Soul – Non-Athlete Fitness Fitness For The Unathletically Inclined Fri, 23 Oct 2020 01:29:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Soul – Non-Athlete Fitness 32 32 156168556 Family Fitness: How to Start Exercising With Your Kids Tue, 06 Oct 2020 02:19:22 +0000 Family Fitness: How to Start Exercising With Your Kids Read More »

When you have kids, your personal time at the gym may get cut short or get cut out altogether.

Don’t despair!

This is an opportunity to start a family fitness program at home. It doesn’t matter how young your kids are. If they can walk, they can get some exercise.

Family fitness is a concept that more families should embrace.

Kids are so impressionable that it’s important to teach them about staying in shape.

There’s no better way to teach them than leading by example, so you should try to work out with them often.

This guide will give you some great suggestions on how to start working out with your kids.

Starting Young is the Easiest Way to Teach Them



Ideally you want to start teaching kids about fitness at an early age.

Babies start learning when they’re born, however they begin to imitate gestures as early as 9 to 12 months of age.

Note that I’m not suggesting you start a fitness program with your one year old. I’m simply pointing out that they start learning early.

One great idea is to do bodyweight exercises using your baby as additional bodyweight!

Drop the dumbbells and pick up the baby. You may not think your baby is aware of what you’re doing, but they will pick up on your fitness habits faster than you can blink.

Kids start to understand more complex thoughts between the ages of 3 to 4 years old. They get curious and begin to analyze things.

This would be a great age to start teaching them about fitness.

This doesn’t mean putting them on a treadmill. However, teaching them about being active over sedentary is a great start.

Ages 4 to 5 years old is where your child may start to imitate your actions. This is where the fun family fitness can begin.

Mommy-and-me yoga and tyke swings with Dad are all a part of the agenda.

Your child may not fully understand the purpose of being fit, but they’ll understand that physical activity is a part of life.

If you start young, exercise will be as normal as playing with toys. You’ll avoid having the kid that turns into a couch potato. You will have set your child up for a healthy, happy life.

Starting With Older Children Can be a Lot of Fun

After the age of five, kids go through an adorable phase of wanting to be pretty like Mom or strong like Dad (or whichever configuration you have in your family).

Until they hit their teenage years, they really want to spend time with you.

In fact, they may have a bit of anxiety being away from you. That makes it easy to implement a family fitness routine.

While you can still focus on movements and fun playtime activities, you can begin to transition them to actual exercises around the age of 9 or 10 years old.

They can start learning to use small equipment like dumbbells or barbells. Teaching them proper form is key, so they don’t injure themselves.

Making it Fun Keeps Them Interested


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Kids aren’t going to be motivated at the amazing health benefits of exercising like you will.

It’s going to take something different to motivate them, and that something different is usually something fun.

This doesn’t mean you should turn your exercise ideas into a joke. It simply means that you need to make it interesting for them.

Even if you’re a fitness guru, don’t try to push too much on your kids at one time.

It may be too intense for them, and they’ll quickly lose interest.

Instead do exercises that are fun as well as effective. This could even mean going outside and playing as a family.

You could even consider a rewards system.

Kids get extremely motivated when they are going to receive a reward at the end of a task.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a small reward or a big reward, just the idea of receiving one is enough to make them get up and move.

Extra Curricular Activities

School is a great place for older kids to stay physically active.

There are so many sports and clubs that kids could join.

Not only are these activities great for their mental and social development, but they keep your child physically fit.

Consider convincing your child to join a club or team at school. In fact, you may not have to do much convincing. Kids usually discover these interests on their own.

The way this ties into family fitness is through practice.

Whatever club or team they join, you can help them practice at home. They will love getting the attention from you while improving their skills.

Make Sure They Eat Healthy Foods

It would be pointless to implement a fitness routine for the family if your kids are living off a diet filled with burgers and pizza.

Kids need to eat healthy, nutritious meals to go along with the exercise that they do. This ensures that they get the nutrients they need as they grow and get into better shape.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise. It’s pretty much the same rule for adults.

If you’re going to eat unhealthy foods, you’re basically going to undermine your exercise efforts. Teach your kids about total health, including eating right.

Foods that need to be a regular part of your kid’s diet include:

  • Milk
  • Water
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Whole grains
  • White meats

You’ll notice that kids essentially need the same foods that adults need if they’re trying to eat healthy. This makes it simple for the whole family to eat a healthy diet.


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Use Suggested Exercises by Age Group

Here are some great ideas that you can use to develop a family fitness routine in your home. The exercises are grouped by age to make it easier to navigate.


Song and Dance Time

Toddlers love music.

It doesn’t matter what kind of music; they absolutely love it. Once they learn how to talk, they quickly learn the concept of singing.

You can implement a regular song and dance time for you and your toddler.

While the singing is a bonus, make it more about the dancing. This is an excellent way to get in a fun cardio session.

Crawl Around

By now your toddler has likely learned to walk.

However, that doesn’t mean he or she can’t crawl anymore. Crawling around is a great way to get in some cardio.

You could even turn it into a game or a make-believe session.

Pretend you’re an animal and see how fast you can go. Just be careful not to become the horse while your child rides you. You’ll be getting all the exercise alone which defeats the purpose.

Running Around

Toddlers love to run as much as they love to dance.

You may want to go outside for this one, so you don’t encourage running indoors, but outside the world is their oyster.

You could make up a game where you’re simply chasing each other. If you have a puppy, your toddler might want to run with the puppy.

It usually won’t take much convincing to get a toddler to run.


This is another activity that toddlers love to do.

You can teach them jumping jacks while turning it into a play session. Toddlers have a lot of energy, so they may even be able to do more jumping jacks than you can.


By this age, the aimless jumping and crawling has probably ceased. It doesn’t mean they aren’t still jumping (and maybe even crawling for fun), but it’s usually for a more specific purpose.

More importantly, you can start introducing real exercises to them with modifications for their abilities.

Push Ups

This is great to start developing upper body strength and working on their core.

They may need to do pushups from their knees or possible lay on the floor and push up from their waist.

However, the more they do it, the faster they’ll get around to real pushups.


Kids are naturally more flexible than adults, so yoga may come easy to your child.

Remember not to push them too much or to bend them into a pose.

Let them learn on their own. They’ll do their best to mimic you and eventually they’ll get good at it.


Just because they’re not a toddler anymore doesn’t mean they don’t like to dance anymore. Zumba classes are great for the whole family.

Plus, they’re easy, fun, and incorporate modern music that everyone loves.

If you can’t attend official Zumba classes, you could try the Just Dance video game or something similar at home.


This is a good bodyweight exercise for kids so they can begin building strength.

You’ll need to put emphasis on teaching them the right form so they will get the maximum benefits from the exercise.

In fact, you can start teaching squats at a pretty young age.


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Working out with teenagers is a whole different ball game.

By the time they hit this age, they’re up for just about any kind of exercise. They probably aren’t very strong yet, but the more they workout, the more eager they’ll be to improve.

This is especially true for boys who want to be strong like their Dads.

At this point, your child is beginning to develop into an adult. Their fitness needs will vary depending on their lifestyle.

If your teenager is an athlete, they need strength training and endurance exercise.

If they are a bookworm, cardio and bodyweight exercises can help them maintain their fitness. Dancers and runners will need to focus on their lower body.

You get the idea here.

Focus on Overall Health

Implementing a family fitness program at home is an excellent idea, but it won’t be effective if you aren’t focusing on your child’s overall health.

They need to visit their doctor and dentist regularly. Get eye exams and hearing tests. Make sure their shots are up to date.

As a parent, you are fully responsible for your child’s health until they become an adult.

They can’t make it through a family fitness program if their health is failing in other areas. Make sure that you pay attention to your child’s health needs.

Don’t forget about their mental health, especially when they reach the teenage years.

Teenagers have raging hormones that can affect their mood, self-esteem, energy, and cognitive function.

It’s a tough time for them because they don’t know how to handle those changes that happen in their bodies.

Make sure you talk to them as often as you can and get them counseling if they need it. In order for them to remain interested in a fitness regimen, their mental health needs to be good.

Final Thoughts

It’s a great idea to want to focus on family fitness.

The family that exercises together stays together.

More importantly, teaching your kids about fitness at an early age is teaching them valuable life skills.

Exercising will be so common to them that they couldn’t imagine a life without it.

Being a responsible parent is tough, but if you’re reading this, you’re probably doing a great job.

I applaud you for taking your child’s health seriously and I hope you find good use for all this information.

Good luck on setting up your very own family fitness regimen.

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Want a Flat Midsection? 10 Rules For Sexy Abs Sun, 13 Sep 2020 18:23:09 +0000 Want a Flat Midsection? 10 Rules For Sexy Abs Read More »

Several years back, a few areas of high stress converged on me, and I made no time for my health.

Too many happy hours disrupted my sleep quality.

My chronically unrested state gave me lunch time burrito cravings, and left me no energy for the gym.

I was gaining weight.

I wanted a more flat midsection, and I knew I had to do something.

Looking back, I can see ten major areas where I made sustainable changes.

Whole body health is a major time commitment, but it’s worth it. These ten rules will help you get sexier abs, but they are also the building blocks for total body health support.



1) Support System

There is so much more to achieving body goals than “calories in vs. calories out.”

Every body is its own ecosystem of unique nutritional needs.

Historically, we already knew this.

Ancient scientific minds created the system of Ayurveda to describe different body types and construct ideal nutrition for each.

In the Middle Ages, people were said to have one of several predominant “humors” that influenced everything from personality to the body’s illness susceptibility.

Medical science now knows that several hormones interact to drive appetite. The experience of hunger is very different in different people, partly because of these hormonal metabolic processes.

With a system as complex as your body, it’s worth investing in medical assessment and advice. Think of these professionals as your team.

Primary Health Care Provider

Most physicians are not trained with effective strategies for either weight loss or nutrition-supported health.

That said, we all need a relationship with a primary care provider.

At your next appointment, ask about hormone levels that can affect metabolism, and whether any of those are indicated in your bloodwork.

Sometimes weight gain indicates low thyroid hormone or insulin resistance.


If your goal includes losing a significant amount of weight, or if you have thyroid, insulin, or other hormonal imbalances, it might be worthwhile to visit a specialist like an endocrinologist.

These specialists can help you understand your hormone profile.

Different hormone levels can affect your experience of appetite, your body’s response to exercise, and your personal nutritional needs.

Licensed Nutritionist or Registered Dietician

Working with a nutrition specialist using your personal goals and medical information, you can create a personalized nutrition plan.

It should fit your caloric needs based on your activity level each day, and be adjustable as your fitness level and exercise intensity increase.

You can learn a lot from a nutritionist about how to read ingredient labels and balance all of the nutrients you need.

More importantly, only properly licensed specialists can legally provide individualized diet advice in many states.

Mental Health Counselor

Mental and emotional issues around our bodies, food, and exercise are incredibly common.

They don’t have to be barriers to your progress.

Your commitment to your health and fitness goals will be stronger because your internalized body judgments won’t interfere with making healthy choices in each present moment.

2) Nutrition and Food Journal


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Eat Enough

Your mind and body need sufficient calories and nutrients to get you through your life.

You don’t have to build your entire nutrition plan around a rigid calorie maximum in order to build awareness of your daily nutrition, appetite, and impulses.

Writing a daily journal of what you have eaten and its basic nutritional profile is a way of taking data on yourself.

You can track imbalances and plan to correct them in the future. You can also keep notes of your mood and stress level in order to observe their influence on your food choices.

There are plenty of programs designed to help keep up with calories and nutrition.

Be willing to stick with one plan for thirty days to decide whether or not it works for you, and be willing to move on to a new experiment if you find a particular program is not manageable.

How Much Is Too Much?

Whether and how much to cut your calorie intake should be a highly individualized decision.

If you have internalized a lot of judgmental language around your body or your food choices, it is probably difficult to engage nutritional support in a healthy way.

You can work with your therapist and nutritionist about healthy goal-setting, setbacks, and any emotions that come up for you.

For planning purposes, you can use a basic calorie calculator as a guideline for what you need.

3) Reduce Sugar

The more I reduce sugar from my overall diet, the less influence my sweet tooth has over my choices.

My understanding of this began years ago, when I converted to drinking my coffee black. I always put milk and a teaspoon or so of sugar into two or more cups of coffee every day.

Initially, I was looking to reduce my dairy intake by eliminating milk. I didn’t like the non-dairy creamers or soy milk, and I didn’t like the sweetened coffee without any milk.

I started buying better coffee grounds and drinking it black. Now, that’s close to 10,000 teaspoons of sugar that never had a chance to become body fat.

Read Labels

As you learn about the nutritional value of the food you eat, start paying attention to nutrition labels.

“Low fat” and “Reduced calorie” foods often add in sugar to make the food more palatable.

Jarred tomato sauces, ketchup, and salad dressings frequently contain added sugars. Learning to recognize the different names for hidden sugar will add some time to your grocery trips.

Learning to cook from fresh, whole ingredients can feel like an overwhelming process if it’s new to you, but you don’t have to totally convert overnight.

Give yourself patience for all this learning. Shop your usual groceries, and every week, replace one or two prepared foods with your homemade version.

Reduce Alcohol

Cutting sugar also means reducing your alcohol intake.

It isn’t just an issue of extra calories in every drink. Every one of those calories is sugar.

I have a significant sweet tooth, and personally, I find that drinking alcohol drives my sugar cravings.

Even in low or moderate amounts, alcohol makes me want dessert more intensely and more often, compounding the caloric excess of the sugary alcohol.

Be honest with your team about how much you drink, how that might be affecting your hormones and metabolism, and take their advice seriously.

4) Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

The emerging science on the effects of artificial sweeteners indicates they are not helpful for losing weight or inches.

Credible studies have demonstrated that people who routinely use these sweeteners might be permanently changing their appetite signaling pathways in a way that drives weight gain.

These compounds also appear to affect people’s sense of taste for sweetness.

Non-nutritive sweeteners are to be much sweeter than regular sugar, and regular use of artificial sweeteners can result in a person needing a larger amount of sugar to satisfy their desire for sweet taste.

There is not one artificial sweetener I will eat or drink at this point in my life.

5) Introduce The Right Cardio

Any increase in your physical activity will support your metabolism.

If you’re making significant dietary changes, give your mind and metabolism two to four weeks to adjust before you add exercise.

If you want a flat midsection that lasts, make small changes over time. When you have built good nutrition practices into your life, you can start working your body harder.


Nobody gets sexy abs without good overall fitness, and that starts with heart-pumping cardio.

At minimum, you need about 30 minutes of cardio about five times per week, or at least 150 minutes per week.

If you don’t exercise at all right now, just start where you are. Take walks, and work your way to 30 minutes at a time.

Lower Impact

My favorite laid-back cardio resource is the pool.

Treading water, walking or running laps, resistance paddles, and kick-boards offer a range of cardio challenges for every level of fitness and ability.

This is especially good cardio for a flat abs plan because working with your body in the water is also natural, deep core work.

A summer of twice-weekly pool work will draw your waist in.


Cardio doesn’t have to take over your life.

Train for races and create endurance goals if that keeps you motivated, but don’t feel like you have to be a competitive athlete to push yourself.

The most effective overall stamina builder is exercise variety.

If you only have 30 minutes per session, rotate between running, elliptical, cycling, rowing, and swimming to keep your metabolic fire lit.

Some yoga classes like hot yoga, vinyasa, and ashtanga styles are a great way out of a cardio rut.

6) Deep Core and Posture Exercise




A smaller waist and flatter belly start with powerful glutes, supple hips and low back, and strong lumbar spine.

When the body has these tools, it can stabilize the spine in order to lengthen through the front and side bodies.

It is this spine lengthening process that creates a flat midsection by engaging the deepest abdominal muscles called the transverse abdominals.

Pilates or Barre

There’s a reason serious dancers have sexy abs, and it is the intense core and alignment exercises they give their bodies every day.

To create a lean-looking body with a flat midsection, work to develop beautiful posture that properly stacks your ribcage over your hips.

Consistent good posture keeps your core muscles more active for more hours out of each day. A weekly core alignment class will help you train this habit into your body.

Tucking the tailbone and scooping the belly in are common instructions in pilates and barre classes because those actions lengthen the spine and draw the transverse abdominals inward.

This action is different from “sucking your stomach in” because you should be able to breathe throughout the exercise.


This breathing practice from yoga involves quickly snapping the abdominal muscles in for a forceful exhale.

It is said to clear the mind and build energy, which I find to be true.

It is also an amazing ab toner.

Uddiyana Bandha

Uddiyana Bandha refers to an intense abdominal exercise from yoga that is meant to massage the digestive organs and promote healthy digestion.

It deeply engages the full length of the transverse abdominal muscles, and it can be done lying on your back on the floor.

Uddiyana Bandha is a perfect core wakeup on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning.

7) High Intensity


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Whatever your base level of exercise, you need a weekly high-intensity workout for a flat midsection.

Ideally, you will work up to adding a weekly day of weight lifting and plyometrics before or after your cardio.

When performed with the correct alignment and posture, every weighted exercise is a component of core training.

Plyometric exercises are explosive compound movements like box jumps.

High intensity intervals might also have a positive effect on appetite hormones and regulation.


Carry a jump rope on your walk and create an interval of 10 minutes of walking followed by 100 rope jumps or jumping jacks.

If you complete that interval three times, that is a high-intensity version of a 30-minute walk.


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) classes and CrossFit are popular gym options that you might be able to use at home, depending on your fitness level and equipment.

Dumbbells, swing bags, and plyo boxes don’t take up much space.

You can construct a high-intensity circuit where you will use the intense core alignment work you have been learning.

Consult with a personal trainer if you simply don’t know where to start.


Your high intensity day is a day to work on big exercise goals like hang time on a pull-up bar.

You can work your hardest regardless of whether you ever do a full pull-up.

If you have been doing a heavier intensity day for a while, you probably know whether you want to add weights and reps with a CrossFit community, do functional weight workouts with your local fire department, or get into powerlifting.

If you’re losing motivation, try a new class or instructor, or get some personal training sessions to shake things up.

8) Inversions

Nothing builds core awareness and strength, especially in the lower abs, like inversions.

My flat midsection really started with my first headstand. Getting to those deep muscles means decompressing the spine to optimize your posture work.

There are passive inversion tables that require very little effort to hang upside down by your feet.

This is a great option if you do not have any contraindications and if your priority is spinal decompression.

Once you’ve built up your cardio, intense core training, and high intensity workouts, you can start building self-supported inversions into your week.

You can get instruction in yoga classes, personal training, or online instruction to start practicing headstand, forearm balance, or handstand.

There are even supportive tools that facilitate inversions for total beginners.

9) Adequate Rest

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Your body, mind, and emotions need rest and sleep to maintain a consistent nutrition and exercise plan.

Insufficient sleep is associated with both excess eating and stress responses in the body, including insulin resistance.

Getting enough sleep means getting away from screens to rest your eyes for at least 30 minutes or so before bed, and setting the same morning alarm every day.

Physical Recovery

Your fitness program should include at least one day per week of full rest to avoid burnout and get the best results.

Schedule your lightest calorie day for your rest day.

10) Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga

Yoga is a great physical exercise, but I have it in its own category because its main purpose is as a mindfulness practice.

Maintaining a healthy hormonal balance means managing your stress level. Yoga and meditation practices have been shown to decrease anxiety and stress.

The mindful awareness you can develop through yoga and meditation will increase your mental and emotional stamina.

This resilience will keep you open to learning about your body’s needs, to move past setbacks, to stay consistent through plateaus, and to avoid impulsive eating.

These practices won’t directly create a flat midsection. They will support every other component of your plan—nutrition tracking, food choices, exercise, mental health, and sleep.

No matter where you start, your path to a flat midsection is through whole body health. It takes time and care to make sustainable changes in your body and lifestyle. I believe in you.

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Best Spine Roller for Back Pain Sat, 08 Aug 2020 17:06:51 +0000 Best Spine Roller for Back Pain Read More »

Plexus Co. (dba Chirp)


If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best spine roller for back pain is, then I’d recommend the Chirp Yoga Wheel as the best one.

One of the most common reasons for people to attend yoga classes is back pain.

The yoga classes offer remedies for many things, and there are many exercise aids in every yoga studio.

Finding the best spine roller is, however, something that requires personal input and decisive action.

Here are the top spine rollers we’ll be reviewing:


Best Spine Roller for Back Pain 3

What are Spine Rollers?

Spine rollers are a variety of exercise props that are designed to help you achieve better results.

These props include foam rollers, yoga wheels, and many more. Although yoga wheels are relatively new in the yoga world, they are rated as some of the best spine rollers ever designed.

In my experience, yoga wheels offer more flexibility as compared to other types of spine rollers.

How to Use a Yoga Wheel



As I mentioned earlier, yoga wheels will give you a more comprehensive range of exercise positions compared to most spine rollers.

The trick to achieving maximum results for your back pain using the yoga wheel is understanding how it works and knowing what type of exercises you can perform using it.

The yoga wheel is praised for its ability to stretch the front part of the body, while at the same time relieving stress areas in the back, and opening up tight shoulders.

It is, however, important to note that if you suffer from a severe back condition or recovering from injury, you should get advice from your therapist before attempting the exercises outlined below.

The yoga wheel also offers more height than most spine rollers, and this point should be noted to avoid overstretching and dangerous falls.

Here are some ways you can use your yoga wheel to reap the maximum benefits.

Child Pose



The child pose is a relaxed pose that helps you stretch your lower back, hips, and thighs in a few simple moves. To achieve the pose, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Get into a kneeling position, ensuring that your big toes are touching.
  2. Slowly and gently sit back on your heels.
  3. Separate your knees to achieve a hip-distance space between them.
  4. While in the position above, place the yoga wheel between your knees, and set your hands on top of it.
  5. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, lean your upper body forward, gently rolling the wheel away from your body with your hands.
  6. Continue leaning forward, until your stomach rests between your thighs, and your arms are stretched out in front of you.
  7. Gently lower your forehead until it comfortably rests on your mat, and hold this position for about five seconds.

The child’s pose allows you to stretch your spine, shoulders, and chest comfortably.

The Easy Pose Recline



Another simple exercise that helps alleviate back pain is the easy pose recline. This pose will help relieve shoulder tension by opening up your chest in a relaxing backbend. To achieve this position, follow the below steps:

  1. Get into a straight sitting position, with the yoga wheel positioned behind you such that it is parallel to your spine.
  2. Place your legs in a crossed position, such that your pelvis is comfortably in contact with the floor.
  3. Closing your eyes, place your hands in a palm-up position on your knees.
  4. Inhale deeply, and as you breathe out, lean your spine over the yoga wheel so that it supports your backbend.
  5. Let your head come to rest on top of the yoga wheel, and sit in this position for at least five breaths.

Renowned as a good exercise for developing steady breathing and a strong mind, the easy pose recline is one of the simplest exercises to do using a yoga wheel for support.

The Lizard Lunge



The lizard lunge is a great way to stretch the lower back, thus helping alleviate back pain. This is how you do the lizard lunge using a yoga wheel:

  1. Get into a kneeling position on one knee, with the other knee bent straight and the foot flat on the ground.
  2. Lift the back leg from the floor, and position the yoga wheel under the foot such that it offers support to your ankle.
  3. Take a deep breath as you engage your core.
  4. As you breathe out, lean forward and place your hands on the floor such that they are under your shoulders and inside of your front foot.
  5. Taking another deep breath, press your back foot against the wheel, and as you exhale, lift your knee from the ground. Use the wheel to stretch your back leg until it is straight.
  6. In this position, lengthen your spine by pushing your hands as much as you can towards the inside of your front foot. Maintain the position for at least five seconds, or longer if you can.


Benefits of using a Yoga Wheel


Best Spine Roller for Back Pain 2


As we have seen, the yoga wheel adds some benefits to your exercises. These include:

  • It makes it easy to accomplish challenging exercises.
  • By providing additional support, it helps prevent accidents and injuries.
  • A yoga wheel adds to the variety of exercises you can safely do, by helping increase your body strength and flexibility.
  • It helps alleviate back pains by massaging and lengthening your spine.


Five of the Top Rated Yoga Wheels

In this section, we’ll be taking a look at 5 of the top yoga wheels we’ve identified to be the highest quality currently available.

While you really can’t go wrong with any of the yoga wheels mentioned below, we’ve also recommended our favorite one. Read on!


Nature’s Integrity Yoga Wheel 


The Nature’s Integrity yoga wheel is designed to add comfort to your exercises, thus encouraging you to keep stretching your back.

Easily fitting the best spine roller category, this wheel is designed to help you achieve higher confidence levels in your yoga exercises due to its design.

Some of the pros and cons of this yoga wheel include:


  • Affordable. The Nature’s Integrity yoga wheel is affordably priced. We all want to get quality products at friendly prices, and when it comes to yoga wheels, this is one of the best-priced wheels available in the market.
  • Sturdy. The Nature’s Integrity yoga wheel is made from durable material, and you will not have to worry about it getting easily damaged. It is designed to bear weights of up to 650 pounds, which means the wheel can be used by some of the heaviest humans alive.
  • Comfortable. With extra padding to maximize your comfort when exercising, this wheel is designed with you in mind. The filling also makes it suitable for spine rolling, since the wheel will not press hard against your back.


  • Durability.Nature’s Integrity wheel is prone to cracking, and some people complain of the foam peeling off the wheel.

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Reehut Yoga Wheel


The Reehut yoga wheel is specially designed to help you push your limits while exercising. Some of the pros and cons of the Reehut yoga wheel include:


  • Versatile. The Reehut yoga wheel can be used for a variety of exercises, making it a particularly important part of your daily exercise regimen.
  • Comfort. The wheel comes fitted with foam padding to give you a comfortable feel during your stretches.
  • Durable. Made of hard plastic and TPE foam padding, the Reehut yoga wheel is built to last. You do not have to worry about replacing your wheel every few months.
  • Affordable. The wheel is well priced as compared to other brands in its category.
  • Sturdy. The Reehut yoga wheel is designed to take weights of up to 350 pounds. This feature makes it a good choice, even for heavier people.


  • Size. When compared to other products in its category, the Reehut yoga wheel is smaller in size. This feature makes it unsuitable for some exercises, which may affect your routine.

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The UpCircle Seven Yoga Wheel


The UpCircle Seven yoga wheel is another highly rated product in the best spine roller category. Designed by medical professionals, it is bound to have some amazing benefits to help you alleviate back pain. These include:


  • Sweat Resistant. The UpCircle Seven yoga wheel is designed to offer you the peace of mind and comfort you need during your exercises. It features a sweat-resistant outer layer that ensures you do not have to worry about losing your grip, or having to bear the smell of sweat as you practice.
  • Padded for Extra Comfort. One of the best ways to reduce back pain is by using comfortable exercise props. The UpCircle Seven yoga wheel features thick, comfortable padding that cushions your body during exercise, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing your endurance.
  • Well-priced. One of the best features of the UpCircle Seven yoga wheel is the affordable price. It is friendly to your pocket and does not compromise on quality.
  • Versatility. The wheel is designed with the yoga enthusiast in mind. As such, it gives you the support to try out many different exercise positions without having to strain your body.


  • Not Sturdy Enough. The UpCircle Sevens wheel lacks sturdiness as compared to other wheels in its category. This might limit some users due to the intensity of their exercise regimes.

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The Acumobility Back Roller


The Acumobility Back Roller is loaded with features that will transform your exercise experience, and at the same time, help you alleviate your back pain.


  • Comfortable. It is designed for extra comfort during exercises. The Acumobility wheel features a tall, staggered bump pattern that comfortably fits into your back muscles. These bumps gently massage your back as you carry out your exercises, resulting in a stimulating effect.
  • Sturdy. The Acumobility back roller is designed to take weights of up to 1000 pounds. This feature makes it one of the most sturdy yoga wheels in the market and allows it to be used by people in every weight category.
  • Versatile. The Acumobility back roller can be used as a yoga prop, a back roller, and you can use it against the wall to offer support as you perform other exercises. This versatility makes this product one of the most sought after in the market for its category.


  • Small in Size. Although some say the small size is perfect for travel, I prefer a larger wheel for my back exercises as they enable me to stretch my spine without much strain.
  • Bumped Surface. The bumped surface, though a good feature, may feel uncomfortable the first few times before you get used to it.

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The Chirp Plexus Wheel


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From my own experience and the reviews of numerous other users, the Chirp Plexus Wheel, also known as the Chirp Wheel+, stands out as a clear winner from the other brands in the best spine roller category.

This is due to its unique features and how these enhance your exercise experience.


  • Sturdy Build. The Chirps Wheel+ is designed with an injection molded rigid core that enhances its weight-bearing capacity. The wheel can comfortably bear 500 pounds of weight, making it a suitable choice for people in different weight categories.
  • Ergonomic Design. The Chirp Wheel features a unique groove surface that gently massages and accommodates your spine during exercises. In addition to preventing unnecessary pressure to the spine, this feature enhances your spine stretches, thus helping reduce the back pain.
  • Versatile.The Chirp Wheel+ allows you to exercise your back and spine in many different ways with the same level of comfort.


  • Pricey. One thing I did not like about the Chirp Plexus wheel is the price. The product was a bit expensive, and while this yoga wheel is pretty high quality, it’s hits the budget a bit more

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From my personal experience, the Chirp Plexus wheel (AKA Chirp Wheel+) is the clear winner in the best spine roller category.

Compared to the other yoga wheels in this review, it offers more comfort during exercises and allows you to do a wide variety of moves.

Due to its unique ergonomic groove, it minimizes pressure to the spine, at the same time improving the spine stretching ability.

This is particularly important for people with back pains since the reduced stress on the spine means that you will be able to go through the motions of your back stretching exercises without having to suffer excruciating pain.

Plexus Co. (dba Chirp)

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Best Back Roller for Post-Workout Stretches Fri, 31 Jul 2020 04:51:36 +0000 Best Back Roller for Post-Workout Stretches Read More »

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best back roller for post-workout stretches is, then I’d recommend the Chirp Yoga Wheel as the best one.

Suffering from painful body knots after a tough workout?

Even if you stretch regularly, every athlete and non-athlete alike suffers from the occasional post-session aches and pains.

Weak muscles, overworked areas, and oxygen-deprived tissue can all result in frustrating inflammation.

If this sounds like you, the best back roller may be right for you.

Below, we’ll dive into everything back-roller related, touching on the benefits, features, and stellar products that comprise this category.

Here are the top back rollers we’ll be reviewing:


Best Back Roller for Post-Workout Stretches 2


The Ins and Outs of Back Rollers



Before you buy just any back roller, it’s important to perform research. Some rollers are meant for physical therapy, while others are tailored specifically for fitness.

You don’t want to end up with a product that just gathers dust.

With that said, let’s jump into the main factors you’ll need to consider before making a purchase.

What Are Back Rollers For?

If you’ve spent any time loitering at the gym, you’ll probably see it: an odd, cylinder-shaped foam roll sitting by the yoga mats.

Back rollers are performance and recovery tools that offer an effective way to achieve a deep-tissue massage – without having to visit a masseuse!

Rollers aren’t merely for your back, either. They can be used on any part of the body that you’re experiencing tension or inflammation.

Regular rolling can help relieve chronic back pain, stiffness from sitting for extended periods, and bodily tension.

Many use it to boost their flexibility and prevent future injury, and some claim that body rolling helps them achieve more restful sleep.

But how exactly do these unassuming rolls work?

Simply put, a back roller releases painful knots as you lay and shift rhythmically on the roller.

Rolling causes relief of tension dubbed as “myofascial release”.

While “myo” means muscle, “fascia” refers to the connective network of tissue that supports muscles and keeps them in place.

During a workout, this web is damaged, which leads to knots that restrict movement and cause pain to radiate throughout the body.

Foam rollers reintroduce fluid to tense muscles, allowing you to recover faster and prevent future injury during a workout.

How to Select the Best Back Roller

Back rollers come in many different materials, sizes, and textures that are suitable for different purposes.

Contrary to popular thought, a roller isn’t just a piece of foam – products differ widely in terms of effectiveness and durability.

Rollers differ on three important factors: construction, size, and density.


Most rollers, in this case, foam rollers, are made out of either open-cell or closed-cell foam.

An open-cell construction is suitable for both massage and exercise; however, they tend to break down faster since they’re so lightweight.

We recommend opting for a closed-cell roller, which is offered in two types: EPP and EVA. EPP rollers are comprised of tightly packed beads; although they’re inexpensive, EPP rollers are very affordable and durable.

By contrast, EVA rollers are unparalleled in performance and longevity.

Professional rollers are designed to withstand heavy use, which is why they’re a staple of physical therapy clinics, gyms, and Pilates studios.

Size and Shape

Many different shapes and sizes are offered on the market, so make sure you choose the right one for your needs.

A typical full-size roller suited for your back measures 36″ by 6″, making them ideal for large muscle groups like the hamstrings and quads.

Shorter rollers are great for travel and can be stored easily for trips to the gym. They work well for targeting smaller muscle groups, such as the calves or glutes.

Smaller diameter rollers are great for those with mobility impairments, such as the elderly, or those with a compromised sense of balance.

Keep in mind that some rollers also come with textured ridges and bumps. The protrusions provide a more intensive, invigorating massage that relives hard-to-reach knots.



Best Back Roller for Post-Workout Stretches 3


Perhaps the most vital factor you’ll encounter when selecting a roller is density. Some rollers are designed to have a cushion, while others are extremely firm.

Soft rollers are designed for those that suffer from chronic pain or extreme tenderness since they will more gradually release knots throughout the body.

Standard rollers are ideal for those that want moderate cushion while still achieving a deeper massage.

Moreover, these rollers’ density makes them great props for core strengthening exercises in yoga.

The firmest rollers are for non-athletes that want the most intense massage possible.

The best back roller will break up the tightest, stubborn knots on the body as quickly as possible.

Back rollers come in many different shapes and sizes, and while many would associate a foam roller to be the only type of back stretchers, yoga wheels actually make for good back rollers as well in case you didn’t know.

One of the benefits of a yoga wheel is that you can also use them for your back pain.

A yoga wheel is effective at stretching your back in ways a foam roller can’t.

Review of the Best Back Rollers

Below are a few back rollers we’ve hand picked for you to help you find a solution for your post-workout stretches.

If you’re looking to get the best stretch possible, you can’t go wrong with these back rollers.

Acumobility: The Ultimate Back Roller



Though it doesn’t like anything like your standard roller, you shouldn’t scoff at the Acumobility back roller.

With a tall 7.5″ spine, this travel-friendly roller is designed to promote optimal mobility and flexibility after one session.

The spongy spine gap is designed to target your back, allowing you to move as freely as possible, unlike most static rollers.

The tall height of the roller helps to reach touch areas with ease in both the upper and lower back.

Best of all, this roller is built with super-tough EVA closed-cell foam and can support up to 1000 pounds with little give.

Buyers appreciate the rubber-based bubble texture, citing that it helps to release the most stubborn knots.

Since the Acumobility features a hollow interior, it’s even easier to store than the average roller and more lightweight than most products.

The roller is versatile enough for use in Pilates, yoga, and textured enough for wall-rolling weight exercises.

You should keep in mind that this roller is very firm, meaning it may not be ideal for sensitive users.

The Acumobility team recommends using a soft towel over the roller until your body adjusts to the high pressure.


  • Rubber-based bubble texture is built to withstand use and abuse
  • Designed specifically to enhance spinal flexibility and reduce back pain


  • May be a little painful for brand-new users

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REEHUT Yoga Wheel for Back Pain


Stretchy and durable, the Reehut yoga wheel is built to stretch your ligaments and provide a relaxing shoulder massage.

The spongy wheel features the slightest amount of give, conforming to the curve of your back and stimulating a deep stretch.

Constructed with hybrid TPE foam, the yoga wheel can provide cushion to your palms, feet, and back while in motion.

The inner plastic wheel is highly impact-resistant and can withstand up to 330 pounds.

Moreover, the outer shell is anti-slip and wicks away moisture.

The wheel can adhere to the floor or wall, making it safe for the most demanding yoga sessions.

This wheel is ideal for non-athletes that want to integrate back rolling into their workout.

We suggest using the roller while performing free weight exercises, such as curls, weighted wall sits, or unassisted lifts.

The wheel boasts a wide 12.6″ diameter and 5″ wide length for reaching the toughest knots.

Since the wheel has a short length, users will have to be attentive to keep their balance. Some new users complain of accident slips or stumbling when using the roller.


  • Outer shell is built with anti-slip and anti-moisture materials
  • Perfect for integrating deep-tissue relief into your workout


  • Small width makes it easy to lose your balance

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ATIVAFIT Sports Yoga Wheel


Made from eco-friendly material, the completely TPE-based Ativafit wheel is designed for optimal durability, stability, odorless and comfortable use.

The inner core is ABS-based, making it extremely strong and able to support up to 220 pounds with ease.

Unlike other rollers, the Ativafit back roller features very thick outer padding, which protects your palms, feet, and back during exercise.

The wheel roughly measures 13″ by 5″ and weighs merely 3 pounds – it’s easy to stow away for trips to the gym or yoga studio.

The material is also sweat- and dirt-resistant thanks to its thick 6mm padding. The wheel won’t retain body odor, even after a high-intensity workout.

Ultimately, this wheel is most suitable for yoga and roller-based workouts.

However, many users rely on the wheel to relieve back pain caused by sitting for extended periods.

The wheel is slim enough to comfortably stretch out more specific areas, such as the arms and legs.


  • Built with odor- and sweat-resistant materials
  • Lightweight and thin enough to accommodate for both large and small muscle groups


  • Mostly meant for yoga workouts and may not be the best choice for athlete back pain

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Nature’s Integrity Yoga Wheel


Want to take your workout or yoga practice to the next level?

Nature’s Integrity yoga wheel is built to improve inversions, backends, and an exciting variety of dharma yogic poses that are impossible with just a mat.

The wide, 13″ diameter yoga ring is a great tool for both relieving pain and improving flexibility as fast as possible.

Users can achieve super deep sketches that target your back, hips, shoulders, and chest.

Since the width is slim, the yoga roller is great for stretching out your spine, upper-, middle-, and lower-back.

This makes it much more effective than a standard, non-hollow foam roller.

With a high maximum weight capacity of 650 pounds, the dharma yoga wheel is extremely durable and designed to accommodate very high pressure.

The manufacturers are so confident in the product that they offer a 100 percent lifetime warranty – no questions asked.

The purchase even comes with a free dharma yoga guide that shows some of the best poses the wheel works with.


  • Sturdy construction can withstand high points of pressure up to 650 pounds
  • Great for those that suffer from scoliosis and chronic back pain


  • Takes practice to balance properly on this thin yoga wheel

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The Chirp Wheel+


Without a doubt, however, the Chirp Wheel+ is perhaps the best back roller in the market.

As the only FDA-registered back roller on the market, the Chirp wheel is proven to relieve extreme tension packed along the spine and shoulder blades.

With three different sizes, each wheel is meant to optimally target different parts of the body. Each wheel is 5″ wide that provides natural pressure where your body needs it most.

While the smaller wheel is perfect for kneading out stiff necks and reducing tension headaches, the larger wheels and best for back-popping and pain reduction.

Each wheel features a deep groove in the center, dubbed the “Spinal Canal”, that stretches the muscles gently apart for the deepest possible stretch.

Built with an injection-molded rigid core, the Chirp wheel can support up to 500 pounds.

Most foam rollers inadequately target the back because they’re too wide to provide a deep-tissue massage around the spine, which is partly why the Chirp is so effective.

Ultimately, the Chirp is doctor approved. And if you’re not completely satisfied, you can opt-out of the 60-day free trial.


  • Features deep spinal groove that provides deepest possible massage and spinal support
  • Comes in several different sizes to accommodate distinct areas of the body
  • Firm molded-core design can support up to 500 pounds
  • FDA-Registered and classified as a 510(k) Medical Device


  • May be difficult to balance on during first few uses
  • Doesn’t feature any protrusions to achieve deep-tissue massage on other areas of the body

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Final Thoughts

Ultimately, it’s hard to go wrong with such a huge variety of great back rollers on the market.

Consider your workout routine, preferences, and reasons for seeking out pain relief before opting into any specific product.

That said, the Chirp Wheel+ is perhaps the best back roller currently available.

As a registered medical device, the Chirp roller wheel especially targets the lower-, mid-, and upper-back for the most possible pain relief.

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Can Yoga Wheels Improve Your Yoga Backbend? Tue, 14 Jul 2020 18:43:12 +0000 Can Yoga Wheels Improve Your Yoga Backbend? Read More »


Many people have a dozen reasons for practicing yoga, and in my case, it was anxiety. It is proven that yoga has both physical and mental benefits.

Anxiety, though defined as a normal and healthy emotion, can be a mental disorder. When it gets serious, you can start practicing yoga as I did.

Read on to find how, and why, you can use a yoga wheel to perform a yoga backbend in particular.

What is a Yoga Backbend?

If you know what yoga is, or have practiced it, or seen people practice it, most of the poses you see are backbends. Backbends are the main category of yoga poses.

A yoga backbend is a powerful yoga pose that allows you to stretch and strengthen your spine and open the front part of your body.

When doing a backbend, you move your upper body backward, and this is when you benefit your spine and front body muscles.

Types of Backbends in Yoga

This popular yoga category is divided into three types.

It is important to know these types as they are categorized depending on how you stretch, and which muscles you exercise the most.

Leverage Backbends

They are leverage backbends because the pose stretches the front part of your body as you grasp or find support from a stable object.

The pose, therefore, uses the leverage of this object, such as the floor or wall.

There are two main types of leverage backbends.

The Cobra Pose


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It is a very famous yoga pose, also known as the Bhujangasana. The leverage used in this pose is the floor.

To perform this pose, you lie on your stomach and plant your hands directly under your shoulders. You then press your upper body up as far as you can go, with your gaze in front of you.

You can bring your gaze up to the ceiling for more intensity, at an advanced level, but you ensure you don’t tighten your buttocks.

You should as well watch out for any strain or pain in your back and, or wrists. If you feel any discomfort, lower yourself slowly to avoid any injury.

This way, you can stretch muscles in your back and front body. This backbend also stretches your legs and energizes your spine.

The Bow Pose


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This pose resembles that of a bow. It is also called the Danurasana.

To perform it, you lie on your stomach and stretch your arms backward. Then, slowly bend your knees to grab your ankles with your arms.

You then pull your feet against your grip to lift your body off the floor.

For a beginner, you can fold a towel or light blanket below your pelvic area to avoid pressing hard against the floor as this can hurt.

You should also ensure your feet do not spread apart wider than hip-width. In case of any neck or back pain or dizziness, lower yourself slowly.

You use the strength from your grip, and support from the floor when performing the bow.

The pose strengthens your back, opens your chest and shoulders, and improves your mobility to your hip flexors and front body.

Contraction Backbends

With this type of backbend, you generally use, or contract, muscles in your back to overcome gravity. You perform these poses lying on your stomach or front.

The Locust Pose


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The locust pose is also known as the Salabhasana.

You perform the pose lying on your stomach and then contracting your back muscles to lift your chest and limbs off the ground.

To do so, gently press your pubic bone on the floor and slowly lift your legs, head, shoulders, and chest off the ground.

As a beginner, you can start by lifting just your upper body, and gradually train to lift your legs.

This pose will strengthen back, glutes, and leg muscles, the front part of your body, and stimulate abdominal organs.

The pose should not be performed by pregnant women and should be discontinued immediately if discomfort or strain occurs.

Traction Backbends

These backbends work the opposite way compared to contraction backbends. It is the muscles in the front that contract during poses to overcome gravity.

Some traction backbends include these two.

The Camel Pose


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This pose is also called the Ustrasana.

While performing this pose, the front part of the body controls movement in the back part of the body as you bend.

This means that the muscles in the front part of your body contract to enhance mobility in the back.

To do it, come down to your knees and ensure your feet are hip-width apart. As you ensure your body remains straight, slowly reach, with your arms, for your lower back, heels, or floor. You can do this one arm at a time to remain stable.

As you reach backward with your arms, carefully extend your head back so that your body is arched.

This pose stretches your whole front body, improves your posture, strengthens your back and legs, and also helps with your upper back and shoulders mobility.

Note that while performing the pose, you should be careful not to strain your neck as you pull your head backward.

If your knees strain or press hard against the floor, you can fold a mat or towel beneath to bring more comfort. You should avoid the pose if you have a serious back injury.

Upward Bow/ Wheel Pose


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The wheel pose is also called the Urdhva Dhanurasana, and it resembles a wheel.

This pose is probably best performed if you are advanced in yoga. It is known as the bridge pose in acrobatic and gymnastics.

As a beginner, you should lie on your back and bend your knees hip-width apart. With your arms pressed on the floor along your sides, slowly lift your hips up and forward to perform the basic bridge.

At an advanced level, you can intensify the pose by lifting your whole body. To perform, stretch your arms and place the palms on the floor on either side of your head.

This pose strengthens your arms and wrists, as well as back, thighs, and shoulders. It also opens up your chest, quadriceps, and hip flexors.

What Are The Benefits of a Yoga Backbend?

These backbends are vital when doing yoga or even when doing basic stretches. You can perform them at your house or the gym.

However, it is essential to note that these poses are only useful when performed the right way; otherwise, they can lead to bad injuries.

If you are not well prepared, I suppose you do them with a yoga instructor’s guidance.

To help you get better at performing backbends, you can get a yoga wheel and have it support you. It is a round piece of yoga equipment designed to support and massage your back as you do yoga.

There are many benefits to performing these backbends. Some are similar to basic workout benefits, while others are similar to those of other categories of yoga. Let me discuss them below.

Anxiety And Stress Relief

As I discussed before, the main reasons I started yoga backbend poses were to remedy my anxiety.

I found that every time I did a few backbends, my mood would improve, and as such, my anxiety or worry levels would decrease.

So, how do they relieve anxiety and stress? It is quite simple. Any doctor will advise you to take deep breaths to beat anxiety, and this is the same case with backbends.

You stretch muscles in your front body, in itself, a way of relieving stress.

Again, once in a pose, the most important thing is to watch your breathing; this makes you calm and takes your mind off whatever worries you.

Note that it takes discipline and determination to reach this level, including practicing the poses and breathing techniques.

Once you know how to, you can then expect stress relief from performing backbends.

Backbends are a great way to train yourself better breathing habits. Improved breathing alleviates stress and anxiety, and improves focus and concentration.

Spine Realignment

One thing about backbends; you perform them while ensuring your upper body and spine, is flexible.

Ideally, your spine should be flexible to eliminate conditions like neck pain, back pain, and back tightness.

When you stretch backward and forward, you train the muscles in and around your spine to be flexible, which guarantees a happier life.


Strengthens Muscles And Internal Organs

You stretch your muscles to relieve pain, injuries, and strains, and you also stretch internal organs and your stomach.

Think of when you are doing a backbend, how you compress your kidneys. You might think this is a bad thing, but it is not.

When you compress your kidneys in a pose, what follows, once you release the posture, is an inflow of fresh blood and oxygen.

This is how you flush toxins out of your kidneys, meaning you detox just by doing yoga.

In other cases, a backbend increases your energy levels and improves your mood when you stretch abdominal muscles and internal organs.

Boosts Confidence

Performing backbends improves your posture. Sometimes when we sit all day working or studying, we tend to slouch, thereby damaging spine alignment and body posture.

When you perform a backbend, you realign the spine, and this not only improves your sitting posture, it amends your walking posture as well.

Backbends also improve your yoga and workout confidence. When you successfully perform a tough pose, like a wheel pose, you get the motivation to perform more advanced poses, which improves your fitness and quality of life.

How Yoga Wheels Work

Yoga wheels, as described above, support you as you perform yoga poses. You can incorporate the wheel into your basic workout routine or use it to massage your back.

You should note that the wheel requires some level of expertise to use, without which it can cause severe back, neck, foot, or head injury. You should, therefore, seek guidance when you attempt to use it for the fort time.

For a yoga backbend, it is fairly easy to use a yoga wheel. All you use the wheel for is support, and the rest relies on your balance, strength, flexibility, and stability to complete a backbend.

  • A yoga wheel massages the full length of your spine, and using it for a backbend pose adds a lot of value. You stretch the front part of your body as the wheel massages your back.
  • As a beginner, the yoga wheel will help you get deeper into a pose, something you wouldn’t be able to do on your own.
  • With the support factor, a yoga wheel will improve your stability and flexibility. Yogis around the world incorporate the wheel into very advanced poses, and it gives them the confidence to keep improving.

Wondering how to use the yoga wheel? Simply place your back over it, and perform the deepest backbends you possibly can. It is a great asset for poses that require you to lay facing the ceiling like the camel pose and the wheel pose.

For poses where you lie on your stomach as the locust, bow, and cobra pose, among others, you can place the wheel beneath your legs to improve your flexibility, and aid in deeper stretching.

How to Find The Right Yoga Wheel


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To get the best yoga wheel for your backbends, consider factors like your height, weight, and the exercises you want to perform.

Most yoga wheels have a diameter of around 12 inches, a width of approximately 6 inches, and each wheel has a specified maximum weight it can carry.

You want to have the right wheel, one wide enough to massage your spine, strong enough to carry your weight, and high enough to support your height.

I recommend the Chirp Wheel as it is the one I use. This wheel is a 510(k) medical device approved by the FDA and is the only wheel with a patented spinal canal for deep spine massage and realignment.

It is the perfect wheel for a yoga backbend because of its massage technique, length-wise, and width-wise.

You will feel relaxed, and tension along your spine and shoulder blades will be relieved.

Better health in your back means better health in the front part of your body, and the back massage is great for internal organs like kidneys.

> > Read Our Full Chirp Wheel Review < <


Final Thoughts

My life and health changed the day I started doing backbends.

With my improved flexibility and breathing, I quickly calmed down and performed a deep backbend to take my mind off stress.

Backbends are great exercise routines, not only for your muscles but also for your mental health and physical appearance.

If you are new to yoga backbends, investing in the right yoga wheel can significantly improve your routine.

They will offer you extra support to help you enjoy the stretching, and this will increase your quality of life.

It is, however, wise to perform these exercises with a personal instructor.

They will teach you how to relax in a backbend, which backbend is best for you, and when, how to use a yoga wheel to your advantage safely.

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FeetUp Trainer Review: Easy Inversion Training For Yoga? Wed, 15 Apr 2020 19:16:20 +0000 FeetUp Trainer Review: Easy Inversion Training For Yoga? Read More »

Maji Sports Yoga products


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A few years ago, I was 50 pounds overweight and struggling to keep up the pace in my yoga class.

This article highlights how the FeetUp Trainer helped me during that time to get better at Yoga and shed some extra weight.

I was never the most confident, and at the time, it seemed to me that everyone else in the group was doing better in the class than I was.

Yet after getting to know one another, I discovered that many members of the class felt similarly and not as confident as they looked in the class.

Many of us were non-athletic, but we cared about our health.

I’m glad I discovered the FeetUp Trainer because it made my inversion training super easy and fun!

Things to Consider Before Buying an Top-Quality Inversion Trainer

If you are a non-athlete who wants to lose weight and get in shape, this product may help significantly.

It enables you to invert your body safely and easily, improving your balance and fitness.

Using this simply designed sports aid, you can literally turn your yoga upside down. You can get fit while practicing health-promoting yet relaxing yoga exercises.

However, there are basic questions that you need to have answered prior to using a FeetUp Trainer. Here are a few things you’ll want to consider.


Feetup Trainer 3

Who Should Use the Feet Up Trainer for Exercise?

The FeetUp Trainer is considered to be the original Yoga trainer aid by yoga enthusiasts worldwide.

Designed for use by beginners, it can make achieving a headstand or shoulder-stand possible for virtually any exerciser.

As novices advance to the intermediate and advanced levels, creative body-weight exercises and asanas can be introduced.

If you are healthy and want to improve your balance, motor abilities and mindfulness, the FeetUp Inversion Trainer can help.

Yet this innovative and simply designed fitness tool is not ideal for use by everyone.

Who Should Refrain from Using This Innovative Inversion Trainer?

Individuals who should refrain from using this FeetUp design include the following:

  • Anyone with a body-weight that exceeds 250 pounds
  • Exercisers with a shoulder span that is narrower than 10 inches
  • Children (without adult supervision)
  • Pregnant women
  • Anyone with high blood pressure should also seek medical advice before using this exercise device.
  • Anyone who has had breast implants or Botox injections

For these individuals, regular mat-based and standing workouts or swimming and aquatics may be best, rather than inverted exercises.

Major Purpose and Benefits of the FeetUp Inversion Trainer



In ancient writings, yoga masters reveal the revitalizing effects of practicing inverted postures.

Especially recommended as promoting bodily health is the headstand (Salamba Sirsasana) for empowering both the body and mind.

It fortifies and improves the skeletal-muscular operations of the body.

Reverted gravity also improves the activity of all of the body’s vital organs and systems.

The body is symmetrically aligned for excellent balance while mental alertness and focus increase significantly.


The FeetUp Inversion Trainer is promoted as an ideal exercise tool to make your body and mind strong and flexible, like those of the ancient yogis.

Its frame is constructed of multiple layers of beech wood and bent to form a single piece. This frame is extremely durable and limber like the body of a yoga master.

The FeetUp Trainer has vegan leather bolstering with recycled foam padding, symbolizing the powerful, nurturing qualities of nature.

When you purchase the FeetUp Trainer, the package contains the trainer’s classic wood frame and faux-leather (vegan) cushion.

Also included is the FeetUp® Asanas Poster with more than 100 yoga, relaxation and fitness exercises, the FeetUp® Practitioner’s Manual and First-Inversion Guide, as well as the simple and easy Assembly Kit. All together, assembling your trainer takes just five minutes.


Feetup Trainer 2

Getting the Most From Your FeetUp Trainer

This product is the original FeetUp Trainer design, promoting safe and easy inversion training.

It assists you in inverting your body, even as a beginner, to increase your body’s balance and fitness.

By enabling you to turn your yoga upside down, this tool helps you attain good health and decompress your spine.

It also helps you attain greater relaxation, mental focus, inner peace and self-confidence. This trainer is an eco-friendly, safe inversion tool.

The FeetUp Inversion Trainer is not meant, however, for use by anyone who is not interested in regular practice and gradual improvement.

Successful users need a keen desire to strive toward achieving these health-promoting goals.

Pros and Cons of the FeetUp Trainer



  • The unique FeetUp Inversion Trainer design offers excellent neck and shoulder support for helping non-athletes perform head and shoulder-stands.
  • This inversion exercise tool improves your body’s core strength with every inverted yoga exercise.
  • This original design, innovative inversion exercise aid offers a sturdy and durable yet highly aesthetic design that encourages regular use.


  • A few users have had difficulty with assembling this trainer so that it is steady during use.


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Primary Features and Benefits of The FeetUp Trainer

The original design of the FeetUp inversion exercise trainer offers users many innovative features and important benefits, such as:

Original Ergonomic Design

This specialized inversion exercise tool from FeetUp is the original design of the product.

Its ergonomic structure makes it an ideal sports aid for achieving hatha yoga asanas.

With the use of this model, your very first inverted posture can seem easier than you ever imagined possible.

This trainer’s frame has a natural curve that is symbolic of the ultimate flexibility and balance attained by ancient yogis.

It is this flexible, graceful construction that makes this product so helpful to beginners.

With the safe, proper use of this inversion tool, anyone without major health issues can perform head and shoulder stands.

They can greatly enhance both their physical and mental health and well-being by turning their yoga upside down.

Gets Results

This inversion exercise aid may be your ideal yoga partner for advancement and better health.

Praised by users and industry leaders for its form, materials, and quality functionality, this tool brings good results.

Whether you are at the beginning, intermediate or advanced stages of skill and experience, this product can help.

With regular use of this trainer, you can enjoy greater confidence and improvement in your yoga asanas.

As you follow the asanas postures as displayed on your FeetUp Asanas Poster, you will feel relaxed and assured.

Allowing your graceful and strong trainer to be your guide, you may gain significant core strength rapidly.

At the same time, you may experience more weight loss and body toning than ever before.

Within a short period of time, you may be well on your way to enjoying better fitness and an inspiring, healthier lifestyle.

Eco-Friendly, Vegan Product

Not only is this product a graceful, supportive design for core-building, but it is also vegan and sustainable.

Its beautiful, natural wooden frame is made from a pure, renewable resource.

The FeetUp Trainer craftsmen are all highly skilled at handcrafting this gracefully formed base for your inversion training tool.

Only faux-leather (vegan) is used to create the firm yet comfortable cushion that forms the product’s shoulder rest and support.

Even the packaging for this trainer is environmentally friendly.

Many exercise enthusiasts who are primarily non-athletes are inspired by assembling this totally natural, vegan and sustainable product.

Its design, construction and materials remind them of the pure, natural lifestyles of the ancient yogis.

This trainer encourages even doubtful beginners to practice often and achieve health-enhancing results.

Easy and Fun to Use

Anyone without serious health issues can enjoy using this uniquely designed inversion exercise trainer.

Its compact design makes it easy to keep and use in your exercise room at home.

If you live in a small house or apartment, it will fit easily in a corner of your bedroom or den.

Many beginners achieve a full head or shoulder-stand during their first session using this unique trainer.

This attractive trainer design will complement and enhance your room decor while providing excellent exercise opportunities.

Its appealing natural materials and intriguing design can make your yoga inversion sessions a true joy and inspiration.

This trainer is easy to move from one room to another or outdoors on your terrace or deck for exercising.

Safe and Secure for Inversion Exercise

This inverted yoga trainer is specifically designed to protect your body during use.

Unassisted headstands cause the majority of injuries that occur during yoga training and practice.

For this reason, a top-quality inversion exercise trainer is the ideal vehicle for helping you attain safe, secure asanas.

The FeetUp Trainer enables you to enjoy upside down yoga without worries.

Relaxed Inversions for Motivated Exercise

This innovative training partner boosts your motivation during each daily inverted exercise routine. It also enables you to relax after a full, beneficial workout.

Practicing hatha yoga is a natural, non-impact and empowering form of exercise and personal enlightenment.

Inversion postures are exercises that you can engage in for the rest of your life for complete radiant health and well-being.

Advancing Yoga Techniques

When you practice inversion postures using the FeetUp Inversion Trainer, you can take your yoga to the next level.

You can continue to add new movements and core strengtheners to your daily routine.

While increasing your balance and stability, you can also tone your entire body.

You can empower your mental, physical, and emotional responses for a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life.

What Others Think of the FeetUp Trainer

The following are some testimonials from satisfied users of this unique inversion exercise trainer:

  • From Sirena M. on “I have heard of the benefits of inversions but was sad I could not do them… until I saw this. It is absolutely worth the money. I was able to easily get up on it and do a headstand the very first day I received it. It is sturdy, built it myself and was super easy to build. The chart that it comes with gives you great ideas on flows you can try. When I do a headstand on this I feel supported, my shoulders and neck feel elongated and I feel my core engage. I am on this every day! I love it!”
  • From a Male Athlete posted on “Genuinely superb product and buying experience! Easy to assemble, very sturdy, even for a male athlete (210lbs). Really enjoying working on my inversions. Enthusiastically recommended!”
  • From AAYAA Yoga posted on “WoW! This is really cool. The use of this chair in yoga is amazing. The cushion is also helpful in decreasing pressure on the neck and makes it safer.”

Alternatives to the FeetUp Trainer

The following are alternative products to the FeetUp Trainer that are currently available to consumers:

Restrial Life Yoga Headstand Bench


The Restrial Life Yoga Headstand Bench provides ergonomic design and support for all training levels of exercisers. It is easy to move or carry, and has a sturdy, easy-to-assemble structure.

It assists in achieving head and shoulder-stands without the need for handles or arms. It is a lower-priced model than the FeetUp inversion trainer.

Things to Know:

  • This product is composed of a natural wood frame with a synthetic (PU sponge) cushion, while the FeetUp inversion trainer consists of a crafted natural wood frame and a vegan cushion.
  • This trainer is promoted as an anti-aging aid, while the FeetUp model is marketed as a life and health-enhancing trainer for continuous well-being.

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SISYAMA Fitness Yoga Headstand Chair Inversion Bench


The SISYAMA Fitness Yoga Headstand Chair Inversion Bench for practicing yoga is a larger, wider trainer than most brands and models. It claims to facilitate deeper stretches and enhanced resistance training.

Its base has a modern, tripod-base style design for easy transport and re-positioning. This product is slightly less expensive than the FeetUp model.

When compared to the FeetUp Trainer, it lacks the unique, original simplicity of ergonomic design, the flexible, pure materials and overall degree of safety offered by the FeetUp Trainer.

Although the FeetUp Trainer is slightly higher in price than this Sisyama model, it may be well worth the extra dollars for its safe, authentic design.

Things to Know:

  • This trainer has a minimalist, contemporary design in metal with a synthetic cushion. The FeetUp product offers the beauty and empowerment of natural wood and vegan materials that complement yoga.
  • This product folds up for storage, while the FeetUp design is a non-folding design to ensure stability.

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WonderView Yoga Inversion Chair


The WonderView Yoga Inversion Chair includes a non-slip pad and reinforced design for safety and stability. It is designed without handles with a sturdy, simplistic style. It is the least expensive of all of the inversion trainers discussed here.

Things to Know:

  • This product is made of metal with a synthetic (PU) cushion while the FeetUp inversion trainer is composed of natural wood with a vegan cushion.
  • This trainer has a slightly smaller cushion than the FeetUp inverion trainer.

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Final Thoughts

To achieve and practice inverted yoga asanas safely and correctly, it is essential to use a top-quality inversion exercise trainer.

Without the support of a superior trainer, you may experience neck, back and shoulder pain or injuries during practice.

The FeetUp Trainer is a leading choice due to its superb, sturdy construction, its use of all-natural (and vegan) materials and its original, long-praised design.

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Best Meditation Chair For Prolonged Sitting Sun, 01 Dec 2019 01:24:03 +0000 Best Meditation Chair For Prolonged Sitting Read More »

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best meditation chair for prolonged sitting is, then I’d recommend the Friends of Meditation Yoga Extra Large Yoga Chair as the best one.

Do you love the peace and comfort you find when meditating, but hate the stiff joints and aching back pain you’re left with? I can relate all too well.

That’s why I set out on the search for the best meditation chair on the market.

Chances are, since you’re reading this, that you’ve found yourself in the same boat.

The good news is that, even in the world of meditation chairs, there’s chocolate and vanilla.

While a chair with good back and hip support is what I’m searching for, you may be more focused on finding an adjustable chair that can double for cat naps.

No matter what you’re in search of, read on to learn which chair is best for you.

Here are the top meditation chairs we’ll be reviewing:


The best meditation chair can prevent back issues such as herniated discs and degenerative spine disease.


Choosing the Best Meditation Chair for You



I doubt you would have found yourself here if you didn’t already have an inkling that meditation is beneficial to your health.

You may also have realized that you can’t fully benefit from meditating if you are in pain while trying to clear your mind.

What you may not know is that there is a bit more that goes into this whole posture thing than just finding a comfortable position. That is, when it comes to meditating.

The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation benefits far more than your mind. It can be beneficial to your mind, spirit, and your health.

Stress and anxiety reduction

The mindfulness meditation study found that regular meditation reduces the inflammation response that stress causes in so many of us.

Meditation can have such a positive impact on stress and anxiety that it can help ease symptoms of stress-related conditions like fibromyalgia and panic attacks.

Focus and attention

When meditating and focusing on one particular thing, it trains your mind to stay focused.

Think of your attention span as a muscle that’s being stretched, lengthened and strengthened each time you sit down to meditate.

Reductions in memory loss

When pairing chants and gestures with meditation, it strengthens your muscle memory.

The repetition of this act throughout your life can help combat against age-related memory loss as time goes on.

Improved sleep

Meditation helps those struggling with insomnia and sleep apnea, greatly.

Studies show that meditation helps individuals to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Pain management

Since our perception of pain is closely connected to our state of mind, it’s easy to make the connection that having a clear mind can help ease symptoms of pain.

In multiple studies, meditation has shown to decrease patient’s sensitivity to pain and increased their ability to cope with pain.

Decreased blood pressure

Not only can meditation slow down an amped up heart rate, but it has also shown to frequently lower blood pressure by at least five points.

In patients with high blood pressure, the effect is even more significant. That would have been helpful to know all those times that my white coat syndrome was kicking in.

If the health benefits aren’t enough motivation to get you meditating regularly, just think of all of the psychological and spiritual benefits that meditation has.

Did you know that meditation is so powerful that is has the potential to rewire your brain?

Once you realize the full benefits of meditation, that statement isn’t so hard to believe.

Meditation can alter your brain activity by increasing the grey matter and the thickness of the layers of your brain.

Ultimately, the benefits of meditation are far too vast, with many benefits not being fully understood at this juncture in time.

Alas, how beneficial meditation is, is not what is in question here. We’re on the search for the best meditation chair there is to get the job done.

But first, you must ask yourself: why is it so important to have a good meditation chair?

Proper Posture During Meditation

We all know that having good posture is important so that we don’t create back issues such as herniated discs and degenerative spine disease.

However, when meditating, good posture is important for reasons beyond that.

Good posture is important. Keeping the proper posture during meditation will help you stay rooted in the present moment. It also helps bring awareness.

If all else fails, be sure that your spine stays in alignment. This ensures a good energy flow during meditation practices.

Remember, seating positions for meditation are just as vast as the cushions, chairs and benches you can utilize in your practice.

As long as you are benefitting spiritually or emotionally, there is no “wrong” way to meditate.

While some people are most comfortable sitting on a cushion, others feel more connected when kneeling on a bench.

It’s all about what works best for you!


Having a solid meditation chair you can rely on ensures a good energy flow during meditation practices.


What Qualities do You Want in a Meditation Chair?

There’s no instruction manual on picking the mediation chair that’s right for you. This is precisely what makes it so simple.

If you’re the type who finds joy in shopping, you may even find that the hunt for the best meditation chair makes you downright giddy.

While there is no instruction manual, you want to browse the wide inventory of chairs to find the one that best fits your specific needs.

Do you struggle with back pain when sitting for long periods of time? Then you may want to invest in a chair with the proper back support.

Perhaps you’re like me and often find yourself curled into your meditation nook, dozing off once you’ve cleared all that clutter from your mind.

If you can relate to this all too well, then you’re best bet may be to find that super cozy, oversized lounge chair.

Who knows?

Maybe your inner spirit will thank you once it’s being whisked away to a more comfortable place.

A few other things you may want to consider when shopping around for a mediation chair are:

  • Is it durable?
  • How stable is it and how much weight can it support?
  • Is it worth the price ticket?
  • Is it made from harmful products or environmentally friendly products?
  • Will it allow you to meditate in the proper position?
  • How easy is it to transport?


Best Meditation Chairs Reviewed

When searching for the best meditation chair, there is no clear winner or definitive answer as to which is the best.

The factors that go into making a chair the best are dependent upon which features work best for you.

These products have features ranging from back and hip support to full adjustability to easy transportability.

In the end, I can give you all of the facts that you need, but the decision on which chair is best for you rests on your shoulders.

Friends of Meditation Extra Large Yoga Chair



The Friends of Meditation Yoga Chair was specially designed by an individual who doubles as an Osho meditation facilitator and yoga teacher.

Whether you’ve heard of Swami Dhyan Unmesh, or not, knowing that this product was engineered by an expert should certainly give you peace of mind.

Do you know that old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”? Well judging from the looks of it, the money you could spend on this meditation chair is well worth the thousand moments of peace and quiet you will find in exchange.


  • Expertly designed with comfort and durability in mind.
  • Easily transportable due to how lightweight it is. You can fold it too!
  • Detachable zafu cushion prevents leg numbness by raising your hips.
  • Detachable back cushion provides lower back support while keeping your neck and spine properly aligned in the correct position.
  • Covered by a seven-year warranty.
  • Five different color options.
  • Several customers rave that this chair is ideal for sitting up to eight hours at a time during Vipassana retreats.


  • The carrying case that it comes with is made of a low-quality fabric and tears easily.
  • Even when folded, this chair is too large to pack for air travel.
  • Customers over 6’5 or 250 pounds complain that the welding gives or breaks and that the chair does not support their frame.

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Adjustable Floor Chair by NNEWVANTE


If you are looking for a fantastic multi-purpose floor chair, then the Adjustable Floor Chair by NNEWVANTE may be a good fit for you.

While some have used this chair for meditating, others have used it for things ranging from playing video games to typing up memos.

As far as meditating goes, this is a fairly basic chair that will offer a bit of back support.

The great thing about this particular seat is that you can adjust it to whatever position suits you. If you suffer from back pain as I do, then you know what a relief this can be!


  • Excellent chair for those living with arthritis, joint or back pain.
  • This is more of a universal chair, meaning it can be used for a wide range of things including meditating, playing with grandchildren, or typing at a floor desk.
  • The back adjusts into six different positions, ranging from 90 degrees to 180 degrees!
  • The compact and foldable frame makes it easy to transport, travel with and store away when not in use.
  • Removable cover allows for easy washing.
  • Designed with comfortable and durable materials.
  • Comes in two different shapes and sizes.


  • Some customers complain that you can feel the metal rods in the back of the chair when leaning back.
  • The top seat cushion doesn’t always stay positioned well.
  • Some customers complain that the backing comes out of the locked position, on occasion, when leaning back.

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Friends of Meditation Buddha Bliss Yoga and Meditation Chair



This is the more compact meditation chair offered by Friends of Meditation.

While the Friends of Meditation Buddha Bliss Yoga and Meditation Chair is compact enough to travel with, it seems that the team wasn’t able to pack comfort into such a small frame.

If you travel often and are of average height and weight, then you’ll likely be a customer who loves this chair due to how convenient it is to travel with.

However, individuals exceeding a certain stature should beware that several Buddha Bliss chairs have been given away after purchase, all because the chair couldn’t support their frame.


  • Designed by a meditation and yoga teacher.
  • Comes in three different colors.
  • Specially designed to provide lower back support.
  • Ideal for sitting in the sukhassana pose.
  • Lightweight, foldable and easy to transport.
  • Folds down small enough to pack into a suitcase and travel with.
  • Covered by a seven-year warranty.
  • Removable seat cushion provides hip support. Alternatively, it can be used as a seat extender.
  • Comes with a carrying bag.


  • The metal rods are cheaply put together, causing the seat to make a creaking noise when leaning back.
  • The cushions, especially the additional seat cushion, are harder than most. Many complain that this makes the chair too uncomfortable to sit in for long periods of time.
  • The back of the seat remains rigid at a 90-degree angle. It is not adjustable.
  • Heavier and taller customers, alike, complain that rather than providing back and neck support, this chair causes pain to both.

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bonVIVO Floor Chair with Adjustable Backrest



The bonVIVO Floor Chair with Adjustable Backrest may be the greatest universal chair in the lineup!

Not many meditation chairs are created with style in mind. However, bonVIVO hit it right on the money when they created this stylish design.

Despite all of its glitz and glamour, this meditation chair may be better to keep at home.

Aside from the fact that it’s awkward to tote, you wouldn’t want its loud creaks and strong odor to disrupt others who are trying to find their zen.


  • Designed with comfort and style in mind.
  • Fabric is stain-resistant and easy to clean.
  • Has a clear support limit of 220 pounds.
  • Features a reclining back up to 180-degrees.
  • This chair has universal uses. You can use it for far more than meditating.
  • Lightweight.
  • Comes in two colors.


  • It doesn’t fold in half for storage, travel or carrying purposes.
  • This chair isn’t very durable.
  • Customers occasionally complain that the metal rods either snap or cause damage to hardwood floors.
  • A loud creaking noise can be heard when adjusting the back.
  • Many customers complain that there isn’t adequate padding on the bottom cushion.
  • The materials this chair consists of carry a strong chemical odor that must be aired out.

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Friends Of Meditation Back Jack Meditation and Yoga Chair



This meditation chair is a more buyer friendly version from Friends of Meditation.

The Friends Of Meditation Back Jack Meditation and Yoga Chair is a simple, no frills chair that is ideal for the minimalists of the world.

As this company makes such coveted meditation chairs, this lower end model is far from being a top seller.

One thing customers agree on for sure is that it’s awfully nice to have the option to buy such a large bargain pack.

What’s that old saying again? “Friends that meditate together, stay together”…or something along those lines.


  • Designed by a meditation instructor.
  • Comes in varying colors.
  • Also available in a bargain pack of two, four or eight.
  • Comes with a waterproof carrying bag.
  • Features carrying handles.
  • Lightweight.
  • Ideal for group meditation.


  • Difficult to fold for storage and travel, as it does not naturally fold in half.
  • It is not adjustable.
  • There is only padding provided for the back cushion. The seat is very flat.
  • Some customers complain that this chair further agitates pre-existing back issues.

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The Winner Is…

After researching the best meditation chairs on the market, I’ve decided that the Friends of Meditation Extra Large Yoga Chair is the best on the market.

Certainly not for the extensive, mouthful of a name it carries.

This chair comes with a detachable back cushion and a detachable zafu, which is great for the back and hip support I’m looking for.

Aside from being comfortable, it will ensure that my spine stays properly aligned, aiding me on my journey towards enlightenment.

Not only that, but it was designed by an expert, somebody who’s spent plenty of time on the floor meditating.

Who better to create a product for meditators than somebody who has made it their life’s mission to teach others the benefits of meditation?

It’s just a bonus that the company is so customer-focused that they offer a seven-year warranty in case you give your new meditation chair a little too much TLC and find it a bit thread-bare sooner than anticipated.

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Best Yoga Headstand Bench for Inversion Training Sun, 01 Dec 2019 00:55:46 +0000 Best Yoga Headstand Bench for Inversion Training Read More »

Maji Sports Yoga products

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best yoga headstand bench for inversion training is, then I’d recommend the SISYAMA Fitness Yoga Headstand Chair Inversion Bench as the best one.

Inversion training can be beneficial, but it also needs to be done safely.

The best yoga headstand bench can help you remain secure as you undergo your inversion exercises and therapy.

Although there are numerous benches on the market, our buyer’s guide and reviews should steer you in the right direction.

Here are the top yoga headstand bench for inversion training we’ll be reviewing:


Choosing the best yoga headstand bench can help reduce the stress and pressure along your body, especially your spine.


Yoga Headstand Benches and Inversion Training – Buyer’s Guide



It’s not so simple to buy any type of yoga headstand benches. You’ll need one with the right support and reliability to achieve the best results from your exercises.

Knowing which bench to choose comes with understanding them and how they relate to inversion training.

Benefits of Inversion Training

Inversion therapy comes with a number of advantages.

For one thing, it can help reduce the stress and pressure along your body, especially your spine.

This may be a good way to unwind from your workouts.

This reduction of stress can ease pressure on your joints too, allowing them to have more flexibility and a greater range of motion.

Beyond the physical aspects, cutting back on stress may be good for your mental state as a whole.

Inversion exercises increases the blood flow and circulation to your head, which may better its function as it has more nutrients and oxygen.

You can see another advantage of inversion training by looking at your posture.

These exercises help stretch and align your posture, which can help you build up back strength.

If you suffer from spinal pain, improving your posture might reduce some of the discomfort.

When it comes to exercising, inversion training can also add some more intensity to your workouts.

For instance, performing a headstand alone may address the muscles in your arms and shoulders.

You may even add in some common exercises like crunches or push-ups, just the inversion-style of them, giving yourself more of a challenge.

Features of Quality Yoga Headstand Benches

Now that you’re aware of the different benefits of inversion training, it’s time to start searching for a way to do exercises without resorting to a large inversion table.

If space is an issue, a yoga headstand bench is a compact means to getting that inversion therapy.

What makes for the best yoga headstand bench is dependent on a number of factors beyond just personal preference.

Stable Platform

Safety should be your number one concern when it comes to inversion training.

Using a headstand bench does come with certain risks considering the force you’re exerting on your neck and head.

Other than recognizing the proper techniques and poses to stay safe, the bench you’re using should have a supportive platform.

This means that the legs should be firm and not wobble around. It may even help if they have some non-slip bottoms, increasing its stability.


The quality of the material can also contribute to how stable and reliable it is.

You’ll usually find yoga headstand benches made from either metal or wooden materials. Both types of material seem to have a good amount of durability.

Of course, with wood, you should check that it’s high in quality so that it won’t wear down.

Metal may be the most reliable, but it also has a chance of tearing up your floor, unlike wooden benches.

In addition, wood is also the more environmentally-safe choice.


Using the best yoga headstand bench for your exercises help stretch and align your posture, which can help you build up your back strength.



Just because inversion training is beneficial, that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to do. A good way to make things simpler is using a comfortable headstand bench.

Cushioning plays a major role in comfort. The padding should be thick enough to help cut down on the pressure given to your shoulders and neck while you invert.

Soft material that does well at retaining its shape can also add to the level of comfort you’ll feel.

Another feature that may help you have an easier time with your training is the design. The best yoga headstand bench might have a more ergonomic layout.

This can aid you in resting better on the bench while providing you with more thorough support throughout your shoulders, neck, and head.

Best Yoga Headstand Bench – Top 5 Reviewed

Looking for the right yoga headstand bench can be a chore, but to save you some time, we’ve identified five high quality ones for you to start your search with.


Restrial Life Yoga Headstand Bench



The Restrial Life Yoga Headstand Bench seems like a quality bench that features a professional-like design.

It’s made out of solid wood that appears sturdy enough to hold up over time and support various weights since the frame offers resistance to pressure.

The bench still maintains a lightweight feel, and with the extra padding, you may use it as a sofa stool as well.

This wood also appears soft to the touch. The same may go for the padding that’s made of high-density PU sponge material.

This way, it might provide you with greater support, especially if you’re a beginner to inversion training.

In spite of the durable wooden construction, there may be a chance that you’ll experience slight wobbling.

Even so, it might be due to putting more weight onto one side, so the legs on that side may tremble somewhat.

Something else to consider is the actual assembling of the bench. It’s rather straightforward even with just the picture instructions.

However, you may have to put more effort into twisting the screws into the cushions. They might not always tighten well, so it’s something you can take more caution with.


  • Sturdy construction
  • Assembly seems straightforward
  • Material has a soft feel


  • Some issues tightening the screws
  • May experience some wobbling

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FeetUp Trainer (The Original)

The FeetUp Trainer (The Original) may be the best yoga headstand bench that’s a bit on the higher end scale than the others.

It features a classic wooden frame that seems as if it can last a long time.

Some of the aesthetic may be disturbed though by removing the sticker during assembly as it may leave behind an obvious residue.

Other than that, the bench appears simple and quick to put together. The frame is reliable to not just last a good deal of time, but also to properly support you performing various inversion moves.

If there may be any improvement, it could be that the bench should support a larger weight. As it stands, some of you may be limited in successfully using the product.

If you can use it, the padding also seems well supportive. It’s made using faux-leather, which is also vegan if that concerns you. You can purchase it in different color styles too.

For those of you just starting out in the inversion training with a yoga headstand bench, you may appreciate that this comes with a large poster.

On it, you’ll notice over 100 different exercises related to yoga, relaxation, and fitness.


  • Easy to assemble
  • Comfortable for longer use
  • Frame seems sturdy


  • Sticker can leave behind a residue
  • May benefit from a higher weight limit

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WonderView Yoga Inversion Chair



The WonderView Yoga Inversion Chair is an affordable method of practicing some inversion techniques at home.

Even though it might not have instructions, it seems to assemble easily and quick.

It’s light in weight so that you can move it around with ease, but the metal frame seems to still offer good support for long-lasting use.

You may want to take care on where you place the bench, however. The feet seem to slide around a bit on hard floors such as wood or laminate.

So, you may be better off placing it on a mat to help keep it stable.

On the notion of stability, take caution performing more advanced inversion moves. There’s a chance that the bench might tip over when your weight shifts for those types of moves.

When it comes to the padding, there seems to be a good amount of it. The PU cushion also feels comfortable enough without being overwhelming in terms of thickness.

It is even non-slip so that you may have an easier, more comfortable time remaining on the bench.


  • Well-balanced between lightweight and sturdy
  • May assemble in under 10 minutes
  • Good amount of padding


  • Feet may slip on hard floors
  • Might tip over

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SISYAMA Fitness Yoga Headstand Chair Inversion Bench



The SISYAMA Fitness Yoga Headstand Chair Inversion Bench might be the best yoga headstand bench that can help beginners.

It’s made with high-quality metal materials that withstand various weights and poses. There are also handlebars to help keep you secure.

What may further be useful for beginners is that the cushion is wider than other similar benches.

It also has some good thickness to keep things comfortable for you as well as supportive on your shoulders.

This also may be ideal for transitioning from headstands to handstands to add more to your inversion training.

There may be some quality control issues with it though as the metal can arrive bent. This can, in turn, increase how long it takes you to put it together.

Once it is assembled, it does appear to have long-lasting reliability.

Also, this headstand bench offers a small footprint ideal for your home. It can easily and quickly fold up so you can put it aside whenever you’re not using it.

The self-locking hooks helps with the foldaway storage.


  • Easy to use for a long time
  • Thick, comfortable padding
  • Good stabilization


  • Might take some time assembling
  • Some quality control problems

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Evolution Health USA The Original Headstander



The Evolution Health USA The Original Headstander features a lightweight design of only 11lbs with a compact frame overall to fit wherever you need it to.

You may assemble it in just a couple of minutes, and there is some quality durability found in the metal material.

There is even a useful 10-year assurance in the event that anything happens to the bench.

With such a straightforward design, it may make inversion training easier for those of you just starting out.

As for the cushioning, it is soft to the touch and well-made to the point that it should last you a long time.

It’s made out of vegan leather as well, and the foam offers the right amount of support you need for inversion exercises.

There may be a chance that, even with its soft feel, it might apply too much pressure on your shoulders.

This might mean you can’t use it for long periods of time in one sitting. Also, be aware that the bench might tip over easily when it comes to more intense moves.


  • Quick assembly
  • Simple enough to use
  • Soft cushioning


  • Might put too much pressure on the shoulders
  • Tips a bit too easily

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Final Thoughts

Inversion training is a great way to build up some strength, relieve stress and tension in your joints, muscles, and mind, and even develop a better posture.

The best yoga headstand bench can make that task easier to accomplish.

We feel that the SISYAMA Fitness Yoga Headstand Chair Inversion Bench is the greatest out of the five products we reviewed.

It is comfortable and stable enough that you may use it for a multitude of different moves from beginner inversion techniques to more advanced exercises.

The padding is also the right amount of thickness to add enough comfort along with support for your shoulders. It even folds and locks away for storage once you’re done.

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Best Zabuton for Yoga Beginners Mon, 30 Sep 2019 15:02:28 +0000 Best Zabuton for Yoga Beginners Read More »

Gaiam Yoga


If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best zabuton is, then we recommend the Seat Of Your Soul Zabuton as the best one.

Zabu-what now?

Yes, we know it sounds like a character from the Lion King, but a zabuton is actually a special type of floor cushion for your yoga and meditation practice!

The best zabuton for you depends on your anatomy, history of certain injuries, and the type of yoga or meditation that you practice.


Here are the best zabuton we’ll be reviewing:


Choosing the best zabuton will help to ensure you are comfortable during your meditation session.


What is a Zabuton?



A zabuton is a traditional Japanese cushion for sitting on the floor.

Historically it’s been used by zen meditators and even sumo wrestlers for comfort and support during meditation!

A zabuton cushion comes in one or two pieces.

The main piece is a square-shaped mat which is placed directly onto the floor. This is known as the “zabuton.”

The second piece is a smaller cushion which is placed on top of the square mat. This is sometimes called a “zafu.”

Together they cushion your rear end, knees, ankles, and feet when sitting in a cross-legged position on the floor.

The best zabuton will be covered in washable fabric and stuffed like a firm pillow.

It should be packed firmly enough to retain its shape and support your body but loosely enough to provide softness and cushioning to comfort your joints.

Why Every Yogi Needs a Zabuton

It’s important to have the proper support and cushioning when meditating or practicing yoga.

You’ve probably heard a yoga instructor or meditation guide tell you to get into a, “comfortable seated position.”

Did you know that the cross-legged position for meditation and yoga is called Sukhasana or “Easy Pose?” Easy pose ain’t so easy when your ankles are digging into the floor and your hips and knees are howling.

Sitting in an uncomfortable position is just like trying to meditate and having a pesky thought that won’t leave your mind.

Sitting in a traditional meditation posture on a hard surface can even be painful on the small bones in the ankles and put stress on the knees, hips, and glutes.

The pain or discomfort can really distract your yoga practice, especially if you do yoga as a way to make time for self-care.

The reason a zabuton and zafu are important for yoga and meditation is that they help you achieve that comfortable seated position and good posture.

As a result, you’ll be able to give all your focus and attention to your practice.

How a Zabuton Supports Your Body

Finding the best zabuton for you will allow you to sit comfortably on any type of flooring by cushioning your sit bones and ankles and helping you get your spine into proper alignment.

When you add in the zafu it raises your hips above your knees.

This angles your body to take the pressure off the knees and can bring your hips and spine into a more natural alignment to help you sit up straight.

This ergonomic adjustment helps you maintain good posture while you meditate.

Anyone with irritable knees from a past injury or simply from aging knows what a relief a few degrees of extension can provide!

Getting your hips into the proper position can also support your entire spine.

That will help prevent aches in places like your low back and neck from prolonged sitting.

Zabuton vs. Yoga Mat

You might be asking, “but couldn’t I just sit on my yoga mat?”

Well, you could, but you’d be missing out.

A yoga mat doesn’t provide enough cushion to protect your ankles in a cross-legged position on hard floors.

A yoga mat alone can’t provide the cushion and hip elevation to get you into that prime position for meditation even if you fold it over on itself.

How to Use Your Zabuton

Place the zabuton on the floor where you want to sit.

If using a zabuton only, then sit directly on the cushion, cross your legs, and start your practice.

If you use a zafu (the smaller second cushion), then place it on top of the zabuton toward one side.

Sit with your glutes on the zafu and cross your legs so your ankles are crossed and resting on the lower zabuton.

Take a seat on your zabuton for seated meditation, yogic breathing exercises, or just for a comfortable place to plop down!

Since zabutons are used for still seated positions you can place them directly on slick hard surfaces like wood or tile floors without a problem.

Zabutons are mainly used for seated positions, but you can also use it as a support for your neck in yoga poses like Shavasana (Corpse Pose) or Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulderstand).

The small cushion can also be used as a support under your hips or back during yoga.

Zabutons can be used indoors or outdoors.

If you plan to use your zabuton outdoors you may want to either add weatherproofing material to the removable cover or place a mat below the cushion so it doesn’t absorb moisture or dirt from the ground.

Who Shouldn’t Use a Zabuton?

If you cannot safely sit in seated cross-legged positions, then you should not use a zabuton.

Although it makes it more comfortable to sit even the best zabuton is not a magic bullet for hip, knee, or ankle issues that prevent you from sitting cross-legged.


A high quality zabuton and zafu will help you stay comfortable in a seated position regardless of the length of your meditation session.


The Best Zabutons Reviewed


Gaiam Meditation Cushion Zabuton

The Gaiam Meditation Cushion Zabuton is a rectangular floor cushion without a zafu bolster.

The dimensions are 2 feet by 3 feet and the cushion is about 4 inches thick.

The simple design is a good option for those who don’t have issues with hip and knee flexibility and just need a soft cushion for meditation and yoga.

The Gaiam zabuton is covered in a super-soft microfiber fabric.

It comes in three colors: black, blue, and teal.

This cushion has a removable, machine washable cover which is nice because you can toss it in the laundry and freshen it up if it gets dirty.

This is a basic zabuton in both structure and appearance.

If you’re just looking for something simple that won’t compete with the decor in the rest of your home, then this could be just right.

The cushion does have a 4-button design which pinches and gathers the fabric in certain places.

This may bother some users and make the cushion feel slightly uneven or lumpy.




  • Machine washable cover
  • Soft fabric
  • Affordable price
  • A reliable brand known for yoga gear
  • 3 versatile color choices
  • Simple design


  • Cushioning may feel slightly lumpy
  • Doesn’t come with a zafu (small cushion)

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Bean Products Zabuton Meditation Cushion

The Bean Products Zabuton Meditation Cushion comes in multiple sizes and loads of colors. The larger 32-inch by 26-inch size is perfect for a meditation nook in your home.

The smaller 24-inch by 24-inch size is a nice option if you need something portable or if you have a more compact living space.

The cover of the Bean Products zabuton cushion is hand made from organic cotton or environmentally friendly hemp. The cover can be removed and machine washed.

Not only is this cushion hand made, but it is also manufactured stateside in Chicago.




  • Made in the USA
  • Organic fabric
  • Handcrafted product
  • Removable, machine washable cover
  • Multiple sizes and colors to choose from


  • On the pricier side
  • Thinner than some other zabutons

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Seat Of Your Soul Zabuton Meditation Cushion

The nice thing about the Seat Of Your Soul Zabuton Meditation Cushion is the many ways you can customize it.

The basic zabuton cushion is a square 24 inches in size and 4 inches in height.

For the second cushion, you have options between a crescent shape or a traditional zafu circle shape. You can mix and match as you see fit.

All come in multiple jewel-tone colors, black, gray and a natural hemp color.

The fabric on each piece is made of organic cotton and the covers are removable and washable.

The filling is a combination of cotton and buckwheat which makes this cushion more durable than cotton only versions.

The buckwheat reinforces the cotton so your zabuton will keep its shape and softness longer.

The other great thing about these cushions is that they have a handle sewed on.

Whether you’re keeping your zabuton and zafu stowed away until it’s time to meditate or you plan to take them with you to a studio or outdoors, the handle is a nice convenience that makes it easy to carry.




  • Cotton buckwheat blend for filling
  • Made of organic materials
  • Multiple zafu shapes to choose from
  • Rich colors
  • Can purchase individual pieces separately
  • Affordably priced
  • Carry handle


  • Only solid colors
  • Smaller zabuton dimensions than other options

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YogaAccessories Cotton Zabuton

At 36 inches by 28 inches, the YogaAccessories Cotton Zabuton is the largest zabuton on the list.

If your cross-legged seated position is less compact because of flexibility issues or just long legs, then a larger cushion can help.

This design gives you a little more surface area to work with.

It’s also large enough (and, at 3 inches tall, thin enough) to fold in half if you wanted to.

The stuffing of the YogaAccessories zabuton is 100% cotton and the cover is a cotton twill material.

The cover is removable and washable. It comes in multiple solid colors and print material.

Compared to other zabutons the design of this cover is not as closely fitted to the internal cushion.

This results in a loose look that some may find less attractive.




  • Large dimensions
  • Can be folded in half
  • Removable machine-washable cover
  • Multiple colors and print design to choose from


  • The thinner cushion may wear out over time
  • 100% cotton filling may get lumpy over time
  • Design is not as neat as other zabutons
  • More expensive

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Awaken Meditation Zabuton Yoga Mat

The Awaken Meditation Zabuton Yoga Mat is your classic zabuton design. It’s a square 33 inches and 4 inches thick.

The batting is made of 100% cotton and the removable cover is machine washable.

The design is simple but modern and comes in three neutral colors plus a vibrant purple and orange.

Some other zabuton cushions have a button design which pinches the fabric in places and may irritate some users.

This zabuton is evenly filled so you have nothing but smooth cushion beneath you.

The Awaken Meditation zabuton also has a carry strap so it’s easy to tote around.

The price point is higher than some other zabutons.

With that said, the quality of the fabric and thickness of the cushion are both durable and should last a good long time.




  • Carry strap
  • Thick design for more durable cushion
  • Modern colors
  • Removable, machine-washable cover
  • Made of 100% cotton
  • Even surface (no button pleats)


  • More expensive for zabuton only
  • Only comes in one size
  • 100% cotton cover may shrink (line dry only!)

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And the winner is…

The Seat Of Your Soul Zabuton Meditation Cushion!

We love this zabuton because it gives you many options (zabuton, circular zafu, and crescent cushion) to customize.

You can get one, two or all three pieces based on your unique needs. It also has an attractive design and comes in a wide variety of modern colors.

On top of all that, what makes this the best zabuton on the list is the combination of cotton and buckwheat filling.

This combo helps the Seat Of Your Soul Zabuton Meditation Cushion and zafu cushions keep their shape.

Batting made of 100% cotton may get lumpy or less supportive over time depending on how densely it’s packed.

Buckwheat, on the other hand, reinforces the cotton to help keep its shape.

Don’t like the buckwheat? Just remove it!

Yet another helpful feature of the Seat Of Your Soul zabuton and zafu cushions.

Finally, the Seat Of Your Soul zabuton and zafus have machine-washable removable covers that also have handles.

With this or any zabuton, remember to wash in cold water and dry on the delicate cycle or air dry to prevent the material from shrinking.

Gaiam Yoga

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Best Meditation Bench for Seiza Pose Wed, 25 Sep 2019 14:52:01 +0000 Best Meditation Bench for Seiza Pose Read More »

Gaiam Yoga


If you are in a hurry and just want to find out what the best meditation bench for Seiza Pose is, then I’d recommend the Mindful and Modern Folding Meditation Bench as the best one.

Most of us know by now that seiza pose has its origins in Japan.

This pose was originally used to show respect when attending certain functions, particularly those in the presence of an individual of power.

In the modern world, while this pose is often still used to show respect, it has also become a part of meditation practices throughout the world.

The reasoning behind this is that sitting seiza is an easy way to improve your posture, engage your core, and interact with Spirit all at the same time.

Today, we have the added benefit of having access to some of the best mediation benches around, so we don’t have to sit around on numb legs as they once did.


Here are the top meditation benches we’ll be reviewing:


A meditation bench can be a great way for you to meditate for hours when doing yoga.


How to Select the Best Meditation Bench



When it comes to meditation, not just any old bench will do.

You need a bench that’s the right height to be beneficial to you, but also something that helps you feel more connected when meditating.

If you’re unsure of what you should be looking for in a mediation bench, read on to learn the key factors that you should keep in mind while shopping around.

Learn the Benefits of Seiza Pose

Sitting seiza has proven to have many benefits, both to our spiritual well-being and to our health.

Known benefits of seiza pose include:

  • Assists in correcting bowed legs.
  • Trains and strengths core abdominal and back muscles.
  • Helps with fixing bad posture.
  • Slows down your heart rate.
  • Naturally calms your Spirit.
  • Can relieve lower back pain by taking pressure off of decompressed areas.
  • Helps loosen stiff shoulders.
  • Increases your level of concentration.
  • Promotes wakefulness.
  • Improves circulation throughout most of the body.


If you aren’t already incorporating seiza pose into your meditation practices, now may be a good time to start.

Other meditation poses can quickly become uncomfortable, particularly for those with joint issues.

While the seiza pose may seem like it would be hard on your joints, due to having some pressure on your knees, the position is actually wildly misleading.

Many who practice yoga and meditation claim that sitting seiza actually helps take the pressure off their knees!

However, many still choose to incorporate a bench into their meditation practices to further relieve joint pressure.

Why You Should Use a Bench

You would likely benefit from using a meditation bench if you are one of those suffering from arthritis, worn down cartilage, or knee or back injuries that never healed quite right.

Even if you don’t already suffer from these issues, it’s important to note the one downside of seiza pose that affects most people.

When sitting in this position for longer than 5 minutes, oxygen concentration in the lower legs drops considerably.

This is understandable, as sitting seiza requires you to have your legs bent at a sharp angle, which constricts blood flow to the lower extremities.

However, this results in that tingly, numb sensation that we all know and dread.

This unfortunate “side effect” can be addressed, and can often be avoided when incorporating a bench into your meditation practices.

Incorporating a Bench in Meditation Practices

Those who are new to meditating often use benches in the wrong manner. Benches are not typically intended to be knelt on.

You should also avoid sitting in an upright position on your bench (unless otherwise noted), as most benches are designed to support only part of your weight.

While there are benches that can be used in a variety of positions, most benches tend to be most helpful when sitting seiza.

When you are in this position, your lower legs and your core will support a great deal of your weight.

Essentially, you want to aim to be in the kneeling position, with your hips coming into close alignment with your feet.

Incorporating a meditation bench can make everything about this position easier.

If your struggles are anything like mine, then you know full and well what a pain it can be to get out of this position, especially if both of your legs have fallen asleep!

With a bench that is at the proper height for your body type, numb and tingling legs can now be a thing of your past.

When using your bench, be sure that you have it in the proper position. The side of the bench that is angled towards the floor should be closest to your body.

If you have your bench facing the wrong direction, there’s too high a chance that it could break from supporting more weight than what it was intended for.

Search for Key Qualities

On your quest for the best meditation bench, there are a few key qualities you may want to keep in mind. Of course, your checklist may not look like the next persons.

With that in mind, I’m sure that some qualities in this checklist will rank higher on the totem pole for you than others will.

Essential Questions to Ask

Regardless of what type of bench you are looking for, here are the key things you should be asking yourself:

  • Is the base curved? Some people love a cursed base as it allows more movement, while others find it to be annoying and problematic.
  • Is the bench padded? A bit of padding can certainly make meditating more comfortable. However, too much padding can raise you up to high and cause unnecessary back and hip pain.
  • Is it portable? Portable benches are far more convenient than stationary benches. However, they are also more likely to break down sooner.
  • Is it versatile? You may be searching for a bench that can assist you in multiple poses, not just seiza. Research carefully if you need a versatile bench, as many meditation benches won’t support someone’s full body weight.
  • How tall is it? Pay close attention to this when selecting a bench. You want the bench to be at the appropriate height for your own height and weight. Remember that if you have thick calves or are over 6’ tall, you will likely need a bench with a higher clearance.


Now that you know what to keep in mind, you’re armed and ready to start shopping for that perfect meditation bench!


The seiza pose originate in Japan and can be performed using a high quality meditation bench.


Best Meditation Bench Review

I’m the last person who would tell you what you should and should not do with your money.

However, when it comes to finding the best meditation bench, I can give you all of the fast facts and steer you in the right direction.

In the following reviews, you’ll find just about everything you need to know to make the choice on which bench would be the perfect addition to your meditation practices.


Acacia Wood Meditation Bench by Meditation Designs



Are you on the search for that perfect bench that you can use in your at-home meditation practices?

If you’ve already got a trusty portable bench and are looking for a durable piece of furniture in your home, then you may want to consider the Acacia Wood Meditation Bench by Meditation Designs.

While this bench can certainly be taken to weekly meditation practices, it isn’t at all ideal for air travel. This is due to the fact that this is a non-folding bench.

If you choose to purchase Meditation Designs’ bench, you will want to keep one key factor in mind.

Many customers love the rounded and angled legs on this bench because it allows them to easily shift position during meditation.

However, this same feature causes the bench to slip out from other individuals, unless they add some type of gripping material to the bottom of the legs.


  • Handmade using sturdy acacia wood.
  • Rounded and angled legs.
  • Cushioned seat provides extra comfort.
  • Supports proper hip and back alignment.
  • Comes in three different color options.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Has two heights of 6” and 7”.


  • Legs are smooth and slick, causing it to easily slip away.
  • Not ideal for customers over 5’10” or with thick calves, due to the low height.
  • Many complain that the low height and slick legs make standing back up quite difficult.
  • Fabric quickly tears free of the staples securing it.
  • It does not fold, so transportation can be difficult.

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Still Sitting Nomad Meditation Bench



The Still Sitting Nomad Meditation Bench is by far the sleekest design in the line-up, and that’s no coincidence. We can thank the Norwegian architect, Asmund Skard, for combining style and support in the same design.

Sure, you’ll have to cough up a little more cash for this particular model, but it seems to be well worth the cost.

When browsing for the best meditation bench, don’t be too quick to rule out this option due to its delicate appearance.

Looks can be deceiving, after all. When it comes to this elegant design, you would be poorly mistaken to assume that it wouldn’t suffice for taller or more robust customers.

In fact, there are two different sizes available to address just this issue.

Multiple customers weighing over 220 pounds or who exceed 6’ in height swear by the large version of the Still Sitting Nomad Meditation Bench.


  • Comes in two different height options, ranging 5”-9.5” and 6”-11”.
  • Available in two different colors.
  • Surprisingly adjustable.
  • Easy to transport due to its lightweight design and ability to fold flat.
  • Features a stylish design.
  • Provides a surprising amount of support for up to 240+ pounds.
  • Ideal for retreats and long meditation sessions.
  • Can be used by a wide range of body types.
  • Provides spinal support and comfort.


  • Very expensive.
  • Challenging to find the proper seat adjustment, due to the Velcro seat fixture.
  • Design is too delicate and the thin feet can too easily break when too much weight is put on the bench.

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Mindful and Modern Folding Meditation Bench



When on the prowl for the best meditation bench around, I was tempted to end my search after stumbling upon this little gem, the Mindful and Modern Folding Meditation Bench.

Do you need a bench that’s perfect for traveling to seminars? That’s no problem with this model that features hinged legs that easily fold flat.

It even comes with a convenient carrying case that you can just toss in the wash when it gets dirty.

Perhaps, like me, you’re very focused on the price point. Well, I’ve got even more good news for you: this model should easily fit into your budget.

It’s a clear bonus that Mindful and Modern intentionally uses bamboo wood to create their masterpieces, as the last thing they want to do is add to the problem of deforestation.

I know, it sounds great so far. But we all know that several benches out there are only suitable for shorter individuals who are under a certain weight.

Well, you can rest assured knowing that customers weighing up to 200 pounds and who are up to 6’ tall use this bench in their daily meditation practices.

Perhaps the only thing that could make this bench better is if it were offered in the next size up.


  • Made from bamboo wood.
  • Designed to fold down flat for easy transport.
  • Comes with a convenient, machine-washable, carrying case.
  • Very cost-effective.
  • Angled seat helps bring spine into proper alignment.
  • Company offers a 60-day money back guarantee.
  • Features an eye-catching lotus engraving.
  • Helps take pressure off of the lower back and knees.
  • Designed with quality and durability in mind.


  • Only comes in one size, with the maximum height reaching 7.5”

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BLUECONY IKUKO Original Meditation Bench



We have finally come to the most evenly weighted bench in the running, the BLUECONY IKUKO Original Meditation Bench.

However, seeing just as many downsides as positives isn’t exactly good news to those who are on the prowl for the best product out there.

This bench is so evenly weighted, that even the worthiness of its key feature is debated by customers.

BLUECONY IKUKO is the only company in this list to employ ergonomic and posture specialists to help engineer their product.

While the idea is for the extreme arch of the seat to naturally and perfectly align your spine over your pelvis, it doesn’t quite accomplish that.

Sure, some customers say that it works great for their body type.

However, for every praise, there are just as many complaints that the severity of the angle causes discomfort and for the user to slip forward during their practices.

I don’t know about you, but for me, constantly slipping off of my seat would be a pretty constant distraction when trying to go deeper in meditation.

The sheer number of downsides to this product, paired with how regularly customers have had issues, certainly made me question whether it’s even worth the price tag.


  • Comes in three different height options of: 6”, 7” and 8”.
  • Choice of two different wood finishes.
  • The curved and angled seat works to naturally bring your hips and spine into proper alignment.
  • Features removable legs and a travel bag for easy transportation.


  • Not offered in a height that is suitable for those under 5’1 or over 6’1.
  • Durability is lacking, especially in the construction of the removable legs.
  • Not a very cost-friendly option.
  • Not practical for individuals weighing more than 190 pounds.

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Adjustable Seiza Meditation Bench



The Adjustable Seiza Meditation Bench model has certainly got to win the prize for the most interesting design in the line-up.

At first glance, I thought it was some sort of pogo stick. At second glance, I still seriously wondered if the seat would bounce as I used it.

Alas, the seat does not bounce. However, its curved base does allow for the user to easily shift positions.

It’s also important to note here that this is one of the rare benches that was designed to be used in a variety of meditation poses.

It was also shocking to learn that despite this little gadget weighing less than a pound; it is regularly used by customers weighing up to 280 pounds!

Who would have thought that such a lightweight bench could support such a large weight?!

The primary complaint that customers have is that there is a lack of seat padding and that they wished the manufacturer added two extra notches for further seat adjustment.

However, with such a new and simple design, there’s hope that the company will soon incorporate these simple fixes.

If you’re new to meditation or looking for a simple option to easily take on your travels, then I recommend taking the extra minute to investigate this quirky gadget just a bit further.


  • Curved base allows your spine to find the correct alignment in multiple positions.
  • Adjusts to three different heights between 6” and 8”.
  • Designed to be disassembled and transported easily.
  • Allows you to place your feet close together in seiza pose.


  • Has a weight limit of 200 pounds.
  • Does not come with a carrying case, despite being advertised as portable.
  • The seat is not very wide and can be uncomfortable for those with wider hips.

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Overall Best Meditation Bench

Remember that the best meditation bench for me may not be the best for you.

With that being said, this was a pretty tough call for me to make.

The determining factor had to come down to price, as I fully recognized that the Still Sitting Nomad and Mindful and Modern benches were both tough competitors.

While I wish that Mindful and Modern had an additional height option, I love the price point and the folding mechanism.

It certainly seems to be one of the most durable folding benches that I have come across.

Ultimately, I realize that I can pair this with a zafu or other cushion to address the height issue if I find that it doesn’t leave enough room for my calves.

It’s a huge bonus for me that I can do that and still not come close to the price point of the Still Sitting Nomad meditation bench.

When designing this bench, this company had everything in mind.

Not only is it stylish, but it also features an angled seat that will naturally align the spine, as well as a bonus carrying case!

Since they’re offering this bench at such an affordable price, there really isn’t much else I could ask for.

Gaiam Yoga

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