7 Ways Skinny Guys Can Gain Healthy Weight

As it relates to weight, it’s more common to find people who are longing to lose the extra pounds they’ve gained.

In fact, many people will admit that it’s actually easy to gain lots of weight. The weight loss industry is incredibly profitable because so many people are striving to lose weight.

However, there is a group of people who actually want to gain weight. For some, it’s easy to lose weight, but not as easy to gain it.

They’d like to bulk up, add some extra curves or appear to be more sturdy. As a result, they begin weight gain journeys.

If you’re a skinny guy who is looking to gain weight and the process doesn’t just come naturally to you, you’re going to have to put in the same level of intention and effort as someone who’s looking to lose weight.

Thankfully, there are a few key steps you can take in order to achieve your goal weight in due time.

Consider the following steps:


1. Develop a Great Strength-Training Regimen

Strength-training workouts are probably some of the most productive workouts to take part in when you’re looking to gain weight.

Throughout your journey to gain weight, you’re going to consume more calories. If you don’t want those calories to turn into fat, this means they need to be utilized properly in order to turn into muscle.

When you eat, the energy has to go somewhere. That stored energy can turn into fat, or you can be intentional about lifting weights on a consistent basis in order to make sure that fuel turns into muscle.

As it turns into muscle, this will bulk your body up and make your muscles stronger and more defined. It’s time to become extremely familiar with the weight room. It’s also important to avoid working out the same muscle group without a rest in between.

For example, if you’re going to focus on arms on Monday, wait until at least Wednesday or Thursday to work on them again. Your muscles need a chance to rest in order to recover and repair.

If you plan to be in the gym on a daily basis, you can work on your arms, back and shoulders on Mondays. You can revisit those areas again on Wednesdays. On Tuesdays, you can focus on your legs and the glutes.

As you alternate days and muscle groups, you’ll be able to spend time on a daily basis within the confines of the weight room.

It’s also best to focus on heavy weights when you’re looking to bulk up. If you’re just getting started, it’s okay to start with 15 lb, 20 lb or 25 lb dumbbells. However, the heavier you go, the sooner you’ll see results.

While there is a lot of debate surrounding repetitions and the amount of weight, focus on doing a few repetitions with as much weight as you can handle.

When you’re able to wear out the muscles with a couple of reps that are slow, steady and strong, you’ll spend less time in the weight room and may get better results.


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2. Develop a Great Sleep Regimen

Don’t underestimate the power of a good sleeping regimen in order to drop weight. One of the most effective ways to cultivate a healthy lifestyle, no matter the goal, involves getting good sleep.

One of the best ways to improve the quality of your sleep is by developing a ritual. Consider getting rid of your electronics an hour before bedtime.

When you’re staring at a computer screen or your phone, the blue light that emits from your electronics will keep your brain alert for much longer. Do your best to invest in a great mattress that allows you to get comfortable rest.

It’s also great to consider habits like a warm bath, chamomile tea or a bedside fan as they can be beneficial in helping you fall asleep faster. If you’re a caffeine drinker, that’s totally fine. However, you’ll want to start tapering back the time that you consume your last cup of coffee or any other caffeinated beverage.

In fact, try not to consume any caffeine past 12 pm. If you need an extra boost in the afternoon, consider taking a vitamin B12 supplement instead.

One of the main reasons why a good sleep regimen is great for a weight gain journey is because your muscles need time to repair once you’ve done a workout.

If you’re doing strength training exercises on a daily basis, your muscles will need recovery time on a nightly basis.

In addition to making sure you have an alert brain, energized body and optimal health, quality rest will help you build stronger and bigger muscles.


3. Strategically Consume More Carbohydrates

When many people think of consuming more carbohydrates, they automatically think of waffles, french fries and pizza.

Do not make the mistake of binge-eating when the bread basket arrives at the restaurant table.

There are plenty of healthy foods that are high in carbohydrates that you’ll want to take in when you’re on a weight gain journey.

There is a difference between healthy carbs and unhealthy carbs. The main difference is that a lot of unhealthy carbs also are filled with saturated fats, a lot of unhealthy sugar and sodium.

Instead, you can consume lots of healthy carbohydrates such as quinoa, oats and sweet potatoes. You can even have potatoes when they’re prepared in a healthy manner. Baked french fries are much better than fried french fries.

There are also fruits that contain a significant amount of carbohydrates such as bananas, oranges and blueberries. You can make yourself a morning smoothie that contains all of those ingredients for a delicious start to your day.

When you look at healthy carbohydrates as your first choice, you’ll also benefit your body by giving it the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it needs in order to thrive.


4. Eat Three Square Meals Daily

Even though intermittent fasting has been practiced by many cultures for centuries, it’s continuing to make its way into Western culture and weight-loss practices.

Intermittent fasting has plenty of health benefits such as management of insulin resistance, weight loss and more.

One of the reasons why intermittent fasting is so effective is because it gives your body a break to process foods and use stored energy.

Once the body processes food and needs more energy, it’s going to dig into the fat cells in order to refuel the body.

This is when weight loss happens because this involves burning calories. So for someone who’s looking to lose weight, intermittent fasting can be a great tool.

However, when you’re trying to gain weight, intermittent fasting is probably one of the last practices you’ll want to cultivate.

Instead, focus on eating three square meals and a few snacks each day. This may seem counterintuitive for those who are used to weight loss Journeys.

However, when you’re trying to gain weight, you need to feel your body with more calories than you actually need in order for the wait to stick. It helps to plan your meals in advance.

If you can prepare a bunch of meals at the start of your week, put your snacks in baggies and do your grocery shopping in advance, this will help you to stick with your weight-gaining diet plan. Avoid any fast that causes you to drop weight.


5. Increase Your Intake of Healthy Fats

Healthy fats will be beneficial in any weight gaining Journey because you need fat in order to gain weight. Healthy fats are also one of the fastest ways to pack on the pounds.

Avocados, oils and nuts are all great sources of healthy fat. you can opt to put avocados in your salad for dinner. for a delicious Savory treat, use avocados in guacamole. You can also add avocados to your smoothie for a creamy texture.

When you’re preparing a salad, make your own salad dressings with the use of healthy oils like avocado oil, olive oil or walnut oil.

One tablespoon of olive oil usually packs at least a hundred calories. Even though you’re looking to gain weight, still keep an eye on the amount of oil you use within any dish.

It’s really easy to add in 500 calories of oil without realizing it.

For a different flavor and texture, use nuts in your various meals. If you plan on consuming oatmeal for breakfast, top it with fruits as well as nuts.

You can top it with nuts like pecans, almonds or cashews. Seeds like flax seeds and chia seeds are nutrient-rich choices that will help you as well.

If you’re a fan of yogurt, full-fat yogurt will help you reach your goals as well.

You can add full-fat yogurt to Savory dishes as well as breakfast smoothies. Additionally, coconuts and coconut oil are excellent sources of healthy fat to include in your diet.

To add some decadence to your healthy fat choices, consider dark chocolate and a mix of cheeses. Dark chocolate is also great for heart health.

When it’s consumed in moderation, dark chocolate can be really helpful with weight gain goals.

As it relates to cheese, you can pair any type of cheese with crackers for a delicious snack. Options like Bree cheese, smoked white cheddar cheese and Gouda cheese may be enjoyable.


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6. Increase Protein Intake

If you’re a skinny guy, chances are you’d like to bulk up and build muscle. You probably don’t want to have a ton of excess fat on your frame. This means that you have to gain weight strategically.

One of the most strategic ways you can bulk up is by increasing your protein intake. There are plenty of healthy sources of protein such as lean meats, nuts and protein powders. Eggs are easy to prepare.

They also provide a great breakfast option for those who are trying to infuse protein into their first meal of the day. Just try to make sure they’re not swimming in an unreasonable amount of butter, lard or oil.

Try eggs that are scrambled easy, hard-boiled or lightly fried. If you’re eating a salad, add in some grilled chicken or fish in order to increase your protein intake.

Protein shakes are great for extra energy before a workout.

Nuts are great to keep on hand throughout the day. They are nutritious yet filling sources of protein.

Don’t forget about legumes such as black beans, chickpeas and lentils as they are amazing sources of protein that also provide other nutrients as well.

When you’re looking to increase your protein intake, always look for healthier options in order to get the best results.

7. Avoid Too Many Cardiovascular Workouts

While it might seem counterintuitive to avoid cardiovascular workouts, it’s best to decrease the amount you complete each week. If you’re used to high-intensity workouts on a daily basis, it’s best to focus on a light jog or walking throughout the course of a week.

This is because you don’t want to burn the calories you’re working so hard to gain. If you are eating lots of food to add weight to your body, burning the calories in a high-intensity workout will only keep you in a rat race.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to stop cardiovascular workouts altogether. While you want to decrease the intensity and the frequency of your cardiovascular workouts, it’s still important to include them throughout your week.

Cardiovascular workouts are essential for heart health. You don’t have to do a strenuous high-intensity workout in order to work on developing a healthy heart.

Most of the benefits of a cardio workout can be achieved through a low-intensity workout or a short high-intensity workout in fewer spurts.

As you become intentional in adding these habits to your weekly routine, you’ll be able to see how your body responds.

Keep track of what foods, workouts and rituals your body tends to respond to in a favorable manner. Take pictures throughout your journey in order to track your progress.

Though the progress might seem slow at first, remain consistent. With persistence and the right execution of these tips, you won’t be skinny for long.

So which of these did you find the most helpful? Leave a comment below!

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