What Are The Best Weight Plates For a Home Gym?


If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best weight plates for a home gym are, then I’d recommend the CAP Barbell Olympic 2-Inch Weight Plate as the best one.

Looking to choose the best weight plates to achieve your fitness goal, but don’t know where to start?

This helpful guide will give you a helpful overview of what you need to know through all stages of weightlifting with this equipment.

We hope to help you in determining the exact makeup of your weight plates, setting a weightlifting goal and choosing the best set for you.

Through the use of insightful information and product reviews, this guide is meant to help you decide on the best weight plates for you.


Here are the top weight plates we’ll be reviewing:


Weight plates that you use in your home or garage gym can be used alone or loaded onto dumbbell, barbell, dipping bell


Why Invest in Weight Plates?



Finding the best weight plates to achieve your workout aspirations beings with your maximum weight goal.

When lifting weights for strength training, setting a specific goal above your current maximum abilities.

If weight lifting is a new adventure, starting at a maximum goal of 300 pounds. If you have a bit of experience under your belt, consider doubling that maximum goal.

Determining the exact makeup of your weight plates should match your weight-increasing capabilities.

The best weight plate sets have a good balance of in between plates, large base plates and change plates.

In between plates are between five and ten pounds and are used to gradually increase your resistance.

Larger base plates are 25 to 45 pounds (or higher) and are used consistently. Change plates are a helpful, additional piece of equipment that are explained further later.

A good, balanced set of the best weight plates for a maximum lift goal of 300 pounds is below.

  • 4 x 45 pound plates
  • 2 x 35 pound plates
  • 2 x 25 pound plates
  • 2 x 10 pound plates
  • 4 x 5 pound plates
  • 2 x 2.5 pound plates


This arrangement of weight plates facilitates increasing your resistance up to 300 pounds!

If you are more experienced and want to increase your lift goal, add two additional 45 pound plates for every 90 pounds over the previous maximum lift goal.

For example, if your maximum weight goal is 480 pounds, add four additional 45 pound plates to create a balanced set.

If you don’t have a lot of storage space for your gym equipment, consider reducing the number of weight plates by adding change plates to the mix.

Between the spaces of standard weight plates, change plates are placed to add a small amount of weight to the bar.

Additional small change plates are the best weight plates for those making steady, slow progress on their workout goals.

A full set of change plates includes a 2.5 and 5 pound plate set and two additional 5 pound plates.

The best feature of change plates is that they make your workout efficient, making them a useful tool to include in your weight plate set.

Change plates are often manufacturer made, which means that the brand needs to match the manufacturer of your weight bar.

This ensures the most secure fit and productive usage of your weight plates.

What are the advantages of bumper plates versus steel weight plates?

Bumper plates are constructed from a durable plastic and traditional weight plates are made of cast iron.

Bumper plates have the advantage of being an easier piece of equipment to work with because they come in a variety of sizes.

This makes changing plates and increasing your maximum weight goal easier.

Traditional Olympic plates have the advantage of having a smaller diameter.

The smaller size of traditional plates allows easier changing of weights during dead lift training.

This makes your workout more efficient. It can be a positive experience to be able to quickly change traditional plates on an EZ bar set up with a small trap bar.

Changing out the larger bumper weights could get arduous.

For these reasons, the best weight plates for you could be a combination of the two.

For a trap bar, the inner weight plates that are not altered during a workout can be the bulkier bumper plates.

The outer plates can be the smaller, traditional plates.

The advantage of combining these two is that the smaller plates won’t scrape the ground, and it’s easy to alternate weight plates.

Precautions for Weight Training with Plates

When weight lifting, five important considerations come to mind.

Having proper technique, steady breathing, stretching, and practicing moderation all come into play.

These considerations include important things to think about as you incorporate your weight plates into your strength training routine.

Proper Technique Overview

Taking up an entirely new form of physical activity might require consultations with a personal trainer who has expertise in weightlifting.

While weightlifting is beneficial, it is only beneficial if you know how to practice proper technique.

The first step to proper technique is choosing the appropriate weight. Consult your trainer if you want a comprehensive evaluation if needed.

A weight that might be right for your current fitness level can also be determined by steadily increasing weights while practicing good technique.

This includes keeping your spine in a straight, neutral position to increase blood flow. When you’re picking up weights, ensure to bend at the knees.

Proper technique does not include bending at the hips, which can cause undue stress on joints.

When lifting your weights, focus on the muscles you’re working on to isolate results. Practice steady control and precision when lifting, and always lift slowly.

When you perform proper technique, your weight plates will stay in place on the bar.

Breathing Technique

As you lift your bar, breathing correctly ensures your muscles stay oxygenated and healthy. When resting between repetitions, breathe normally.

When weight lifting, ensure you are breathing steadily and not holding your breath.

A common mistake occurs when weightlifters hold their breath as they lift, and are lightheaded or nauseous afterward.

To avoid fatigue and potential injury, breath steadily and slowly during weightlifting.


Before and after workout stretching is one of the best ways to take complete advantage of the benefits of weight training.

Before your workout, stretch your entire body. A common mistake is to only stretch the workout muscles, but not other parts of the body.

This can lead to lactic acid buildup in different parts of the body.

When stretching, pay attention to your training muscles but also take the whole body into consideration.

You can also warm up by performing repetitions with very light weight plates in a slow and steady manner.

Stretching is the best way to cool down after weight lifting.

Performing a bit of light yoga or performing walking lunges is a great way to stretch post-workout.

Be sure to stretch your entire body during the cool down, as well.

This ensures oxygen reaches your muscles and they can properly recover from the session.

If you are working out with a heart rate monitor, you can use it during your cool down.

When cooling down, your heart rate should decrease to around 100 heart beats per minute. This is an ideal rate that helps facilitate blood flow and start recovery.

Workout in Moderation

When you practice good workout technique, striking a healthy balance between weight training and rest periods is essential.

Working out in moderation reduces your risk of injury due to over exertion or fatigue.

When first beginning to weight train, working out in thirty minute sessions two to three times per week is a good balance.

This routine will provide ample rest periods and recovery time.

As your strength and endurance increases, you’re able to expand your weekly exercise for up to 150 minutes per week.

As you begin to incorporate longer and more active workout sessions, you will begin to see awesome fitness results.

Weight Training Basics

If you really need a comprehensive training course, look for a weight training specialist in your area.

Many gyms and community centers have athletic trainers enthusiastically available to advise you on how to get started.

Other specialists can be round in the form of physical therapists.

If you have limited abilities, talking to a physical therapist can be beneficial to your fitness goals and safety.

The first step in weight training is to check your technique.

The helpful guide above gives a good overview of the best weight training techniques.

If you’re experienced in weight training, consider talking to a weight training specialist about checking your technique.

The second step is to make sure you’re lifting the right amount of weight.

Lifting something that is close to your maximum weight goal can be encouraging, but can also be dangerous if not approached wisely.

If you can’t perform at least ten repetitions with a certain weight, you should consider a lower amount of weight.

If you can lift something comfortably for fifteen repetitions, this is the weight you need to start at.

The next important basic weight training considerations is using proper form. Learn to do the weight lifting exercise correctly and perform uniform repetitions.

Consulting a weight training expert can help. There are also a multitude of online tutorials for at-home weight training.

Before and during your workout, ensure you follow proper form techniques to optimize your fitness results and reduce the risk of injury.


Some of the exercises you can use with a weight plate are biceps curl, triceps extension, chest press, shoulder press


Best Weight Plates Reviewed

CAP Barbell Olympic 2-Inch Weight Plate

The gray baked enamel coating of the CAP Barbell Olympic 2-Inch Weight Plate indicates this is a durable piece of workout equipment.

We like the reliable weight of this weight plate produced by the solid cast iron material.

On the surface of this plate, there are raised silver numbers that are easy to read. Identifying weight size with the CAP Barbell brand weight plate is easy and efficient.

The cast iron construction, with enamel coating, contains a precision-drilled center hole that accommodates Olympic bars.

These plates come in a variety of sizes, including 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 35, 45 and 100 pounds. This is a rather low selection of choice when compared with other brands of weight plates.

The classic gray color and look of these weights are also a bit mundane.




  • Durable material and construction
  • Standard mounting size for ease-of-use
  • Easy-to-read raised weight markers


  • Low variety of weight choice
  • Fits only Olympic-sized bars

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HulkFit Color-Coded Olympic Rubber Bumper Plate

The HulkFit Color-Coded Olympic Rubber Bumper Plate contains a steel hub for easy interchangeability during your workout. The material is a type of high density rubber.

The steel hub is constructed of solid stainless steel and is very durable. The steel hub can withstand repeated heavy drops without faltering.

Rubber bumper plates have the advantage of a soft outer layer of rubber, which protects your bars and your floors from damage.

This feature makes the HulkFit rubber bumper plates a great choice for those with limited gym space.

The manufacturer of this rubber bumper plate is committed to providing quality weight plates that incorporate alternative materials.




  • Easy interchangeability with steel hub
  • Durable high-density rubber material
  • Color-coded coatings for weight identification


  • Bright colors may clash with traditional gym colors
  • Weight numbers are harder to read

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Day 1 Fitness Cast Iron Olympic 2-Inch Grip Plate

The Day 1 Fitness Cast Iron Olympic 2-Inch Grip Plate is a solid and durable piece of workout equipment.

These are some of the best weight plates on the market for those who want simple, straightforward tools to achieve their goals.

The grip plate is made of heavy-duty cast iron, adding a level of durability and resistance to stress.

The weight indicators are placed in white on the plates, adding to the simplicity and usability of this product.

The 2 inch hole in this weight plate makes it compatible with all Olympic weightlifting bars.




  • Durable cast iron grip plate
  • Simple look for classic aesthetic
  • Weight indicators help with interchangeability


  • Can’t fit smaller weightlifting bars
  • Cast iron can damage floor when dropped repeatedly

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XMark Texas Star Olympic Plates

The XMark Texas Star weight plates are made of a heavy weight rubber. This feature is beneficial because the material is tough and durable.

It is also resistant to bacterial growth, making this brand a great choice for busy gymnasts. The look of these rubber bumper plates is striking, as well.

The round weight plates have a great deal of space in the middle, and a large red marker containing the weight information.

While the look of the XMark Texas Star Olympic plates is striking, it could impede usability.

Searching for a small red tag might frustrate you mid-workout and hinder your progress toward your fitness goals.




  • Durable, high-density rubber material
  • Anti-microbial and anti-odor
  • Large, clear weight indicators


  • Alternative geometric aesthetic is very modern
  • Red and black weight indicators appear on one side only

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Yes4All Cast Iron Weight Plates

The Yes4All cast iron weight plates are simple in design and versatile in nature.

The 1 inch circle in the middle makes this a versatile weight plate that can work with all smaller 1 inch standard bars and dumbbell handles.

If you’re looking to start out a weightlifting experience using dumbbells and need interchangeable weight plates, this could be a great product for you.

The look of these weight plates is very simple and easy to follow.

The weight information is not painted, and the entire weight plate is covered in a black coating.

While the black coating looks sleek, the weight information blends in and could be difficult to see.




  • Great for beginners
  • Securely fits 1 inch weightlifting bars
  • Sleek and durable black coating


  • Can’t fit standard Olympic bars
  • Weight indicators hard to see

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And the Winner is…

For usability and versatility, the CAP Barbell Olympic 2-Inch Weight Plate is definitely the ideal weight plate.

The cast-iron material of this product will make it durable and resistant to stress.

When considering a serious workout routine, this feature makes the CAP Barbell better than other weight plates made of different materials.

These weights are also very versatile, as you can purchase smaller weights for faster weight jumps.

Compared to other models that have distracting colors and obscure writing, the CAP Barbell has clear printed information on the sides of each weight plate.

The information is easy to read and contrasts well against the gray color of the weight plate.

For these reasons, the CAP Barbell is the clear winner when it comes to determining the best weight plates.

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