8 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Migraine

While there is no 100% cure for migraines yet. There are some simple remedies and habits you can apply so that the experience becomes more tolerable than the last.

Stop Migraines Today



Let’s face it, like any illness or injury, migraines suck. The pain is worse than a headache and typically lasts for hours.

It’s perfectly reasonable to wish for sure-fire way to get rid of them completely, but alas we are not there yet.

However while there are no 100% cure for migraines yet, some simple remedies and habits you can apply so that the experience becomes more tolerable than the last.

While medicine and an appointment to the doctor is still king, there’s no rule against some behavioral and lifestyle precautions to help battle migraines.

Different remedies work differently for everyone so make sure to do what is best for you. Combine some of these with medicine and you may be able to stop or relieve yourself of migraines before they even start.


What is a migraine?

Migraines are a severe form of headaches that are accompanied with throbbing or pulsing sensation on a specific side of the head .They come in the form of attacks, and may last for a few days.

How do migraines attack you?

To fully grasp migraine attacks and how to ease them we must establish the progress of a migraine. They are: prodrome, aura, attack, and postdrome.


Also known as the prodromal phase, this happens hours or even days before the actual migraine. People’s bodies exhibit changes that are telltale sign that a migraine is coming, they are but not limited to:

  • Constipation
  • Irritability
  • Mood changes
  • Constant yawning


Symptoms that typically manifests in someone’s vision. Aura’s build up, lasting about 60 minutes and, they are usually the sign the main ache on the head is just around the corner. They don’t happen every time, they include:

  • Loss of vision
  • Hallucinations
  • Blind spot in vision
  • Needle sensation around the arm


This is the painful part. Since this is the ache that often describes it as so. This phase is the longest and most excruciating. When experiencing them, we recommend the following measures along with medication.

A migraine attack would include:

  • Throbbing pain that gets worse as you move or participate in sports.
  • Located in one side of the head,
  • Sensitivity to light, touch
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting


After the main attack, you may still experience some of the ripples of action which include:

  • Sluggishness
  • Tiredness
  • Head pain on one side of the head.

How do you ease migraine attacks?

Now that you know what a migraine is and how it differentiates from your typical headaches, it’s time to know how to deal with them.

In addition to medicine here are some simple ways to alleviate a migraine attack:

Applying a cold or hot compress around the head

Temperature therapy has been a proven and tested method of battling all sorts of ailments, from injured knees to sore backs–we have been accustomed to applying compresses to when we experience them.

And why shouldn’t we? They’re very effective. Migraines are also no stranger to them, since applying temperature therapy via compresses is a method that has been used for decades.

To do this you can either go hot by getting a heating pad around your neck and warm cloths on your face.

Or you can do it cold by getting a cold compress around your neck instead along with another one on the onset of the migraine itself. Since experts are still trying to pinpoint how exactly they help it is important to do the way that is best for you.

In doing this, experts also recommend to still proceed with caution with this method by applying it for 15 minutes and taking a 15 minute break of not using it. In addition to not falling asleep as you are doing it, deeming it to be unsafe if done so.

Drinking water

Speaking about something that has been and tested against all sorts of ailments, Love it or hate it, drinking water is also one of them. And for something not surprising at all, they also work on migraine attacks.

Research says that drinking water during an attack has caused the migraine attacks to either be less painful or be shorter in general. Have a glass or bottle at the ready so you’ll be prepared to deal with them when they come.

Consuming caffeine

Another method you can apply in dealing with your migraine is consuming caffeine. A number of over-the-counter medicines have been stated to go well with caffeine in either stopping or lessening the severity of migraine attacks.

It’s theorized that it may be since caffeine affects the blood flow back to your brain and the blood flow issues caused by migraines get canceled out instead.

The caffeine doesn’t have to be just coffee too. Even doses of tea or soda have been reported to help as well. Just consume them along with your medication or as the attack happens.

However it is important to approach caffeine with caution and in moderation. You can get addicted to it or you might get other ailments and even perish if you consume too much within a short amount of time.

Going into a dark room and relaxing

Since sensitivity to light is one of the most common triggers of a migraine, going to a dark room or simply dimming the lights would do wonders to someone experiencing an attack.

As you enter, have a place where you can collect yourself and be at rest, incorporate some of the other remedies as well for even better results.

Getting away from loud noises

This goes best along with the dark and relaxing room. Loud noises are proven to worsen migraines. That’s why blocking out the noise by going to a place away from people or whatever is producing them might also work for you.

Keeping a cool temperature

As established earlier, temperature therapy is a proven and tested method, but that does not apply to compress or heating pads only, but to room temperature as well.

High room temperatures can also be a trigger for migraines and make them worse.

So if you’re experiencing an attack, make sure to have fans and air conditioning units to help keep your body cool.

Staying away from strong smells

Another migraine trigger is the result of something called osmophobia, which is the sensitivity of smell.

For migraines, these come from an array of strong smells which can be in form of perfumes, gasoline, and other strong chemical scents. Steer clear from them in an attack so you might lessen and ease them.

Scalp Massages

Of course you can always apply pressure with your hands yourself or asking someone to do it for you. If you’re not sensitive to touch, scalp massages can help alleviate the severity of the migraine.

As stated earlier, problems in the blood flow are associated with migraines. The beauty of massages is they can help promote better blood circulation. Making your migraine bearable and may even bring you immediate relief.

How do you prevent migraine attacks in the future?

While these measures are great, in and can work in different ways to help manage your migraine attacks. The dream scenario is still to be rid of them completely.

But even though we have established already that there are no cure for migraines yet, there are some preventive measures you can take that can help in making sure you don’t get an attack more times than you can count.

Here are some measures you can do to make sure you get less migraine attacks than before:

Get quality sleep

While this can be tricky because either too much and too little sleep can be a contributing factor to migraine. The key thing to remember is “quality”.

To achieve this it is important to establish good sleeping routines and habits, which include but are not limited to:

  • Regular sleeping hours
  • Avoiding screens before you sleep
  • Caffeine and food cutoff before you sleep
  • Having a comfortable bed
  • Taking naps

They are harder than they look but these simple changes help avoid migraine attacks all together.

Getting good exercise

You will find little preventive measures to ailments to be complete without exercise. And for good reason, exercise improves quality of life and reduces likelihood of getting diseases better than not doing them.

While they’re of little use during an attack and an exhaustive session might even trigger your migraine altogether, what they do instead is make you healthier which in turn helps you in managing stress.

It doesn’t have to be high intensity as well, yoga, walking and, other forms of steady state cardio can go a long way.

Staying hydrated

We know from earlier that drinking water can be used to alleviate an attack, however being consistent with it may help prevent attacks all together.

Dehydration is a common trigger for migraines. By this logic, if we prevent the trigger, we prevent the attacks as well. Meet the daily recommendation of eight glasses per day and replenish your electrolytes to keep the attacks at bay.

Good dieting

The preventive wouldn’t be complete without incorporating a healthy diet as well. However, because some foods can be triggers as well it is important to be smart when it comes to dieting.

Knowing your triggers, and knowing foods that can help your blood flow, and maintaining a steady eating routine are just some of the ways you can do this.

Foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids specifically have been found to decrease inflammation and lessen the duration of attacks when incorporated in a diet.

In addition because diet is the primary driver of a healthy weight loss which has been shown to decrease the frequency of migraines.

Taking the proper Vitamins

Vitamin deficiencies are present in at least 2 billion people around the world. These deficiencies may include migraine in them.

Magnesium and Vitamin B2 specifically are linked to people who experienced less migraine attacks.

Have yourself checked to see which vitamins you have deficiency with and get them up with the proper diet.

When should you go to the doctor?

Of course, an appointment with the doctor will still be one of the most valuable things you can do when it comes to migraine alleviation and prevention.

The pain that migraines bring are a serious matter and there will come a time when it’s time to see the doctor.

You should see them immediately if the pain comes to the point where it impedes your ability to go on about your day. And if they’re not available you can do the emergency care instead.


Final Thoughts

Migraine attack alleviation and prevention are vast and many, despite the fact there is no 100% cure for them yet.

While most of these are achievable to do by your lonesome, it’s better to have a people who will have your back and know how to help you when the attacks impede on your ability to care for yourself.

Everyone responds differently to their remedies, find out what works best for you, and combine it with medicine and confidence from your doctor to get the most out of it.

While living with migraine may not be the most ideal of scenarios, some simple remedies and lifestyle habits can make it less mind-numbingly severe and likely to occur than it had before.

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