XTERRA Fitness TR200 Treadmill Review

XTERRA Fitness Treadmills


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Now, more than ever, people are working out at home.

The increased demand for high-quality exercise equipment has put the market in a frenzy leading to people snatching up treadmills left and right.

Before you scramble to get “just any” treadmill before they’re all gone, you should add the XTERRA Fitness TR200 Treadmill to the top of your list of choices.

This review will point out all the reasons that this treadmill is an excellent home choice.

What You Should Consider When Buying a Treadmill for Home Use

Let’s go over the most important points of a good home treadmill.

The number one most important consideration is size. If the treadmill can’t fit in your available space, you’re not going to be able to use it.

One way around this is by getting a folding treadmill.

Folding treadmills tend to be more compact in size. Plus, they fold up, so storage is easy and space-saving.

However, you might sacrifice a few features in lieu of the compactness. Don’t worry, it’s not usually anything significant.

You should also pay attention to the size of the running deck.

If the deck is too narrow, you could find your hips hitting the handlebars. If the deck isn’t long enough, it may be uncomfortable and even unsafe to take full, long strides as you run.

Speed, Programs, and Inclines

If you’re a person that likes to just get on the treadmill and go, programs and inclines might not be very important to you, but speed is going to be important to everyone.

Most treadmills meant for home use aren’t going to be anywhere near as fast as the treadmills in gyms.

The exception is if you decide to drop a couple grand or more on a high-end treadmill.

Think about this – how often do you set the treadmill at the highest setting at the gym? If the answer is never, save your money.

Programs and inclines will help boost your workout to a challenging level.

Like speed, the typical home-use treadmills are going to have limited programs and incline options.

If a ton of options are important to you, you’ll end up dropping a good bit of money.

However, that’s not necessary. You can always amp up your workout with other equipment like dumbbells or ankle weights.


Remember, in the world of treadmills, you get what you pay for.

I’ve seen treadmills as low as $250. Run away from those as fast as you can. They’ll probably break as soon as you pull them out of the box.

You need a treadmill that’s going to last a while. After all, you’re going to be pounding away on it.

It should have a strong, solid frame, a thick, multi-ply belt, and strong motor that is at least 2 HP. It’s great if you can get some type of lifetime warranty on at least some of the parts.

Buy right the first time and you’ll only have to buy once.

The Xterra Fitness TR200 Treadmill

One of the best treadmills out right now for home use is the Xterra Fitness TR200 treadmill. It’s a step up from the previous model, the Xterra Fitness TR150.

The only significant difference in the two is that the XTERRA TR200 has a slightly bigger display and less buttons making the display look a little more “streamlined”.

They both offer the same performance so if you just like having the later model, you can go with the Xterra Fitness TR200.

The Xterra Fitness TR200 is not the most advanced treadmill, but it has everything you need to get a good workout.

By keeping the “fancy features” to a minimum, this keeps the cost of the treadmill at a manageable and affordable price. Here are some pros and cons of the Xterra Fitness TR200 treadmill.


  • Lifetime warranty on the frame.
  • It folds for easy storage.
  • Direct access speed buttons.
  • Can handle up to 250 pounds.


  • No cooling fan.
  • Belt is 1-ply.
  • No Bluetooth connectivity.

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Features and Benefits of the Xterra Fitness TR200 Treadmill

One of the most useful features of the Xterra Fitness TR200 treadmill is the 12 pre-set programs that come with the treadmill.

This gives you a variety of challenges to try on the treadmill.

Simply choose a program and go. If you’d prefer to set up your own custom program, the treadmill allows you to create one that can be stored for future use.



XTERRA Fitness TR200 Treadmill 3


The Xterra Fitness TR200 treadmill has a large, 5.5-inch LCD display that is brightly lit so you can easily see the information you need.

The display keeps the buttons to a minimum, but they’re all easy to read and easy to use.

The display also has a built-in media rack to hold books, tablets, or phones.

There is also a slot for something like a remote control so you can easily control your television without missing a beat.

Speed, Incline, and Hand Grips


XTERRA Fitness TR200 Treadmill 6


The Xterra Fitness TR200 treadmill can operate from .5 mph up to 10 mph.

Unless you’re training for a race, this is a pretty fair range for most people.

The treadmill also has three manual-set incline levels. Simply hop off, pull, and twist the incline setter, and you’re ready to go.

The hand grips are EKG readers that keep up with your heart rate.

Located on either side of the handlebars, simply grip them and the Xterra Fitness TR200 gives you an instant reading.

Running Deck/Surface


XTERRA Fitness TR200 Treadmill 7


The Xterra Fitness TR200 treadmill is made with an exclusive technology known as the XTRASoft Cushioned Deck.

This essentially absorbs the shock of the blow as you run on the treadmill. It minimizes the impact of your steps, protecting your joints and reducing wear and tear on the treadmill.

The deck itself is made of a strong 1-ply, 1.4mm thick running surface. Measuring 16″ x 50″, this is plenty of room for you to take the long strides that you want comfortably.

Other Attractive Features

There are a lot of little nuances that the XTERRA TR200 treadmill has that makes it attractive as a home use treadmill.

One of those is the ease of folding the treadmill up. When you’re ready to store it away, just pull the quick release button.

The treadmill is made on some type of hydraulics that allows you to easily lift it and fold it into place. It has sturdy wheels so you can roll it to its resting place with ease.

It also has a strong motor. The 2.25 HP motor is strong enough to keep up with your running demand. It’s very quiet and doesn’t skip.

What Others Are Saying About the Xterra Fitness TR200 Treadmill


Review #1 – Emmanuel 

Good buy, does what it’s supposed to.

Assembly is straight forward, not to difficult. Make sure to center and adjust the belt. As long as you maintain your treadmill and oil the belt it should last a long time. I’m 215 lbs and 6’1″ I am able to run on the belt even though it’s not too long or that wide.

Review #2 – Juliet M.

This is a great treadmill. It sets up easily and folds easily out of the way so I can keep it in my tv room. There is space on the front to set my iPad so I can read while running. There is a little wobble when running at higher speeds, but this is not a problem. Would recommend this for anyone who anticipates moderate use at home.

Review #3 – Princess Kris

SO happy with this purchase. It works great and is relatively easy to stand up against a wall when not in use. It’s very sturdy and does not make a lot of noise when someone jogs on it. My 250lb hubby loves to jog on it while I’m more of a walker. It arrived in a box that looked like the UPS guy ran over it so I was concerned it would be damaged once we opened it, but to my surprise in was fine.

Alternative Treadmills

Although the Xterra Fitness TR200 treadmill is an excellent choice, there is nothing wrong with having some extra options to choose from.

Here are three similar treadmills that are all suitable for home use.


OMA Home Treadmill



The OMA Home treadmill is a great treadmill for beginning to intermediate runners. It has some impressive features for a treadmill of this price range.

There is an even balance of pros and cons when compared to the Xterra TR200 so if you’re trying to decide between the two, it’s a matter of choosing which features are more important to you.

For example, the OMA Home treadmill has 36 pre-programmed workouts and three LCD screens that monitor heart rate, distance, time, calories, and more.

However, the OMA Home treadmill also has a lower weight limit of 220 pounds and a maximum speed of 8.1 mph.

OMA Home Treadmill Xterra TR200
  • max speed 8.1 mph
  • 3 incline levels
  • max weight capacity 220 lbs.
  • 36 pre-set programs
  • max speed 10 mph
  • 3 incline levels
  • max weight capacity 250 lbs.
  • 12 pre-set programs

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Sunny Health & Fitness Folding Treadmill



The Sunny Health & Fitness Folding Treadmill is a budget-priced treadmill that has all the basics that you need for a great home treadmill.

Plus, it comes in two different color choices. There are a couple of desirable features that this treadmill has over the Xterra TR200.

This includes quick speed buttons on the handlebars and a soft drop system, so you’ll be able to unfold the treadmill safely and easily.

However, like with the previous treadmill, there will be a few trade-offs. The Sunny treadmill has a lower maximum speed and a lower maximum weight capacity.

Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill Xterra TR200
  • max speed 9 mph
  • 3 incline levels
  • max weight capacity 220 lbs.
  • 9 pre-set programs
  • max speed 10 mph
  • 3 incline levels
  • max weight capacity 250 lbs.
  • 12 pre-set programs

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Marnur Electric Folding Treadmill



The Marnur Electric Folding Treadmill is another great option that’s similar to the TR200 treadmill.

It’s a little more compact than the TR200 treadmill so it may not be suitable for tall people, people with long legs, or people with a wider gait.

However, it does have a heavy-duty, premium frame so it’s very durable and reliable.

With three cup holders and the ability to start, stop, and control the treadmill from the handlebars, the Marnur treadmill is a very convenient treadmill to have.

Marnur Treadmill Xterra TR200
  • max speed 8.5 mph
  • 3 incline levels
  • max weight capacity 220 lbs.
  • 15 pre-set programs
  • max speed 10 mph
  • 3 incline levels
  • max weight capacity 250 lbs.
  • 12 pre-set programs

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Final Thoughts

Home gyms have become increasingly popular as more people are staying home, so it’s no surprise that treadmills are in such high demand.

The one thing that hasn’t changed is how much space you have at home. That’s why the Xterra Fitness TR200 treadmill is such a good fit – both literally and figuratively.

It folds, it saves space, and it gives you what you need for a good work out. Plus, it’s affordable and durable so it’s a good investment.


XTERRA Fitness Treadmills

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