Ironman IFT 4000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table Review

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One of the unmentioned problems of struggling with your weight is that the added pounds put pressure on your spine.

Even after I lost the weight, the consequences of years of extra bulk still affected my spine.

Using the Ironman IFT 4000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table can help relieve this problem without resorting to back surgery.

Things to Consider Before Buying an Inversion Table

Inversion tables aren’t for everyone.

Hanging upside-down causes your blood pressure to increase.

It also increases pressure from the fluid inside your eyes (aqueous humor) pressing against the surface.

Inversion can also increase stress on all of the joints in your body, not just the spine.

For these reasons, it’s recommended that people with the following conditions avoid using inversion:

  • Cardiovascular problems (stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure)
  • Osteoporosis
  • Herniated disks
  • Bone Fractures
  • Eye or ear infection
  • Glaucoma
  • Cerebral sclerosis
  • Detached retina
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Taking blood clotting medication

Ironman IFT 4000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table 3

However, most healthy individuals should be able to use inversion.

While Mayo Clinic insists that the results of research into inversion tables show mixed results, numerous studies have demonstrated positive results from people who use these devices.

One interesting study of 64 patients with unilateral lumbosacral radiculopathy due to L5-S1 disc herniation showed the effectiveness of inversion therapy.

Half the sample used heat packs and electrical stimulation. The other half of the study used these two treatments combined with inversion.

The inversion table group enjoyed increased vertebral movement ability after 10 weeks. They reported less leg and back pain.

After six months, the inversion table group still showed significant improvement, while the control group returned to their previous level of aches and pains.

One interesting case study of a 56-year-old man indicated that he relieved chronic back pain using inversion therapy.

This report is interesting because the man had previously seen three chiropractors.

Twenty-six weeks of spinal traction using inversion gave him better results.

Further, he didn’t suffer from any relapse after eight years of treatment.

The IRONMAN IFT 4000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table


The Ironman IFT 4000 is a well-built, sturdy inversion table that adds an extra kick.

Along with inversion, this inversion table adds infrared heat therapy to the mix.

While I have seen a number of other tables offer massage and heat therapy, I haven’t seen many products that use infrared.

The Ironman IFT 4000 is designed for users between 4’9″ and 6’6″ who weigh less than 350 lbs.

Some consider this inversion table to be one of the top competitors to the market-leader, Teeter.

The Ironman IFT 4000 is just one of many typically-sturdy inversion tables produced by the same company, but this model is the one of two that offers infrared heat therapy.


  • Handles users up to 350lbs.
  • Infrared heat therapy
  • Thick supports and sturdy steel frame
  • Long release handle for ankle lock system
  • Wide backrest


  • Machine is heavy at 79 lbs.
  • Doesn’t include massage therapy or lumbar support
  • Backrest isn’t as adjustable as many tables
  • Costs more than twice as much as low-end tables

Features and Benefits of the Ironman IFT 4000

If you’re looking for some relief for your back pain, the Ironman IFT 4000 has a lot to offer.

Here are a few features and benefits that help it to stand out in the marketplace.


The Ironman IFT 4000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table offers a wide backrest with plenty of memory-foam padding at 2.5 inches.

However, this table doesn’t have a headrest per se and it isn’t adjustable at the top end.

Along with that 2.5 inches of padding, you have an extra layer that holds the infrared laser light diodes that perform the heat therapy.

According to the manufacturer, the infrared light therapy system penetrates deeper than other heat systems.

Ironman IFT 4000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table 2

They also claim that infrared therapy could help increase blood circulation, bodily energy, and reduce stress levels.

While I’m not certain that infrared light meets all of those claims, it did feel good when I used it.

The infrared heat system comes with a handy remote control.

The control panel also includes a LED readout and you can adjust the temperature as high as 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

The settings come with a 40-minute time limit, but you can change this if you want.

The back has an adjustable metal spine with holes at one-inch intervals to fit people between 4’9″ and 6’6″ who weigh less than 350 lbs.

Ankle Lock System

If you’re going to hang upside-down, locking your ankles in place is very important.

For many people, inversion therapy can be painful due to the pressure it puts on their lower legs.

The Ironman IFT 4000 has ergonomically-curved supports that are fairly well padded to fit your lower legs.

The footrests are both wide and covered with rubber padding to support your feet.

Unlike many inversion tables, it’s comfortable to use without shoes.

The release handle is long so you don’t have to bend down far to reach it.

This is a nice feature for people with back problems because bending can be an issue.


The key part of any inversion table is how well does it help you hang upside down?

The Ironman IFT 4000 uses a strap system that limits the tilt.

This strap comes with three preset angles marked on the strap to help you invert at 20/40/60 degrees.

However, you can adjust the strap to any length between these angles and full inversion.

I like these strap systems better than the tables that come with a pin setting system.

Ironman IFT 4000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table 4

While their makers claim that these systems are more secure, these tables rarely have enough settings to ensure comfort.

This can be a problem when you’re just getting used to inversion and can’t take rapid increases in inversion angle.

The Ironman IFT 4000 also comes with padded grips on either side to help you move between upright and inverted positions.

Though you should be able to change positions just using arm movement, these handles can help if you’re having problems.

They also aid getting in and out of the device.

The key here is to gradually build up to full inversion.

Don’t just jump in.

Another tip is to not do it for very long.

I only use mine for no more than five to 10 minutes at a time.

Otherwise, I get dizzy and feel weird.


Assembling this rather big beast was a pain.

It took me about 90 minutes to complete the job. Some of the pieces are so big and awkward, it would have been nice to have someone else to help.

Even so, it’s not particularly difficult to achieve.

Building the Ironman IFT 4000 does take time.

One odd thing is that the directions are a bit confusing.

They tell you how to assemble pieces that already came assembled.

The Ironman IFT 4000 does come with all the tools needed to build it.

But, these tools aren’t the easiest to use.

Rather than bother with them, I broke out my own toolbox.

Building it still took an hour and a half.

Ironman IFT 4000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table 5


As mentioned above, the Ironman IFT 4000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table weighs a hefty 79 lbs.

That’s a lot heavier than many inversion tables.

This added weight could make it difficult to move around if you have back pain.

Folding is also an issue.

Like most inversion tables, the unit does collapse.

However, the Ironman IFT 4000 doesn’t lay very flat.

The collapsed machine still takes up considerable space.

This thing is going to be too thick to store under a lot of beds.

You can push it up against a wall, or you could stick it in a closet.

Even so, it’s still going to take up considerable space.


The Ironman IFT 4000 Infrared Therapy Inversion Table comes with a one-year manufacturer’s warranty.

This is significantly less than the five-year protection you get with market-leader Teeter.

What Others Think of the Ironman IFT 4000

The Ironman IFT 4000 has 368 customer ratings that average 4.5 stars.

Sixty four percent of users gave the machine a five-star rating, while 22% of users gave it a four-star rating.

Only 6% of reviews gave the Ironman IFT 4000 a one-star rating.

Review #1

Godspeed considered the IFT 4000 more comfortable than the Teeter and proclaimed it to be a better value.

He also recommended sticking sponges between the ankle supports to improve comfort even though he gave the device a five-star rating.

Review #2

Dr. Goldstein said he was a former professional skydiver with over 1,200 parachute jumps.

At age 55, he used the Ironman IFT 4000 to go “from extreme pain to completely pain-free.

Review #3

However, Alexx LeVasseur complained that the infrared therapy system stopped working after three months.

Ironman IFT 4000 Alternatives

To give my readers a sample of some of the competing inversion tables available, I have included three other products to compare with the Ironman IFT 4000.

Innova Heavy Duty Inversion Table


If you’re interested in a low-cost inversion table that is still well-built and secure, the Innova Heavy Duty Inversion Table is a great alternative.

The Innova is an excellent, low-price alternative to the Ironman IFT 4000.

This machine also boasts a thick steel-tube frame, but it can only support users up to 300 lbs. (50 lbs. less than the Ironman IFT 4000).

The Innova does have an adjustable headrest and lumbar support but has a short ankle-release handle.


  • Has an adjustable headrest
  • True Balance System that helps users find their own center of gravity


  • Doesn’t have infrared heat therapy
  • Narrower backrest
  • Short ankle-release handle
  • Can handle users only up to 300 lbs.
  • Has 6 preset positions but can’t adjust to any inversion angle


Teeter EP-970 Ltd. Inversion Table


If you’re looking for a FDA-registered device which comes with all the bells and whistles, the Teeter EP-970 is a top-of-the-line inversion table even compared to other Teeter models.

It comes with a ComfoTrak bed (backrest), acupressure stimulation nodes, an extended ankle-release lever and comes with a healthy back exercise DVD.


  • Has a five-year warranty
  • Is an FDA 510(k) registered therapy device
  • Has a high-tech flexible backrest with acupressure stimulation nodes


  • Can’t handle users over 300 lbs. (50 lbs. less capacity than the Ironman IFT 4000)
  • No infrared heat therapy


Ironman Gravity 4000


If you want a slightly-lower price version that has most of the features of the Ironman IFT 4000, take a look at the Ironman Gravity 4000.

This is another Ironman model that comes with most of the features that you get with theIronman  IFT 4000.

It can handle the same weight capacity (350 lbs.) and has the same durable build-quality as its stable mate.

However, this version doesn’t include an infrared heat therapy system.


  • Can get for less without AIRSOFT ankle holders
  • Has lumbar support


  • Doesn’t have infrared heat therapy system


Final Thoughts

If you want to relieve chronic back pain without surgery or anti-inflammatory drugs, the Ironman IFT 4000 can help.

The best part of this inversion table is the built-in infrared therapy system and its extra-wide bed.

As its name suggests, the Ironman can handle more weight capacity than any other inversion table on the market.

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