Best Pre-Workout Drink for Crossfit

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best pre-workout drink for Crossfit is, then I’d recommend Legion Pulse as the best one.

If you’re new to the Crossfit box, you have probably encountered some serious fatigue.

It’s no secret that Crossfit is one of the most demanding workout routines out there. Training at a box regularly will require a lot of consistent energy.

Most of us don’t have the kind of drive and power that it takes to crush every single WOD, especially if you have responsibilities like work and a family.

Unless you’re a professional athlete, you probably don’t have all day to dedicate to your training, which means that there will be a ton of variables that will determine how you feel when you walk into the gym.

This is where a good pre-workout drink comes in. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite pre-workout drinks below to help you find the best pre-workout drink for Crossfit.

Here are the Best Pre-Workout Drinks for Crossfit we’ll be reviewing:


Caffeine intake can greatly boost energy levels and max power outputs when dosed correctly in the best pre workout drinks for crossfit

Should I Take a Pre-workout Supplement?



It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the information available on supplements for Crossfit and general fitness.

It seems like everyone has their own conflicting opinion on the “right” way to approach training and nutrition.

Supplements are no exception.

Some people are purists; they claim that supplementing is unnecessary, or even dangerous your health.

They claim that whole foods alone should make up your diet; if you feel like you need supplements, you actually just need to alter what your diet looks like from week to week.

While everyone may not agree with this opinion, it is probably a good idea to examine your diet to see what may be hindering you from progressing.

If your diet and recovery are both terrible, supplements probably won’t help all too much.

Supplements are made to fill in the gaps of your nutrition; they’re a quick and easy way to get a bunch of vital nutrients in a convenient package.

If you are often fatigued before training (even though you sleep enough) or you consistently fail to set personal records or up the weight on an exercise, a pre-workout might provide the boost that you need.

What’s in a Pre-Workout Drink?

Pre-workout drinks almost always contain caffeine.

While caffeine might seem commonplace, it’s actually a potent performance enhancer.

Caffeine intake can greatly boost energy levels and max power outputs when dosed correctly.

Many pre-workouts also contain arginine, which increases blood flow to the extremities.

Increasing blood flow to certain areas of the body allows for enhanced performance.

Many pre-workouts contain creatine, a supplement that is often taken on its own. Creatine enhances the body’s production of ATP, a crucial source of short-term energy for the body.

Creatine can greatly increase performance, especially in power-based moves like cleans and snatches.

Beta-alanine is often included in pre-workout drinks as well.

This compound helps the body combat fatigue during exercise.

Of course, everything that’s included in a pre-workout will depend on the specific one that you take.

Are Pre-Workout Drinks Unhealthy?

You might have heard that pre-workouts are potentially damaging to your health.

Some people claim that the excessive amount of stimulants contained in pre-workouts can be hazardous to your health.

This largely depends on the type of supplement that you choose to purchase. As with any product, some brands are more reputable than others.

Some pre-workouts contain loads of processed ingredients and added sugar, which in general are not beneficial to your health.

The ingredient list in your pre-workout drink is extremely important. If it’s suspiciously long, it might be wise to consider another option.

Make sure that you understand what you are putting in your body and how it might ultimately affect your health.

However, stating that pre-workouts in general are harmful is a bit of a blanket statement.

The reality is that pre-workouts are a neutral supplement; they are only helpful if they are taken properly, and are only harmful if abused.


The best pre workout drink for crossfit are made to fill in the gaps of your nutrition


Make sure that the drink that you choose contains normal levels of caffeine; be sure to understand how your body responds to stimulants, and if you find that you are sensitive to them, it might be best to take half of the recommended dosage.

This is a safe way to try out a new pre-workout supplement that your are unfamiliar with.

In addition, some pre-workout drinks can act as a diuretic, so it’s important to make sure that you are properly hydrated before and after your workout.

This is especially important when it comes to high-intensity exercise like Crossfit.

Overall, pre-workout supplements are just like any other supplement; they are only bad when taken incorrectly and abused.

The Best Pre-Workout Drinks for Crossfit Reviewed

With that in mind, below are 5 great supplements for you to consider in your quest to find the best pre-workout drink for Crossfit.

Legion Pulse



Legion Pulse is a great all-around pre-workout supplement.

Its primary ingredients are caffeine, L-Citrulline and Beta-Alanine. This supplement also contains no artificial sweeteners, which is important to most Crossfit athletes.

Legion Pulse does contain compounds that often provide a “tingly” feeling in the skin, which might be a positive or negative.

Some athletes don’t prefer this sensation. Overall, the ingredients in this pre-workout are fairly mild but still highly effective.

It’s a great option if you want to get an extra boost of energy before your workout but don’t want a ton of extra fillers.

Some reviewers recommend taking only one scoop of the supplement (instead of the recommended two) as half of the recommended dose seems to be sufficient for most people.

Overall, this all-around pre-workout is a great option for those looking for the best pre-workout drink for Crossfit.


  • Contains a great mixture of performance-enhancing compounds
  • Contains minimal filler
  • Contains plenty of caffeine


  • Doesn’t contain creatine
  • A bit higher cost than other options

> > Check Price on Amazon < <


Organic Muscle Organic Pre-Workout Powder



The Organic Muscle Organic Pre-Workout Powder was made to increase energy and vitality for a tough workout.

It also contains a wide variety of important vitamins and antioxidants, which many pre-workouts don’t.

This supplement focuses on overall health rather than just giving you energy to crush a workout.

The main benefit of this option is that all of the ingredients are organic, and it was specifically formulated to avoid the jitters and crashing that come with many stimulant-heavy pre-workouts.

This pre-workout contains beet root (which increases Nitric Oxide production in the body), pomegranate, and açaí, as well as other whole food ingredients like Maca root, coconut water, blueberries, and green coffee bean extract.

Overall, if you are looking for the best pre-workout drink for Crossfit but want to stick to whole food options exclusively, this can be a great option for you.


  • Only whole food ingredients
  • No jitters or crashing
  • 100% Vegan
  • Great option for anyone who focuses on a strictly whole-foods based diet


  • No creatine

> > Check Price on Amazon < <


RedLeaf Pre-Workout Energizer


The Red Leaf Pre-Workout Energizer Powder prides itself in leaving out harsh ingredients and fillers, and contains great whole food ingredients and antioxidants.

It also contains no proprietary formulas, which means that all of the ingredients in the supplement are clearly visible in the ingredient list.

It also contains a conservative dose of caffeine in an effort to curb jitters.

It contains beta-alanine to fight against fatigue during workouts, as well as l-glutamine to aid in muscle repair. Its antioxidants come from Cranberry extract.

This is a great option for those looking for a pre-workout supplement that provides plenty of energy without jitters.

It’s an especially great option for anyone that is sensitive to caffeine.


  • Natural, whole-food ingredients
  • Small dose of caffeine is great for runners or the caffeine-sensitive


  • Caffeine dosage might not be enough for regular coffee drinkers

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RARI Infinity Pre-Workout Powder



RARI Nutrition – Infinity Pre-Workout Powder is clinically dosed and 100% natural.

The ingredients included are formulated with a focus on providing a greater “pump” to the muscles as well as power output.

It is also creatine-free.

It prides itself on providing a good amount of energy and intra-workout power without crashing or “shakes”.

It includes mostly clean, natural energy sources.

Some of the ingredients included are Vitamin B6, (an important vitamin for energy levels) caffeine (the most common pre-workout ingredient), and Stevia for sweetness.

This pre-workout is a great option for those who want to really “feel” the energy from a supplement but still value good manufacturing processes and safety.

Most reviewers state that this product provides a great energy boost, even for those who have developed a good tolerance to stimulants.

Because of this, it’s a good idea to start with half of the recommended dosage in order to gauge your tolerance.

Overall, this is a great option in our roundup to find the best pre-workout drink for Crossfit.


  • Plenty of energy from whole food ingredients
  • More potent than other supplements on the list


  • Doesn’t contain the amount of whole food ingredients that other supplements have
  • No creatine

> > Check Price on Amazon < <


Genius Pre-Workout Powder



Genius Pre-Workout Powder contains nootropics in the form of a proprietary compounds known as AlphaSize.

This compound is a “choline donor”, which is supposed to increase acetylcholine levels in the brain.

These compounds essentially work together to increase the mind-to-muscle connection, as well as increase muscular power output, agility, and fight fatigue.

However, the main focus of this particular product is its ability to increase the mind-to-muscle connection, which is vital for increasing muscle mass and performance in Crossfit.

Due to claims that caffeine reduces bloodflow, this supplement does not contain caffeine.

It also contains plenty of citrulline malate, which is designed to increase vascularity and blood flow to the muscles.

It also contains non-caffein stimulants like ginseng and taurine, which are commonly found in other pre-workouts and energy drinks.

Overall, this pre-workout can still provide a great boost without the jitters that caffeine can provide for some people.

However, it is the most expensive on the list because of the complexity of some of its ingredients.


  • One of the most unique pre-workout supplements on the market
  • Contains more pump-increasing ingredients than most other supplements
  • Can increase mind-to-muscle connection


  • No caffeine

> > Check Price on Amazon < <


And the Winner is…

Overall, the best pre-workout drink for Crossfit is the one that works best for you.

There are tons of options available on the market, but it’s up to you to decide which best suits your lifestyle and training habits.

However, the best all-around option is still likely Legion Pulse.

It’s the classic, go-to pre-workout. It works for just about anyone.

However, the other options on the list are certainly worth considering, especially if you value whole-food ingredients or want a workout supplement that doesn’t contain caffeine or excess junk.

Make sure that you asses your options to find the best pre-workout; your muscles will thank you.

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