Permanent Weight Loss: 5 Powerful Habits to Keep The Weight Off

Habits are truly important to creating results in your life, and to achieve the body you want, it’s no different. Today we will touch on the topic of permanent weight loss and some powerful habits to consider to keep the weight off. Permanent weight loss can be challenging. In the United States, it is estimated that 45 million people attempt a diet every year and only approximately five percent maintain their results long-term, according to the New York Times. However, achieving permanent weight loss is possible as long as you have the right tools and information. Looking to Fast Track your weight loss? CLICK HERE to learn more about A Foolproof, Science-Based Diet that’s 100% Guaranteed to Melt Away 8 to 16 Pounds of Stubborn Body Fat in Just 14 Days!

Use Self-Monitoring

One way to achieve permanent weight loss is to keep an eye on yourself. When you are actively losing weight, you probably weigh and measure yourself on a regular basis, track your exercise and keep a food journal. All of this is helpful. Once you get to your desired weight, do not stop monitoring. You can be a bit more relaxed about it but monitoring yourself will keep you accountable. Weigh yourself one to two times a month. If you notice the weight creeping back on, you will catch it before you gain too much. You can then take the steps needed to lose the few pounds you gained. Keep tracking your exercise. You should also not be afraid to switch it up so that you can put more of a focus on improving your fitness. As you get stronger and build more endurance, move up a bit to further challenge yourself. Track what you are eating and be careful about cheat days. It is easy to relax once you meet your goals. While an occasional treat is fine, make sure that the majority of your diet is in line with maintaining your new weight. permanent weight loss group

Create a Support Network

You probably had some people cheering you on as you were losing weight. A support network is just as important now that you are in the maintenance stage. Knowing that you have people in your corner will make it easier to have permanent weight loss. Start with your family and friends since they are close to you. Find at least one person to talk to so that you can maintain some accountability for your choices. For example, find someone who is also looking to maintain their weight so that you have this in common. You and your accountability buddy should have planned times to check in with each other. Once a week is generally enough. You can choose to talk, meet up or even exchange a quick email. What is important is that you maintain a regular schedule. Check out different online options for support and weight maintenance advice. There are often forums, social media groups and other platforms that have support groups focused on helping each other to maintain permanent weight loss. What is nice about online options is that you can check in whenever you want. If you are experiencing temptation, check the group and read a few success stories to keep yourself motivated to stay on track.

Space Out Your Meals

When you only eat once a day or on an irregular schedule this makes it much easier to overeat. You want to plan your meals and make them a priority because this makes it easier to achieve permanent weight loss. Make sure to start your day with breakfast. A common mistake that people make that interferes with permanent weight loss is that they allow themselves to get too hungry before lunch. Your breakfast should have protein, complex carbohydrates and be substantial enough to keep you satiated for at least four hours. For example, oatmeal, fruit and an egg works well for breakfast. Ideally, you want to be able to get through until lunch without needing a mid-morning snack. Your lunch should be enough to get you through dinner. For some people, having a lunch that is larger than their breakfast and dinner is ideal. This allows you to eat dinner later in the evening to reduce the temptation to snack at night. Your lunch should have complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats. For example, a piece of fish with brown rice and a vegetable is a good choice. Dinner should keep you full until bedtime, but it should not be too heavy. A protein with a few vegetables is a good choice. permanent weight loss sleep

Get Enough Sleep

When you do not get enough sleep, you tend to eat more or make unhealthy choices. Because of this, adequate sleep is critical for permanent weight loss. The general recommendation is seven to eight hours each night. If you feel drowsy during the day, you might consider sleeping a bit longer. When you are sleeping, your room should be quiet, cool and dark. Any light or noise can prevent you from getting the deep restorative sleep that your body requires. You should also avoid doing anything energetic before going to bed, such as exercise, since this can make it harder to sleep. If you have trouble sleeping or falling asleep, talk to your doctor. They can recommend things, such as sleep hygiene, to aid you in getting better sleep.

Vary Your Workouts

Your exercise plays a critical role in your ability to maintain permanent weight loss. There are four primary types of exercise that you should be getting regularly: cardiovascular, strength, balance, and flexibility. When you are creating your workouts, you should vary between these four types. Ideally, you want to get cardiovascular exercise about four days a week. Strength train on alternate days so that you can have a rest day in between. Incorporate balance and flexibility into your strength and cardiovascular workouts. Your workouts should be 30 to 60 minutes long on average. It is imperative that you are using proper form and the right equipment for safety. Choose exercises that you enjoy and ones that are ideal for your body. If you enjoy it and are comfortable with it, you are more likely to keep up with it long-term making permanent weight loss easier. In addition to the information here to achieve permanent weight loss, keep in contact with your doctor. They can often provide helpful tips and information to help you with achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Now It’s Your Turn

How do you keep yourself on track with your fitness goals? What’s working for you? Share and leave a comment below! Looking to Fast Track your weight loss? CLICK HERE to learn more about A Foolproof, Science-Based Diet that’s 100% Guaranteed to Melt Away 8 to 16 Pounds of Stubborn Body Fat in Just 14 Days!

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