Crossrope Speed LE Set Review: Lose Weight With Jump Ropes?

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When I first realized my metabolism wasn’t what it used to be, I decided to start running. I wish I had known then about the benefits of jumping rope with the Crossrope Speed LE.

To burn the same amount of calories I burn jumping rope, I’d have to be able to run an eight-minute mile, which is beyond my capabilities.

With these ropes, though, I can make it happen.

Things to Consider before Buying a Jump Rope

You may think all jump ropes are the same, but that’s not the case. Not all jump ropes are created equally, and there are important considerations to picking the right one.

Type You Need

There are four main types of jump ropes:

  • Basic
  • Weighted
  • Speed
  • Beaded


Basic jump ropes are standard jump ropes you can pick up for a relatively low price at a sporting goods store.

They generally have no “special features” and are usually made of cloth.

A weighted jump rope is much heavier and gives you a much better arm and shoulder workout than other ropes.

However, you’ll sacrifice speed for extra intensity.

If you’re looking to improve your footwork, build conditioning skills and get a good cardio workout, you’ll want to reach for the ropes designed specifically for speed (like the Crossrope Speed LE).

They’re lightweight and can move lightning fast.

Finally, beaded (or segmented) ropes are mainly used in competitions and aren’t optimal for vigorous workout routines.


After you’ve decided on which type of jump rope you need, the next consideration is how long it should be.

Trying to exercise with a rope that’s too long or too short is never a pleasant experience, so you want to size your rope correctly before buying it.


Beaded jump ropes are made of bead-covered nylon cord. Other jump ropes can be made of cloth, leather, vinyl and/or PVC.

Cloth ropes are usually the most inexpensive, but they don’t give you the best workout. Leather ropes are rarer and harder to find.

They’re quiet, give you a fairly decent workout and can be used indoors or outdoors. The most popular types of ropes for intense fitness routines are usually made of vinyl/PVC.

At the time of writing, there was a great deal available. Click here to see if it’s still running…

The Crossrope Speed LE – Everything You Need to Know

Made with a durable, thick inner wire and covered in thin PVC, the Crossrope Speed LE is made for high-speed, high-performance jumping.

The set includes three ropes (three-ounce, six-ounce and nine-ounce) designed for indoor/mat use only.

The strong, easy-to-grip handles are equipped with a fast clip system so you can simply and quickly change ropes to suit your needs.

Each rope is weighted for perfect balance and optimal speed for invigorating, high-calorie-burning workouts.


Crossrope Speed LE Set 1



  • Comes in four easy-to-select sizes.
  • Handles feature fast clip system.
  • Perfectly designed for maximum speed.
  • Includes three multi-sized ropes.


  • Not optimal for toning muscle..
  • Shouldn’t be used outside.

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Features & Benefits

If you haven’t purchased a jump rope in several years, you may see the price on the Crossrope Speed LE and go into a mini-meltdown.

It’s hard to imagine paying over $100 for a jump rope when you can pick one up at the Dollar Tree for a buck.

If you’re looking for a well-made, high-quality jump rope that’s going to allow you to maximize your workout potential and be durable enough to last for a long time, though, you’re going to need something a little better than a pink cloth rope from the toy aisle.

Crossrope has been making jump ropes for quite some time, and they’re definitely at the top of the list for high-quality products.

They sell products for people serious about getting in shape.


Crossrope Speed LE Set 3



If you order the Crossrope Speed LE from the Crossrope website, it usually costs about $140.

As I said, if you haven’t bought jump ropes in a while, that may seem like a lot, but it actually isn’t that bad.

Most top-of-the-line jump rope brands used for fitness are somewhere near that same price.

You get three ropes, and each one is well-made, durable and designed to provide you with as much speed as you can handle.

The set also comes with limited edition handles that look great, feature easy-to-hold grips and have the fast clip design feature that allows you to very easily switch between ropes.

Everything comes with a special edition carrying bag as well, so you’re getting a lot for your money.

The company also offers financing.


This Crossrope Speed LE is built for competitive jump ropers and/or people who are serious about their cardio and weight loss routines.

Each rope contains a thick inner wire and thin PVC coating. The ropes are weighted, which means they rotate faster and more precisely on each jump.

This is the kind of rope you need if you’re looking to maximize your jumping speed.

In fact, they’re ideal for learning to master the “double under” jump, where the rope crosses under your feet twice in only one jump.

Multiple Size Options

The Crossrope Speed LE weigh three, six and nine ounces, and you can choose from sizes ranging from small to extra-large.

Crossrope provides you with an easy-to-understand chart to help you pick the correct sized rope.

The small rope is eight feet long and designed for people between 4’9″ and 5’4″. The extra-large rope is nine and a half feet long and designed for people between 6’2″ and 6’9″.

The other sizes fall somewhere in the middle.

Excellent Handles

The handles on the Crossrope Speed LE are made of a premium alloy that’s lightweight and perfectly balanced.

They’re shaped and coated to make gripping them easier, and they’re backed with a lifetime guarantee, so you won’t have to worry about them wearing out on you.

The fast clip design of the handles also makes it easy to change between ropes.

The handles can also work with other Crossrope ropes that you may already own that connect via fast clip design.


Crossrope Speed LE Set 4


Why It’s Useful

Jump ropes are great tools for burning calories, increasing stamina, and improving cardiovascular health.

Specifically, the Crossrope Speed LE set is designed to do all these things plus improve your reflexes and speed.

This is not the best Crossrope product if you’re looking to tone your muscles though. It’s geared much more towards conditioning and increasing speed and reaction times.

The ropes just aren’t heavy enough for weight training.

Because they’re so lightweight and have such a flexible design, they can be used in a variety of ways and a multitude of different workouts.

If you want to get more creative with your routine and work in some competitive-level jump rope techniques or even some tricks and impressive moves, these ropes will allow you to do that.

Return Policy and Warranty

The return policy on the Crossrope Speed LE is much like the return policy on most of Crossrope’s products. You have 60 days to use the product and see if it’s the right fit for you.

If not, you can send it back with free shipping for a full refund.

There’s no warranty on the ropes themselves, but the handles come with a lifetime warranty, which is great since they’ll work with any ropes compatible with the fast clip design.


As long as you can get your mind over that “$100 for jump ropes?!” mentality, the Crossrope Speed LE doesn’t have a ton of disadvantages.

The main one is that the rope is designed exclusively to be used indoors. If you want to use it outside, you’ll have to buy a mat specifically designed for jumping rope.

If you buy this product through Crossrope, it’s an additional cost of between $60 and $90. The construction of the ropes simply doesn’t lend itself to being outside.

Additionally, this isn’t the ideal jump rope for toning muscle.

It can help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health and stamina, and it’s nearly unbeatable for making you faster, but the weight training benefits of these ropes are minimal.

If you’re looking for a rope that helps tone your body, you should probably check out Crossrope’s Get Strong line instead.

Click here to learn more about the Crossrope Speed LE  from the Official Website.

What People Are Saying about the Crossrope Speed LE

In terms of increasing speed and providing a good cardio routine, the Crossrope Speed LE is top of the line. After searching the net for reviews, I found that most users agreed.

Review #1 – Trip Astute

“Not only am I enjoying it, but I also find it to be an efficient workout. For me, it beats using a bike or treadmill.”

Review #2 – Brittany W.

“The ropes and handles are perfect and I highly recommend them to take your jumping to the next level!”

Review #3 – Marco R.

“These ropes are great. Lots of feedback from the ropes help you get better fast. Very good and comfortable handles and overall great quality.”

Crossrope Speed LE Alternatives

If you aren’t completely sold on the Crossrope Speed LE, here are a few other options to check out instead.

Crossrope Speed Pro LE


Crossrope Speed Pro LE Set 2


If you don’t mind paying a little more, the Crossrope Speed Pro LE Set is the same great Crossrope Speed LE set, only it’s been upgraded for faster, more intense workouts.

The internal wire is denser, and the outer coating is thinner, which means these ropes slice through the air with unbeatable speed and precision.

The ropes are also quite a bit heavier, with the largest weighing two pounds.

This can help provide you with both the benefits of the speed and conditioning training while also giving you some decent weight training as well.

Speed Pro LE Set Highlights

  • Even more high-intensity, high-speed jumping.
  • Engages muscle groups for weight training/toning.

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Crossrope Bolt Set


Crossrope Bolt Set 3


If you want to try out Crossrope but need to stick to a slightly smaller budget, give the Crossrope Bolt a try instead.

At only $59, it’s much more affordable, and if speed is all you’re after – as opposed to toning – these lightweight one- and two-ounce ropes can give you that.

The handles are perfectly balanced, and the ropes are both adjustable so they’ll always be the perfect fit, no matter who’s using them.

Bolt Set Highlights

  • Cheaper.
  • Lightweight aluminum handles for speed and precision.
  • Only comes with two ropes, but they’re adjustable.

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Crossrope Ultra Heavy LE Set 


Crossrope Ultra Heavy LE Set 7


The Crossrope Ultra Heavy LE Set aren’t for beginners, but they are about the best ones you can find if you’re looking for jump ropes that can provide you with a cardio workout, weight training routine and muscle toning session all in one.

The two included ropes are four and five pounds in weight, and you’ll absolutely be feeling the burn after using these.

This set is also a good choice if you prefer working out outdoors and don’t want the extra expense of a mat. They are, however, more expensive than the Crossrope Speed LE.

Ultra Heavy LE Set Highlights

  • Largest weighs five pounds!
  • Best option for weight training/muscle toning.
  • Can be used indoors or outdoors.

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Why We Think the Crossrope Speed LE Is the Best

We like the Crossrope Speed LE set because it’s reasonably priced (especially for including three ropes, the handles and a carrying bag) and can provide you with an excellent cardio workout and calorie-burning routine.

In terms of speed and increasing your reflexes, few jump ropes are better.

Despite not being able to use them outdoors, the durable construction and fast clip handles are great features that kind of balance out that one inconvenience.

Plus, these are mid-range jump ropes that can be used by a wide variety of people, whether they’re complete beginners or have been training for quite some time.

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