Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill Review

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About ten months and 40 pounds ago, I could barely walk to my mailbox without losing my breath.

I was dangerously overweight. I wish I had known about the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill then.

Its powerful performance and fantastic extra features would’ve kept me excited, and I would’ve been a lot more faithful about exercising.

If I had had it then, I probably would’ve already met my goal weight.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Treadmill

Before you start comparing treadmills, trying to find the best one for you, first consider whether you should buy a treadmill at all.

Treadmills are great for helping you lose weight, increasing muscle tone and improving your cardiovascular health, but they aren’t for everyone.

Running on a treadmill can put a lot of strain on your joints.

If you’re predisposed to certain types of joint and bone problems already, you might do better with an elliptical.

For other people with knee pain, though, treadmills – if used correctly – can actually help.

Additionally, if you live in a very small space or are on a tight budget, a treadmill might not be the best option.

While you can definitely find some affordable treadmills out there, many of them are quite expensive, and almost all of them take up a lot of space.

Make sure your home can physically accommodate a treadmill before making the purchase.

For extremely small spaces like dorm rooms, mini steppers, resistance bands and rowing machines may be better options.

Some treadmills are also pretty loud, so take this into consideration as well.

However, if these factors aren’t an issue and you’re looking for a convenient, in-home way to lose weight and strengthen both your muscles and your heart, a treadmill can be a great option.

You have a lot more control over your workouts on treadmills as opposed to ellipticals, and treadmills can give you a much more powerful, intensive, high-calorie-burning workout than smaller equipment.

At the time of writing, there was a great deal available. Click here to see if it’s still running…

Introducing the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill

The Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill is a good all-around treadmill option for just about anyone at any stage in his fitness journey, and it’s a great option for runners.

It’s built on a sturdy, steel frame, features an extra-long 60-inch running deck and powerful 3.0 CHP motor and has multiple speed options ranging up to 12 miles-per-hour.

There’s also an adjustable incline up to 15%.

There’s a seven-inch LCD screen with a digital display and Bluetooth connectivity.

The machine is compatible with Apple and android products and a ton of different apps including Under Armour, FitBit and more.

You can also just set your device on the holder and binge-watch “The Office” if you’d prefer.


Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill 02



  • Heavy-duty machine built for runners.
  • Adjustable speed and incline.
  • Compatible with numerous fitness apps.
  • Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Extra-long running deck.


  • Expensive.
  • Display screen is not a touchscreen.

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Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill Features and Benefits

When you’re trying to decide if the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill is right for you, there are several factors to consider.

We’re going to take an in-depth look to help you make the most informed decision possible.


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Probably the biggest downside to the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill is its high price, so let’s get that out of the way first.

A good treadmill is expensive.

Even manual treadmills can cost you over a thousand dollars.

You can always find some off-brand treadmills at Wal-Mart or Target that’ll only set you back a few hundred bucks, but if you’re wanting to buy a high-quality treadmill, it’s going to cost you.

That being said, a decent treadmill can cost anywhere from $750 to over $6,000, and right now, Horizon is selling the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill, regularly priced at $1,999, for only $999, which is on the low end of the treadmill pricing spectrum.

A thousand dollars is not an insubstantial sum, but in terms of treadmills, it’s also nowhere near as expensive as many others.

Also, if you buy it directly from Horizon, financing is available.


This treadmill is built for runners, and it’s extremely well made and durable.

It has a steel frame and is built to hold users up to 325 pounds running at speeds of up to 12 miles-per-hour.

It’s stable; it’s durable; it’s built to last.

Part of what you’re paying for when you pay that thousand bucks is quality, and in that respect, the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill delivers.


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The Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill is powered by a 3.0 CHP RapidSync drive system. That’s a powerful motor that can sustain a running speed well above average for most people.

It’s also a quiet motor, and if you’ve ever had the displeasure of using a treadmill with a loud motor, you’ll understand why a quiet motor is so important.

It won’t disturb the others in your house, and you should be able to watch your television without having to play the sound at maximum volume.

Speed and Incline

Because of its powerful motor, the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill can reach speeds of up to 12 miles-per-hour.

Four-minute mile runners are usually traveling at about 15 miles-per-hour, so unless you’re a hardcore track and field athlete, this maximum speed should suit you just fine.

It also slows down to only a half mile-per-hour, which also means it can easily be used by the elderly, people recovering from injuries or people just starting out with their fitness routines.

The treadmill has a 15% maximum incline.

While there are a few at-home treadmills out there that go up to 20%, they’re rare, so having a treadmill with a 15% incline is actually quite good.

If you do happen to run across a treadmill with a 40% incline, you can be fairly certain that it was both specially made and expensive.


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Other Important Specs and Additional “Bonus” Features

The running deck on the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill is 60 inches long.

That’s about five inches longer than a standard treadmill running deck and another reason it’s an excellent option for runners.

The deck is cushioned with a three-zone variable cushioning that acts as a shock-absorber and cuts down on the amount of damage done to the knees and joints.

The treadmill has Bluetooth connectivity, so you can listen to all your favorite music, podcasts, audio books, etc.

It also has an input jack and a place for holding your phone or tablet.

Between the connectivity and the tablet holder, you’ll be able to watch Netflix, follow along with Peloton videos, listen to music on Pandora and connect to several different fitness apps to help you with your fitness routine.


Like most treadmills, the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill is large and takes up a significant amount of space.

It’s dimensions are 76.5″ x 36″ x 59″, and it weighs a little over 250 pounds. It’s a large machine, and you’ll need a nice area of space to accommodate it.

However, you can fold it up when it’s not in use and store it.

It’s still large when folded, but it’s mostly flat and takes up much less room than when it’s open (41″ x 36″ x 70″ folded dimensions).


Most companies don’t provide lifetime warranties on products unless they believe in them fully and aren’t too concerned that they’re going to have to shell out a lot of money to keep fixing them.

Horizon believes in this product, which is why the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill comes with a lifetime warranty on both the frame and the motor.

That’s pretty significant.

The company also provides a three-year warranty on the treadmill’s individual parts and a one-year warranty for labor.

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What Actual Customers Are Saying

I wanted to go outside the Horizon website and find out what real customers were saying. I wasn’t disappointed.

Review #1

“[…]The three-zone cushioning is absolutely key in helping to protect your knees, hips and ligaments from the ravages of running. All in all this is definitely an effective runners treadmill.” =

Review #2

“If you want one of the best treadmills to take home as your new training partner, this is a great model to purchase.”

Review #3

“I am an avid runner; mostly outdoor/track workouts. This treadmill is exactly what I’ve needed to get through the winter months & rainy days. Easy on the knees, good for monitoring time.”

Review #4

“I have used treadmills in the gym so are familiar with them. This one is sturdy and quiet. It appears to be well made with a great warranty. […] I think it’s a better quality machine than what’s in the gym.”

Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill Alternatives

If all this sounds pretty good but you aren’t completely sold on the 7.0, here are a few alternate products to consider.


Horizon Fitness T101 Treadmill

The  Horizon Fitness T101 Treadmill is from Horizon’s Go series, and it’s a little more affordable than theHorizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill.

It’s also a little smaller and takes up less room. It’s not as heavy-duty as the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill .

It’s max user weight is 300 pounds, and it’s maximum speed is ten miles-per-hour, nor does it feature the three-zone cushioning.

However, if you’re only looking for a treadmill on which to walk or lightly jog, this should have everything you need at a price about 300 dollars cheaper than the 7.0’s.

Horizon T101

  • Cheaper.
  • Smaller.
  • Has everything a beginning- to mid-level user would need.

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Related: Click here to read our full review of the Horizon T101 Treadmill.


Horizon Fitness 7.8 AT Treadmill

If you’re not entirely feeling the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill because it doesn’t have enough features, you’ll want to check out theHorizon Fitness 7.8 AT Treadmill instead. It’s double the price of the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill, but it also packs more power.

The deck is 60 inches, but at 22 inches wide, it’s wider than the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill‘s deck. It uses a 4.0 CHP motor, which gives it a boost and allows it to hold users up to 375 pounds.

The speed and incline range are the same, but the Horizon Fitness 7.8 AT Treadmill comes with a lot more extra accessories than the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill.

The parts and labor warranty are also extended on the Horizon Fitness 7.8 AT Treadmill, and it has a larger display screen and more pre-loaded workouts and tracking features.

Horizon 7.8 AT Treadmill

  • More powerful motor; XL walking deck.
  • Holds users up to 375 pounds.
  • Better warranty; more “extra” features.

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Related: Click here to read our full review of the Horizon 7.8 AT Treadmill.


Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical


Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Elliptical 4


If your concerns are more about using a treadmill in general, consider checking out the Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical instead.

It comes with many of the same great digital and extra features of the treadmill and is a comparable price.

It has a 20-inch stride, 23-inch flywheel and 20 levels of resistance and incline. It also holds users up to 325 pounds but isn’t nearly as jarring on the knees and joints.

Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical

  • Easier on the joints.
  • Better for the elderly.
  • Less muscle fatigue.

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Related: Click here to read our full review of the Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical.


Final Thoughts

All-in-all, the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill is a really great choice, especially for the price.

It’s 60-inch running deck and 12 miles-per-hour maximum speed make it optimal for runners, and it has all kinds of great extra features including Bluetooth connectivity and compatibility with tons of apps.

The 15% incline will allow you to burn more calories, and the quiet motor, durability of the steel frame and lifetime warranty on the frame and motor make it hard to beat in terms of value.

It’s easy enough to use that you can use it at any level of your fitness journey without trouble, and it’ll grow with you as you grow stronger, accommodating a full-out run if need be.

The three-zone cushioning also means you won’t suffer as much upset to your joints.

If you’re looking for a reasonably priced treadmill to help improve your cardiovascular health and/or to help you lose weight, you definitely need to check out the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill.

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