Best Mood Booster For Anxiety

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best mood booster for anxiety is, then we recommend Bioptimizers CogniBiotics as the best one.

Most of us, if not all, have experienced a form of anxiety at least once in our lifetime.

I, like many of you, have learned to live with it over the years even though it surely prevented me from performing my best at times, and thus hindered me from achieving more in my life.

It never occurred to me, until now, that I could do something about it.

Many of us may not be fans of taking prescribed medications to treat our anxiety or stabilize our moods for several reasons, including concern for dependability, side effects, drug-to-drug interactions with our other medications, if applicable, etc.

Taking safe natural supplements along with a good exercise regimen and a balanced diet has shown benefits in many individuals experiencing mood or anxiety issues.

But with so many products available, you may be thinking how do I know which one to pick?

Well, I have reviewed the top 5 popular mood booster and anxiety supplements to help you choose the best one for your needs!

Here are the top mood boosters we’ll be reviewing:


What is Anxiety?



Let’s just start by reviewing some facts about anxiety.

Anxiety is a term used to describe our body’s state as it reacts to stress, which can be caused by external or internal source(s).

While anxiety occurs normally in all of us to some degree, many can experience severe forms of it, hindering our daily activities and lives as a result.

Anxiety is more prevalent than we think. In the United States, more than 20 million adults have a mood disorder and 40 million adults have a form of an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety can be caused by life experiences, including traumatic events, and some people are more prone to experiencing symptoms than others based on their unique physical composition, past memories, personality, and/or heredity factors.

Internal factors, such as physical or mental disease, can also trigger or worsen anxiety.

Symptoms of anxiety vary from person to person.

Symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe, and include rapid heart rate, difficulty and/or rapid breathing, sweating, chest discomfort, stomach pain, headache, excessive worrying, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping, and/or a sense of impending doom.

Anxiety disorders are classified into several distinct categories based on medical diagnoses generally made by specialized medical doctors, such as psychiatrists.

In these situations, patients are often prescribed medications and/or psychotherapy to help them cope and carry on with their daily lives.

Why Boost My Mood?


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Anxiety or mood disorder can rage in severity from mild and transient to intense and debilitating.

Preventing anxiety and stabilizing one’s mood plays a major role in improving one’s life and enhancing performance.

Anxiety can prevent one from performing their best in all aspects of life including physical, emotional, social, professional, and even spiritual areas.

Untreated anxiety can lead to depression, substance abuse, insomnia or trouble sleeping, and overall poor quality of life.

Many of us may only experience one symptom, such as worrying or trouble sleeping, and others may experience multiple symptoms.

You probably are thinking if there are ways to prevent milder forms of anxiety to help enhance your daily performance and improve your life.

You have arrived at the right place, so keep reading!

In this article, we will discuss the available natural supplements and the best mood booster to help prevent and/or alleviate anxiety and improve the mood without the side effects of drugs.

Choosing the Best Mood Booster Supplement

Unlike multivitamins, a mood booster for anxiety is expected to deliver noticeable results, because if not, what is the point of taking it right?

With so many products on the market, I was easily overwhelmed when I was searching for the right supplement for me.

However, after carefully reviewing the ingredients of five different products, and researching their safety and efficacy, I am pleased to share with you an overview about each of these top 5 products, which will help you choose the most suitable supplement for you based on information that you can trust.

Keep in mind, when I was researching these supplements, my priority was to find ingredients that are safe, natural, effective, and backed by scientific evidence.

Because ultimately, in my opinion, having peace of mind while taking any supplement is a must, or else it may worsen my anxiety!

What to Expect From a Mood Booster

During my research, I found that most of the supplements available are focused on dopamine-boosting properties.

Dopamine is a chemical that our bodies produce naturally, which helps elevate our mood, increase motivation, improve cognition, enhance memory, and increase attention.

Sounds great right?

So where can we get dopamine from?

The best mood booster supplement will include ingredients to help boost dopamine production.

For example, probiotics, which are the “good” bacteria, not only benefit our gut health but also have been shown in recent studies to affect our mood and mental health.

Having an imbalance in our gut bacteria with proliferation of the harmful bacteria can cause a decrease in dopamine production; therefore, increasing the effects of anxiety and negative mood state.

Mood Booster Ingredients and Their Mechanisms of Action


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Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a plant that has been used for centuries for its positive effects on mental performance.

Studies have shown that it helps increase dopamine levels and reduce oxidative stress.


Curcumin, which is found in turmeric, has been known for its antidepressant properties as it also increases dopamine production.

Studies have shown that Curcumin was comparable to pharmaceuticals agents, such as Prozac, in its efficacy.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil has anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties and boosts the mood because of its ability to prevent deterioration of dopamine.


Magnesium supplements are widely used for multiple indications, and have been shown to have anti-depressant properties, and also help with sleep.

Green Tea

Green tea is widely popular because of its great anti-oxidant properties, and it also contains L-theanine, which affects the brain by increasing dopamine levels; therefore, acting as an anti-depressant.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, which is also widely used helps the body regulate its neurotransmitters, including dopamine, thus improving mood and mental health.

Fish Oil

Fish oil, which is very favorable because of its omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to increase dopamine levels when taken regularly, and you guessed it, improving mood!


Ginseng, which has been used for centuries in alternative medicine, also showed to enhance brain function and improve cognitive health.


Berberine, which is derived from plants, is known to increase dopamine production and was found helpful when combined with other mood booster supplements.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort, which is derived from a flower plant, has been used to help improve sleep, reduce pre-menstrual symptoms, and elevate the mood.

In studies, it was shown that it was superior to placebo in improving depression with fewer side effects when compared to pharmacologic drugs.

S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAMe)

S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAMe)is a naturally-occurring chemical that our bodies make and has multiple uses in medicine, including positive effects seen in reducing anxiety and depression when compared to placebo in several studies.

It has been shown that SAMe has benefited patients with major depression and mood disorders and studies have found it to be safe and effective as mono-therapy or combined with other supplements.


Rhodiola is an herb that is known to help ease anxiety and improve energy levels and stamina by decreasing cortisol levels.

It also has other medical uses, such as treating infections and headaches.

Studies showed Rhodiola was as effective as the drug Sertraline in treating depression and anxiety with fewer side effects.

Valerian Herb

Valerian herb has been widely used for sleeping disorders and studies have shown it was effective in improving cognition.


Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb, also known as Withania somnifera, has been used effectively for treatment of anxiety.

In a review of literature, it was found that it resulted in greater improvement when compared to placebo outcomes of anxiety and stress levels.

Lemon Balm Leaf

Lemon Balm Leaf, also known as Melissa officinalis, has been used to regulate the mood and cognition as it is known to have effects in increasing GABA production, which induces calmness; therefore, improving mood and alleviating anxiety symptoms.

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola, known as Centella asiatica, is a plant used in ancient times in Ayurvedic traditions and has wound healing properties as well as anti-stress, anti-depressant, and anti-seizure properties in pre-clinical studies.


Eleuthero is thought to have anti-microbial and anti-depressant properties.

Although no human evidence is available to support its use and no data has been obtained to confirm its safety and efficacy, it has been considered well-tolerated when used in supplements.

It does have some possible side effects, such as increasing blood pressure.


Lavender, which most of you have had in tea or smelled its wonderful scent, is thought to have calming effects, and has been used widely given that it is very safe.

Research has shown promising evidence of its effectiveness, although more research is needed to evaluate its use.

B vitamins

B vitamins have been shown to improve stress and mental health, by enhancing cognitive performance, especially during intense mental work.


5-HTP 5-Hydroxytryptophan is an amino acid that is known to increase serotonin production, helping with depression, anxiety, sleep, and weight gain.


Probiotics have been heavily studied in the recent years as there has been evidence suggesting important gut-brain relationship and significant effects of one’s microbiome on brain health and function.

It is thought that good bacteria promotes serotonin production in the gut, which is used by the brain to improve mood, enhance cognition, and enhance sleep.

Are Mood Boosters Safe?


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I don’t know about you, but whenever I am about to start a supplement or medication, the first question I ask is, “is it safe”?.

The ingredients listed above have been heavily researched and used for many years.

Fortunately, no adverse side effects have been reported to prove that they are unsafe to take.

Regardless, we have to keep in mind that none of the above ingredients are evaluated by the FDA, but the majority have been tested and manufactured in Good Manufacturing Practices, or GMP-certified facilities, which is regulated by the FDA, and this fact definitely gives me peace of mind, ensuring that the product is free of harm if used as recommended.

In any case, if you are not sure about a supplement, you should always discuss it with your physician first, and he or she can help you determine if it is appropriate for you to take.

Furthermore, it is crucial that you discuss any supplement with your doctor prior to taking it especially if you have any underlying medical or mental conditions, or take any medications to ensure that it is safe and won’t give you adverse effects.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not start any supplement before consulting with their physician.

Moreover, it is important to follow the directions, and never take more than the recommended dose, and to stop taking any supplement if you experience any side effects.

Before You Take an Anxiety Supplement

It is crucial to be evaluated by a qualified health care provider if you have severe anxiety to get a comprehensive assessment and rule out other mental disorders and/or underlying medical conditions that could be causing your symptoms, as in that case, treating the underlying condition would likely solve the problem and you won’t need any supplements.

It is important to note that taking these supplements with an underlying mental or physical conditions can exacerbate your symptoms and even harm your health.

On the other hand, if you are generally healthy and in a good physical condition but have a mild form of anxiety or wish to improve your mood, then natural supplements may be the right choice for you, and may make all the difference to help you enhance your life!

Common Mood Booster Supplement Side Effects

Common side effects of taking a mood booster supplement include GI upset, gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, or irregular heart beat.

If any of these symptoms occur, stop the supplement immediately and consult with your physician.

In general, the ingredients of these supplements have good safety profiles but it is always important to be cautious and remember that even natural supplements can be harmful and/or toxic, especially if taken in higher doses.

Always review with your physician drug-to-drug interactions if you take any other medications.

Also, check the full ingredient list carefully and note if you have any allergies to any of the listed ingredients prior to starting any supplement.

Best Mood Booster Supplement Reviews

We’ve scoured the web (so you don’t have to) to find the top mood boosters for anxiety. To save you some time, here are the ones we found that are worth your time.

Genius Joy


Genius Joy – Serotonin Mood Booster is claimed to be a nootropic, which means a cognitive and mood enhancer, as it is supposed to induce serotonin and dopamine production.

The ingredients include SAMe, 5-HTP, L-theanine, rhodiola, ginseng, B vitamins, and minerals. It is claimed to help improve focus, energy, wellness, and cognition.

Genius Joy products are claimed to be of natural ingredients, backed by research, and are of highest quality.


  • Has a good B-vitamin profile
  • Has effective ingredients, including SAMe
  • Offers a stabilized form of SAMe
  • High quality ingredients
  • Good user reviews on boosting mood
  • Vegan


  • Is a bit pricey
  • Negative side effects reported and include nausea and dizziness
  • Does not contain a probiotic
  • Lack of effect on general cognition
  • Contains coffee arabica which may contain caffeine, which can cause energy crashing

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5-HTP PLUS  is one of Dr. Emil Hodzovic’s products, who is a medical doctor, fitness & health coach, and has experience in the nutrition and supplement fields.

This product contains four main ingredients, B6, SAMe, L-tryptophan, and 5-HTP to help improve sleep, reduce stress, and enhance mood.

It is claimed to be non-GMO and hormone-free. Its ingredients are backed by science, and it contains all-natural vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts without harmful additives.


  • Affordable
  • Allergen and gluten-free
  • Non-GMO
  • Hormone-free
  • Manufactured in the USA and produced in GMP-facilities
  • Doctor-driven by Dr. Emil Hodzovic


  • Side effects of muscle pain or myalgia, worsened sleep reported
  • Does not contain a probiotic
  • Reports of defective capsules that are different in color, and inconsistency in product quality reported

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Joy-Filled by Happy Healthy Hippie Store



Joy-Filled by Happy Healthy Hippie Store is a 100% plant-based supplement that is claimed to help you relax, boost your mind, and relieve stress with its 7 herbal ingredients, St. John’s wort, Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, lemon balm leaf, Ginkgo Biloba, Gotu Kola, and Eleuthero.

The herbs have been used for centuries for their anti-depressant properties.

These herbs are thought to work by stimulating GABA production, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain that promotes relaxation. Ginko biloba and Rhodiola are believed to decrease cortisol, a stress hormone. St. John’s wort promotes serotonin and dopamine production.


  • 100% plant-based
  • Contains only herbs
  • Increases GABA production
  • Decrease cortisol levels
  • Created in FDA-registered US facility GMP-certified facility in New York
  • Non-GMO
  • Vegan


  • Some of these herbs are not well-studied for efficacy and safety
  • Eleuthero is without scientific evidence to confirm its safety in humans
  • Side effects profile includes elevated blood pressure and heart palpitations
  • Contains traces of gluten and tree nuts
  • Interacts negatively with prescribed anti-anxiety & anti-depressants medications
  • Interacts negatively with any vitamin that increases serotonin (such as 5-HTP)
  • Wider side effects profile
  • Lacks a probiotic

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LES Labs Mood Boost



LES Labs Mood Boost is affordable and contains a wider range of ingredients compared to the previously mentioned products, including some herbs. Its main ingredients include 5-HTP, Ashwagandha, GABA, Passionflower, L-Tyrosine, and L-Theanine.

They claim to formulate the most effective nutritional supplements targeted for specific health goals.


  • Contains Magnesium
  • Extensive research and development of product
  • High quality ingredients
  • Affordable
  • Contains chamomile
  • Pure ingredients
  • Non-GMO


  • Cannot be taken with other anti-depressants
  • Can affect the liver
  • Side effects of brain fogginess and sleepiness reported
  • Does not contain a probiotic

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Bioptimizers CogniBiotics



Bioptimizers CogniBiotics is designed with very safe ingredients to help boost mood, focus, and memory. It is also claims to reduce stress and anxiety by reducing cortisol levels.

It promotes production of vitamins, such as vitamin K and B12, and is used to optimize cognitive performance.

This probiotic contains all the strains necessary to improve brain function, and boost brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

BDNF has been widely studied and showed to play a major role in the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder.

It was shown that patients with lower levels of BDNF were associated with major depressive disorder. BDNF helps protect the body against stress-induced neuronal damage.


  • Natural and scientific-based
  • Prebiotic and probiotic formula with well-studied proven strains of good bacteria
  • Also contains an effective Chinese herbal blend to improve mood and less anxiety
  • This formula supports the gut and promotes healthier brain-gut-axis
  • Promotes healthy digestion and well-being
  • Promotes vitamin K and B12 production
  • Even children can take this product!
  • No major side effects


  • A little bit pricey
  • Can only be purchased online
  • Have to take regularly for a long period of time to assess for benefits

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Final Thoughts

After carefully reviewing all of the data about the 5 products, I am happy to announce that the best mood booster supplement and winner of them all is BiOptimizers Cognibiotics, and here’s why I think it beats the others.

As I mentioned earlier, safety is number one priority and Bioptimizers CogniBiotics is by far the safest of all 5 products with very minimal side effects reported.

Listen, if children can take this safely, then sign me up!

Secondly, not only do I feel safe putting Bioptimizers CogniBiotics ingredients in my body for the long-term, I also am a big believer in scientific data and research.

There is overwhelming evidence and ongoing research about the gut-brain axis and the effects of the microbiome on mental and cognitive health that we cannot simply ignore.

Bioptimizers CogniBiotics offers a formula that includes probiotics and proven strains of probiotics to enhance this gut-brain communication.

It is highly likely that the underlying cause of our low mood, stress levels, and difficulty sleeping or concentrating is simply lack of serotonin production in the gut, and by fixing the underlying condition, we can hope for long-lasting benefits.

Lastly, BiOptimizers offers a 365-day return policy with money back guarantee if you try their product and don’t seem to get the desired results.

I honestly have never heard of anything like a 365-day money back guarantee, have you?

This means that they are confident about their product and the results they promise.

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