Does Low EMF Matter For Infrared Sauna Blankets?

Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are associated with both natural and artificial lighting, as well as all things electrical powered, including infrared sauna blankets.

However, because they transmit radiation, they are a cause for concern due to the increased health risks they pose, including cancer, infertility, and more.

Hence, you may have seen many sauna blankets marketed as low EMF, which caused you to wonder does low EMF matter for infrared sauna blankets?

According to the World Health Organization, the answer is yes to protect your health.



Why Does Low EMF Matter With Sauna Blankets?

Reports show that EMFs from manufactured sources are generally considered safe for consumers.

In fact, they’re emitted by microwaves, mobile phones, laptops, and many other appliances and electronic devices that we use every day.

However, radiation exposure at high levels, especially ionizing radiation, can cause severe damage to the body.

In fact, an article published by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission states that high EMF radiation exposure can cause significant cell damage, and in just a short period.

Meanwhile, another report published by the American Cancer Society states that these damaged cells can sometimes result in cancer.

On the other hand, experts state that consumer products with low EMF pose a decreased risk of adverse effects.


What Makes a Sauna Blanket Low EMF?

Various factors make a sauna blanket low EMF.

For instance, these types of blankets typically utilize a heating source made of non-conductive materials, such as ceramic or carbon fiber, which naturally allow them to emit low EMF.

They are also typically built to run on less power, which means a lower electrical current, and thus low EMF transmission.

Some blankets even go a step further and are also designed using electromagnetic shielding fabric, which helps block out up to 99% of EMFs.


How Much EMF is Safe for Sauna Blankets?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there is no scientific evidence that exposure to low levels of EMFs is damaging to human health.

However, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) recommends that voluntary electric and magnetic field exposure be limited to 2,000 mG to avoid possible health effects, especially in the short term.

A table provided by NV Energy shows that the electric and magnetic field energy emitted by electric blankets, in general, is approximately 22 to 39 mG, which is well below the ICNIRP’s recommended total limit.

When buying a low EMF infrared sauna blanket, it also helps to stick to a product that states it has been tested for low electric and magnetic fields.

This way, you know it is developed according to official guidelines, so it is safe for human use.



Which Infrared Sauna Blanket Has the Lowest EMF?

According to an environmental science consultant agency based in San Diego, many countries outside the United States deeply consider the implicative evidence provided by some research that high magnetic field exposure is linked to various health-related issues when setting their allowable exposure levels for EMF and more.

Therefore, they tend to have a lower EMF rating for their infrared sauna products.

In the meantime, for a review of some of the lowest EMF infrared sauna blankets overall, click here.


Do Low EMF Infrared Sauna Blankets Provide the Same Benefits as Traditional Saunas?

Low EMF infrared sauna blankets differ from traditional saunas in that they heat your body directly rather than the air around you.

Hence, the warmth penetrates your tissues deeper, thus making you sweat more profusely but at a lower temperature, so they are more endurable for longer periods.

In fact, low EMF infrared sauna blankets heat settings typically range between 60 degrees Fahrenheit and about 120 degrees Fahrenheit, which is significantly lower than the heat produced by traditional saunas.

However, they still provide all the same benefits as traditional saunas, including detoxification, which is believed to help improve nutrient absorption, digestion, and more.

They also increase your heart rate and metabolism similar to light exercise, which some studies show may even help with weight loss.

The infrared heat itself has also been shown to help melt stubborn belly fat and improve the appearance of cellulite, especially when combined with exercise.

Like all heat therapy, infrared sauna blankets are also shown to help soothe sore and achy muscles and joints as well as foster relaxation, which helps improve mood and promotes better sleep.

Finally, one study published by the US National Library of Medicine shows that low EMF infrared heat also helps stimulate collagen and elastin production, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin tone and texture over time.

Infrared sauna blankets are also lightweight and portable, so they can be used just about anywhere throughout your home where you have a flat surface for added convenience, including your bed.

Most also include a carrying bag to easily tote the blanket with you on the go.

They also cost a fraction of the cost of installing an infrared sauna in your home, and they are also made of durable, waterproof, and fireproof materials that make them easier to clean and last for years to come.


Is it Safe to Use a Low EMF Infrared Sauna Blanket Everyday?

According to an article published by Healthline, most researchers don’t believe that most low EMF electronic devices and appliances that we use in our daily lives, such as microwaves, cell phones, hairdryers, electric shavers, and more are dangerous when used every day, which suggests that infrared sauna blankets are also safe for daily use.

Many manufacturers also state that their low EMF infrared sauna blankets are safe for everyday use, provided you use the device properly and adhere to the precautions.

However, for added safety, you can always maintain a low-temperature setting of about 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit while using the blanket, which is the minimum amount of heat it takes to initiate its stimulating effects, and cut back on the length of your sessions.

You can also limit the number of days you use the blanket to just 2 to 3 a week.

In fact, most studies involving infrared sauna treatments reported seeing its benefits when used just 3 to 4 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes each session, suggesting this is a safe guideline for use.


How Can I Further Limit My Exposure to EMFs While Using a Low EMF Infrared Sauna Blanket?

There are several things you can do while using a low EMF infrared sauna blanket to help further decrease your exposure to radiation, including not using the blanket around other electronics and appliances because naturally, together, it increases the level of EMFs in the environment and thus absorbed into your body.

Many manufacturers also advise against using cell phones and other electronic devices during your treatment because it, too, increases your exposure to EMFs while using the blanket.

You should also be sure to calculate the sauna blanket’s EMF level into your voluntary exposure to EMFs throughout the day to ensure your total exposure doesn’t exceed the ICNIRP’s recommended amount of just 2,000 mG.



What are the Precautions When Using a Low EMF Infrared Sauna Blanket?

Using a low EMF infrared sauna blanket carries many of the same precautions as using a traditional sauna.

So the first step is to carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions to learn their set guidelines for the safe setup and use of their product, and then follow them to a tee to avoid injury, as well any issues that can render your warranty null and void.

Experts warn that it is also important to drink plenty of water before using the blanket to avoid dehydration, especially since infrared saunas cause you to sweat more.

Likewise, it is also important to drink plenty of water following your session to rehydrate your body.

Some experts even suggest drinking a reduced sugar electrolyte drink to help restore lost sodium and electrolytes lost by sweating.

Experts warn that you should also avoid using an infrared sauna blanket soon after you have eaten, especially a larger meal because once your body heats up, it interferes with the digestion process, which can make you feel sick and have to cut your session short.

In fact, they state the best time to use the infrared sauna blanket is at least two hours after you have eaten, so, this way, you’re also not hungry during your session, which can also cause issues.

It is also not recommended that you use the low EMF infrared sauna blanket for longer than the highest time setting the blanket allows because it not only increases your exposure to EMFs, but it can also cause you to overheat, which can cause dizziness, faintness upon standing, and even heat stroke, and more.

If you are new to using an infrared sauna blanket, they recommend you begin with the lowest heat setting and shorter sessions of about 15 to 20 minutes to allow your body time to adjust to the direct heat and avoid adverse effects.

Many manufacturers warn that you should also wear long, cotton clothing, such as a long cotton shirt, cotton pants, and cotton socks when using their device to help protect your skin from irritation.

You should also avoid wearing metal jewelry while using the blanket because it can become too hot and burn your skin. ​

The same goes for wearing lotions, perfumes, sunscreen, etc., because it can cause issues with your skin.

If at any time while using the sauna blanket, you begin to feel dizzy, weak, fatigued, or nauseous, it means that you are most likely dehydrated or overheated, in which case, you should immediately shut off the device and remove yourself from it to allow your body to cool down.

However, should your breathing become more rapid, you have a throbbing headache, you have muscle weakness or cramps, and more, these are all signs of a heat stroke, in which case you should contact emergency medical services for help.

If you are pregnant or have a health condition, such as heart disease, diabetes, low blood pressure, and more, you should not use an infrared sauna blanket without first getting the okay from your doctor that it is safe for you.

Certain medications can also cause adverse effects when using a sauna blanket, so if you are on prescribed medications, you should also contact your doctor before using the device to ensure it is right for you.


Where Can Additional Information on EMFs be Found?

3 main organizations provide information on EMFs, and the The World Health Organization (WHO) is one of them.

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) also provides regularly updated information on EMFs and their safety regarding consumers and more.

And finally, the European Union is also a health authority that provides the latest data on issues related to electromagnetic waves.



Final Thoughts

So there you have it, low EMF does matter for infrared sauna blankets, so keep this in mind when purchasing yours to ensure a safe time without high-level electric and magnetic field exposure.

Some infrared sauna blankets even boast zero EMF, so be sure to do your research.

You should also be sure the product states that it has been third-party tested for low or zero EMF, which means it has been verified by an outside authority to be safe for human use, which will also give you more confidence while using the blanket.

For an added precaution, you may also consider limiting the use of other appliances and electronic devices, such as your cell phone, hairdryers, and more, while regularly using an infrared sauna blanket to prevent exceeding the safe recommended amount of low EMFs, which may lead to increased health risks.

However, overall, low EMF infrared heat therapy is considered safe and even used by hospitals to treat newborns.

In the meantime, when selecting a low EMF sauna blanket, be sure to also check its dimensions, heat settings, and zone heating capabilities to ensure it is right for you.

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