Best Carb Drink For a Triathlon

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best carb drink for a triathlon is, then we recommend Performance Lab® SPORT Carb as the best one. 

A good triathlon can leave you feeling invigorated, refreshed, and stronger, and more confident than you’ve ever felt before.

However, without the right energy to fuel you through, it can leave you feeling lethargic and just plain further away from your goal or why you chose to participate in a triathlon in the first place.

Therefore, if running a triathlon is in your future plans, then you need to also decide how you will feed your body to power through the race, which the best carb drink can help you do.

Loving a good long-distance race myself, I decided to research the various beverages for a triathlon and share what I learned to help make it easier for you to choose the best carbohydrate drink for you.


Here are the top carb drinks we’ll be reviewing:


Best Carb Drink For a Triathlon 2


About Carbohydrate Drinks for a Marathon



Carb drinks for a triathlon contain fast-hitting carbohydrates that the body uses to help keep you fully engaged during vigorous or long-lasting physical activity.

They work by increasing the concentration of sugar in the blood, as well as the sugar reserves in the muscles, which the body needs to keep you running at your peak.

These types of drinks are also formulated differently, depending on your carbohydrate requirements; therefore, you need to understand your particular needs to choose the right one for you.


How to Choose the Best Carb Drink for a Triathlon

Though each carb drink brand is different, the main ingredients most all have in common are carbohydrates and sodium.


These types of drinks are typically high in carbohydrates, which the muscles need to prolong their performance during extended activity, especially at faster paces.

In fact, to race your best, experts suggest consuming between 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates for each hour of exercise.

The carbohydrate sources found in triathlon beverages are usually derived from some form of sugar, such as maltodextrin, glucose, sucrose, or fructose, or it can contain a combination of these sugars for a greater impact.

Sodium /Electrolytes

Sodium is an essential mineral the body needs to maintain balanced fluid levels, which helps keep your body’s pH levels in check, as well as also helps keep the cells, brain, muscles, and heart functioning properly.

However, when you sweat, sodium is depleted from your body, in which case, if it gets too low while running, it can cause you to experience hyperthermia, which can lead to nausea, muscle spasms, vomiting, and more.

Hence, many carbohydrate drinks for a triathlon also include electrolytes to replenish the sodium lost during intense sweating. These electrolytes are typically present in the form of potassium, calcium, chloride, phosphate, magnesium, or sodium.

Other Ingredients

Some carb drinks also contain protein, which research shows can also help increase endurance performance during triathlons, especially when taken the same day.

Caffeine is another additional ingredient sometimes found in carb drinks, which increases adrenaline, as well as neuron activity throughout the central nervous system and brain, thus making you feel more energized to run longer.

Various vitamins, such as B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin D, which research also shows is important during high endurance activities, are also sometimes added to endurance drinks for added benefits.

What are the Advantages/Benefits of Carb Drinks for a Triathlon?

Carb beverages for a triathlon provide many benefits, including helps replenish your body with fluids and electrolytes lost during intense exercise, as opposed to just drinking water, which does not contain electrolytes and can thus leave you feeling nauseous, fatigued, and unable to continue.

They also help slow down how quickly your liver and muscles deplete their own carbohydrate stores, which enables you to last longer.

The electrolytes in these drinks also help with proper muscle recovery when consumed post-workout.

Things to Look For/Attributes That Differentiate These Products


Beverages that contain electrolytes can sometimes produce a sodium taste that can make them unpleasant to drink. Therefore, you want to select a product formulated in a flavor you like to help make it easier to consume throughout your run.

Carbohydrate Source/Amount

Carbohydrate beverages for a triathlon that contain fructose along with glucose have been shown to improve carbohydrate absorption and oxidation for improved performance as opposed to drinks formulated with other sugars.

You should also divide the number of carbohydrate grams in the product by the serving size to ensure it has at least a 6 percent, but no more than 8 percent, carbohydrate concentration, which is needed for the best absorption of sugar and water. Anymore than this can increase the risk of cramping and more.

Sodium Amount

Be sure your chosen drink also has at least 110mg of sodium per 8-ounce serving for a total of 450mg of sodium per hour, which research shows is the minimum amount needed to slow the loss of sodium concentration in the plasma during prolonged exercise.

However, if you plan to run and sweat more than 3 hours, experts suggest choosing a carbohydrate product with a higher amount of sodium and/or potassium.

What’s the Best Way to Use Carb Drinks for a Triathlon?

Carb drinks for a triathlon contain lots of sugar, which raises various concerns with some individuals.

One concern is the excessive calories it can rack up, which can lead to weight gain, while others are concerned with the insulin spike it provides that could possibly lead to a sugar crash later.

However, according to a piece published by Harvard’s School of Health, provided carbohydrate drinks are used the right way, by overall generally healthy individuals, they pose no serious threats to your weight or your health.

One guideline they recommend to use carbohydrate drinks properly includes only consuming these types of beverages if you are running for at least 60 minutes or more, during which time you should only ingest between 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour.

Otherwise, if you are running for less than that, they recommend just drinking water to avoid adding excess calories to your diet that won’t have sufficient time to burn off and instead be stored as fat, which can lead to weight gain.

Experts also recommend simply taking one big gulp of the drink every 15-20 minutes throughout your run for sustained energy without the crash.

They also suggest diluting highly concentrated sugary drinks with water, as well as also sipping water in between consuming carbohydrate beverages, to help avoid quick insulin spikes.

You should also resist the temptation to consume sugar-free carb drinks during your run to help cut calories because since they do not contain sugar, they won’t provide the burst of energy or glycogen replenishment you need to push through.

Prerequisites/Precautions for Using This Type of Product

Reports show that the additional sugar, sodium, and calories in triathlon drinks pose certain health risks in most people, such as an increased risk of weight gain, obesity, and diabetes.

Therefore, if you are not a serious athlete involved in prolonged or vigorous activities whose body can handle the extra sugar and calories, then you may want to avoid using carbohydrate beverages.

Some people may also experience bloating, gas, and other stomach issues when consuming certain sugars found in different products, so it is important to try various drinks to determine the best one for you.

However, avoid experimenting with new drinks during the event to avoid surprises.

Likewise, high levels of sugar, which can occur from consuming more than 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour or from using overconcentrated powders or mixes, can also cause gastrointestinal issues in some individuals, so be sure to stick to the recommended amount of carbohydrates per hour to avoid irritating your insides.

If your chosen drink also contains caffeine, beware that it can cause various side effects, including jitteriness, especially if you are sensitive to it.


Best Carb Drink For a Triathlon 1


Reviews For The Best Carb Drink 

Genius Carbohydrate Powder 

Genius Carbohydrate Powder is a low-glycemic, maltodextrin and glucose combination energy source that helps users avoid the unnatural peaks in blood-sugar, thus providing a healthier choice over other products that contain simple carbohydrates.

Its nutrition source also enables greater nitrous oxide production for mass muscle building and recovery, and it is also a low osmolality concentration for fast gastric emptying and less bloating.




  • It triggers little insulin and blood sugar response.
  • It prevents sugar crash.
  • It contains fast-acting glucose.
  • It does not contain caffeine.
  • it is tested by a third party.


  • It doesn’t contain electrolytes.
  • It is unflavored.

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JYM Supplement Science Post JYM Fast-Digesting Carb 

JYM Supplement Science Post JYM Fast-Digesting Carb is a dextrose based formula that quickly replenishes muscles glycogen stores after vigorous exercise for increased muscle growth and recovery.

It is also versatile, so it can be used in combination with other workout products for added BCAAs support.



  • It quickly restores glycogen levels with fast-acting dextrose.
  • When used post workout, it increases the uptake of beta alanine, creatine, and carnitine by the muscle cells.
  • It can be used with other carb products to customize your post workout according to your goals.
  • It tastes great.


  • It does not contain BCAAs
  • It must be mixed with other Post Jym products for maximum results.

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Vitargo Carbohydrate Powder

Vitargo Carbohydrate Powder is a workout carb supplement that can be used pre or post-workout for maximum glycogen recovery, as well as improved endurance, mass muscle gain, and recovery.

And it does so without sugar. Instead, its key ingredient is fractionated barley amylopectin, which has been shown to replenish muscle glycogen stores faster than sugar.

It is also safe to stack with other workout supplements.



  • It is a pre fuel, refuel, and recovery product.
  • It’s a clean carb source.
  • It works 2.3 times faster than similar products.
  • It is clinically tested.
  • It has a 100 percent money back guarantee.


  • It may clump when mixed.
  • It’s a bit pricey compared to similar products.

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NOW Sports Nutrition, Carbo Gain Powder 

NOW Sports Nutrition, Carbo Gain Powder is a pure maltodextrin based carb product that can be used for energy production both before and during your workout, as well as after for quick muscle recovery.

It is also available in 8-pound and 12-pound packages for maximum value.



  • The pure maltodextrin makes it easy for the body to digest.
  • It works well as a weight gainer.
  • It stacks well with other workout products.
  • It is GMP quality assured.


  • It is unflavored.
  • It does not contain electrolytes.

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Performance Lab® SPORT Carb

If you’re serious about training, competitions, and races, then Performance Lab® SPORT Carb is perfect for you. It absorbs quickly and is a fast source of energy for those performing explosive movements or are engaged in endurance activities like long-distance swimming, running, or cycling – activities all found in a triathlon.

Because it has a sustained release of two hours, this carb supplement can go the distance with you. In addition, it can be taken after a workout or event to reload depleted muscle stores so that your muscles recover faster.


  • 30-day performance promise from the company
  • no caffeine
  • clean
  • good taste


  • Pricey
  • Only available on vendor’s website

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Related: Click here to read our full review of Performance Lab® SPORT Carb


Final Thoughts

When it comes to a carb drink that does it all, Performance Lab® SPORT Carb is the clear winner, and it does so using clean ingredients, which helps prevent energy crashes, stomach issues, and other physiological issues you don’t need while pushing to the finish line.

It is also research-proven by scientists and experts to increase performance and trusted by elite athletes in all sports, as well as some Olympians.

Performance Lab® SPORT Carb  is also safe enough to be used in combination with other supplements, such as electrolyte powders and protein powders, for a more complete triathlon drink.

In short, this is the best carb drink for people striving to improve their triathlon performance and well-being by giving their bodies a cleaner source of fuel.

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