Best Magnesium Supplement For Anxiety


If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best magnesium supplement for anxiety is, then we recommend BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough as the best one.

There are lots of vitamins and minerals in your body that help you stay alive and stay healthy.

One of them is magnesium.

Magnesium is vital for a wide variety of ailments, including reducing anxiety.

As reported by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, the most common mental illness is anxiety.

Fortunately, it is also highly treatable.

What exactly is magnesium, how do you get it, and what are examples of magnesium products representing the best magnesium supplement to reduce anxiety and other ailments?


Here are the top magnesium supplements we’ll be reviewing:


Best Magnesium Supplement For Anxiety 2


What is Magnesium?



There are lots of minerals in our bodies.

We need minerals for our bodies to function correctly. Examples of important minerals in our bodies are calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, magnesium, and more.

The human body is filled with enzymes, and magnesium is an essential cofactor for the enzymes.

The human adult body contains 25 grams of the mineral magnesium. Approximately half of it is stored in the skeleton, while the rest is stored in bodily fluids, soft tissues, and muscle.

Magnesium supplies many health benefits, such as reducing depression and anxiety.

It also helps with improving energy levels, aiding in muscle and nerve function, assisting with blood pressure, healing the immune system, and lowering the risk of diabetes.

The mineral regulates calcium and vitamin D levels, aids in promoting sleep and reducing insomnia, helps maintain a regular heartbeat, supports bone density, helps with the digestive tract, and prevents migraine headaches.

Keep in mind that if you are taking certain medications, if you have a severe illness, or if you are an alcoholic, for example, you could be losing magnesium.

Low levels of magnesium, in turn, can lead to physical problems such as migraine headaches and much more.

How Do You Get Magnesium Naturally?

Ideally, individuals can argue that getting your vitamins and minerals naturally is the way to go, especially in magnesium, which is found naturally in many foods and the body.

As reported at the National Institutes of Health, adult men need to consume 400 to 420 milligrams of magnesium daily, and adult women need to consume 310 to 320 milligrams of magnesium everyday. (Pregnant women generally require a higher dose.)

Unfortunately, many people are deficient in magnesium. So how do you get magnesium naturally?

A wide variety of foods contain magnesium that can help a person reach the needed levels naturally.

For example, you can get magnesium from almonds, cashews, spinach, peanuts, wheat bread, soymilk, peanut butter, black beans, etc.

I don’t know about you, but I can bet my trying to get magnesium naturally would be futile.

I, like many Americans, fail to eat properly every day. I try, but with my busy schedule, it’s difficult.

Therefore, I’m pleased to know that food isn’t the only place to get the mineral. I can get help with supplements.

How Do I Choose the Best Magnesium Supplement?

It can be hard to choose the best magnesium. They can be taken in tablets and can be taken in powder. They can be taken in different doses.

Furthermore, the prices of magnesium vary from product to product. Is a cheaper product worse than a more expensive product? Or does it not matter?

Tips For Choosing the Best Magnesium:

Always check with your doctor before taking a supplement, especially if you have certain medical conditions.

Check to make sure where the product is produced. Is it made in America? Is it made in China?

Determine if you are comfortable with where a product is made. As an American, I am seeking American made products because I trust them better.

How is the magnesium taken? I prefer tablets or capsules, but others prefer things like powders.

Decide what you’re comfortable with.

Choose the right form of magnesium for your needs. As explained below, magnesium overdose is a potential problem.

Some magnesium is sold as a calcium combination. Many women, for example, take calcium supplements to help with avoiding osteoporosis, etc.

Determine if you should take calcium and magnesium separately or if it is okay to take them together.

What is Magnesium Overdose?

Is it possible to get too much magnesium?


If you overdose on magnesium, the condition is known as hypermagnesemia. This occurs when there is too much magnesium in the blood.

Although an abundance of magnesium from food doesn’t create a health risk, you can overdose on magnesium if you take too much of a supplement.

The side effects can be conditions like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, muscle weakness, lethargy, and even cardiac arrest.

The good news is that hypermagnesemia is rare. This is because our kidneys work to get rid of an abundance of magnesium.

However, if you have kidney disease or poor kidney function, you are at greater risk.

If you experience any of the side effects listed above or experience any other unusual effects from a supplement, you should stop taking the supplement and speak to your doctor.


Best Magnesium Supplement For Anxiety 3


What is the Best Way to Take Magnesium?

If you are taking magnesium to improve anxiety, improve migraines, or any other reason, you need to take it correctly.

How to Take Magnesium Correctly

Most magnesium you can consume any time of the day as long as you’re consistent. So if you take your tablets in the morning, always take them in the morning consistently.

Determine if you can take your magnesium with or without food.

If you experience side effects, such as nausea, it may be better if you take the supplement with food. However, check with your doctor if you are experiencing side effects.

If you are on other medications, ensure that the magnesium does not negatively interact with the medicine.

In some cases, medications can interfere with absorption. However, in some cases, you can safely take magnesium separately with medications.

For example, if you are on an antibiotic for strep throat, you’ll want to check with your doctor to see if you should take magnesium at another time during the day, such as two hours before or four hours later.

Best Magnesium Supplement Reviews


High Absorption Magnesium by Doctor’s Best

High Absorption Magnesium by Doctor’s Best is on the list for one of the best magnesium supplement products.

With a two tablet daily dose of 200 milligrams each, the tablets are gluten-free, soy-free, vegan, and organic.

This Doctor’s Best chelated magnesium product, used to maintain adequate magnesium in the body, is made with Albion minerals TRAACS and does not have a chemical buffer.

It is more absorbent than magnesium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, and magnesium oxide.

The High Absorption Magnesium product, designed to be tolerated in the body, allows for a lessening laxative effect.



  • The product is gluten, soy, and vegan free, and it’s organic.
  • It is chelated magnesium made with Albion minerals TRAACS.
  • There is no chemical buffer.
  • It is tolerated well in most human bodies with a lessening laxative effect.
  • The product is affordable.


  • You need to take two tablets to satisfy the daily dose.

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Magnesium by Nature’s Bounty

Nature’s Bounty’s Magnesium is a best magnesium supplement of 500 milligrams taken in a dose of one tablet per day with a meal.

The tablets are coated, which may help with swallowing. They contain no artificial flavors or sweeteners and are gluten-free.

Nature’s Bounty puts their products through rigorous quality testing in their microbiological laboratory, overseen by quality experts, scientists, and manufacturing specialists, to establish and verify potency and purity.

The ingredients must meet GMP supplement quality standards before they are disseminated.




  • A person need only take one tablet per day.
  • The tablets are coated for easy swallowing.
  • The product has no artificial flavors or sweeteners.
  • The product is gluten-free.


  • The tablets are large and, therefore, may be hard to swallow.

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Magnesium Complex by Nobi Nutrition

On the list of the best magnesium supplement products is Nobi Nutrition’s Magnesium Complex.

The high absorption vegan magnesium is made with 500 mg of unadulterated magnesium. Magnesium Complex is a non-GMO formula and is third party tested.

The product is made in the USA and not overseas.




  • The pure magnesium has a high milligram amount.
  • A person need only take one tablet per day.
  • The formula is non-GMO.
  • The product is made in the USA.
  • The product is third-party tested.


  • Magnesium Complex is more expensive than many similar tablet products.

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Calm by Natural Vitality

A best magnesium supplement product is Calm by Natural Vitality. The magnesium supplement is a flavored powder as opposed to a tablet.

The product, with magnesium sourced from the Pacific Ocean, is both vegan and gluten-free.

Calm instructs that the user begin with half a teaspoon, mixed with water, daily and gradually increase to two teaspoons, mixed with water, daily. Individuals can take calm with or without food.

The supplement makers have won a variety of awards, including the 2018 Better Nutrition Best of Supplements Award, etc.




  • The product is easier to swallow because it is not a tablet.
  • The product is flavored.
  • The magnesium is sourced from the Pacific Ocean.
  • Calm can be taken with or without food.
  • Calm is vegan and gluten-free.
  • The makers of the product have won awards.


  • Some users are not satisfied with its taste.

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Magnesium Breakthrough by BiOptimizers

The number one recommended best magnesium supplement is Magnesium Breakthrough by BiOptimizers, a US company.

It is a product that has no preservatives, lead, mercury, arsenic or fluoride, and is made with seven kinds of magnesium, including bisglycinate, malate, citrate, and more.

The dose is two capsules with the evening meal. Magnesium Breakthrough contains no gluten or dairy and is GMP compliant.




  • Magnesium Breakthrough includes seven kinds of magnesium.
  • The product has no preservatives, lead, mercury, arsenic, or fluoride.
  • The product contains no gluten or dairy.
  • Magnesium Breakthrough is GMP compliant.


  • This product is a higher-priced brand, which may be unaffordable for some.

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Final Thoughts

Based on the products listed here, the best magnesium supplement for anxiety and other ailments is BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough. 

This magnesium supplement provides 7 forms of magnesium in the optimum dose that the other magnesium supplements listed simply don’t.

In addition, all ingredients are naturally derived for those who want to avoid any processed or synthetic ingredients.

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