MoonRun CONNECT Review: Better Than a Treadmill?


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There are not many options when it comes to running indoors.

You could use a cumbersome treadmill that can lead to overuse, high-impact injuries on your joints, or you could find an indoor track to monotonously run in circles around.

With MoonRun CONNECT, your indoor running and cardiovascular workouts just got much more interesting.

This piece of fitness equipment lets you do your aerobic training without leaving home in a highly motivational format that you can take anywhere.

Things to Consider Before Buying the MoonRun CONNECT

Being able to run indoors can seem impossible unless you have a good quality treadmill and the space to keep it.

Sure, you could go to an indoor track to get in your miles, but running in short circles can become extremely mundane.

This piece of equipment gives you the benefit of being able to run inside without having to leave your house, find space for a large treadmill, or cut your run short because you are so bored on an indoor track.

This resistance band style of running in place is also ideal for those who travel often and want to bring their workout on the go.

If you are pregnant, this product is not for you as it requires learning and pressure on the lower abdomen.

MoonRun Connect 4

Not only is this not good for the baby, but it will likely not be able to be placed correctly once you are further along in your pregnancy.

While you do have a lot of choices for indoor cardio equipment, you do not have a lot of choices for portable cardio equipment.

Before you purchase this product, make sure you ask yourself a few questions to be sure this is the right item for you and your fitness goals.

How Much Space do You Have in Your Home?

One of the major benefits of this equipment is that you do not need a great deal of space.

You do need to have a door, pole, or beam to be able to connect the device to.

Additionally, you will need a bit of running room in front of you with space to move your arms in various ways.

How Often Will You Use It?

Just like with any new piece of fitness equipment, you want to be sure you are going to maximize your use of it.

If you are just starting a fitness routine and trying to get into a new workout habit, this could be a good way to do that as it is from the comfort of your home, it can be low impact, and it gives you a versatile full body workout.

Do You Prefer to Run Outdoors?

Many runners prefer to take their miles outside in all types of weather during the year.

If you like running outside, then this is probably not the best choice for you. However, it would be an easy item to have for more cross-training and full body strength style workouts.

Introducing the MoonRun CONNECT


MoonRun Connect 3


This piece of workout equipment is a portable way to do an aerobic workout without needing some permanent space inside your home.

Using gamification and group events, you can complete a highly entertaining and full body workout while having fun.

The benefits of using this equipment is weight loss, increasing cardio capacity, and preventing overuse injuries.

With your purchase, you get the MoonRun Bar, the arm resistance set, a sensor pack and cable, a triple safety door mount, and a medium elastic set.

The medium elastic set is ideal for those weighing 110-200 pounds. In addition to all of this, you also get a branded MoonRun sports bag with glow in the dark straps and access to MoonRun app for free.

For those who want to do an indoor aerobic workout that is not a repetitive motion on a machine, this is going to do the trick.

This equipment is not ideal for those who are pregnant or need to start with some very low impact workouts like cycling or swimming.

Pros of the MoonRun CONNECT

  • Full body versatile workouts
  • Portable
  • Wireless connection to running apps
  • Triple safety door anchor
  • 30 hour battery life

Cons of the MoonRun CONNECT

  • Does require open space for full body movements
  • Needs to be charged
  • Need your own screen and stand
  • Not safe for pregnancy

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MoonRun CONNECT Features & Benefits

What makes the MoonRun CONNECT really stand out as a piece of home workout equipment?

Here are a few features and benefits that make it stand out from the rest.

Arm Resistance Set



The MoonRun CONNECT is so much more than a simple cardio machine. With the arm resistance bands, you are able to combine the lower body workouts with upper body workouts.
With your purchase you get two medium resistance elastic bands that you can use to make a full body workout with a wide variety of exercises.

The medium resistance bands are ideal for those weighing 110-200 pounds. You can add on a lighter weight or heavier weight band based on your needs.

Triple Safety Door Anchor




Since the MoonRun CONNECT is portable and works with resistance, it anchors to a door, beam, pole, wall hook, or wall ladder.

With the triple safety feature, you do not have to worry about it coming off when you put some resistance to it.

MoonRun Smart Sensor




Within the MoonRun Bar are sensors that track your lower body movements. This tells the app how fast you are going and what motions you are making.

It is how your workouts are tracked and recorded. The sensor does have washable cushions on it to give you maximum comfort and support while using the device.

Workouts with the MoonRun App




Using the free MoonRun app, you can set goals, adjust your workouts, and run together with a virtual coach.

There are two types of virtual coaches. The first is the speed coach who will come by your side every 100 meters to encourage you to run faster.

The endurance coach motivates you to keep up your pace as you control the speed.

The MoonRun app is also compatible with many different heart sensors so you can keep track of how hard your body is working in any given workout.

The SmartSensor is also compatible with other fitness apps like Arcade Fitness, Zwift, Kinomap, and Strava.

MoonRun Connect 1


Washable Body Cushions




The MoonRun bar houses the sensors and is the main part of this product that will tell you how your workout is progressing.

Since the bar sits on your hits and lower abdomen, it has cushions to keep you comfortable. These cushions are washable so you can keep your device clean.

Versatile Full Body Workout

With the addition of the arm resistance set, you can create a full body workout right from your home without the need for multiple pieces of equipment with the MoonRun CONNECT.

There is a wide variety of exercises you can do using this product so you can work your upper body, lower body, and core muscles.

Changeable Elastic Band Packages

Based on your body weight and fitness needs, there are three different elastic sets you can purchase and change out as needed with the MoonRun CONNECT.

The medium elastic set is ideal for those weighing 110-200 pounds. The light elastic set is for those who want a low resistance workout.

The light set is also designed for children over the age of seven. The heavy elastic set is perfect for professional athletes and those who want a high resistance workout.



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One of the major benefits of MoonRun CONNECT is that it is highly portable. You can literally take it with you anywhere that has a door and some space to move.

You no longer have to miss a workout because you do not have a treadmill or a lack of fitness equipment.

30 Hour Battery Life

While this device does need to be charged to work, it has a 30 hour battery life. This could give you up to a month or more of workout time if you workout for an hour a few days a week.

The MoonRun bar does have an automatic shut off after five minutes of no activity so you do not have to worry about running out of battery because you forgot to turn it off when you were done.

Large Memory

Connecting the product to the MoonRun app or to another compatible fitness app will give you some instant data.

However, if you are not connected right away, you do not have to worry about losing your workout information because you can store up to 20 hours of memory data.

This means you can workout even without wifi and then connect it all later.

320 Pound Weight Limit

With a 320 pound weight limit, you can truly start using your MoonRun CONNECT no matter where you are starting with your fitness.

What Others Are Saying About The MoonRun CONNECT

The reviews of the MoonRun Connect are overwhelmingly positive. Here’s what people have to say:


A personal trainer says he uses, “MoonRun for versatile aerobic group workouts. My clients love it!”

Review #2

One woman claims that, “The virtual workouts keep me motivated.”

Review #3

For a runner, she says that, “MoonRun’s app helped me improve my running performance.”

Review #4

One review said that the, “Integrated the MoonRun Device with my own running app – Arcade Fitness. So much fun!”

MoonRun CONNECT Alternatives

You have a lot of choices when it comes to home workout equipment that will give you full body workout and can be taken anywhere.

Take a look at some of these other options to determine which one might be the best for you and your fitness goals.


TRX PRO3 Suspension Training System


The TRX PRO3 Suspension Training System allows you to create full body workouts from home or on the go.

With your purchase you also get an eight week workout guide and eight training videos to help you get started.

Using both handle and foot cradle, you can do both standing floor based exercises.

TRX PRO3 Suspension Training System Highlights

  • Single anchor point for ease of setup
  • Locking loop to prevent slipping
  • 350 pound weight limit
  • Six month access to TRX Premium App

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Fusion Motion Portable Gym


The Fusion Motion Portable Gym can literally be taken anywhere. Including eight different attachments, you can easily tone and shape your full body.

Your purchase comes with all the equipment plus an exercise guide that makes it ideal for both beginners and advanced athletes alike.

You can complete pushups, bar exercises, and wheel workouts all while adjusting tension levels.

Fusion Motion Portable Gym Highlights

  • Steel reinforced
  • 290 pound weight capacity
  • 200 exercises
  • Ergonomic handles

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BodyBoss 2.0 Portable Home Gym


The BodyBoss 2.0 Portable Home Gym can be taken anywhere and eliminates the need for tons of bulky gym equipment.

With this home gym, you can workout your whole body in an easy to store, portable device.

BodyBoss 2.0 Highlights

  • Over 300 exercises
  • Fold up platform
  • Free start up workout program

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Final Thoughts

The MoonRun CONNECT is the ideal product for those who love to run, but get frustrated with the treadmill.

This product is also perfect for anyone looking to combine aerobic activity with a full body workout that they can literally take anywhere.

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