Muscle Mass: How to Bulk up FAST

In order to build muscle mass and bulk up fast, there are a few things you have to do right. Below are a few tips to get you started in the right direction towards getting that muscular physique you want. Keep these tips in mind, and don’t forget to leave a comment below where your biggest fitness challenges are!

It can be very challenging and confusing when trying to gain muscle mass and bulk up, especially if you are a beginner.

You may be wondering what the fastest and most effective ways are to do so.

Let’s discuss the 2 most important ways you can bulk up fast and gain the muscle mass you desire.

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Proper Diet

If you want to see the quickest results, the most beneficial thing to have when trying to gain muscle mass is a proper combination of a diet and training routine.

Most people believe that in order to bulk up fast they need to eat and drink a lot of protein.

While protein is important, carb intake is actually more important.

In order to lift more weights and do more reps, you will need energy.

You will gain this energy by consuming more carbs. You will then see that you have way more energy to perform when you work out.

Studies have indicated that the #1 way to gain muscle mass is to get stronger.

I personally get my needed carb intake for muscle mass growth by eating huge amounts of pasta, breads, oats, potatoes, yams and rice. I also drink a lot of milk.

These are high carb foods and by incorporating more of them into your diet, you will find that you will grow even quicker.


You will want to avoid processed foods due to all the sugar, salt, and saturated fats which are definitely not healthy.

It’s also very important to keep a daily log of your calorie intake to ensure you are getting enough calories to gain weight.

I have found that using a diet calculator really helps with this.

This calculator will tell you exactly how many calories you need to eat daily in order to gain a half a pound per week.

You don’t want to gain more than this, otherwise you are just gaining fat.

There are also a few apps that you can download that will help you keep track of what you are eating daily.

MyPlate Calorie Tracker and MyFitnessPal are some free apps that will help you achieve this.

I have personally found that keeping daily logs really helps me mentally stay focused and motivated.

If you are serious about gaining muscle mass, eating is going to be your #1 priority.

Do not skip meals and think that eating little snacks will work. It will not.

You need to eat 3 large meals a day. This will take proper planning so you won’t get too busy and forget to eat.

If you do find that you are just too busy to sit down and eat 3 meals a day, you may want to try making high carb and protein shakes that are easy to take with you.

There is a 1000 calorie shake that I personally enjoy.

Here are the ingredients I use as follows: 3 scoops of protein powder, 8 ounces of whole milk, 8 ounces of water, 1 frozen medium banana, 1 tbsp of Nutella, 1 tbsp of honey, and 1/2 cup of chocolate ice cream. Blend and enjoy.

This is easy and quick to make and will surely give you the calories you need for at least 1 meal a day.

A good target goal daily would be a 40/30/30 percentage breakdown of proteins to carbs to fat.


Proper Training

Now that you are gaining more weight by taking in more calories, you will definitely need the proper training routine.

You will want to avoid doing cardio exercises daily because these will burn up all of your calories and you won’t see very much gain.

I only do 1 day of cardio per week when I am trying to gain muscle mass.

It is good for maintaining good heart health and helps me to avoid unwanted fat gain. I usually go for a jog because it is low intensity.

So, you may be wondering: What is the best training routine for me to gain muscle mass quickly?

For me personally, I find that full body routines and weight lifting works best.

In order to see muscle growth, it is recommended that you work each muscle group at least 2 times a week.

When you do weight training, it is recommended to have 4 strength training sessions a week.

Rest days are extremely important when building muscle mass because this is the time when the muscles grow.


Do not skip rest days.

You also want to split up the days between body parts, as this will also be beneficial when trying to gain muscle mass. For instance, have a leg day, arm day, chest day, and back day.

For most exercises, you will want to keep your reps high and set your goals for 8-15 reps per set.

To build strength, incorporate some compound movements.


Deadlifts, squats, pullups, rows and presses are great exercises to achieve muscle mass growth.

You may also want to try some isolated movements such as calf raises or curls.

Make sure that when you are lifting weights, you don’t go too heavy because then you won’t reach your rep target.

If you don’t have time to go to the gym, there are some effective exercises you can do at home without weights.

You can build your chest without weights by doing wide press-ups, spiderman press-ups, diamond press-ups, one handed press-ups, and stair press-ups.

You can build your arms without weights by doing incline push-ups, handstand wall walk, and body weight dips. You can work your legs without weights by doing walking lunges, lunge jumps, squats, squat jumps, squat pulses, and split squats.

Final thoughts

As a beginner, it is important to gain weight at a proper rate. Your goal should be to gain 1.5 to 2 pounds per month in your first year and 1 to 1.5 pounds per month in your second year. Just remember, bulking takes time so be patient. The results will come.

Now It’s Your Turn

Do you have a routine or plan that you follow to build muscle? Share your fitness journey below!

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