Best Fat Burner Supplement for Women

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best fat burner supplement for women is, then we recommend Burn Lab Pro® as the best one.

Have you recently decided to lose weight and get in shape for the new year? You may be well on your way to changing your diet and working out regularly.

Yet, diet and exercise may not be enough; you may need to also use the best fat burner supplement for women.


Here are the top fat burner supplements we’ll be reviewing:


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How to Choose the Best Fat Burner Supplement



The best fat burner supplement can greatly increase the effectiveness of your diet and exercise plan.

But before you add a fat burner supplement to your diet and exercise plan, you need to find the best fat burner supplement for your individual needs.

Ideally, you will want to want to make sure the ingredients are as natural as possible and add some nutritional value to your diet.

Be sure to check the label for clearly listed ingredients and amounts.

The next thing you will want to look for is a supplement that has ingredients clinically proven to increase metabolism and your body’s fat burning abilities.

And, since it may become difficult to stick to your healthy diet (especially if you are exercising more than you’re used to or are having cravings for rich foods) you may need help keeping your appetite in check.

Some of these supplements can help you do just that.

How Do Fat Burning Supplements Work & What are Their Benefits?

In short, fat burners help your body function more efficiently. As a result, you will need fewer calories and your body will be able to burn stored fat faster.

They are most effective when used in combination with exercise and diet.

Here are the benefits of fat burners:

Stimulating Fat-burning & Increasing Metabolism

Many fat burners use natural ingredients like green tea, cayenne pepper, B vitamins, and more to encourage hormonal responses in the body that boost metabolism and encourage the use of excess body fat for energy.

So, instead of needing more food for energy, your body will use it’s stores of excess fat instead.

Boosting Energy and Exercise Performance

Exercise can require a lot of your energy.

Since these supplements contain energy- boosting ingredients like caffeine or green tea extract and also cause your body to burn more fat you should have much more energy to exercise more intensely.

This will in turn increase muscle mass and your ability to continue to burn excess fat. Energy boosting ingredients have often been helpful for me since I personally have trouble sustaining my exercise routine if I am tired or low on energy.

Curbing Appetite

Some of these supplements contain ingredients that assist with curbing appetite.

If you have trouble with overeating, eating the wrong foods, or you need frequent snacks, the right fat burning supplement can help control your appetite.

Tip: Try taking a fat burner supplement between meals instead of snacking. This will keep your body in fat-burning mode, while snacking may turn off your body’s fat-burning for a time.

This has really helped me in the past, since I tend to need snacks between meals.

What’s the Best Way to Use These Supplements?

Always take these types of supplements alongside a reasonable diet and exercise plan.

You don’t want to starve yourself, but you also don’t want to eat so much that no diet pill will help you.

Here are some tips:

Stick to You Exercise & Diet Plans

You should stick to a consistent workout plan and a diet that includes high quality protein but steers clear of high calorie low nutrient foods.

Your supplement can help increase the effectiveness of your plan but won’t do much to offset a bad diet and no exercise.

Tip: Keep your cabinets filled with nutritious foods and if you “cheat”, go to the gym to work it off. Your supplement will help your exercise be more efficient.

Mix it Up: Use Different Kinds of Fat Burners

Some fat burners specialize in controlling appetite.

Others specialize in speeding metabolism. It can be helpful to take a stimulant fat burner in the morning or before a workout to kick start your metabolism.

Or you can take an appetite suppressant instead of a snack or before a meal to help you limit how much you eat.

Take Your Fat-burner Supplement Dosage Spread out Over the Day

Ideally, if you can, spread your daily dosage over four times a day.

For example, if you are to take 4 pills in one day, instead of taking two pills in the morning and two at night, try taking one every three hours or so.

This should maximize your body’s ability to use the fat burning benefits of the supplement and not waste any of it.

Drink 3-4 Quarts of Water Daily

I know that seems like a lot of water; That’s up to 16 8oz. glasses per day! But let’s think about that a minute.

If you are working out, you will be sweating quite a bit, and taking metabolism boosting supplements also cause you to sweat more, losing valuable water stores.

Dehydration, or not having enough water, can also slow down your metabolism or cause you to feel hungry when you are merely thirsty.

Furthermore, drinking a glass of water every time you take a fat burning supplement can also help with your body use the supplement more effectively.


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In general, any supplement you take can have negative side effects. While choosing the best fat burner supplement, please consider the following list of precautions:

A Supplement Should Not Replace Diet & Exercise

Many people stop watching their diet and exercise when they begin taking fat burning supplements.

For best results, use the fat burner in conjunction with diet and exercise.

Natural Doesn’t Always Mean Safe

Herbs can Cause Interactions too. You should show care when using supplements and report any adverse reactions.

Supplements with Stimulants You are Sensitive to Can be Harmful

Stimulants such as high doses of caffeine can lead to adverse side effects such as dehydration, fast heart rate, insomnia, anxiety, headaches, and high blood pressure in sensitive individuals.

Make sure doses are reasonable and not too high.

Medication Interactions and Side Effects Possible

Supplements may have side effects or interact negatively with medications you are taking.

If you are taking any medications, it may be wise to talk to your doctor before using a fat burner supplement.

Also, some people are sensitive to caffeine and therefore should probably avoid supplements that contain too much caffeine.


Best Fat Burner Supplements Reviewed


Vintage Burn

Vintage Burn is a fat burner that helps to preserve muscle, increase metabolism, boost energy, and burn fat.

It has natural ingredients are thought to improve metabolism, reduce the body’s fat absorption, boost energy, and curb appetite.


  • Vintage Burn has many natural ingredients, which is always a plus: Natural, gluten free, GMO free.
  • The price is in the affordable range and similar to the price for a quality multivitamin.
  • It really helps with improved energy, which would have helped me when I was trying to lose weight and work full time last year.
  • This improves muscle tone.
  • It reduces fat very quickly


  • Vintage Burn can be overstimulating to sensitive individuals and cause the jitters.
  • It can have an aftertaste.

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Burn XT

Burn XT is a fat burner, appetite suppressant, and energy burner.



  • Burn XT contains all natural ingredients.
  • This supplement adds plenty of energy.
  • Weight loss is fast and much easier than just diet and exercise.
  • Body composition changes can be seen in just a few days.
  • Fat loss is quick.


  • Can cause anxiety or the jitters in sensitive people.

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Nobi Nutrition Green Tea Extract Fat Burner

Nobi Nutrition Green Tea Extract Fat Burner is a natural appetite suppressant, metabolism booster, and fat burner.



  • This supplement has natural ingredients.
  • Weight loss can be achieved very quickly.
  • This is really good at decreasing appetite.
  • More gentle, yet just as effective as many other fat burners.


  • Some sensitive people can have some nausea or stomach pain after taking this.
  • Some people get jittery when taking this.

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Genius Burn Fat Burner

Genius Fat Burner helps with increasing metabolism, boosting energy, supporting the thyroid, increasing cognitive performance, suppressing the appetite, and burning fat.



  • Genius does not contain caffiene and causes less jitters for sensitive people.
  • It has natural ingredients.
  • This also decreases appetite very well.
  • Fat loss is quick, steady and sustainable.


  • In sensitive individuals, this can cause nausea and drowsiness.

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Burn Lab Pro®

Burn Lab Pro® uses the top 5 ingredients clinically shown to speed fat loss, increase energy and improve muscle mass.


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  • Burn Lab Pro® has a  combination of the best natural ingredients boosts results.
  • Safe and Healthy: All research-backed ingredients.
  • Stimulant Free. There is no caffeine or stimulants in Burn Lab Pro. Sensitive individuals need not worry about adverse reactions to stimulants, because there aren’t any in this supplement.
  • Fast fat burning.
  • Increase in lean muscle mass.
  • Increases in athletic performance and energy.
  • Very affordable with pricing similar to the price for a quality multivitamin.


I can’t really think of any cons since there are no stimulants in this supplement.

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Final Thoughts

In my opinion, Burn Lab Pro® is the best fat burner supplement for me. It is safe, effective, boosts energy, increases lean muscle, increases fat burn, and no known adverse side effects.

I really like how it has top of the line ingredients that are high quality and well-researched.

All the ingredients in Burn Lab Pro® have been shown to be effective in helping burn fat faster.

The ingredients are also all plant-based and fermented which assists with easy digestion.

This is a big plus for me since I have had trouble in the past with digesting supplements and having stomach pain as a result.

All the other supplements had stimulants such as caffeine. Sensitive people, like me, can often get the jitters or stomach issues from stimulants. Burn Lab Pro® is completely stimulant free! Big plus in my book.

Burn Lab Pro’s labs are even registered with the FDA. That is not the case with a great many other supplement producers.

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