Commercial-level quality
  • Mimics a natural walking motion
  • Provides a full body workout


  • Display isn’t backlit
  • Pedals are a bit slippery

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Which Is the Best Low Impact Exercise Equipment?

As a person who has suffered with lower back pain for many years, it’s been critical for me to find the best low impact exercise equipment.

The five options that are reviewed here certainly have earned their way onto this list. However, my favorite by far is the Teeter FreeStep LT3 Recumbent Cross Trainer.

The adjustable seat allows you to sit up or recline as much or as little as is comfortable for you. This means that regardless of your specific back pain issues, you can exercise in a position that won’t aggravate your discomfort.

Moreover, I really appreciate the way that the FreeStep mimics my natural walking motion. This makes exercise really easy on my knees, which have suffered injuries in the past.

The moveable handles are another major asset. I love having the ability to exercise my upper and lower body while also getting in a solid cardio workout. It’s the kind of full-body exercise program that my doctor recommends.

Above all, the Teeter FreeStep LT3 Recumbent Cross Trainer features premium materials and construction. This means that it’s durable and that nothing on it feels cheap or chintzy. This is the kind of exercise equipment that will stand the test of time even with regular use.

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