XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical Review

XTERRA Fitness Ellipticals




A good way to bring the gym to your home is by purchasing quality exercise equipment like the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical.

It offers a full-body workout without impacting your joints.

Read on to discover more about it through our review.

Also, don’t forget to check out our buyer’s guide to learn more about what you should look for in elliptical machines.

Things to Consider before Buying an Elliptical

An elliptical is a wonderful way to lose weight or tone up without stressing your joints.

Although this is a useful machine, there are still certain considerations to think about before you make any purchases.

Levels of Resistance

The greater amount of resistance levels an elliptical has, the more versatility you may get from the machine.

This is because a range of levels allows you to adapt the intensity of your workout. It can benefit those of you who want to gradually improve and change your routine.

You’ll notice that an elliptical is backed by either a magnetic system or a flywheel system.

Magnetic ones are typically quiet and feel more natural, while a flywheel system provides a smoother, easier experience.

Technology and Programs

Nowadays, modern elliptical machines have on-board computers.

This is usually an LCD monitor that displays all the important workout information such as your calories burned and time.

If there are pulse grips on the handlebars, then it can even show your heart rate.

The display should be easy to read. If it isn’t backlit, then the numbers should be large enough for better readability at a quick glance.

As for the programs, some elliptical machines come with workouts built into the system already so you can get started on specific exercises right away.

Pre-built programs and custom programs can be a great way to stay motivated and mix up your workouts so you’re not static.


Some elliptical machines feature a way to adjust the incline.

It’s not a necessary feature, but it is one many users enjoy as it can further diversify the workout experience by allowing you to target different muscle groups.

Comfort and Safety

The easier an elliptical is to use, the better chance you’ll have of getting a good workout in and actually going back to the machine day after day.

Comfort begins with how well you can stand on the machine. You should be able to keep yourself upright with no difficulties.

Also, there should be no straining when reaching for the handles or you may stop exercising sooner than you should due to stress on your arms and wrists.

Safety plays into comfort as well. You may feel better on an elliptical with wider footrests, and it’ll also help if they have a non-slip surface.

Additionally, it helps if there are leveler adjustments so you can keep your equipment properly leveled and secured on the ground.

Remember to adhere to the stated weight limits too. Some machines have a capacity of around 200lbs while others go up to or exceed 300lbs.

The higher the capacity, the more versatile it is for users of different sizes.

Size and Stride Length

Since you’re using this equipment in your home, it’s important to check out the overall size of the machine.

An elliptical, like everything else, can come in a multitude of sizes. Some are designed more compact with home-use in mind.

The stride length can help determine the size of the machine as well, but it also shows you whether or not you can fit comfortably on the machine based on your height.

Those of you who are taller may want a stride length that exceeds 18in., but this will increase the overall size of the machine.

If height isn’t an issue, but space is, then getting machines with a stride length below 15in. can be more ideal.

Introducing the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical


XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical 3


The XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical helps slim and tone your body through multiple levels of magnetic resistance and several different workout programs.

This tackles your whole body, synchronizing both your upper and lower body for a thorough, non-impact exercise routine.

It’s an elliptical that can benefit small-space living as well thanks to the shorter stride length and compact frame design.

As it is a dual-action machine, the elliptical can monitor your heart rate or work your arms and shoulders and tackle different muscles.


  • Runs smooth and quiet
  • Small footprint
  • Multiple workout programs


  • Poor setup instructions
  • Footrests could be wider
  • A bit heavy to move around

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Features & Benefits of the FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical

The XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical can be a good way to get in a total-body exercise without causing damage to your joints the way a treadmill can.

Dual Action Handles


XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical 2


With the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical, you can use two different sets of handles.

The first are the standard elliptical design, and they allow you to go both forward and in reverse to switch up your workout routine.

With the second set, they are closer to the console and are fixed on the machine.

Rather than used to target other muscle groups like the movable handles, the ones near the console feature pulse grips.

This way, you can check in on your heart rate whenever you need to.

The handlebars are all cushioned as well so you can have a more comfortable and stable grip.

Large LCD


XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical 4


To provide you with all the information you need, the elliptical features a well-sized LCD screen.

It’s dual-color and backlit for easier reading. The buttons on the console are large as well for simpler use.

Additionally, on the console, there is an audio jack and speakers built into it. So, you can plug in your device and comfortably play music without using earbuds.

Workout Programs and Resistance Levels

With the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical, you don’t have to maintain the same routine every day.

For starters, this features 24 different programs that are built into the machine.

There are 12 pre-set workout programs that you can get to right away.

Alongside that, there are 4 heart rate programs, 4 user-defined programs, a body fat, a watt, a manual, and a target heart rate program.

You can cycle through these programs easily enough on the quality LCD console.

As for the resistance, you can adapt that as well in order to make your exercises more intense or more laid back.

Adjusting through the 24 various resistance levels also allow this elliptical to be more versatile in who can use it since it can get harder or easier based on different fitness levels.

Compact Design


XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical 1


A feature that many home exercisers may appreciate is the fact that the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical is constructed in a compact style.

It only has a 14in. stride length as well. The small footprint it provides might be helpful for those of you where space is an issue.

However, it does weigh about 103lbs. So, even with the built-in transportation wheels, it might take some effort for some people to move it around by themselves.

Secure Setup

There are nice safety elements in place with the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical.

To begin, despite its compact size, the elliptical features a reliable, sturdy frame that may withstand frequent use over time. Also, it is well supportive of users up to 300lbs.

This also isn’t known to have any shakiness so it stays rather firm no matter how intense you take the workout.

The rear spin out levelers play a major role in this.

These allow you to properly balance the elliptical to your floor for a safe exercise no matter where you use this on hard or carpeted floors.

Also, the footrests on the elliptical use a non-slip surface. Although they could benefit from being wider, they are a good length and can keep your feet in place throughout your exercise.

Smooth and Quiet Operation

On the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical, it uses a 22lb flywheel system so you’re provided with fluid motion.

Also, the magnetic resistance system is friction-free so that you may exercise quietly.

Putting out minimal noise allows you to take advantage of the speaker system on the elliptical without turning your music up too loud.

Also, a quietly operating machine can also benefit those of you who may not live alone but want to workout without disturbing anyone else.


In case anything happens to your elliptical, you are covered from XTERRA Fitness.

This equipment comes with a 5-year warranty for the frame. It also has a 1-year warranty for the brake and a 1-year warranty for the parts.

What Others Think about the FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical

Considering other opinions can be helpful when trying to decide on a piece of exercise equipment for your home.

So, besides our review, we discovered some other comments about the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical to give a well-rounded display about the machine so you may better come to a decision.

Review #1 – Benjamin D

This reviewer claims they heard some noise when they first used the elliptical, but claims it steadily goes away, leaving you with a quieter machine, especially when you change resistance levels.

Review #2 – Sherin

With this review, the user praised the quality of the machine and how well it is for home use considering its size. They did, however, express concerns with the instructions and how difficult they were to follow during the assembly process.

Review #3 – Walter S

This reviewer didn’t express any issues setting the machine up, and they enjoyed how smooth the elliptical runs. They also appreciated how safe it was to use with little kids around.

Alternatives to the FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical

If you can’t decide just yet on whether the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical is the right equipment for your home, then feel free to take a look at some of these other options.

We took time searching other top-rated elliptical machines before settling on these three quality options.


Sunny Health & Fitness Elliptical Trainer SF-E3912



With dual-action handlebars, the SF-E3912 Elliptical Trainer from Sunny Health & Fitness offers a quality cardio exercise.

There are various workout programs you can use as well as variable resistance levels to increase your intensity.

All of your progress is tracked via the LCD monitor. Also, you can place your tablet or phone on the built-in tablet holder to watch your favorite shows and films as you exercise.

Sunny Health & Fitness SF-E3912 vs. XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 

  • 15.5in. stride length
  • 330lb weight limit
  • 24 workout modes and 16 resistance levels
  • Backlit LCD performance monitor

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Doufit Elliptical Machine



The compact Doufit Elliptical Machine is lightweight and easy to move around for storage thanks to the built-in wheels.

Workouts are quiet thanks to the flywheel. Also, you can utilize the dual-action handlebars to target different muscles and track your heart rate.

This helps you stay easily hydrated as you exercise thanks to the built-in bottle holder.

Doufit Elliptical vs. XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 

  • 264lb weight capacity
  • 8 adjustable resistance levels
  • Non-backlit digital display
  • Quiet flywheel system

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ncient Elliptical Machine


Another dual-action machine, the ncient Elliptical Machine provides a way to easily keep track of your heart rate thanks to the pulse grips.

There’s a simple LCD monitor to check on your progress, and with the lightweight flywheel, it may be ideal for low-intense exercises.

It’s well secured too due to the non-slip textured pedals and the comfortable handles that allow you to maintain a firm grip.

ncient Elliptical vs.XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 

  • 8 resistance levels
  • 265lb weight limit
  • Simple LCD (non-backlit) screen
  • Non-slip textured footrests

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Final Thoughts

There are many good elliptical machines to choose from, but we feel the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Dual Action Elliptical stands out among the others due to its numerous benefits.

For one thing, it comes with more 24 workout programs and 24 varying levels of resistance for versatile workouts.

The console is also designed well as the LCD screen is both colored and backlit, and there are even speakers and an audio jack to hook up a device.

It’s a quality built elliptical that won’t take up too much space and provide you a good cardio workout. Take a look at the XTERRA Fitness FS2.5 Elliptical to discover even more about it.

XTERRA Fitness Ellipticals

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