Can Pelvic Floor Muscles be Strengthened?

Are you experiencing myasthenia? Maybe, your muscles start to weaken? Are your pelvic floor muscles affected? Do the side effects affect your everyday life? Therefore wondering whether you can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

The good news is that you can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.


Commons Questions About Pelvic Floor Muscles



What Are The Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Pelvic floor muscles are in between your pubic bone within the pelvis and tailbone. These muscles are important as they support your bladder and bowel.

You may have a weak pelvic floor muscle if you have troubles during sexual intercourse, bowel movement, and urination. However, weak pelvic floor muscles can be strengthened during its early stages.


What Causes Pelvic Floor Muscles to be Weak?

There are a lot of factors that cause pelvic floor muscles to lose strength. It includes childbirth, prostate cancer treatment, and chronic constipation. Fortunately, it can be reversed once properly attended to.


How Can I Strengthen my Pelvic Floor Muscles?

The most recommended way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles is by exercising them. The routine is really simple with you finding somewhere you can comfortably sit.

Then, squeeze these muscles for at least 10 seconds. You can take a break in between squeezes.

It might take some time to master it, but slow progress is the key. You know you are in full contraction if you can feel the muscles that control the flow of urine and rectal muscles.

Are There Other Ways to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Yes. However, it is still exercising that strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. Besides contraction exercises, you can start doing yoga. The most popular exercise done for pelvic floor muscle strengthening is the Kegel.

Studies also showed that maintaining a healthy weight can ease the stress from your pelvic floor muscles.


What is Kegel Exercise?

Kegel is a simple clench-and-release routine, using your pelvic floor muscles. With this exercise, your muscle will be better at supporting your bladder, small intestine, uterus, and rectum as you age.

At the same time, it will help you prevent any passing stool or gas and bladder leaks.


Is There Other Ways to Perform Kegel Exercise?

You can modify the exercises depending on what you want and need. For example, you can add another exercise to the mix to make you feel at ease. When exercising yoga, you can use a yoga backbend to add flexibility.

At the same time, you must make sure that you have the proper nutrition. Your effort might be affected by a poor diet.

You can also use tools to make it easier for you, especially for people who suffer from bladder leaks. No need to wear any more pads during exercise.


Recommended Urinary Incontinence Solution


What is Elitone?

Elitone is a gel pad that assists you when doing your kegel exercises. It helps you make contractions and releases on your pelvic floor muscles easier. It promises results within a few weeks after consistent use.

One of the best ways to start your muscle-strengthening journey is by using Elitone with your kegel exercise.

Elitone is a non-implanted machine designed to stimulate pelvic floor muscles and nearby tissues. It also promises to alleviate stress from urinary incontinence, especially for women.

After a few consistent uses, Elitone promises that you can start wearing your comfortable gray pajamas again.



When Do I Use my Elitone?

You can use it anytime, anywhere. It is a comfortable device that you can sit on it while watching or doing some work.

It also has controls, so you can manage the level you are comfortable with. We suggest you try all the levels to find the best one for you.


Do I Need a Prescription to Buy Elitone?

No, you do not need a prescription for Elitone. It is cleared by the FDA, which means you can purchase one just over the counter.

Although a prescription might not be necessary, you might require one from your doctor if you need it for insurance purposes.


How Effective is Elitone?

Elitone can effectively improve incontinence symptoms by up to 85%. According to the clinical study of Elitone Self-Administered Self Treatment, 83% of the participants, who actively engaged in this project, were satisfied with the treatment.

The following are the factors considered: pad usage, incontinence episode frequency, and quality-of-life measures. The study was also registered under clinical trials of the US National Library of Medicine, which anyone can access.

To sum up the study, it merely provides that a few weeks of commitment to Elitone will show results. It is safe and does not require any medical assistance to start.


Is Elitone FDA Approved?

Yes, Elitone is FDA-cleared. The item is primarily to be used for women’s urinary incontinence and for strengthening pelvic floor muscles. So, you are assured that this device is safe for you to use.


Does Elitone Help With Prolapse?

Yes, Elitone help with prolapse! Prolapse happens when a pelvic organ gets pushed into the vaginal space.

To mitigate this health problem, doctors recommend patients suffering from the early stages of prolapse do kegel exercises.

Basically, the exercise routine consists of tightening your pelvic muscles as you lift an imaginary marble with it. The exercise might take only a few seconds with breaks in between.

It is advisable to be consistent with the routine to see any results and progress.

However, it appears that a lot of people fail to do kegel exercises properly. This is where Elitone helps patients. Elitone assists users to perform kegel exercises effectively and for a longer period.

It makes sure that you contract the right muscles to ease your prolapse.


Are There Any Side Effects to Using Elitone?

There are no major side effects to using Elitone. The least you will experience is muscle fatigue and skin irritation.

Of course, when used improperly, you might experience serious discomfort. So, it is advisable to read the manual thoroughly.

There are videos about Elitone on their website and YouTube. It contains an easy walk-through so you can manage your Elitone on your own.


Can Men Use Elitone?

Unfortunately, Elitone was designed for women. Studies show that women suffer from weak pelvic floor muscles than men because of the fact that they experience pregnancy and childbirth.

It is also the reason why this tool is ready for women.

However, there are other tools in the market that can assist men suffering from weak pelvic floor muscles. These are usually toners and stimulators, which act similarly to Elitone.


Can I Use Elitone During Pregnancy?

No! Do not use Elitone during pregnancy as it is not desirable. Use it after childbirth to help you achieve getting back to normal. Elitone recommends that you use it six weeks after birth.

However, there are instances when you should ask first your doctor whether it is okay to use Elitone or not. There are cases in which Elitone might not be necessary or that your body is sensitive to carry such a tool.


Where do You Put Elitone?

Elitone is a gel pad placed on your crotch area. First, you must press the top of the opening

on the top of the vulva. Second, you need to make sure that the gel pad is properly stuck to the skin.

If you have a hairy body, you might need to shave or wax it. However, it is not necessary. Some of the participants in Elitone’s clinical trial still receive the same result whether they shave or not.

However, it is highly recommended to evaluate several positions to check the best location to place your Elitone. Most women place it where they experience most contractions.


Does my Insurance Cover Elitone?

Some insurance can cover your Elitone purchase. Unfortunately, Elitone is not responsible for processing your insurance payments.

Instead, you must submit your Elitone invoice receipt to your insurance provider for reimbursement.

Each insurance company may require different coverage requirements. So, better make sure to contact your insurer to determine whether they cover Elitone and what are the necessary requirements you need to submit.



Final Thoughts

Having weak pelvic floor muscles might be attributed to a lot of things, which include pregnancy and childbirth. Unfortunately, more women are affected by having weak pelvic floor muscles.

The good news is that methods and tools are introduced to mitigate this problem.

It is now possible to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. It usually involves doing kegel exercise, where you contract and release your bladder and rectal muscles.

To reverse the effect of weak pelvic floor muscles, it is ideal to perform this exercise as early as the symptoms start to show.

When performing kegel exercises, not everyone can properly contract the right muscles. Elitone will help you contract and release the right muscles.

You can just relax in the comfort of your home or during a busy day in the office. Just click the level you want, and Elitone will contract the muscles for you.

With consistent use, you will find results in no time. You can now say goodbye to an accidental bladder leak.

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