Schwinn 411 Elliptical Review

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Having a few pieces of equipment for a home gym has been incredibly helpful.

It has saved me money on gym memberships, means I do not have to find childcare to get in a workout, and motivates me to use the items I purchased.

The Schwinn 411 Elliptical is an integral part of any home gym.

Not only does it provide a low-impact cardiovascular workout, but it is designed to save space in your home.

You can easily fit it and eliminate having clunky equipment to haul around.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Schwinn 411 Elliptical

An elliptical machine is an excellent addition to any home gym for when you need a low impact workout as it takes the stress off of your joints and lets them rest and recover.

Ellipticals are also ideal as part of a cross training routine so you can work different muscles and still elevate your heart rate during a cardiovascular workout.

For those who get bored easily when using cardio machines, an elliptical can be a good compromise as it is easy to watch a show, listen to a podcast, or even read depending on your speed and intensity.

The Schwinn 411 Elliptical is ideal for those who only have a small area available for their home gym and tend to dread using cardiovascular machines because they do not want to stare at a wall.

If you have more space in your home or prefer other low impact cardio workouts like walking and swimming, then this elliptical is not right for you.

Chances are you will not even use it.

Before purchasing an elliptical, there are a few things to consider.

Schwinn 411 Elliptical 2

How Much Space do You Have in Your Home?

Any piece of cardio equipment is going to take up a significant amount of space in your home.

Be sure you have the room for it.

How Often Would You Use it?

This could be just what you need to start a consistent workout routine, but be honest with yourself.

You do not want it to just sit there and collect laundry.

What Type of Entertainment do You Prefer?

Many cardiovascular machines come with a space for a tablet or magazine.

Others are equipped with special apps that take you on journeys through scenic highways.

Decide what you want to be able to do during your workout.

How Long is Your Stride Length?

Elliptical machines are designed with a specific stride length.

If you have longer, or shorter, legs you want to make sure the item you buy will be comfortable for you to use.

Introducing the Schwinn 411 Elliptical


The Schwinn 411 Elliptical provides a low impact, at-home workout for those with limited space in their home for a cardiovascular machine.

It comes with all the benefits of a full sized elliptical like preset programs, heart rate sensors, moving and fixed handlebars, 16 resistance levels, and a full console.

With the space you can save in your gym and the serious cardiovascular workout you can achieve with this elliptical, you will not miss a beat in your fitness routine.

This is a lightweight cardio machine that is easy to use and perfect for those who want to challenge themselves with low impact cardiovascular workouts.

If you prefer high impact activities or other forms of low impact exercise, then this is not the right machine for you.

Pros of the Schwinn 411 Elliptical

  • Moving and fixed handlebars
  • 16 resistance levels
  • Explore The World App
  • Space saving design
  • 13 preset programs

Cons of the Schwinn 411 Elliptical

  • 18 inch stride length
  • LCD display
  • Self assembly required


Features & Benefits of the Schwinn 411 Elliptical

The Schwinn 411 Elliptical is a great elliptical for many reasons.

Here are a few you’ll want to be aware of as you’re shopping around for a home elliptical machine.

Moving and Fixed Handlebars

Some days during your elliptical workout, you may want to include your arms for a full body workout.

Pushing the handlebars works your chest while pulling them back workouts your back.

Other days, you may want to keep your hands and arms steady, or just give them a short break mid-workout.

You can even opt to not use any handlebars at all for a more core focused workout and balance challenge. This is only for advanced users and those with a strong core foundation.

The Schwinn 411 Elliptical includes both moving and fixed handlebars so you do not have to make a decision until you are actually mid-workout.

Padded Grips

Since the Schwinn 411 Elliptical requires you to hold handlebars in some way for most users, having a padded grip will make your time on the machine much more comfortable.

You can avoid getting sore hands and blisters, meaning you will be able to get all the benefits of an elliptical without having to stop or avoid it completely.

Heart Rate Sensors

Monitoring your heart rate during any workout can help you reach your target goals and help you know how hard your body is working.

The Schwinn 411 Elliptical includes heart rate sensors on the stationary handlebars so you can keep track of where you are and adjust your resistance and speed accordingly.

Preset Programs

One of the best parts of having 13 preset programs build into the Schwinn 411 Elliptical, is you can just choose one and go.

You do not have to actively monitor your time or resistance.

The machine will do it for you.

This means you can put on your favorite show, podcast, or playlist and zone out a bit while still getting the benefits of an interval workout.

Multiple Resistance Levels

With 16 resistance levels, the Schwinn 411 Elliptical is ideal for a high intensity workout or an easier active rest day.

It really is perfect for any kind of workout without needing more than one piece of equipment in your home.

Quick Start Button

Not interested in doing one of the preset programs?

Want to create your own, or just want to get moving and see how your body feels once you loosen up?

The quick start button is perfect for any of those needs.

Simply hop on the Schwinn 411 Elliptical, hit the quick start, and away you go.

You will have to adjust the resistance levels to suit your needs, but you do not need to follow a preset program every time you use it.

Schwinn 411 Elliptical 3

Streamlined Console

You are going to want to keep track of a few essentials while using the Schwinn 411 Elliptical to be sure you are on pace with your fitness goals and any one specific workout goal.

With the console, you will be able to monitor your time, distance, calories burned, heart rate, and speed.

It has everything you need to challenge yourself to push a little bit harder, or to inform you to pull back slightly.

Media Tray

Whatever type of entertainment you prefer while working out, you can easily accommodate it on the Schwinn 411 Elliptical.

The media tray is large enough to fit a phone, book, or tablet, so you can plug in and go without having to simply stare at the wall or a TV that is too far away.

Full 18’ Stride

Even though the Schwinn 411 Elliptical is designed to save you space in your home, you are still getting the benefit of a full 18’ stride capacity.

You will not have to short your natural gait in order to use it, unless you are particularly tall.

Compatible With Explore The World App

The Schwinn 411 Elliptical is equipped to pair with the Explore The World app, an app that lets you travel down different scenic roads and trails without ever leaving your home.

You get three free courses with your elliptical purchase and can add more by subscribing to the app itself.

It is an ideal way to look at some beautiful scenery while getting your workout done!

What Others Are Saying About The Schwinn 411 Elliptical

A review from Best Fitness Equipment had to say that, “despite its small footprint, it still offers a fairly decent stride for an optimal range of motion.”

Another reviewer from Fitness Verve claims that “the motion is smooth and quiet.” The site also says that the Schwinn 4114 Elliptical gives you everything you need in a compact machine.

One particular user of this elliptical on Amazon says, “ The machine feels stable and is perfect for my evening workouts while watching my favorite shows.”

Alternatives to the Schwinn 411 Elliptical

If this particular elliptical does not seem like the best choice for you, there are a few other options.

Body Rider Elliptical Trainer and Exercise Bike


For those who plan to workout at home most often and require low impact exercise, the Body Rider Elliptical Trainer and Exercise Bike is a good choice.

The machine can be used as both an elliptical and an exercise bike, making it ideal if you have leg, back, or hip pain.

Highlights of the Body Rider Elliptical Trainer and Exercise Bike

  • Knob resistance adjustment
  • Seat adjusts horizontally and vertically
  • Maximum weight use of 250 pounds


ProForm PFEL55916 Endurance 520 E Elliptical


For an elliptical that has more technology options, the ProForm PFEL55916 Endurance 520 E Elliptical is going to be a better choice.

It is able to connect with 18 different workout apps so you can monitor your workouts, compete with friends, and use the app you prefer the most.

Highlights of the ProForm PFEL55916 Endurance 520 E Elliptical

  • Adjustable pedals
  • 300 pound weight capacity
  • Backlit display
  • 18 resistance levels
  • 19 inch adjustable stride length


Nautilus Elliptical Trainer Series


If you know that you are going to be using your elliptical almost every single day as your main source of fitness, then you want a more robust machine, like one of the Nautilus Elliptical Trainer Series.

Highlights of the Nautilus Elliptical Trainer Series

  • In-console speakers
  • 20 inch stride length
  • 25 resistance levels
  • High inertia drive system with perimeter weighted flywheel
  • Sync with RunSocial app
  • 29 preset programs


Final Thoughts

If you need a low impact cardiovascular machine in your home, then the Schwinn 411 Elliptical is going to be an ideal option for you.

With all the program presets, easy to use console, and simple design, you will be able to workout whenever you please and know you are getting in a solid fitness routine.

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