Can You Burn Calories With a Infrared Sauna Blanket?

Infrared sauna blankets have been shown to provide many benefits for the user due to their deep penetration of the inner layers of tissue, which stimulates many body functions and life processes, thus promoting overall improved health.

One of these benefits is that they initiate the body’s sweating process. At the same time, they also increase the heart rate, which you may have learned by now are both main factors to burning calories in physical fitness, so it only makes sense to wonder can you burn calories with an infrared sauna blanket?

The short answer is yes. However, the amount of calories burned during an infrared sauna blanket session still isn’t enough to replace the calories burned during actual exercise, so keep this in mind if you intend to use the blanket solely to blast calories.



How Do Infrared Sauna Blankets Help Your Metabolism Burn Calories?

Most people understand that to burn calories, you must increase your heart rate to boost your metabolism, which the radiating heat from sauna blankets has been shown to help do.

In fact, one healthcare professional states that infrared heat is not only effective at significantly increasing the cardiac output, heart rate, and metabolic rate during treatment, but it also increases your resting metabolic rate, so you continue to burn calories long after your session.

For this reason, infrared heat therapy is sometimes referred to as a passive form of cardio because it enables you to burn up to as many calories as a 30-minute brisk walk, however, while simply basking in the device’s longwave rays.

The typical person can also burn more calories using an infrared heat sauna unit than simply sitting alone, which one report shows burns only about 80 calories per hour.

To determine how many calories you can burn while using an infrared sauna blanket compared to just sitting, simply use a calories burned while sitting calculator to find your exact number and then multiply the calories by 1.5 to get an estimate.


How Many Calories Can You Burn Using an Infrared Sauna for 30 Minutes?

Various studies show that infrared heat can burn a significant number of calories in just 30 minutes.

In fact, one doctor states that it is possible to burn more than 500 calories during a half-hour IR sauna treatment, which he adds can be attributed to the increase in internal body temperature it causes that, in turn also elevates the heart and metabolic rate, thus enabling your body to burn calories similar to light exercise.

However, the overall number of calories burned will depend on various factors, including your metabolic rate, as well as how hot the sauna blanket is.

Most blankets have a minimum heat setting between 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and go all the way up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit or more.

Experts recommend if you are new to using a sauna blanket, however, that you set it to the lowest temperature and then gradually increase the heat every couple of sessions to burn more calories and to give your body time to safely adjust to the sauna.

The duration of your sauna treatments will also determine how many calories you exhaust; hence, the longer you stay in the sauna, the more possible it is to burn even more calories than the 500 or so burned during a 30-minute session.

However, the overall length of time you spend in a sauna blanket should be based on your overall health.

Therefore, if you have a medical issue, be sure to ask your doctor if using an infrared blanket is suitable for you. They will also prescribe a safe time limit for use based on your specific condition.

But in all, it only takes 15 to 20 minutes for a sauna blanket to increase your heart rate, and though this may not be enough time to spark major calorie burn, it still burns calories, which is better than doing nothing.


Do Infrared Sauna Blankets Help You Lose Weight?

According to a Manhattan-based holistic doctor, infrared heat can also help you shed a few pounds.

This, he adds, is because it reaches deeper below the skin than traditional sauna heat, which produces more sweating, thus resulting in a decrease in body weight following your session.

However, this reduction in pounds and/or inches is most likely only water weight, which means as soon as you replenish your body with fluids, the weight will return.

But because the process also results in a stronger metabolism, it can help you burn more calories and lose weight as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle.

In fact, an article published by the Mayo Clinic reports that the only way to truly lose weight is by burning more calories than you consume, which, depending on your calorie deficit and exercise habits, can result in up to a pound of weight loss per week.



Does Infrared Heat Burn Fat?

According to doctors in Vancouver, WA, heating the deep tissues between 110 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit makes fat cells water-soluble, which then enables your body to excrete them, resulting in fat loss.

Infrared sauna blankets can reach temperatures of up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, which means they are more than able to help melt fat cells for reduced body fat.

In fact, Binghampton University’s director of the Clinical Science and Engineering Research Center, Kenneth McLeod, conducted a study involving core body temperature and fat burning, which showed that after being exposed to heat therapy for 30 minutes two or more days a week, the study participants experience a greater reduction in weight than those who exercised.

The results were so profound it even led the director to pursue the development of a laser-based body heater to assist employees with the ability to burn fat while at work for greater productivity and more.


Does Infrared Heat Burn Belly Fat?

Various studies show that infrared sauna heat also helps reduce belly fat.

During one study, an experimental group of 28 obese female subjects wore an infrared belt around their abdomen 3 times per week for 12 weeks, resulting in a significant drop in ab fat percentage and more by the end of the study compared to the control group.

However, since the experiment was conducted while the participants simultaneously walked on a treadmill, it suggests that the effects of infrared sauna heat work best when combined with regular exercise.


Does Infrared Heat Help With Cellulite ?

The breakdown of fats in the body during infrared sauna blanket use also helps rid stubborn pockets of fat beneath the skin, also known as cellulite.

Furthermore, information published by Medline Plus states that the fibers of collagen that connect fat to the skin can become stretched, pulled tight, or broken, enabling fat to protrude through, which can cause dimpling of the skin.

However, infrared sauna blankets have also been shown to help increase collagen production, circulation, and blood flow, which helps improve skin tone and thus the appearance of cellulite.

In fact, one study involving IR light and its effect on treating cellulite found that after 12 30 minute sessions conducted twice a week over 12 weeks, patients noted an improvement in the treated area even before the end of the study.

Additionally, noticeable results in the overall appearance of their skin were observed after the first treatment and on, which researchers suggest may be attributed to the compacting of the fibers and the strengthening and tightening of the dermis layers caused by the treatment.

However, during the experiment, bipolar radiofrequency and mechanical massage and suction were also used, suggesting that they work best when combined.

The increased circulation caused by the blanket also helps flush out toxins and other cellular debris from the fat cells, which can also cause your skin to look healthier.



Can You Use an Infrared Sauna Blanket Every Day?

In general, Infrared sauna blankets are considered safe for everyday use, provided you are a healthy individual, and you take the proper precautions to avoid overheating.

The longer or more time you spend in the blanket, the more it will also increase your risk of dehydration, so be sure to drink plenty of fluids before and after your session to stay properly hydrated and avoid issues.

Some experts also recommend replenishing your body with a sugar-free electrolyte drink after your sauna session to help restore the electrolytes lost by intense sweating.

In the meantime, the more you use the blanket, the sooner you will experience improvements.

However, many people use their blanket 3 to 4 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes each session for optimum results.


Who Should Not Use an Infrared Sauna Blanket?

Infrared sauna blankets are not for everyone. For instance, if you have a medical condition, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and more, your doctor may not consider it safe for you to use.

The deep heat may also cause adverse effects in those on certain medications, so you also get the okay from your doctor before using a sauna blanket.

If you have a skin condition, such as eczema, using a sauna blanket can further worsen the condition because it causes you to sweat, which can further irritate your skin.

Those who are sensitive to heat may also avoid using a sauna blanket, especially for long periods, because it can also irritate your skin and cause you to overheat quickly.

Most sauna blankets also emit low EMF, which is the same amount of radiation released by microwaves and mobile phones, so if you are a mom-to-be, it is also not recommended that you use a sauna blanket while pregnant.

Experts warn that consistently using the blanket to detox can also deplete your body or nutrients and minerals, so be sure you are taking the daily recommended amount of vitamins and minerals to avoid malnutrition, which can lead to unhealthy weight loss and more.

It is also not recommended to use a sauna blanket under the influence of alcohol or street drugs because it can affect your blood pressure and more.

For all others, if you are unsure whether a sauna blanket is safe for you, simply consult your doctor first.



Final Thoughts

So there you have it, infrared sauna blankets can help you burn calories; however, the number of calories burned is still not as much as what can be burned during moderate to high-intensity exercise.

But, when used along with good cardiovascular fitness and s proper diet, which includes a reduced-calorie diet that enables you to burn more calories than you consume, it can help you maintain your weight loss.

It can also help melt stubborn body fat, which also helps with your weight loss goals, and it can even help improve the appearance of cellulite for a smoother look to your body.

You should also remember to stay well-nourished and hydrated while using the blanket to avoid adverse effects. And always be sure to begin your session on the lowest temperature setting and then slowly increase the heat as you learn what works best for your body.

A sauna blanket is also easy to use simply by wrapping yourself in it like a sleeping bag and then activating the heat. You can also use it on just about any surface, including your bed, for added comfort. They are also easy to wipe down due to their waterproof materials.

Many manufacturers also recommend that you wear long cotton clothing and socks during your sauna treatment to avoid your skin coming in close contact with the heating element and becoming irritated or burned.

There are also many models to choose from, so if an infrared sauna blanket sounds like it might be right for you, be sure to do your research to find one with the features that match your goals, so you can experience the results you want and in no time.

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