There are numerous ways that men can try to stay healthy that don’t require a lot of work.
For men that are considering taking a multivitamin, they may be wondering if a little pill can actually affect their health in a positive way.
The short answer is yes, and many of these benefits may actually surprise you. Here are 15 ways that multivitamins can benefit men if they take them on a regular basis.
1. Makes It Easier To Absorb Nutrients
A lot of people deal with health issues that they assume just naturally occur with aging.
However, many of these health issues may actually be caused by a deficiency of a certain vitamin.
You may feel that you are getting enough vitamins because you try to eat right as much as possible, but your body can struggle with being able to absorb the nutrients that you are getting from certain foods.
Fortunately, a multivitamin can help with this.
They will give your body an abundance of the vitamins that it needs and decrease the likelihood of a vitamin deficiency from occurring.
Many men don’t even realize that their body isn’t absorbing enough of the vitamins from the foods that they eat even if they experience symptoms of a vitamin deficiency.
2. Improves Heart Health
Heart health is important for all of us as the heart needs to efficiently pump blood throughout the body.
If it can’t do this because of things like clogged arteries, a man can experience a stroke or heart attack. Both of these can be deadly.
A multivitamin that contains B vitamins, magnesium and CoQ10 can be extremely beneficial.
For men that take multivitamins on a regular basis, it can improve their overall cardiovascular health and make them less likely to develop cardiovascular disease.
While it is still imperative that you exercise, eat right and refrain from drinking and smoking, multivitamins still can play a huge part in improving your heart health overall.
3. Lowers Cancer Risk
Many men may have a predisposition to cancer while others may get it without any family history of it.
Because of this, it’s not uncommon for a lot of men to wonder what causes cancer and what they can do to keep from getting it.
Vitamin deficiencies can cause cancer in some cases. This is why men should take a multivitamin every day so that they can try to lower their risk of getting cancer.
If they still do end up getting it, the multivitamin may help their body be strong enough to fight it off.
4. Increases Immune Health
A healthy immune system is crucial in order to stay healthy. None of us wants to get sick, but it can happen if you aren’t getting the vitamins that your body needs on a consistent basis.
A multivitamin can have a positive impact on immune health. This is especially true for vitamins that contain a large quantity of Vitamin C.
This vitamin is known for its ability to strengthen the body’s immune system and help fight off things like colds and the flu.
Multivitamins that contain Vitamins E and D can be very beneficial for boosting immunity as well.
5. Improves Eye Health
It’s not uncommon for men to experience a deterioration of their eyesight as they age. They might not even realize that there is an issue until they get their yearly examination at the optometrist.
For those that are looking for ways to improve their eye health, multivitamins may be very beneficial.
They can protect the eyes from light waves that are known to be harmful, and they can decrease the likelihood of a man experiencing macular degeneration.
It’s important that men do what they can to protect their eye health as deterioration can have permanent consequences.
6. Allows For Healthier Hair
Many men do lose their hair as they age, and their remaining hair can also become brittle and look lackluster. Fortunately, multivitamins can help men have healthier hair.
The vitamins biotin and niacin have been proven to make the hair healthier and fuller.
A lot of men do see an improvement in their hair fairly quickly after they start taking a multivitamin.
7. Helps With Skin Issues
Skin can become dry and lose elasticity as we age. This can make men look older than they are and can really hurt their self esteem.
They may try a variety of different things like creams or serums only to find that they don’t achieve the results that they were hoping for.
Surprisingly, certain vitamins such as Vitamins A and E can help improve their skin’s health.
A multivitamin does need to be taken daily in order to have a huge impact on the skin.
If you have issues remembering to take a multivitamin, try to remember that it is an integral part of your skin-care routine.
8. Increases Energy Levels
Having a lack of energy is a common complaint among men. They may find it difficult to perform their daily tasks, play with their kids or find the motivation to exercise.
Their lack of energy probably isn’t caused by laziness. It may be because they need to start taking a multivitamin each day.
B vitamins can increase energy levels and help men decrease their anxiety and stress levels.
Many men do find that they have increased energy levels after taking a multivitamin for just a few weeks.
Instead of turning to another cup of coffee or an energy drink the next time you need a little boost of energy, take a multivitamin instead as the B vitamins in it may help.
9. Fills Dietary Gaps
It’s all too easy for men to not always eat the most healthy diet. It really is difficult to say no to that junk food for lunch or the steak and potatoes for dinner.
However, men can get the nutritional support that they need by taking a multivitamin every single day.
While they should strive to eat as healthy as possible on a consistent basis, a multivitamin can help them fill any dietary gaps that they may be experiencing.
By taking a multivitamin daily, you won’t have to be obsessed with your diet if you don’t always eat as well as you should.
10. Decreases Erectile Dysfunction
No man wants to be in the bedroom and end up having performance issues. Many men experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their life.
Fortunately, this may be caused by a lack of certain vitamins like Vitamin D. A lot of men do notice that their erectile dysfunction symptoms lessen after they start taking a multivitamin.
This can help them improve their sex life and keep them from disappointing their partner when they are in the throws of passion.
11. Increases Metabolism
A slow metabolism is often the culprit of weight gain. If you have been dealing with a number on the scale that you aren’t happy with, you aren’t alone.
Weight gain is often a common complaint among men as they continue to age. They aren’t used to not being able to eat what they want without gaining weight.
The issue may actually not be their diet, but they could be experiencing a vitamin deficiency.
Iron, magnesium and calcium are all crucial components when it comes to speeding up the metabolism.
If you have already altered your diet and increased the amount of exercise you get and still find that you can’t lose weight, you should try taking a multivitamin every day to see if that helps.
It may give your metabolism the jump-start that you need in order to lose or maintain a healthy weight.
> > This device makes it easy to track your metabolism < <
12. Improves Sleep Issues
It’s crucial that you get a sufficient amount of sleep each night in order to function properly.
Lack of restful sleep can make it difficult to make good decisions, concentrate or just get through the day.
Many men do find that they have issues falling and staying asleep throughout the night even though they never had sleeping issues in the past.
If you are struggling with getting a good night’s sleep, you may have a vitamin deficiency. A magnesium deficiency can keep you from getting the sleep that you need.
Once you start taking a multivitamin each day, your sleep issues may end up going away fairly quickly.
> > This sleep aid provides soothing sleep support for active individuals < <
13. Regulates The Bowels
It can be very frustrating to try to use the restroom and nothing comes out despite feeling the urge to go.
Constipation can plague men of all ages, and you may think that there’s some sort of serious issue going on or that you just have a very poor diet.
Fortunately, this may be caused by something as simple as a potassium deficiency.
If you’re constantly dealing with constipation issues, try adding a multivitamin with potassium to your daily routine to see if your bowels start to become regular once again.
14. Speeds Up Healing
Just because you are getting older, it doesn’t mean that you should stop being active. Unfortunately, you may deal with some sort of injury in the process.
If you’ve experienced a skin tear, undergone surgery or dealt with some sort of significant injury recently, it’s imperative that you start taking a multivitamin.
It can help you recover a lot faster as your body will get all of the vitamins that it needs to help it heal.
A vitamin deficiency can actually slow down the healing or keep you from healing properly.
It’s not uncommon for many doctors to recommend that their patients start taking a multivitamin to help them recover quicker.
15. Helps With Focus
You probably have a lot going on and may have found that you have issues focusing. This might not be caused by you getting easily distracted and having trouble multitasking.
An iron or zinc deficiency could be what’s causing this issue.
If your focus isn’t what it once was, you may start seeing an improvement in it once you begin taking a multivitamin that’s meant to help with brain health.
As you can see, there are a lot of benefits of taking a multivitamin on a regular basis. If you’ve been putting off taking a multivitamin, you really need to start taking one as soon as possible as it can improve your health in a wide variety of different ways.
Just make sure that you choose a multivitamin that’s meant for the unique needs of men in order to see the most benefits.
Highly Recommended Multivitamins For Men
Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin | NutriGenesis® Multi for Men | MuscleTech Store Platinum Multivitamin |
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Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin made our list because we like the Male Support Blend that includes Urtica Dioica Extract and Saw Palmetto, Lutein and Lycopene – all performance and health enhancing ingredients that can help men. | NutriGenesis® Multi for Men is highly recommended because it has all the vitamins and minerals specific to men’s health with whole-food cofactors. | MuscleTech Store Platinum Multivitamin is perfect for active men containing 18 vitamins and minerals plus an Amino Support Matrix. |
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Final Thoughts
Depending on your situation, a multi-vitamin may be good for you as long as you consult with your health professional.
Multi-vitamins can be a great supplement to any nutritional deficiencies in your diet, but ultimately, are not replacements for these nutrients in whole foods.