The Best Magnetic Rowing Machine For Full-Body Workouts at Home

XTERRA Fitness Rower

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best magnetic rowing machine for full-body workouts at home, then I’d recommend the XTERRA FITNESS ERG160 Magnetic Rower as the best one.

Rowing is an activity that burns an immense amount of calories. The sport itself requires a level of fitness that just cardio alone isn’t going to cut.

Besides being able to row for long periods of time, your whole body needs to be in good shape, otherwise, the whole process starts to fall apart at the weakest link.

Sounds like a great activity to build strength as well as keep off the pounds, right?

Let me do you one better. With a magnetic rowing machine, you can get swole in the comfort of your own home.

Here are the best magnetic rowing machines we’ll be reviewing:


man using a magnetic rowing machine


So What is a Magnetic Rowing Machine?



These machines use magnets placed close to the flywheel in order to create resistance.

You use these exercise machines by sitting down on the sliding seat, placing your feet into the straps, grabbing the handle, and pulling.

By repeating this movement over and over, you get a serious workout for your lower body.

And given that you keep a proper form, your core, back, and arms also get some of that delicious burn.

Magnetic Rowing Machines are also popular for the lack of sound these devices make.

The flywheel makes virtually no noise during operation, and the only notable sounds are those made by the winding of the cord as well as the sliding of the track.


Other Types of Rowing Machines

It’s important to know the different types of options on the market. One of these alternative types of rowers end up suiting your needs better.


These devices use a pair of hydraulic pistons to provide resistance.

As a model designed to more closely resemble the outdoor activity, you don’t use your legs to exercise on these machines.

Primarily, the workout is focused on your back, core, and arms to better simulate rowing.

It’s a better alternative if you’re practicing for a competition or are looking for an upper body exercise machine.

If you’re looking to build up your lower body, this isn’t the tool you need.


These machines provide resistance in the form of an enclosed water tank, and the paddles that are held within.

Water rowers provide and increasing level of resistance the harder you row, which makes it great for extended full body workouts.

Sadly, these machines are rather pricey. That said, it’s a great machine if you can afford it.


Air rowers often have a smaller width compared to its cousins, but at the same time, offer a full range of movement that is suited for taller athletes.

As denoted by the name, these types of rowers use air resistance to make you sweat. There is a downside to this method of exercise, however.

These types of rowers can be quite loud. If noise level is an issue, I’d recommend a magnetic rower, otherwise, it’s a good machine to train on.

The Advantages of a Magnetic Rowing Machine

The greatest advantage that a Magnetic Rowing Machine has over others of its type, is its ability to easily change its resistance level according to your needs.

When comparing it to other cardio machines, neither a spin bike or a treadmill provides the same level of versatility as a rower.

If you’re looking to exert your cardiovascular system, you can put the setting onto something you can row for an hour before going to town.

If you’re trying to gain muscle mass, just pop this sucker on maximum resistance and see how long you can go.

After ten minutes, I can guarantee you’ll be having a tough time trying to do anything leg related for the rest of the day.

Unless you’re an absolute beast, then I’ll point you to a local strongman competition.

Having already touched on the quiet operation and full body training potential of this machine, there is one more positive to address.

Beyond just toning you up, this constant full body is also a great alternative to running.

Being a low impact machine, you’ll be able to use this machine without the myriad of injuries that come with slamming your feet into the treadmill.

While there has been studies done that show running does burn more calories, I would argue that this steadier method of exercising is more beneficial as a whole.

You’ll suffer fewer injuries, it works the whole body, and you’ll end up building more muscle mass in comparison.

If nothing else, this additional muscle is going to end up saving you some time counting calories.


locked into a magnetic rowing machine


The Disadvantages of a Magnetic Rowing Machine

There are a couple of problems that may turn you away from purchasing one of these machines.

Firstly, magnetic rowers are pretty big. They usually don’t fold up like hydraulic rowers and most support full leg extensions.

If you happen to live in a small apartment, a rower probably isn’t something you want to worry about cluttering up the place.

There is also one other significant hurdle this machine can’t overcome. This type of rower was developed primarily as an exercise machine, not one that correctly simulates the sport itself.

You’re not going to be sliding back and forth on a boat, and neither are the oars going to be so simple to use.

Magnetic rowers are great for getting fit, but they aren’t the best training tool to use for rowing practice.

My Top 5 Rowing Machines

Okay. So you need some help getting some muscle on those chicken legs?

I got a list of solutions for your troubles! Just a quick tip though, if you’re using one of these machines for the first time, go easy on your first rowing session.

Explaining to your boss that your clothes are covered in dirt because you couldn’t walk after training, while hilarious in hindsight, probably isn’t the best way to make a good impression.

Then again, maybe your boss and coworkers are cool like that.


Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RW5515 Magnetic Rowing Machine


Starting off with the least expensive item on the list, we have the Sunny Health & Fitness SF-RW5515 Magnetic Rowing Machine.

Despite the very affordable price, there are plenty of things this machine does well. It comes with everything you expect a magnetic rower to come with, but it does so with quality.

What’s better?

This Magnetic Rowing Machine is actually foldable. Along with this portability, the SF-RW5515 comes with integrated wheels you can use to cart around your home.

Overall, a solid entry to mid level machine. It’s tough for me to find anything I really dislike about this machine.


  • Exceptionally affordable price for what it does.
  • Less bulky than many magnetic rowers.
  • The additional folding options means you don’t have to put this in your indoor gym. The living room works perfectly fine.
  • 8 Levels of resistance is pretty good. Most people don’t need to crank this machine up to max to get a good sweat in.
  • Easy to assemble, only took me around thirty minutes or so to complete from scratch.
  • Extremely quiet as expected from a Magnetic Rowing Machine
  • Can hold up to 250 lbs of user weight.


  • While the LCD console shows time, count, calories, total count, and scan, it doesn’t show distance traveled or strokes completed. It’s nothing huge, but still a ding.
  • The console is on the smaller side. For those who take off their glasses due to fogging issues, it’s going to be a bit irritating.

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Concept2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine with PM5



The Concept2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine with PM5 solid rowing machine is one that uses the air resistance design.

Able to hold up to 500 lbs of user weight, this exceptionally engineered rower also happens to be the second most expensive on the list.

Not that breakage is going to be a problem with its 5 year frame warranty. If you’re worried about the 8 x 2 ft profile of this rower, don’t worry. It doesn’t fold.

But it does separate into two smaller pieces for easy storage and portability.


  • Being able to take this rower apart into two manageable sizes is great. Neither piece is too heavy to carry around the house, and for storage purposes, I’d argue it’s easier to shove into a closet than a folding design.
  • The Performance Monitor 5 (PM5) has a whole slew of data options and includes several preset workouts. Besides that, it also has wireless and Bluetooth capability.
  • Works with multiple fitness apps downloadable on your smartphone to record your data.
  • The flywheel has 10 damper levels and is engineered to generate minimal noise.
  • Incredibly easy to assemble, it only uses 8 screws.
  • If you need to lug this machine around whole, it does come with integrated wheels.
  • Using an air resistance is a great change up from super smooth magnetic rowers. You’re really going to work your upper body and core with this machine.


  • It’s not the loudest air rower I’ve used, but the noise is still noticeable. Not a problem if you have a basement or garage gym to put this in, but it can be an issue if you live in an apartment.
  • It’s pretty pricey if you’re just looking for a rower that does the job.

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Stamina ATS Air Rower



The Stamina ATS Air Rower uses a dynamic air resistance system so that the level of power you put in is matched by the speed of the fan.

In short, the harder you go, the more difficult it is to continue rowing.

Not that this is anything revolutionary, air rowers are designed to give that “choppy” pull so you have to really lean back on the handle.

That said, it’s this very method of resistance that makes air rowers so popular for building overall body strength.


  • This air rower uses a folding design for easy storage and transportation.
  • Uses a large LCD console that is easy to see.
  • Carries a 3 year frame warranty and a 1 year parts warranty.
  • Solid machine for its price with none of the fiddling necessary to adjust your resistance level. Just pull harder or slower depending on how difficult you want your workout to be.
  • 250 lb user weight limit is pretty good, and this machine is rated for anyone ranging from 4’9” to 6’4” in height.


  • It’s not the most subtle machine ever. If you go hard on this machine, you’re going to wake people up. I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone without access to a basement or a garage.
  • Seriously, it’s like sitting on a racetrack with everyone revving their engines at once.
  • Dynamic wind resistance is great and all, but it’s difficult to maintain a constant pace when you start getting tired.
  • I wish someone would make an air rower design with the flywheel pointed towards the user. You might as well get a cool breeze out of your hard work, right?

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Stamina Avari Magnetic Rowing Machine



The most expensive item on the list, the Stamina Avari Magnetic Rowing Machine comes with a hyper detailed fitness monitor.

The console comes with 12 separate workout programs that you can quickly use to get fit with 6 cardio profiles, 4 custom user programs, 1 heart rate program, and 1 manual program.

Coming with a heart rate chest strap, you’ll be able to quickly figure out how close you are between the perfect level of exertion versus an unhealthily overtaxed heart.

It’s not something most people need to be able to tell the difference, but being able to calculate your bpm is vital for anyone doing serious training.


  • This is a quiet machine. You won’t have to worry about waking anyone up even if you are a single room over.
  • Unless you’re going full Hulk mode and making a racket with all the sliding, but that’s difficult to smother, really.
  • Another foldable design, this magnetic rower is built out of quality materials.
  • It also uses integrated wheels for easy portability.


  • This magnetic rower is quite expensive. It’s going to take a chunk out of your wallet if you decide to go with this option.
  • The seat is a bit uncomfortable, I’m not a huge fan of it.

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 XTERRA FITNESS ERG160 Magnetic Rower


XTERRA FITNESS ERG160 Magnetic Rower 8


The  XTERRA FITNESS ERG160 Magnetic Rower comes in at the middle of the pack in terms of expense.

With a raised seat height of 13.5 ins, you’ll be able to comfortably enter and exit this machine at your leisure.

The seat itself is extremely comfortable and you’ll often find yourself doubling it as an extra chair.

 I do, anyway.


  • The LCD console is on the larger side and is easily adjustable to your preferred height and angle.
  • Super comfortable seat.
  • While you can’t fold this model, you can stand it up vertically.


  • It takes some time to set this machine up.
  • It has different resistance levels, sure. But it really isn’t convenient when you have to either empty or fill up the tank to get your desired resistance.
  • If you have any especially curious pets around, I recommend facing this machine so your back is against the wall so you can see them coming. If the noise doesn’t scare them off, they may decide to investigate.

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The Winner of the Roundup

Call me a rowing scrub if you want, but I’ll have to go with the XTERRA FITNESS ERG160 Magnetic Rower. I can’t argue with the quality of this machine for the price I’m paying.

Not only is it super quiet, it’s portable, easy to store, and does everything I expect a rower to do.

It’s especially nice to have that extra layer of security when I decide to get up early and get forty minutes of cardio in.

The only major gripe I can ding on this machine is the lack of a distance measure.

Otherwise it’s a great machine for both entry level rowers and more experienced gym rats looking to add a solid rower to their home.

XTERRA Fitness Rower

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