Nautilus T616 Treadmill Review

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I would consider myself a serious runner, I think.

Nothing too crazy, but committed enough to strap on a pair of running shoes most days of the week and just head out.

However, that was when I used to live in much sunnier weather.

With my recent move, I’ve had to rely more and more on my Nautilus T616 Treadmill to get my running fix.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Home Treadmill

If you’re a running enthusiast like me, you’ll probably understand that nothing really beats the good outdoors.

There’s just something so liberating about it all – the constant beat of your shoes hitting the pavement, the up and down motion that almost rocks you into the trance, and the vast openness waiting to be explored.

But sometimes, it’s not always possible to head out due to the weather or life priorities.

On days where the weather is just really bad where I live, or when work or the family keeps me tied to the house, having a home treadmill is a godsend.

Having a home treadmill is great if you prefer to workout at home or need the option to be able to exercise from the comforts of your home.

This piece of fitness equipment is definitely intended for someone looking to do cardio exercises at home, or may need it for rehab purposes to regain motor functions and strength in their lower body.

Before you invest in a home treadmill, you will want to take a few things into consideration.

Nautilus T616 Treadmill 2

Your Space

Investing in fitness equipment for your home or garage gym will inevitably require you to have space to accommodate the machine.

The amount of space you have to work can influence the type of home treadmill you invest in.

The less space you have, the more you’ll want to invest in a home treadmill with a smaller footprint.

You want enough space for you to work out comfortably and not feel cramped in during your workouts.

Your Budget

Of course, you’ll also want to think about the budget you have to work with when investing in fitness equipment like a home treadmill.

The less budget you have, the more you’ll want to research your options to make sure you are getting a high quality home treadmill for the price.

Not only that, you’ll have to determine for yourself which features are the most important for you as you may have to give up some of the nonessential features in the higher priced models

Your Needs

And finally, you’ll want to consider your fitness and health needs.

There’s a reason why you’ve decided to invest in a home treadmill, and you’ll really want to be in touch with that reason.

It can be easy to get caught up in the fancy features that many of the treadmills on the market currently offer, but you have to make sure that whichever treadmill you eventually choose will help you to achieve your fitness goals in a manner that is affordable and efficient.

Introducing the Nautilus T616 Treadmill


Congratulations – you’ve made it this far and are convinced you need a home treadmill.

If you’re still not convinced, here are a few health benefits of running you should be aware of:

  • Strengthens muscles
  • Helps maintain a healthy body weight
  • Improves overall fitness
  • Helps build strong bones
  • Burns fat and calories

While there are many health benefits to running, there are also some economic benefits from this form of exercise. Staying fit doesn’t have to be pricey.

Why spend hundreds of dollars every year on gym fees and unproven diets when you can spend a fraction of that on a home treadmill and a good pair of running shoes?

Our ancestors have been running since the beginning of time, and running ultimately has the power to help you lose weight and fight off lifestyle diseases like heart disease and cancer.

So what makes the Nautilus T616 Treadmill worthy of your attention?

Well, there’s really a lot to like about this particular treadmill – whether you are a more advanced runner or are a nonathlete looking to get started on your fitness journey.

Whatever the case may be, the Nautilus T616 Treadmill features a StrikeZone cushioning system to help you have a smooth run and minimize the stress on your legs and knees.

The Nautilus T616 Treadmill also features a 20” x 60” running path so you have a lot of space to run on, and for those of you who ever feel like you’ll run out of ground to run on while running on a treadmill.

In addition, the treadmill can support up to 300lbs of weight and comes built-in with 26 workout programs for you to choose from based on your workout needs.

If you’re looking to add some intensity and challenges to your workout, the Nautilus T616 Treadmill has a 15 percent motorized incline – your calves will be burning in no time!

When you’re done using the Nautilus T616 Treadmill, it’s easy to store or put away with the help of its SoftDrop folding system.


  • Easy to assemble
  • Solid construction
  • Very quiet


  • Heavy
  • RunSocial App tracks have to be purchased
  • RunSocial App doesn’t always automatically sync


Features & Benefits of the Nautilus T616 Treadmill

The experience of running on a treadmill versus running outside is noticeable.

While the idea of running in place may not sound all that exciting to some, there are many home treadmills like the Nautilus T616 Treadmill that try to bridge the gap between the two experiences so you don’t feel like you’re missing out too much.

There is a happy medium to be found if you find the right treadmill for you.

It may not always be realistic for you to go outside for a run or walk due to the weather or the time of day you are able to run.

Our schedules are hectic, and things come up all the time.

However, having a treadmill at home just offers up so much convenience and can potentially save you some serious dollars spent on gym fees in the long run.

A high quality cardio workout is available to you with the Nautilus T616 Treadmill.

Here are a few features and benefits you should be aware of to help you decide if this is the right home treadmill for you and your family.

Bluetooth Connectivity

If you’re serious about your workouts, you probably already use a few fitness apps.

With the Nautilus T616 Treadmill, you can use Bluetooth connectivity to sync with the Nautilus Trainer 2 app and other apps to see how well you are progressing on your fitness goals.

You can also sync with the RunSocial app/Explore the World App and run through 19 locations with 27 different routes alongside people from all over the world in real time.

This is a great feature that allows you to simulate an outdoor experience even though you may be confined to your home.

Interactive Display

The built-in interactive display of the Nautilus T616 Treadmill comes with an array of different options for you to explore.

It’s fully-loaded and features a DualTrack display with 2 high-res backlit monitors that make it possible to interact with a tablet or read a magazine while keeping an eye on your workout statistics.

The display also features console speakers with an MP3 input port, USB media charger, and an adjustable fan – all to make your running session more enjoyable, comfortable, and productive.

Nautilus T616 Treadmill 3

Fitness Programs & Tracking

If you’re looking for more structured workouts – especially if you’re a nonathlete or new on your fitness journey, the Nautilus T616 Treadmill comes with 26 preset workout programs for you to follow easily.

A few of the programs include:

  • manual/quick goal
  • Weight control
  • Performance training
  • Heart health

In addition, the Nautilus T616 Treadmill goes the extra step to calculate your current fitness level after each workout session on the treadmill so that you know if you are progressing from your workouts or if you need to push yourself harder.

Solid Construction

If you’re looking for a treadmill that’s built to last, the Nautilus T616 Treadmill is built with a professional-grade 20” x 60” deck and powerful 3.0 horsepower motor that is reliable and highly responsive

There’s also a 10-year warranty that comes with your purchase should you have any issues.

Cushioning System

Running can be stressful on your knees and joints.

However, the Nautilus T616 Treadmill offers a StrikeZone cushioning system to provide you with a smoother run and minimize any negative impacts on your knees and joints from running.

Alternatives to the Nautilus T616 Treadmill

The Nautilus T616 Treadmill was built to provide a high quality experience for runners and non-runners alike.

However, we all have different needs, and it’s understandable you’d like to know what your options are. Here are a few I took some time to research that may be of interest to you.

Asuna Slim Folding Motorized Treadmill – 8730G


While the Asuna Slim Folding Motorized Treadmill – 8730G may not have the same horsepower or built-in programs as the Nautilus T616 Treadmill, it still offers up a solid line of features that are similar to the Nautilus T616 Treadmill.

Where the Asuna Slim Folding Motorized Treadmill – 8730G starts to differentiate itself is in the deck size – offering a smaller running path that allows you to take up less space in your home or garage gym.

Aceshin Treadmill


Another space-saving model, the Aceshin Treadmill has a different audience in mind. While the Nautilus T616 Treadmill was built to accommodate even the more serious of runners, the Aceshin Treadmill was built for less experienced or committed runners.

Office workers, elderly, and those looking for low impact workouts may find the most benefit from this treadmill.

It doesn’t offer as robust offers as the other treadmills on this list, however, it’s easy to use and does not overcomplicate things, making it very accessible for beginners.

Horizon T303 Treadmill


Finally, we have the Horizon T303 home treadmill.

Like the Nautilus T616 Treadmill, it features a long deck so you have more room for longer strides.

In addition, you’ll also get Bluetooth connectivity and a rapid charging USB port with this treadmill – allowing you to plug in with your devices without worrying about the batteries ever running out mid-workout.

What really makes the Horizon T303 stand out is that it caters to those looking to get high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts in during their cardio session.

The display features an interval timer to help facilitate this.

Final Thoughts

Working out at home may not be for everyone.

However, the Nautilus T616 Treadmill really makes an effort to preserve that experience of running or walking outside of your home, from inside your home.

With the StrikeZone cushioning system and the Explore the World app, you’ll find that a running session can be as enjoyable inside the home.

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