Gorilla Bow Review: Top Portable Home Gym?

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This Gorilla Bow review is about a piece of workout equipment that will give you more than a basic workout.

An at-home gym is something any working-professional needs in their life.

A portable at-home gym can help you meet your goals and workout wherever you choose to go.

Gorilla Bow Review 1

What Should You Consider Before You Buy a Gorilla Bow?


An at-home gym is a good tool to buy to help you work out, but it should also be portable.

Setting up an exercise routine means enjoying what you do wherever you go, and the tools being able to travel with you.

The right at-home gym can be something you do with your friends and relatives, which means it needs to travel to their homes and apartments and theirs to yours.

Number of Exercises You Can do

A good at-home gym should allow you to do many different types of exercises.

The number of exercises you can do will help you push your body and your goals to the limit.

You need to find an at-home gym that allows you to do hundreds of exercises, not just one.

The more exercises you can do, the more you will use the new at-home gym for these exercises.

You need to find a high-quality at-home gym you can rely on to help you meet your goals and be easy enough to use daily.

Where You Store it

Where you store your new gym is as important as what it is.

Most types of at-home gym equipment require a lot of space for you to store the new piece as well as how you can use it.

The place you put your at-home gym will help you figure out how you will use it and how frequently as the back of a closet does not help you work out.


How much you pay for your new at-home gym can help you stay on a budget, but also get you a lot of tools.

Do not go too cheap on your purchase as it can be low-quality materials, which can cause you to hurt yourself.

Be ready to spend a bit of money on quality, as well as the number of workouts you can do.



What is the Gorilla Bow?

The Gorilla Bow uses ancient technology to help you exercise.

The ancient bow launched arrows at targets; the gorilla bow is a versatile workout tool that helps you build muscle and tone your body.

The concept behind the Gorilla bow is a lot like the ancient bow.

The ancient bow used resistance to let arrows fly, and the modern Gorilla Bow uses your body as a tool for resistance.

The bow aims at using your whole body in a workout, including your chest, legs, and core.

The bow uses the tension of the ancient bow to build and maintain muscle while letting you do multiple exercises wherever you happen to go with your bow.

What Are the Main Features of the Gorilla Bow?

The bow comes ready for you to use with multiple tools for working out on-the-go and wherever you happen to be.

There are multiple kits for purchase, with each adding more tools for you to build your body with.


The bow is a piece you will get in all the kits you purchase.

It comes apart for easy travel and matches up with different types of resistance bands so you can use it as the main tool for all your resistance workouts.

The bow design has your hands placed on either side of the middle for most types of exercises to help you stabilize the bow while doing the exercise with your arms, legs, or abdominals.

The bow is aircraft-grade aluminum construction that has heat application to help it withstand the force you will put it under.

The aluminum helps it be resistant to water and sweat. It also helps it be lightweight.

The bow can withstand up to three hundred pounds of tension, while it weighs only six pounds and measures fifty-six inches.

The bow connects strongly together for all your exercises and disassembles into three pieces so you can take it with you wherever you go.

Resistance Bands

Depending on what kit you purchase, you will receive three or more resistance bands.

The resistance bands provide the force to help you work your whole body.

The purchase you make can include up to eight different resistance bands, including short bands to help you do mimic workouts done with weights like the bench press or deadlifts.

You can select the bands in your kit so you can start with longer bands that offer less resistance and work your way up to the smaller tighter bands.

This is helpful even after you work with the bow for a while. You can do warm-ups with longer bands before making things harder with the smaller ones.

Carrying Bags

The Gorilla Bow comes with a carrying bag for the bow and several smaller bags for your resistance bands.

Not all kits have the same things, so make sure you double-check what is in each kit before you make your final choice.

One kit even has a large bag for carrying your bow without disassembly.

The carrying bags also make it easy to store your Gorilla Bow without losing pieces.

The bags fit together into one large carrying bag, so you don’t need to worry about losing parts of your bow or leaving them on the bus when you travel with them.

They can also fit in your travel backpack or a briefcase for later in your day.

Number of Workouts

The versatility of the bow makes it one of the best ways to fit workouts into your life wherever you go.

There are hundreds of workouts you can do using the different levels of resistance with different parts of your body.

You can also invent workouts of your own so you can work what needs attention while touching up workouts you have already mastered.

You can use the bow by itself, or do other things with it like hook it around a sturdy tree for different types of resistance activities, or around your feet.

The versatility is up to you how you consider what you can do to make the Gorilla Bow work for you with any of the bands you order.

Workout Videos

You can access through the Gorilla Bow Website a host of training videos to help you use your new bow in the best way for your body.

The videos are free and work to help you build muscles all over your body to help you have a full-body workout every time.

The free workout videos come in segments so you can progress forward while working on each part of your body parts individually.

It also works well to help you prevent yourself from moving forward too quickly if you are a beginner so your body can adapt to the new workout and build muscle without hurting your body.


The best part about the Gorilla Bow is that you can take it wherever you go.

The kits are lightweight and easy to carry with you to the park, your friend’s house, or on a bus for use after work.

The kit takes up little room at home as well, so you can leave it by the door ready to go when you are.

The kit is light enough to carry with you without strain.

It is also portable enough to fit conveniently under seats or out of the way by the couch.

The bow is a good thing to use with friends and relatives so you can exercise together at each other’s apartments or in the park.

Gorilla Bow Review 3

What Are People Saying About The Gorilla Bow?

Reviewers love the variety of workouts they can do and how it is possible to work out multiple parts of their body using only one type of workout equipment.

People who have left a Gorilla Bow review have also mentioned how the multiple types of resistance bands help make the bow become a whole-body workout tool without missing a part.

What Alternatives Are Available?

If you want to expand your at-home gym, there are many types of products you can purchase.

Select your at-home gym pieces to complement your workout goals and push yourself to the limit for endurance.

BodyBoss 2.0 – Full Portable Home Gym


The BodyBoss 2.0 – Full Portable Home Gym is an at-home gym you can take with you to work or to your friend’s house.

The gym comes with multiple types of resistance bands you can set to work your whole body.

The complete kit comes with a mat you stand on and multiple bands to help you work your entire body to burn more calories and increase your endurance.

How Does the Gorilla Bow Compare With the BodyBoss 2.0 System?

Both the Gorilla bow and the BodyBoss 2.0 – Full Portable Home Gym come with multiple components to help you work your body to the fullest.

Both kits come with multiple types of resistance bands and hundreds of exercises you can do on-the-go.

Our research shows that a Gorilla Bow review has the bow being more portable than the BodyBoss 2.0 – Full Portable Home Gym, as well as more affordable.


Bodygym Core System Portable Home Gym


The Bodygym Core System Portable Home Gym is a system that uses elastic bands and a bar to help you work out wherever you choose to go.

The Bodygym system offers you a full-body workout wherever you go, whether you are at home watching a movie or at work with a fifteen-minute break to enjoy.

You can use the Bodygym Core System Portable Home Gym sitting or standing to perform dozens of resistance exercises to help jumpstart or finish your daily exercises.

The Bodygym system is a good way to help you add to your current workout routines and expand the number of exercises you do.

How Does the Gorilla Bow Compare With the Bodygym Core System Portable Home Gym?

The Gorilla Bow and the Bodygym Core System Portable Home Gym help you lose weight while building muscle.

They both use your full body to get you moving and workout wherever you travel.

They both increase flexibility and stamina while building muscle.

The difference between the two systems comes in the quality of the materials.

The Gorilla Bow can withstand up to three hundred pounds of force.

The Bodygym bow and bands cannot, though they are a cost-effective way to start getting into shape.


Tension Toner


The Tenson Toner is a full-body workout bar that helps you workout using two resistance bands.

The Tenson Toner helps you stabilize your body during workouts while building up through three levels of resistance.

The Tenson Toner is compact and lightweight, weighing only two pounds, and folds up conveniently so you can carry it with you wherever you choose to workout.

How Does the Gorilla Bow Compare With the Tension Toner?

The Tenson Toner exercise and training program is a good thing to add to your workout routine, though the bar does not provide the number of exercises the Gorilla Bow does.

It helps you continue to work out on your goals and provides you with three levels of fitness resistance.

The Gorilla Bow provides more resistance training; Tenson Toner can offer you another way to do work out exercises you have mastered.


Final Thoughts

Staying in shape or getting in shape can take time and effort, but it’s important to maintain an active lifestyle and continue to engage in physical activity.

We hope this Gorilla Bow review can help you decide to take your fitness into your hands and make your goals come true.

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