A Simple Guide to Safe Stretching During Pregnancy

Seriously, how do you loosen your body during pregnancy? It’s a challenging time in the life of every woman that often comes with pains and aches.

Luckily, the right kind of stretching can make you feel more comfortable.


Stretching during pregnancy


Do you want to learn how to relieve your stress and tension during pregnancy?

Imagine feeling your best when walking back from the grocery store, working out, or simply lying on the bed. Good news: stretching exercises can help you achieve that.

In this article, we’ll go over the numerous benefits of stretching to help you stay healthy throughout your pregnancy. We’ll also give you some of the best simple stretches to enjoy.

But you’re probably wondering if stretching during pregnancy is safe for your baby. Don’t worry. This article will cover everything you need to know about the safety of the given exercises.

Ready to feel less sore?

Let’s dive in.


The Benefits of Stretching During Pregnancy

A daily stretching routine ensures a happy and healthy pregnancy. Why? Because it relaxes you, releases stress, and tones your muscles. Your body will be well prepared for the distress of childbirth.

Believe it or not, but some specific poses can even alleviate such common pregnancy aches, as hip pain and back soreness.

The best part is that stretching and other exercises can even make women experience less delivery pain. It increases the chances of natural childbirth. What could be better?

Here are some more benefits of a full-body stretching routine:

  • Fewer leg cramps.
  • Better sleep (try stretching before bed).
  • Reduced tension in muscles.
  • More energy.
  • Better mood.
  • Less ligament pain.
  • Increased blood flow and circulation.
  • Better digestion.

By now, you’ll have realized that getting flexible during expecting is great for your well-being.

Having a baby is beautiful, but it can also be very stressful. There’s a lot to think about. Soon you’ll need to find the best changing pad, the perfect stroller, etc.

Stretching can calm your mind and help you deal with the pressures of pregnancy more easily.

But what about the dangers? Are there any? Let’s take a closer look.


Stretching: Can It Hurt the Baby?



Full body stretching is the best exercise you can do during pregnancy. Nevertheless, all types of stretching can potentially hurt your baby if not done correctly.

Remember to talk with your doctor before starting any routine. And never push yourself too hard as this can cause problems in the development of the fetus.

Let’s look at the best tips for safe prenatal exercising:

  • Keep your movements gentle and slow to avoid getting injured.
  • Never bounce, as it can make you pull a muscle. You shouldn’t apply any force to hold your stretch.
  • Stop immediately if you feel any pain.
  • Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated minimizes any issues that may come with exercising.
  • Always keep the proper form to prevent hurting yourself.
  • Exhale when stretching. Inhale when returning to starting position.

But what about stomach stretches? Aren’t they dangerous? Here’s the most important part: when doing stomach stretches, you should avoid lying on your back.

Why? Because it can press on the blood vessel that feeds the uterus. The result? Your baby can’t get enough nutrients for proper growth.

Other than that, bending at the waist is completely safe.

Warning: even when following all of our tips, there are stretches you should never do when expecting a child. Study the next part carefully.


The Stretches to Avoid

The simple truth is that if any of your stretches feel uncomfortable, you should keep away from them. Choose only the exercises you can perform easily.

Let us give you an example. If pointing your toes causes cramps in your calves, switch to simply flexing your feet.

Naturally, pregnancy is not the time to do any stretches with deep backbends. Also, stay clear from yoga poses that involve twisting your body to unnatural positions.

The good news is that during the first trimester, you can exercise pretty much like you normally do.

But unfortunately, as the pregnancy progresses, you can injure yourself more easily. So some adjustments are needed.

These are the top three poses to avoid:

  • Any pose that includes a deep twist. These can restrict the blood flow to your womb.
  • Poses that need you to crunch and involve intense abdominal work. Muscles in your abdomen are weakened during pregnancy.
  • Lying on your stomach. That’s a no-brainer.

Make no mistake about it, as your belly grows, it will be increasingly difficult to adjust to the new center of gravity. Stretches that require balancing should be approached with extreme caution to prevent falling.

And now, let’s get to our top picks of useful exercises.


7 Easy Stretches to Try During Pregnancy

Healthy pregnancy


These include both dynamic and static stretching. What’s the difference? Dynamic ones keep balance in your body and increase your joints’ range of motion.

In static stretches, you get into a position and hold it for 30-45 seconds.


1. Stretching Lower Back

  • Hold your head in line with your back.
  • Rest on your knees and hands.
  • Round your back a bit. And remember to pull the stomach in.
  • Hold for thirty seconds. Then relax both the back and stomach.
  • Go for ten repetitions.

2. Twisting the Waist

  • Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees a bit.
  • Raise both of your arms to shoulder height to the right side. Look over the left shoulder as your doing it. Hold.
  • Move back carefully. And raise the arms to the left side. Look over the right shoulder.
  • Repeat twice.

3. Stretching Neck

  • This one you can do standing or sitting. Start by bending your head forward while tipping it to one side.
  • If your head is tipped to the right side, pull your head slightly with the right hand.
  • Try turning your head while doing it. It will isolate the neck muscles, and you will be able to stretch them better.

4. Stretching Hamstrings

  • Point your feet and hips forward. Put one of your feet on a chair.
  • Lean carefully forward. You should feel a pull on your thighs.
  • If your chair is too high, you can start by stepping on something lower.

5. Stretching Chest

  • Raise both of your arms to shoulder height on either side of a doorway.
  • Take a little step forward, enough to feel a stretch in your chest.
  • Hold for twenty seconds, then switch the leg.
  • Repeat two times per side.

6. Stretching Calves

  • Stretch out your arms in front of you. About 2 feet from a wall.
  • Touch the wall with your palms by tilting forward. Remember to keep your heels on the floor.
  • Hold for fifteen seconds.
  • Push yourself slowly away from the wall. And repeat twice.

7. Stretching your hips

  • Get on all fours.
  • Inhale and arch your back, letting your belly drop.
  • Exhale while rounding your upper back.
  • Repeat four times.
  • Hip stretching exercises are perfect for reducing ligament pain.


Final Thoughts

Now it’s your turn to include active stretching into your daily routine. It will not only help you maintain good health during your pregnancy but prepares you for labor as well.

Remember to check with your doctor first and then give it a go. It’s good for both you and the baby.

What did you think of our tips on how to stretch during pregnancy? Did we answer your most burning questions, or was there something left uncovered?

Leave comments below, and we’d love to hear from you. Your opinion is important to us!


Author’s Bio: 

Betti Wilson is an experienced personal trainer specializing in pregnancy fitness. She helps expecting mothers to stay healthy and strong to ensure the best possible delivery.

Being a mother of three kids herself, Betti also writes blog posts on pregnancy topics.

Her goal is to educate women all over the world on the best stress reduction practices during pregnancy.

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