Fitness Trampoline: Can You Get Slim on a Rebounder?

When you’re trying to lose weight, the search for the most efficient way to do so is a constant task.

Exercising with a fitness trampoline, known as rebounding, is hailed as one of the best ways to exercise.

Sure, it’s a great workout, but I wondered if you can actually get slim from rebounding. Here’s what I found out.

How to Get Slim



Before answering the question, it’s important to know what it takes to get slim.

Even more than that, people may have different definitions of slim. A person who is 400 pounds would think that 200 pounds is slim, while a 200-pound person might be aiming for 140 pounds.

Because of this it will be helpful to define what “slim” is.

For the purposes of what we’re discussing here, getting slim means to lose enough weight to be at your medically recommended body size or medically recommended body weight.

This definition now gives us the same perspective. With that out of the way, let’s explore what it takes to get slim.

What it Takes to Lose Weight

The first part of getting slim is losing weight. There are quite a few strategies on losing weight.

In fact, if you Google “how to lose weight”, you’ll get back thousands of websites all claiming that they have the secret.

However, there is one thing that is common among all methods of losing weight:

You must burn more calories than you consume.

At first thought, the solution to this sounds like more of a nutrition-based approach rather than an exercise-based approach, but these approaches work better when used together.

Sure, you can change your nutrition so drastically that you lose weight without exercising, but that’s not healthy and is likely not sustainable for the long-term.

Therefore, you need to have a great weight loss plan in place that involves nutrition and exercise equally.

How to Put a Weight Loss Plan into Play

One of the most important tools you can use when trying to get slim is tracking.

More specifically, you need to track your calories in vs. calories out.

You also need to track your exercise. The numbers are what keeps you on the right track.

You’ll need to know how many calories you burn at rest. You’ll also need to know how many calories you’re eating each day, so you should keep track of what you eat.

Finally, you’ll need to keep track of how many calories you burn through exercise.

I won’t dwell on this part much since this isn’t a weight loss article, I will just say that keeping up with your numbers is the best way to figure out how much rebounding will help you in your quest to get slim.

Naturally, the next step is to figure out how many calories you’ll burn doing rebounding.

How Many Calories Can Exercising on a Fitness Trampoline Burn?


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There is no doubt that you’ll burn calories while rebounding.

After all, it’s an activity and all activities burn some number of calories. The question is whether you’ll burn enough to get slim.

The short answer to this is yes, it’s possible to get slim while exercising on a fitness trampoline.

Rebounding is an intense type of workout, although the overall workout is considered low impact.

A study published by Science & Sports magazine showed that rebounding can help you achieve an optimal level of training as established by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

However, the success of your weight loss from rebounding depends on quite a few different factors. I’ll explain them to you.

The Science Behind Rebounding

It almost seems impossible to lose any significant weight on a fitness trampoline because it may not be as intense as other types of exercise regimens.

However, rebounding gives you a full-body workout. It targets just about every muscle group at once.

This makes your workout sessions much more efficient than other types of exercise.

Targeting all your muscle groups at once allows you to use more energy and burn more calories in a shorter amount of time than you would with other exercises.

That makes rebounding one of the most efficient forms of exercise you can do. It’s almost too good to be true – an exercise that’s both low-impact but highly efficient. That’s rebounding.

The reason rebounding is so efficient is because of the impact of G-forces as you jump.

This is where things get “scientific”, but I’ll explain them in a simple manner.

Think of your body as weighing one g-force. Most body weight exercises you do will only use your one g-force of weight.

If you increase the weight that you’re using for resistance, you’ll increase the work done to complete the exercise.

More work means more calories burned.

Rebounding is a way to increase the g-force of your body weight.

When you jump, you begin to decelerate until you stop at the highest point of your jump then move back towards the ground.

The deceleration is due to gravity which pulls on you with a force that is equal to your body weight.

This means when you stop again, on the ground (or in this case, the fitness trampoline), your body has to stop twice the amount of force, therefore you’re working twice as hard.

You may be thinking, isn’t this true with any jumping exercise like jumping jacks?

Yes, it is, but doing this on the fitness trampoline decreases the impact on your joints making it a low-impact workout.

It’s safer in the long run and you’ll be doing your joints a favor.

What’s the Numbers in Rebounding?

As I stated before, numbers are important. It’s hard to get an exact number of calories burned during a rebounding session because it depends on your gender, age, body type, weight, how intensely you’re working out, and even how good your fitness trampoline is.

However, a study done by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) came up with an average usable number.

According to ACE, the average male burns around 12.4 calories/min and the average woman burns 9.4 calories/min during moderate-intensity rebounding.

In a 30-minute session, that’s 372 calories for a man and 282 calories for a woman.

In comparison, ACE determined that in order to get these results on a treadmill in the same amount of time, you would need to need to run at a speed of at least 6mph.

This can be hard for many people to sustain for 30 minutes.

In short, rebounding helps you burn a lot of calories. That means that, with proper nutrition, rebounding can help you get slim!

Other Benefits of Rebounding



It’s true that rebounding can help you burn some serious calories. However, that’s not the only benefit you get from it.

As I mentioned before, rebounding is a total-body workout.

You hit every muscle group depending on which rebounding exercises you do, and there are plenty of exercises to choose from.

In fact, many of these benefits can also help you with your weight loss goals.

Here are some of the additional benefits you’ll get from rebounding.

A Fun Workout

When you’re having fun, what you’re doing doesn’t seem so much like “work”.

Having a fun workout is a great benefit because you’re more likely to keep doing something that you like doing.

You’ll keep exercising regularly and, even better, you’ll probably look forward to exercising.

Having fun also helps to keep your motivation high, especially when you start seeing results.

You’ll be more likely to push yourself even further and won’t be afraid to accept the challenge of a maximum fun session.

Stronger Immune System

It’s been proven that rebounding boosts your immune system.

Rebounding pushes your lymphatic system into overdrive.

Your lymphatic system is responsible for clearing toxins out of your body.

With all those toxins disappearing so rapidly, you’ll feel more energetic which gives you what you need to power through your workouts.

You’ll work out harder, longer, and get better results. Plus, you’ll have the added benefit of being better protected from illnesses.

Better Balance & Mobility

It’s no surprise that your balance and mobility will become better as you repeatedly bounce up and down on a fitness trampoline.

When you start bouncing, your body automatically works to stabilize you without any effort on your part. This is thanks to the cerebellum and inner ear.

The cerebellum can be looked at like a muscle in your brain. Like any muscle in your body, the cerebellum gets stronger the more it’s used.

Your balance will continuously become better the more you rebound. You’ll also benefit from improved posture, which is controlled by the cerebellum.

In addition to this, the cerebellum is also somewhat responsible for other cognitive functions.

Science has linked active movement to increased cognitive functioning. Thereforekids are encouraged to run, jump, and play.

All of this stimulates inner ear motion which in turn, stimulates the cerebellum leading to more efficient learning. By rebounding, you’ll be improving your memory, concentration, and more.

Improved Bone Health

Rebounding is often recommended to people with osteoporosis. This is because rebounding can improve bone health by making bones stronger without putting so much impact on bones.

As you continuously bounce, the pressure from the impact with the fitness trampoline helps to make your bones stronger.

This happens through a process in which the impact breaks the bones down and your bone cells rush to heal and fortify the bones.

Don’t panic – I’m not saying that rebounding breaks your bones! It simply aids in a completely natural process of breakdown and fortification.

This is the same process that occurs with other weight-bearing or resistance exercises. The difference is that it’s low impact so it’s a little more gradual and a lot less painful.

Increases Oxygen and Blood Flow

As I stated before, rebounding boosts the lymphatic system. This system works through blood and oxygen flow in your body.

In order for the lymphatic system to work more, you must have an increase in blood and oxygen flow.

Rebounding takes care of this for you. An increase in blood and oxygen flow is also a great way to increase your energy. More energy equals a more efficient workout.

How All of These Benefits Help You Get Slim


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When you put all these benefits together, what you get is an incredible enhancement of your health.

The best side effect of this is that you feel good about yourself.

You’ll be in a better mood, you’ll be happier, and you’ll feel much more excited to look your best, which can include slimming down.

All these health benefits essentially put you in the state of mind you need to be in to tackle your journey to slim down.

Final Thoughts on Getting Slim from Rebounding

After reviewing all the information I’ve given you, it’s clear that rebounding is a great way to slim down.

This is especially true for a non-athlete because rebounding is easy and a low-impact routine. This means it will be easier to stick with, so you won’t have to struggle to reap the rewards.

Another plus is that you only need one piece of equipment for rebounding – a fitness trampoline.

You don’t have to break your wallet to get a decent one, but of course, the best ones will cost more.

If you’re a heavier person, my advice would be to go ahead and make the investment into the best one you can find for safety reasons since they do have weight limits.

However, it’s an investment that you won’t regret.

I recommend rebounding to anyone who can get up and move.

It’s effective, it’s easy, and it’s fun. You don’t have to wonder if it will help you lose weight anymore.

The answer is yes – it’s possible to bounce your way to a new, slimmer you.

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