What is the Best Yoga Wheel For Beginners?

Plexus Co. (dba Chirp)


If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best yoga wheel for beginners is, then I’d recommend the Chirp Wheel as the best one.

Are you fun and fat? Fabulous and flab? Scrawny and slender? You need yoga! Yoga is one of the best disciplines for building muscle.

Strong muscles allow your tendons to release because the tendons are no longer protecting the weak muscles! Isn’t that fantastic?

Now, you can get your yoga poses done even faster and more creatively with your new yoga wheel!

We will tell you about the best yoga wheel for your style and body type, the best ones reviewed and on the market, and the best options for your own home studio.

Today, we’ll walk you through all your questions and list our 5 picks for best yoga wheel in different categories!

First, let’s dive into all your interesting questions.


Here are the best yoga wheels we’ll be reviewing:


even beginners can use yoga wheels


Buyer’s Guide



Do I Need to Know Yoga to Use a Yoga Wheel?

Not at all. You can start using a yoga wheel from day zero. There is no requirement to use a yoga wheel.

You don’t need to be strong or flexible. You’ll do fine.

Many yoga wheels come with a guide for basic positions.

What if I Can’t Get Down on the Floor by Myself?

You can use a chair to lower yourself onto your mat. Then, you can use the wheel to begin training your muscles.

Eventually, your muscles will be strong enough that you can get up and down off the floor all by yourself.

Pace yourself and allow rest days for your muscles to heal and build up.

I’m Really Inflexible. Will the Wheel Help With That?

Yes. The key to flexibility is building your muscles. Your tendons keep your flexibility tight so that if you injure yourself, you only pull a tendon. That’s a lot safer than pulling a muscle.

As your muscles become stronger, your tendons will release their tension because your muscles can hold more weight and flexibility without endangering themselves. Never stretch your tendons.

Work on building your muscles. As they strengthen, your tendons will naturally release.

What is the Most Basic, Beginner Pose I Can do With a Wheel?

The most basic pose you can do is lie, face-up, on your back with the wheel under the middle of your back.

This separates out your vertebrae and releases pinched nerves and other tensions in your lower back.

The next most basic pose you can do is lie in cobra position on the floor with your feet up on the ball.

Do you see how easy these two beginner poses are? This is how much ease you will have with it in the beginning.

Don’t push yourself until your body loves the new muscle-building stretches.


there are many different yoga positions you can do with a yoga wheel

Is it Safe For my Kids to Play Around on it?

Yes. It is very safe for your kids to play on this. Kids naturally keep themselves active by climbing, balancing, crawling, and building in their environment. Adults do less of this.

We probably don’t think it’s “grown up” enough to behave this way. However, our bodies suffer because we are not as active.

Also, our exercise is not as fun as those of our kids. However, we don’t have to be this way.

We can actually bring yoga wheels and other gym equipment home and use them for exercise, balancing, and fun exercise.

Picture this: What if you challenged yourself to balance yourself on your wheel (in your favorite pose, of course) for a little longer every day? Isn’t that fun game?

It’s a lot more fun than watching the clock to see when you’ll finally be able to stop doing this boring exercise.

Yoga wheels bring the playground to the adult world.

I’m Very Overweight. Will This Help me Lose my Fat?

Yes, it will. One of the major problems with people who try to lose fat is that they only do cardio.

Cardio burns fat the fastest because it requires more oxygen burning enzyme creation.

Fat burning enzymes and oxygen burning enzymes are paired up in the body. When you make more of one, you make more of the other.

That is why cardio is so effective at burning fat.

The problem is that overweight people try to do only cardio. This is great after your muscles are built up.

First, though, you must have the strength to be able to sustain a cardio regimen. This is why people who only do cardio stop losing fat after a period of time.

If you want to continue your fat loss, you must build muscle through yoga.

The yoga wheel is essential for building balance, muscles, and core strength. You’ll need all of those things to burn more fat in the future through cardio.

I Want Nice, Tight Muscles. What Are The Best Poses With a Yoga Wheel to Achieve This?

The best poses to keep your muscles nice and tight are the poses for arms and legs.

Side plank poses, side leg lifts, deep knee lunges, and cobra positions all build your arm and leg muscles.

You can use your best yoga wheel to increase these yoga positions to a more intense degree.

The sturdiest wheel you have is perfect for these exercises because they often involve balance.


Product Reviews


UpCircleSeven Yoga Wheel

The UpCircleSeven Yoga Wheel comes in six different colors and can hold up a person who is 550 lbs.

That means that this is a great wheel for those of us who would like to get a little less flab and a little more fab.

It does not flex, unlike wheels made with PVC material, it is far more durable, and it holds its form and shape even under extreme pressure.

This is a great wheel for those of us who want something more durable but still lightweight and easy to use.

It also has nice, thick padding, so you won’t have to worry about scraping your skin or wearing away the surface. Kids and rough homes won’t mark it up.

Users with chronic back pain reported that it is “painful to use, which means that it works.”

That is how effective users found it to be with regard to their back pain, curvature in their spines and using it for a rehabilitative tool. It is 12 inches in diameter and has a 5-inch width.

That packs a lot of power for such a small device. It fits away neatly in the top of your closet so you can use it when no one is at home and get your daily workout over in private.

This is definitely the best yoga wheel for overweight and morbidly obese people.




  • Handles a lot of weight
  • Durable material
  • Does not flex or bow under pressure or weight


  • Smaller size of yoga wheel

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Reehut Yoga Wheel

The Reehut Yoga Wheel supports up to 330 lbs of awesome person and has a slightly larger diameter than the UpCircleSeven wheel.

It comes in three colors and has highly sweat-absorbant padding for those of us who sweat far more than we should. It is less than 3 lbs in weight.

This makes it much easier for you to bring it with you to exercise class, go to the park with your yoga friends, and to move it around your studio space.

Users commented on how easy and lightweight it was to use.

It was great for people who are using yoga to counteract their arthritis and inflammation.

The lightweight design made it easier for them to get it out often and make their bodies feel better right away.

We really loved the included e-book that comes with your wheel purchase. You should receive it in your email within three days of purchase.

You are encouraged to contact customer service if you have not received it by that time.

We think it’s a great idea to educate customers of a yoga wheel on the benefits of it and ways to use it.

Also, many people don’t know all of the different poses you can make with it. Reehut has our support on this idea.




  • E-book included
  • Lightweight
  • Compact size


  • Fewer color options
  • Only supports up to 330 lbs

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The Chirp Wheel+

If you find yourself with nagging tension along the spine and shoulder blades, you’ll want to check out the Chirp Wheel.

What makes the Chirp Wheel stand out over the rest of the competition listed here?

Well, it’s the only wheel on the market that is FDA-registered as a 510(k) medical device.

If it’s trusted enough by medical professionals, you can be sure it’s a trusted piece of equipment that delivers results.

The Chirp Wheel excels at providing the right amount pressure in the right spot for your back pain and has a high number of positive reviews of satisfied customers to show it is a high quality yoga wheel.


chirp wheel - best yoga wheel



  • Can support up to 500lbs
  • The only yoga wheel officially recognized by medical professionals
  • Has a patented spinal canal that provides the deepest stretch


  • Higher end yoga wheel model will cost more than it’s alternatives

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“Pete’s Choice” Yoga Wheel

The “Pete’s Choice” Yoga Wheel is fun and easy! It comes with its own yoga strap. This makes it super enjoyable to flip over and do upside-down yoga poses!

Frankly, we think the strap is the best part of this wheel design.

You have total body support as you are stretching, bending back, doing upside-down poses, and trying out the flexibility of your legs!

It also comes with a lifetime guarantee and a free e-book on the best ways to use your new poses.

However, the yoga strap is our favorite part. The yoga strap also allows you to test and push your muscles, gaining extra muscle bulk along with your cardio therapy.

This is a great way to add a little extra tension and firm your muscles to a nice, lean degree.

We love how the strap is adjustable so it can fit every single body type, shape, and height in the world. Now, that’s customer service.




  • Yoga strap included
  • E-book included
  • Lifetime guarantee


  • Smaller size

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URBNFit Yoga Wheel

The URBNFit Yoga Wheel is perfect for the urban environment. The foam padding is ultra-tough and very deep.

The design is very hard to crack, withstanding up to 800 lbs without bending. It comes with its own matching strap.

The yoga strap is adjustable and easy to use for balance. The guide included is both paper and digital.

You get an email with the digital guide and receive a paper guide with your wheel purchase.

This is a great tool to use in your apartment, in your studio, or on a concrete floor in a warehouse. It is a nice, tight, little shape. Users found that the smaller size helped with their balance more.

They also found that the width of the wheel was great for back rolls. We like the fact that it’s a nice, compact set that comes in either full wheel or half wheel design.

We consider this the best yoga wheel for people who need a small workspace and a lot of room to get different angles with the safety strap.




  • Nice, compact design
  • Matching yoga strap
  • Both digital and paper guides included


  • A bit heavier than the other wheels

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And the Winner is…

Our personal favorite is the Chirp Wheel+, and if you have the budget for it, check out their Ultimate Back Pain Bundle if you have any back pain issues and are looking for some extra back pain relief from your workouts.

We love how durable this yoga wheel is and the patented spinal canal that really help it to stand out over the yoga wheels listed here.

In conclusion, using a yoga wheel is part of any great health regimen.

It builds your muscles, strengthens your back, and reduces inflammation. Not everyone can do all the poses right away.

However, everybody can still gain those poses over time as they progress throughout their yoga practice on a daily basis.

Always remember to be careful and work slowly with your body. Your muscle strength and ultimate flexibility will increase over time.

Happy Yoga Wheel!


Plexus Co. (dba Chirp)

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