Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller Review

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One of the essential items on any active parent-to-be’s baby list is a jogging stroller.

Getting out the door with a child in order to stay active and enjoy fresh air is vital to everyone’s sanity.

The Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller is a well-made jogging stroller with a few specific features can make this habit so much easier and keep you feeling revitalized.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller

Staying active and fit with a comfortable stroller in hand is every parents’ dream.

This stroller can make it come true as you work to create a jogging habit.

If you are not in the habit of jogging regularly yet, your child prefers to move on their own, or you would rather wear your child in a baby carrier, then this stroller is not what you need.

You can purchase a stroller with much fewer bells and whistles to cover those few times you might need one.

There are specific things to consider before buying any jogging stroller, but a few specifics for this particular one.

Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller 3


How Many Strollers Do You Want?

With a child weight limit of only 50 pounds, it would be difficult to use this stroller to about four years old (depending on the size of your child).

You may have to consider buying a second stroller at that point.

What Type of Terrain Do You Run on?

Featuring a hand switch to turn on the suspension system, this stroller is a good choice if you are often switching terrains from smooth to bumpy.

Do You Need The Car Seat Click-In attachment?

This feature is sold separately, so you should decide earlier on if you need the car seat attachment.

If you do, you may want to consider a stroller where that is already included.

Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller


The Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller comes with many features you might need to make a jog comfortable for both you and your child.

With an easy click connect system for any Chicco Keyfit 30 infant car seat, you can easily take your stroller with you on the go and only have to use one stroller from infancy to about four years old.

This stroller comes with foam-filled tires and an adjustable suspension system for a smoother ride.

It also includes a parent tray and large storage basket.

Ideal for those who need a robust stroller for running and jaunts around town alike, you can rest easy that the extra large canopy will keep your child safe and protected from whatever elements you come across.

Pros of the Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller

  • Lightweight at 27.5 pounds
  • Child buffer bar
  • Hand brake and swivel locking controls
  • Self-standing folding mode

Cons of the Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller

  • No child tray
  • Wrist tether
  • 50 pound maximum weight limit
  • Click-in carseat attachment sold separately


Features & Benefits

There’s a lot to love about the Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller.

Here are a few things that make it a top selling jogging stroller you’ll want to be aware of.

Hand-Operated Swivel Lock

Being able to quickly change the front wheel from swivel to lock is an incredible feature.

You can go from a trail to pavement without missing a beat simply by flipping a level.

The benefits of a locking front swivel wheel means the stroller will not wobble the faster you go, but instead give you and your child a smooth ride.

Hand-Operated Parking Brake

No more messing around with a foot pedal that gets in the way of your stride when you run.

The hand-operated parking brake is simple to use and makes it much easier to park the stroller.

3D Air Mesh Backrest

Many kids end up with a hot and sweaty back at the end of a run or extended time in a stroller.

With this improved ventilation system, you can be sure your child will stay cool and extra comfortable.

Multi-Position Reclining Seat

If you are timing your run with a nap schedule, you are in luck.

With a multi-position reclining seat, it is easy to lay your child back or prop them up when they wake.

Regardless of how they want to ride, they will be cozy and happy in their seat while you get in your fitness session.

Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller 2


One-Hand Fold

Every parent knows the serious nature of doing everything with one hand.

Folding a stroller is included in that.

With a one-hand fold ability, this stroller is quick and simple to make more compact.

Parent Tray

The parent tray is designed with two cup holders and a pocket so you can easily store your own drinks, a phone, a wallet, and keys.

Keeping all your essentials within arms reach will streamline your run so you do not have to stop and dig through the storage basket to find what you need.

Large Storage Basket

Whether you are going out for a full day adventure, or just a quick run around the block, making sure you have room to pack everything you need is vital.

With the large storage basket underneath the child’s seat, you can easily take all the essentials with you without worrying about having to carry them by hand.

Five Point Safety Harness

Car seats are built with a five point safety harness and so is this stroller.

Keeping your child safe as you breeze around turns, push over bumpy terrain, and build up your speed will keep you confident and relaxed knowing your child is safely buckled in.

A five point safety harness is also a great option to have if your child tends to wiggle a lot, or does not like to sit still.

Your child can more comfortably wiggle around in a five point safety harness without fear of hurting himself.

Extra Large Extendable Canopy

No matter what type of weather you encounter while using the stroller, there is an extra large canopy to help protect your child from sun, wind, and rain.

While it is not meant to be out in the rain and elements for too long, it does offer your child a place to stay shaded, warm, and dry.

This size of canopy is also a benefit when your child falls asleep because it puts them in their own little world.

Not to worry once they pass out and lay back, the canopy also has a window so you can take a look in on your little one while you jog to keep tabs on how he is doing.

Foot Activated Suspension

If you know you are going to be going over some rougher terrain like gravel or trails, you can simply turn on the suspension system.

This will ensure your child has a smoother ride and not feel every single bump and bounce.

A suspension system is vital if you are aiming to go more miles during naps.

You do not want to shake your child awake from the gravel paths!

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Quick Release Rear Wheels

In order to make the stroller even more compact, the rear wheels have a quick release system.

Just pop them off to store the stroller in your car or to take up less space in the garage.

Once you are ready to use it, just pop them back on and you are off.

Adjustable Handlebar

Tall runners everywhere are rejoicing at this feature.

With an adjustable handlebar, it is possible to have your hands pushing at a comfortable height that works in tandem with your natural gait rather than adjusts it because you are hunched over the handles.

Gone are the days of having to awkwardly push the stroller up a hill, or just touch the handlebar with a tip of finger to keep it straight because it is too low.

You will have full control now.

What Others Are Saying About the Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller

It’s important to get a sense of what others are saying about Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller to really get a sense of what you can expect once you purchase one. Here are a few I’ve come across that I thought were very telling.

Review #1

Holly from Baby Gizmo had only positives to say about the stroller stating, “This is a fabulous jogging stroller.”

Review #2

Carly Z from Gear Diary claims that the stroller is well made and transitions easily from infant to toddler.

Review #3

If you head over to Daddy Mojo, Trey says that the stroller is “good for everyday use, as well as more active occasions.”

Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller Alternatives

While this stroller might seem like it has everything you need, researching a few more options is never a bad idea.

Take a look at some of these other jogging strollers to determine which one is truly the best fit for you and your needs.

Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller


The Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller has many of the features that most joggers look for in their strollers.

With large bicycle tires, both a parent and child tray, and easy folding for storage, it is definitely a contender.

Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller Highlights

  • Locking front swivel wheel
  • Five point harness
  • Large canopy and storage basket
  • Weight limit up to 50 pounds
  • Lightweight design at 25.5 pounds


Graco FastAction Fold Jogging Stroller


The Graco FastAction Fold Jogging Stroller is perfect if you know you want to use your Graco infant car seat as the stroller comes equipped and ready to accommodate an infant seat.

With this jogging stroller, you have a smooth ride option with many features to make your jog easy and comfortable.

Graco FastAction Fold Jogging Stroller Highlights

  • Self standing when folded
  • Locking front swivel wheel
  • One second fold
  • Accepts all Graco infant car seats


Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller


Whether you are going for a daytime jog or a nighttime walk, the Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller is a fantastic choice.

With reflective piping and a five point harness, you and your child will be more safe.

Considering this jogging stroller goes up to a 60 pound weight limit, you are likely to only need one stroller rather than multiple to go with your growing child.

Jeep Classic Jogging Stroller Highlights

  • UPF 50+ extendable visor
  • Swivel front wheel lock
  • Swing away child tray
  • Two parent cup holders


Final Thoughts

Being a parent can be tough at times, and we need to remember to take care of ourselves.

Making time for your fitness can be challenging, but not impossible.

By being able to take our child with us while we get fit, or to involve them in our exercise routine, we can make it so that we don’t have to choose one or the other.

Investing in a jogging stroller helps greatly with being able to take your child on a walk or a run.

Finding a stroller that is comfortable enough for both the adult and child is no easy feat, but the Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller is a serious contender.

With all the features and benefits of this stroller, you are going to want to use it as often as possible, so start that jogging habit now!

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